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No Encumbrances Certificate and detailed report on title

Ref.: ALL THAT piece or parcel of BASTU land measuring

about 04 (four) Cottahs 08 (eight) Chittacks 04 (four) Sq.ft. more
or less together with a Multi Storied Building popularly known as
"RATNA APARTMENT" standing thereon, lying and situated at
MOUZA GHOLA, J.L. No. 14, Re.Sa. No. 103, Touzi No. 6,
comprised in R.S. Dag No. 127 corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 218
under Sabek Khatian No. 895, R.S. Khatian No. 1215
corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 3867, hal new L.R. Khatian
Nos. 9145 (in the name of Prabhat Chandra De), 9168 (in the
name of Pinak De) and 9169 (in the name of Mill Paul
Chowdhury), P.S. Ghola, A.D.S,R.O. Sodepur, District - North 24-
Parganas and within the local limits of Panihati Municipality
under Ward No. 31, Holding being No. 48, Premises at J.C. Bose
Road. Present owner of the said land: Prabhat Chandra De,
Pinak De and Mili Paul Chowdhury

I have caused necessary searches in the Sub Registry Office at

SODEPUR for the period from 2005 to 2019 AND in the District
Registry Office at BARASAT for a period from 2005 to 2019 AND in the
R.A. Kolkata Office at Kolkata or a period from 2005 to 2019 and
have inspected the settlement Records, JLRO Mutation and all other
relevant documents in respect of the aforesaid Property
My report is as follows:


WHEREAS the wife of the Probhat Chandra De and the Smt.

