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Book-Part 1

Oct 2014 - Sep 2017

By : Hendra Siswanto

My Thought
My Journey
My Life

Published Non Commercial

30 September 2017
My ULTRA Journey

Preface .......................................................................................................... 1
1. Approach in Running ........................................................................... 2
2. Running formula ................................................................................... 2
3. Flat Running Principle ........................................................................ 3
4. Weakness vs Time Reality .................................................................. 3
5. Steepness vs Time Correlation ......................................................... 4
6. Food vs Time Theory ............................................................................ 5
7. The Endurance vs Speed Relativity ................................................. 5
8. The Intensity - Frequency - Distance Interconnectivity ........... 6
9. Gear Optimization ................................................................................ 7
10. Priority and Perspective .................................................................. 7

2014 (#3 Ultra)

October 13, 2014 · Ultra#1 Trail Race Mesastila Ultra 60K ................................................................ 8
November 9, 2014 · Ultra#2 Bromo-Tengger-Semeru 102K.............................................................. 9
December 14, 2014 · Ultra#3 GP100 - 50K .............................................................................................. 10

2015 (#8 Ultra)

January 19, 2015 · Ultra#4 Sentul Ultra Marathon 60K .................................................................... 11
March 3, 2015 · Ultra#5 Ultra Trail Hong Kong - 90K........................................................................ 12
April 26, 2015 · ULTRA#6 Gede Pangrango Ultra Marathon 45K ................................................. 13
September 21, 2015 · Ultra #7 Samosir Ultra Marathon 47K ......................................................... 14
August 9, 2015 · Ultra#8 Mount Rinjani 50K .......................................................................................... 15
November 8, 2015 · Ultra#9 Bromo Tenger Semeru 170K ............................................................... 16
November 29, 2015 · Ultra#10 Jakarta ULTRA 100K.......................................................................... 17
December 15, 2015 · ULTRA#11 Gede Pangrango100K .................................................................... 18

2016 (#7 Ultra)

May 30, 2016 · ULTRA#12 Merapi Goat Run 51K ................................................................................. 19
August 2, 2016 · ULTRA#13 Rinjani100 - 100km.................................................................................. 20
September 6, 2016 · ULTRA#14 Bogor to Sentul Hunter's Hut 50K ............................................ 21
September 25, 2016 · Failed ULTRA#15 UTMF 167K shortened 44K .......................................... 22
October 15, 2016 · ULTRA#15 - 3 Peak Mt. Gede Pangrango 51K ................................................. 23
November 8, 2016 · ULTRA#16 Bromo Tengger Semeru 170K ...................................................... 24
November 14, 2016 · ULTRA#17 Jakarta Ultra 50K ............................................................................ 25
December 13, 2016 · ULTRA#18 Gede Pangrango 100K ................................................................... 26
December 13, 2016 · My story about GP100 ............................................................................................ 27

2017 (#18 Ultra)

January 30, 2107 · ULTRA#19 Bogor to Monas 59K ............................................................................ 28
February 14, 2017 · Ultra#20 Ultra Trail de Jogja 96K in 2 days .................................................. 29
March 20, 2017 · Ultra#21 Titi Ultra 200K Malaysia.......................................................................... 30
March 26, 2017 · ULTRA#22 Tes Rute Komando Run 57K ............................................................... 31
April 15, 2017 · Ultra#23 Sentul Ultra 56K ............................................................................................. 32
April 24, 2017 · ULTRA#24 Mt. Gede ULTRA 60K ................................................................................. 33
May 13, 2017 · ULTRA#25 Penang Eco 165K Malaysia ..................................................................... 34
June 17, 2017 · Ultra#26 Trial Run SHTR 65K ....................................................................................... 35
July 12, 2017 · Ultra#27 Sentul Hill Trail Run 65K............................................................................... 36
July 16, 2017 · Ultra#28 Birthday Run Tt Flo's 55K ............................................................................. 37
July 27, 2017 · Ultra#29 PlataranX Menjangan Bali 50K - Day1 ................................................... 38
July 28, 2017 · Ultra#30 Mt Batur and Lake Circle 50K - Day2 ...................................................... 39
July 29, 2017 · Ultra#31 Plengkung Beach 60K Run - Day3 ............................................................. 42
July 30, 2017 · Ultra#32 Sukamade Beach 46K - Day4 ....................................................................... 47
August 4, 2017 · Ultra#33 The Magnificent Merapoh Trail 100K ................................................. 52
August 5, 2017 · The Story of Magnificent Merapoh Trail 100K .................................................... 53
August 22, 2017 · Ultra#34 Run To Care 155K ...................................................................................... 56
August 23, 2017 · The Story Part 1 - Run To Care 155K..................................................................... 57
August 23, 2017 · The Story Part 2 - Run To Care 155K..................................................................... 59
August 24, 2017 · The Story Part 3 Final - Run To Care 155K ......................................................... 61
September 2, 2017 · ULTRA#35 Mt. Salak Ultra 52K .......................................................................... 69
September 17, 2017 · Ultra#36 The Most Beautiful Thing 100K ................................................... 72
September 17, 2017 · The Story : The Most Beautiful Thing 100K ................................................ 73

Closing Word ............................................................................................ 75


This is my ULTRA book...

