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Tenth good thing about Barney: CGS

Time: ~45 Minutes, adaptable

Population: Classrooms needing more conversation around grief
Themes: Pet Loss, Grief Healing, Chances to Honor & Remember, art as coping technique
Ages: 6-10
Contraindications: Classrooms needing more specific guidance
Activities: Memory flower cut out/drawing, pet remembering drawing,
Supplies: Construction paper or drawing sheet(s)


The Tenth Good Thing about Barney is a book which exposes kids to both biological,
spiritual and metaphorical understandings about death. Kids can then identify good things
about their pet and memories they want to hold on to.


1. Opening
a. Introduce Speaker & TGRC. Introduce Kids. Introduce one good thing
about themselves. (5 min)
b. Introduction to Grief; differences between grief and mourning; common
emotions associated with grief, types of losses that we can grieve (5 min)

2. Working Phase:
a. Book: Tenth Good Thing About Barney (10 min)
i. Introduction to, classification of, brainstorming, listing of coping skills (8 min): Categorize into
types such as Body Activities, Mind Activities, Resources, Helpful People, Helpful Places,
b. Activity Option 1:
3. Activity 1 : Memory Flower (Drawing 8-10 mins, Cut-out, 10-15 mins)
a. Cut-out Needs: Scissors (many), Glue/Tape, Paper, Markers or Pencils
b. Description: Pass out paper, scissors, & tape. Start with kids cutting out a paper circle that they then
tape “petals” around the outside of. Each child can make a flower with ~1 piece of paper. Each flower
center can hold between 4 and 8 petals. To follow the story, 5 petals could be used. Once attached,
kids can write or draw one or two good things about someone they love on each petal. NO pressure to
get to Ten. Have kids write or draw coping skills on the flower centers.
c. Drawing needs: copy of Memory flower drawing (see below)
d. Drawing Description: similar directions, no need to cut and tape (speeds up process
4. Activity 2: Pet remembering drawing: (5-10 minutes)
a. Pass out pet remembering sheet
b. Remind kids they can do this for a pet who died, a pet still living, or even for a person or other thing they
want to honor and remember, not just a pet.
5. Closing Phase:
a. Identify internal & external resources (write kid’s ideas on the board)
b. Show Tamarack Brochures, Resources, Upcoming Opportunities

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