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Overload / Simultaneous / Cross-Enroll

- During Terminal Year(TY) only. Except:

1. Pre-Law courses (e.g. English, Social Science, etc.)
2. Intellectual Property Law (IPL)

- Maximum of six (6) units during the TY

For Next Semester: Overload may be allowed even not during the terminal year. [Request
must be sent].

Enrollment Problems

 Tagging = Basis is the back subjects.

 The system forces you to take the back subjects first.

- Send letter (Pamela Barredo & Jannah Joy Santos)

Opening of Slots
- Starting on Monday
- Enrollment on Campus
- 70 students

Advance Course
- For electives: “JD-IPL”, “JD-BANKING” specific courses must be selected, not the generic
elective subject “JD-ELECT1”.
- Must select the right term: “AY 2019 – 2020; 1st Semester”

Study Plans
- If no changes in the timeline, no need to resubmit.

Tax 1
- It may be dissolved depending on the number of enrollees.
- Target enrollees are incoming 3rd year students who failed Tax 1.
- Must reach 10 – 15 students.

Legal Forms
- Do not reflect in the system. Must request for an advance course.
i. Advance course do not have additional fee unless done during the late

Fourth Year - Block 2

- Enrollment Statistics
- Employment Certificate (or vouch).
- Free Section
- Prioritize: Working Students
- Not later than Monday, July 22, 2019.
- Manual data for a list of students

Registration Committee (RegCom)

- Will assist in the enrollment process.

Introduction to Law

Freshmen Orientation

FEU Website – FEU LAW

- Data Privacy Commission

96 Enrollees

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