ULTRA to me means exceed 45km in distance...
Consist of my journey since 2014 to 2017...
It has been 36 journey within 3 years...

I'm running not to be faster...

I'm running not to be get a medal...
I'm running not to win a race...
I'm running for a journey...

A never ending journey with my own foot...

Running is a journey, not a destination...
I run on the road, trail, beach, and mountain...
Hot, cold, dry, humid, muddy and rainy soaking wet...

I remember my very first ULTRA in Oct 2014...

I could only ran half way through...
The other half just walking in pain...
But in my journey half way is good enough...
Enough feeling alive to blend in with the nature...

Finishing means one other nice journey passed by...

DNF is just a spicefull of chilli strengthening my soul..

It is a disgrace to grow old...

Without seing the beauty & strength...
Of our body is capable of... -Socrates-

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1. Approach in Running
Frequency --> Long Distance --> Ultra Distance (max 20% increment)

1. Time based (30min/run and 2x/week) - weekly 20-40km ±month 1-3

2. Distance based (5-8km/run and 3x/week) - weekly 50-80km ±month 3-6
3. Long run based (10-30km/run and 4x/week) - weekly 90-120km ±month 6-
4. Ultra based (42-100km/run on bi-weekend) - weekly 120-150km ±year 1-3

Running playground :
1. Treadmill
2. Park
3. Road
4. Trotoar
5. Jungle trail
6. Mountain

2. Running formula
Preparing a long distance run is never been easy...
Its need a commitment, discipline and time...

General principle :
XXX km --> aim to train XXX km/week with long run 1/2 of XXX km...

Example :
• 42km --> 40-50km/week with long run 21km... (min 6 month of running)
• 100km --> 80-100km/week with long run 50km... (min 1 years of running)
• 160km --> 120-160km/week with long run 80km nonstop or back to back...
(min 2-3 years of running)

But remember, that is running for a journey...

Not to beat a time, not to compete or win a race...
Just to enjoy more of your lifetime journey...

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3. Flat Running Principle
A fast time in a certain distance won't tell your persistence...
A gap between some certain distance tells you everything...
Double the distance doesn't mean double the time...
There is always a gap between short and farther distance...
Example :
• 10K - 40 min
• 21K - 1:30 hrs {(40x2)+4 = 1:24}
• 42K - 3:30 hrs {1:30x2 = 3:00}
• Gap 6min (10K to HM) and 30min (HM to FM)
• This person potentially make 42K for 3:10 hrs someday (gap 10min)...

The objective should be minimizing this gap...

Obviously the higher the distance to an ULTRA, the further the gap, into
Example :
• 80K - 9 hrs {3:30x2 = 7 hrs} --- 2 hrs gap with marathon
• 100K - 12 hrs {(3:30x2)+2 hrs = 9 hrs} --- 3 hrs gap with marathon

4. Weakness vs Time Reality

Our body will degrade as further we go...
Our foot, body and mind will not be the same again...
Condition will be different after running 50km and 100km...
Taking Rest is one of the parameter that we could not avoid...
Example :
• Running in a flat course 150km...
• First 50km could be easily 7hrs...
• Second 50km would have been minimum 1hr longer, about 8hrs...
• Third 50km another minimum 1 hr longer, about 9hrs...
• That is excluding the rest time you need 5, 10, 15, 30 min or even 1 solid hour..
• Mountainous terrain could took double or triple based on the grade and

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5. Steepness vs Time Correlation
Based on my empirical data shows...
For exact the same 42km of distance...
Additional 7 deg or 1500m gain...
I will need double the time to complete...
You can adjust with a constant to your actual time...
Then you can extrapolate to higher steepness...
And predict the time of your journey...
That is considering you are running the trail often...

• Run 42km in Tahura with gain 1500m, took me 5hrs...
• Run 42km in Mt.Merapi with gain 3000m, took me double 10hrs...
• Run 42km in Mt.Gede with gain 4500, took me tripled 15hrs...