Ratna De (now deceased) during her lifetime purchased a piece or
parcel of land measuring about 2 Cottahs 4 Chittacks lying and
situated at Mouza - Ghola, J.L. No. 14, Re.Sa. No. 103, Touzi No.
172/63, comprised in R.S. Dag No. 127 corresponding to L.R.
Dag No. 218 under Sabek Khatian No, 895, R.S. Khatian No.
1215 corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 3867, P.S. Khardah, at
present Ghola, A.D.S.R.O. Barrackpore, now Sodepur, District -
North 24-Parganas and within the local limits of Panihati
Municipality by virtue of a Deed of Sale being No. 1484 dated
01.03.1988, duly registered in the office of the ADSR
Barrackpore, executed and registered by Jyotishendra Kumar
Ghosh and Smt. Kalyani Ghosh and the said Deed was copied in
Book No. I, Volume No. 28, pages from 145 to 154, being No.
1484 for the year 1988.
AND WHEREAS after purchasing the said land said Ratna De
mutated her name in the office of the Panihati Municipality under
Ward No. 31, Holding No. 45, Premises at J.C. Bose Road, P.S.
Ghola, District - North 24-Parganas, Kolkata-700110, and had
been possessing and enjoying the same peacefully, quietly and
without interruption of others.
AND WHEREAS subsequently said Ratna De died intestate
leaving behind the Provat Chandra De as her husband and the
Pinak De as his son as his legal heirs and survivors and as per
provision. of law of Hindu Succession Act. 1956 they inherited
the property left by said Ratna De
AND WHEREAS thus by way of inheritance the Provat Chandra
De and Pinak De herein have been jointly possessing and
enjoying the same peace-fully, quietly and without interruption of
others and the said land is free from all sorts of encumbrances,
liens, charges and mort-gage whatsoever
AND WHEREAS one Manabendra Saha purchased a piece or
parcel of land measuring about 2 Cottahs 4 Chittacks 4 Sq.ft.
lying and situated at Mouza Ghola, J.L. No, 14, Re,Sa. No. 103,
Touzi No. 6, comprised in R.S. Dag No. 127 corresponding to L.R.
Dag No 218 under Sabek Khatian No. 895, R.S. Khatian No. 1215
corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 3867, P.S. Khardah A.D.S.R,O.
Barrackpore, District - North 24-Parganas and within the local
limits of Panihati Municipality by virtue of a Deed of Sale being
No. 5505 dated 24.09.2004, duly registered in the office of the
SRO Barrackpore, executed and registered by Ranjit Deb and the
said Deed was copied in Book No, 1, Volume No. 167, pages from
71 to 80, being No. 5505 for the year 2004.
AND WHEREAS after purchasing the said land said Manabendra
Saha mutated his name in the office of the Panihati Muncipality
under Ward No. 31, Holding No. 47/2, J.C. Bose Road and had
been seized and well possessed on the same without interruption
of others.
AND WHEREAS said Manabendra Saha sold, conveyed and
transferred the said 2 Cottahs 4 Chtitacks 4 Sq.ft. of land in
favour of the Mili Paul Chowdhury herein by virtue of a Deed of
Sale being No. 4799 dated 29.10.2014, duly registered in the
office of the ADSRO Sodepur and the said Deed was copied in
Book No. 1, CD Volume No. 13, pages from 996 to 1012, being
No. 04799 for the year 2014.
AND WHEREAS after purchasing the said 2 Cottahs 4 Chtitacks
4 Sq.ft. of land the Mili Paul Chowdhury herein mutated his
name in the office of the Panihati Municipality and has been
possessing and enjoying the same peacefully, quietly and without
interruption of others and the said land is free from all sorts of
encumbrances, liens, charges and mortgage whatsoever,
AND WHEREAS with a view to construct a Multi Storied Building
on their landed property the Vendors herein amalgamated the
said two different plots of land into a single Holding being No. 48
under Ward No. 31, Premises at J.C. Bose Road from the
Panihati Municipality and thus the Vendors herein become the
joint owners of 4 Cotta is 8 Chittacks 4 Sq.ft. of land which is
morefully- described in the Schedule “A” hereunder written and
the said land is free from all sorts of encumbrances, liens,
charges and mortgage whatsoever.
AND WHEREAS with a view to construct a Multi Storied building
on the land mentioned in the Schedule "A" hereunder written the
Provat Chandra De and Pinak De jointly entered into a
Development Agreement and the Vendor No. 3 herein entered by
a separate Development Agreement with the Developer herein of
the Second Part being Nos. 4211 & 4210, both the Powers were
registered on 13.06.2016 and registered in the office of the
D.S.R.-1, North 24-Parganas, Barasat and the Power No. 4211 is
copied in Book No.1, Volume.. No. 1501-2016, pages from 91984
to 92006 and Power No. 4210 is copied in Book No. I, Volume No.
1501-2016, pages from 92032 to 92056 for the year 2016.
AND WHEREAS the said Provat Chandra De and Pinak De
executed a Registered Development Power of Attorney in favour of
the said Developer herein being No. 4216, dated 13.06.2016, duly
registered in the office of D.S.R.-I, the North 24-Parganas,
Barasat copied in Book No. I, Volume No. 1501-2016, pages from
90780 to 90802 and Mili Paul Chowdhury herein executed a
Registered Development Power of Attorney in favour of the
Developer herein being No. 4217, dated 13.06.2016, duly
registered in the office of the D.S.R.-I, North 24-Parganas,
Barasat copied in Book No. I, Volume No.1501-2016, pages from
9059 to 90779, for smooth running of the said construction.
AND WHEREAS during the period the Prabhat Chandra De
recorded his name in the L.R. Settlement Operation vide L.R.
Khatian No, 9145, L.R. Dag No. 218 and the Pinak De recorded
his name in the L.R. Settlement Operation vide L.R. Khatian No.
9168, L.R. Dag, No. 218 and the Smt. Mili Pal Paul Chowdhury
recorded her name in the L.R. Settlement Operation vide L.R.
Khatian No. 9169, L.R. Dag No. 218 of Mouza - Ghola, P.S.
Ghola, District - North 24-Parganas.
AND WHEREAS the said Prabhat Chandra De, Pinak De and
Mili Paul Chowdhury amalgamated their land and together the
are the absolute owner of land ALL THAT piece or parcel of
BASTU land measuring about 04 (four) Cottahs 08 (eight)
Chittacks 04 (four) Sq.ft. more or less together with a Multi
Storied Building popularly known as "RATNA APARTMENT"
standing thereon, lying and situated at MOUZA GHOLA, J.L. No.
14, Re.Sa. No. 103, Touzi No. 6, comprised in R.S. Dag No. 127
corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 218 under Sabek Khatian No. 895,
R.S. Khatian No. 1215 corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 3867,
hal new L.R. Khatian Nos. 9145 (in the name of Prabhat Chandra
De), 9168 (in the name of Pinak De) and 9169 (in the name of
Mill Paul Chowdhury), P.S. Ghola, A.D.S,R.O. Sodepur, District -
North 24-Parganas and within the local limits of Panihati
Municipality under Ward No. 31, Holding being No. 48, Premises
at J.C. Bose Road.
AND WHEREAS by virtue of the aforesaid two separate
Development Agreement and two Development Power of Attorney
the Developer herein prepared a Building Plan by an expert
Artichect/Engineer and submitted the same before the Panihati
Municipality in the name of the Vendors/Land Owner herein and
the said Plan was duly sanctioned by the said Municipal
Authority vide Sanctioned Plan No. 214 dated 18.7.2018.
AND WHEREAS after obtaining the sanctioned Building Plan
from the competent authority the Developer herein constructed a
Multi Storied building popularly known as "RATNA APARTMENT"
on the land mentioned in the Schedule hereinabove written
consisting of several residential Flats/Shops/Godowns/Garages
I hereby that the above-mentioned property of Mr. Prabhat Chandra
De, Pinak De and Mili Paul Chowdhury is free from all sorts of
encumbrances, charges, liabilities lines and lispendents attachment
of any kind whatsoever and the said property has an absolutely
clear, free and marketable title.
I also hereby certify that the above-mentioned property is not
subjected to any restriction of Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act
1976 and the same is not under any claim of the CMDA and the CIT
and any other authority and is fit for equitable mortgage.

The receipts for the relevant searches are enclosed herewith.

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