Edu 202secondarylessonplan-1

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EDU 202



• INTASC Standards
I. Standard #2: Learning Differences – I have selected Aura, by Carlos Fuentes, learning material that is
inclusive of a large part the student body, (while introducing others to diverse cultures and
differences) understanding the individual differences and diverse make-up of the classroom in
order to ensure an inclusive learning environment that will enable each student to fulfill high

II. Standard #5 Application of Content: – I will connect different concepts in the story through class
discussion, group discussions, and individual essays in order to engage students in critical thinking,
collaborative problem solving and creativity relating to concepts developed throughout the story.

• NV.ELA – Literacy. RL. 12CCR.1: “Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text,
including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.”
• NV.ELA – Literacy. RL. 12CCR.2: “Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a
text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they
interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective
summary of the text.”

• Objectives/SWBAT:
1. SWBAT recognize and identify passages from the story that are written in the second
person present tense style. (knowledge level)
2. SWBAT select a quotation from the story, interpret, and summarize it in a three to
four paragraph essay in a group of four to five students.

• Learning Styles & Gardner’s Intelligences (A-V-K):

• Auditory –Focuses on conversations & lectures
• Teacher will lecture on second person present-tense writing style
• Teacher and entire class will participate in group discussion and questions
• Students will read sections of story aloud in class
• Students will discuss their selected quotations in small groups
• Groups will present their interpretations to entire class

• Learning Styles & Gardner’s Intelligences (A-V-K):

• Visual Learning – Focuses on learning with the eyes
• Teacher will use whiteboard to present information
• Students will be asked to read from textbooks
• Students will be asked to highlight examples of 2nd person present tense
• Students will be asked to highlight specific quotations and color code

• Learning Styles & Gardner’s Intelligences (A-V-K):

• Kinesthetic – Movement or hands on Learning
• Students will be allowed to move into groups
• Students will stand before the class and present their interpretations
• Students may underline and take notes and/or make flash cards

• Textbook - “Aura.” The Norton Anthology of World Literature, fourth ed., F, W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, pp. 812–834.
• White Board
• (Second person narrative video)
• Index cards/pens/notebooks
• Handout for group assignment
• Essay Comment Legend (for written assignment turned in by the group)

• Learning Process:
1. Intro -Teacher will discuss the significance of 2nd person narrative of previously assigned reading for student’s understanding.
2. Mini lesson-The teacher will discuss the short story that was assigned and give background info about the author. The
teacher will introduce the concept of writing in the 2nd person narrative and show a short video that explains this.
3. Guided Practice- Teacher will ask question about the story’s theme, characters, symbolism, etc? (Classroom discussion)
Students will count off 1-5 and form groups.
4. Independent Practice – In groups students will select one quote from the story and analyze and present for the class the
symbolism, or imagery, or interpretation of the quote. They will select a group leader and everyone in the group will
participate with at least 1-2 sentences. Teacher will walk around and answer questions and make suggestions.
5. Exit Slip – Teacher will bring students back together as a class and review the objective and understanding of the assignment.
Presentations will be done the next class period. More time will be given to meet in group next class.

• Dove, Adam. “Second Person: The Lonely Middle Child of Writing Perspectives.” YouTube,
YouTube, 3 May 2018,
• Aura. (2018). In The Norton anthology of world literature (Fourth ed.,Vol. F, pp. 812-834). New
York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
• (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2019, from
• Notaro, L. (n.d.). Essay Comment Legend [Paper grading assistance tool].
• Analyzing Interaction of Multiple Themes: A "Power Line" of Characters in 'The Bluest Eye'.
(n.d.). Retrieved May 08, 2019, from

• I envisioned this lesson plan for a 12th grade AP Literature Class. I wanted the students to
learn to read subject matter that was more mature and written in a way that was
different from the way they are used to reading literature. (in the 2nd person narrative) I
wanted them to be able to recognize the author’s use of time and imagery. I wanted the
students to be able to analyze the quotes and think critically when interpreting them for
the class.
• The level of student engagement and active learning in the lesson strategies selected for
the instruction learning process may need to be more in depth depending on the
students’ ability to understand the concepts taught.

• Strengths of lesson plan:

• * Interesting lesson/story
• * Story is written by author of different race/different location
• *2nd person present tense writing style introduced is new to students
• Students are able to interact in groups
• Weaknesses of lesson plan:
• More instruction/Discussion may be needed
• Story is complex
• Students in group may not contribute equally to group assignment

• Practiced in following ways:

• Standard #2 – learning Differences – Teacher selected diverse reading material and paired
students in groups with diverse students with different learning styles.
• Standard #5 – Application of content – Teacher connected the concept of 2nd person present
tense narrative to the story and had the students select various quotations to evoke critical
thinking, and creativity. Students were put in groups to collaborate and interpret themes
present in the story.

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