Grade Steepness vs Time

28 %
26 %

24 %

22 %
20 % Rinjani100

18 %
MCU60 7% or
1500m gain
16 %
10 hrs --> 15 hrs
14 %
Merapi Goatrun50
12 % BTS100
Manglayang Sentul60
10 % Tambora
7% or 1500m gain
8% UTMF165
6% Tahura
5 hrs --> 10 hrs

3:00 hrs 4:55 hrs 6:50 hrs 8:45 hrs 10:40 hrs 12:36 hrs 14:31 hrs 16:26 hrs 18:21 hrs Completion
Trail Marathon Trail Mountain Marathon

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6. Food vs Time Theory
Calories intake need at the least to keep up with calories burned...
Average person BMI 22 or height 1.65m & weight 60kg...
Burned average 500 calories/hr at pace 7min/km...
Varies about 100 calories/hr for 1 min/km increment...
Varies about 100 calories/hr for 10 kg weight increment...
Keep filling your intake squashed with liquid...
Rotate food and drink to avoid nausea...
Real food should taste better than gel or liquid food...
Train to be friendly with whatever easily available...
Untrained stomach will not be different with untrained feet...

Example :
• 500 calories equivalent with 2 bananas, 1 slice bread & 1 bottle of coke...
• Min 300 calories equivalent with 2 banana or 2 slice bread with isotonic...
• Fill more calories for mountainous terrain for longer hike with heavier meal,
like rice or noodle and soup...

7. The Endurance vs Speed Relativity

The faster you go, the lower the endurance...
The slower you go, the higher the endurance...
To go farther then run slower...
Generally by lowering down pace by 2 min/km you can go double...

Example :
• A person be able to run 10K in 1:10hrs (pace 7 min/km)...
• But if he do power walk (pace 12 min/km), then he can go 42K nonstop...
• To be able to complete 21K then jogs, slower than 10K, but faster than the
walk then use pace 9 min/km, should be able to finish half marathon in 3 hrs...

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8. The Intensity - Frequency - Distance
The shorter time you have, use a higher intensity...
Train short with high intensity...
May be equal to train longer with low intensity...
The other way also true, run higher intensity then you might stop shorter...
Example :
• Train 20K with 6min/km...
• May equal to 10K with 5min/km...
• May also equal to 5K with 4min/km...

The farther you train, the higher the endurance...

Will be higher than more frequency with same total distance...
Example :
• The same run 50K/week...
• Long run base 10K - rest - 10K - rest - 30K at weekend
• May be more effective than...
• Frequency base 10K for 5 run...

To run farther, you need to train longer...

If you can not run that far, break it down into 2-4 day...
It called back to back long distance training...
Mountain people use hours instead of distance...
It is the steepness that you need to actually train...
Train to the same distance and steepness in a period of days or
one week...
Example :
• Train 100K distance sound really hard...
• Use 50K for 2 days in a row instead...
• Train 200K distance seem impractical...
• Use 50K every day for 4 days instead...

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9. Gear Optimization

The most important gear is our foot, core, and mind...

Outside gear should not be seen too important nor very expensive...
They are just make you more comfortable physically...
Nothing beat the trained body and rock solid mind...
The mandatory gear :
1. Used and Proven Shoe
2. Light Headlamp min 80 lumens
3. Drinking Bottle
The highly recommended gear :
4. Non-rubbing and body-fit Vest
5. Light Rain/Cold Jacket
6. Emergency Blanket
7. Medical Kit
8. Phone
The optional gear :
9. Cap in hot or Glove in cold
10. Gaiter
11. Trekking Pole

10. Priority and Perspective

1. Running Leg (flat running, park running, treadmill running)
2. Nutrition (long distance or back to back)
3. Navigation (unknown area based on gps navigation)
4. Balance (trotoar running or running through rocky trails)
5. Fear (night run and narrow trails)
6. Hills or Climbing Leg (climbing patience, downhill and elevation tracking)

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October 13, 2014 · Ultra#1 Trail Race Mesastila Ultra 60K

Ultra#1 MCU 60K at 15:33 hrs at 8th out of 75 (Ascend 4400m) : Mesastila 700m - Mt. Andong 1700m - Mt.
Merbabu 3100m - Hill Telomoyo 1600m - Mt. Gilipetung 1400m - Mesastila 700m
My biggest focus is not the speed and timing...
Listen to my body, take it slow and focus on going back safely...
Special thanks to my wife Patricia Lo and MesaStila for the great support and pleasure...

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November 9, 2014 · Ultra#2 Bromo-Tengger
Tengger-Semeru 102K

Ultra#2 BTS 102K My First DNF: Lava View 2240m - Ranu Pane 2100m - Ranu Kumbolo 2400m - Kalimati
2700m - Ranu Kumbolo 2400m - Bromo 2250m - Bromo Caldera 2400m - Widodaren 2500m - Canyon -
DNF km74 at 20hrs

There is Always a First Time in Everything.....

