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It is a story about a mysterious dream I had when I fell asleep on the bus.

I am at the most enormous and beautiful theatre in the world. I have never been in a
building like this before. Its walls are covered in beautiful paintings of angels in the sky.
A light shines on my face in the silent darkness, and all attention is on me. The theatre
is crowded; however, my audience are not human beings, but the angels from the
paintings. They come alive; they take a look at the stage and then sit in the rows. Their
eyes makes my body tremble and I know it is high time for me to begin, I have to
concentrate on my performance.
I am nervous; I open my mouth and start singing. Then, my song makes the angels feel
comfortable. They want me to carry on with the show. The sound of my song is strange
but they seem to like it. My voice gets better and I sing with all my heart because I want
the angels to enjoy the show. The adrenaline moment surges, as I never imagined
before. It feels like a dream.
At this moment, everything is right, and then all of the sudden I am alone. The angels
have disappeared, but the stage is still there. Suddenly, a piano begins to play. I can’t
see it, but I can hear the melody, and I start singing again following the empty notes of
the piano. In this enormous theatre, I am alone, but I have never felt so happy in my life.
From one moment a woman appears in last row of empty seats. I start feeling
uncomfortable and the peaceful moment ends. The piano stops playing, leaving my
voice the only noise in the place.
I start singing slowly and calmly, looking at the woman’s eyes. His eyes are a mirror. They
show me myself. They show me how happy I am singing and singing. The woman’s eyes
show me who I am meant to be. The song ends and there is a silence. The silence
continues, and my feeling of peace returns, until finally I say, “Yes, I know what I want
to be now, I finally understand”
Finally, the woman leaves. I take my time to think and remember this beautiful moment.
That woman turned out to be me because I have always wanted to be a singer but I
wasn’t brave enough to fulfil my dreams. Now, through this dream I can understand that
happiness is found when we do what we dream of to do.
In spite of the beautiful moment, I have to walk off the stage, through the empty
audience and out of the theatre, which has changed my life. I walk outside from this
world that has been created by me and my dreams.
I wake up!

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