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Name and last name: _lina contreras


1. Go to the link:

and watch the video.

2. Complete the missing word in the script. You can use the
guide box to complete it.

3. Look for the definition of the green highlight words (in

English) and give an example (your own example) you can use
Cambridge dictionary (
and also urban dictionary (
to give the definition.

4. Replace the yellow highlight expressions with other

expression in English.

5. Finally, send the work to



No, no, no, no, no.
l didn't mean to startle you, my little baby.
Hush, little vampire, don't say a word
Papa's gonna bite the head off a bird
l vant to kiss your tush.
l vant to kiss your tush!
Nice, but maybe a little more ___square_______ footage.
l want a lot of monsters here.
l'm gonna get you, little Mavis.
l'm gonna get you!
What out there?
We never go out there.
"And then the monsters ran away
And were forced into hiding.
"But Harry the Human_ _ FOUND _______ them
And jumped out from under their bed."
-l'm scared!
-"And :::________ their clothes
"and bit their toes!
"And _____took__ their candy!"
Don't take my candy.
Babyclaws, you don't need to be frightened.
l _ PROMISED _ your mommy
l would protect you forever.
My beautiful May-vay
Let me wipe all your poop away
Those humans are nasty
So with Daddy you wiII stay
And if a human tries to harm you
l'll simply say...
Because you're Daddy's girl
Daddy's girl
l'm your Vlad-y daddy...
Just _ BEND _____ the legs and push off.
Trust me, mouse.
l can fly! l can fly!
Look at you!
Faster, baby! Faster!
Peek-a-boo! a game played with very young children in which
you hide your face, esp. with your hands, and then suddenly
take your hands away, saying "peek-a-boo" example: my baby
likes to play a lot, he gets excited when he says peek a

Hush a sudden, calm silence Example: my students do not

like to be hust

head off leave, go out, have to go. Example I'm going to

head off the city of Cartagena

go out to leave a room or building, especially in order to

do something for entertainment example: what time do you
want to go out?

ran away to leave a place or person secretly and suddenly:

example :He ran away from home when she was only fifty

forced into means forced to perform an action

example : i forced into because it was alone

jumped out If something jumps out at you,

you notice it immediately example: i jump out very high in

nasty Bad or very unpleasant. Example:she is a nasty little


push off MAINLY UK SLANG used to rudely tell someone to go

He told me to push off.

Look at to think about a subject carefully so that you can make

a decision about it:
didn't mean to startle you

don't say a word

don't need to be frightened

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