You Just Need to Have a Courage
Cou to Start It.....
The First Time My Heart pumping avg 125bpm Continuously 20hrs

My Second Ultra - DNF at 74K in 20hrs (I have decided to stop, too dangerous for myself due to no sleep,
dark at second night, lack of food, cold and rain, need to rush ffor
or remaining 11hrs time limit). I felt
stronger than my first and happy enough that I feel have reached my finish line at 74K :)

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December 14, 2014 · Ultra#3 GP100 - 50K

Ultra#3 GP100 Cat. 50K - DNF 44K in 18 hrs (4000m Ascend)

Cibodas 1340m - Pangrango 3020m - Gede 2960m - Cibodas 1340m - Pangrango 3020m - Cibodas 1340m
(Short 8K ~1000m Ascend Not Climbing to Gede) #myultrarace
My Third Ultra, the toughest one this year under the rain, rocky and no flat terrain at all. Its simply too
tough for me to complete within cut off time 18 hrs, but I think this is the best feel to the King of
Indonesian Trail Rinjani Ultra 52K with 5200m Ascend. The lesson this time : go light and complete the
first lap 25K within 8 hrs.

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January 19, 2015 · Ultra#4 Sentul Ultra Marathon 60K

Ultra#4 Sentul Ultra Marathon 60K - 11hrs at 6th Position (Ascend 2650m)

This is Sentul Trail Special Edition ++

+ Mud Knee Deep + River Crossing
+ Skidding + Rain
+ Lost in Bush

Just sharing from me for this event without any other thought, purely to share my perspective from my
limited experience in trails :

I used to prepared anything marathon and beyond as best as I could, this titime
me no different, I tried the
actual route one months before as place and time permit, train to estimate my hydration and ration,
trying to picked the best shoe among the ugly, I just trying to be as independent as I can with 2
independent GPS and expect theth worst that I could face.

I start with unexpected low batt headlamp, if you saw someone falling in the first km, that’s most
probably me, slippery and unexpected knee deep muddy trails hardening the legs by multiple times.

I may be the worst person to follow

follow the mark, that’s make me the always lost person no matter how good
the marking (MCU and even BTS as regarded the best marked so far is no exception), that’s where I start
to learn to navigate with GPS to compensate my incompetence, and yet… still getti
getting lost.

It doesn’t matter how we prepared ourself, it always something come up in the way, that’s how I
understand each ULTRA has different taste and flavor, this event indeed has the precious one that
probably that you have chosen to blocked. Most of the time in ULTRA event we hit the wall and cornered
to choose an option to grumble or trying to enjoy it in our own way. I really believe finisher is not
everything, how we enjoy the trails, learn from the experience and battle against ourself that will improve
gradually without realizing. I know that even the person who stand in the podium has no GPS or what so
ever free from the lost, he manage to overcome with struggle to keep calm, patient, focused in their own
mentality workable zone. For sure we are not aim to be like the champ, but up to your choice to expect
what you need or to learn to be like them overcoming the unexpected.

We are all have one in common that we LOVE the trails, no matter what the challenge but stay SAFE that
we are all self-accountab
accountable for that.

Background : I’m a newbie in trail running started to trail in May 2014, never hike any mountain before, I
fell in love in trails after joined regular Sentul Trail event. I have joined 3 ULTRA every month last year
2014 and more DNF than Finisher
Finisher that every single of them has a lifetime lesson through the hard way
that forged gradually through the time.

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March 3, 2015 · Ultra#5 Ultra
ltra Trail Hong Kong - 90K

UTHK Cat. 90K – 20:09 - 7th out of 72 (5100m Ascend) in Hong Kong ...
I was lucky, the weather
weather was really great nice & shady all the way…
I always train to hold my self to be slow conserving energy…
Somehow failed in this great trail atmosphere….
Too fast in the first half burned me down
down in the technical second half no stick…
At 65K hit the walll forced my leg down to just walk along 20K…
Mentally set for 20 hrs made me pushed my leg to run again on the last 7K…
Finally reach finish line with few minutes excess…
That was a really great trail run…
As always with lesson to be learnt :)

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April 26, 2015 · ULTRA#6 Gede
ede Pangrango Ultra Marathon 45K

ULTRA#6 GPUM 45K – 16:13 at 3th out of 15 (Ascend 4600m)

My Sixth ULTRA and My Second Race in Gepang…

Ignore the podium that doesn’t mean anything…
Racing was also never came up in my mind in the ULTRA…

The true thing listed as below…

My First Gepang Race was ULTRA#3 back in Dec 2014…
ed in GP100 Cat 50K at 44K within 18hrs (COT 18 hrs)…
This pace 2.8 kph translated as…
Just barely enough to qualify GP100 Cat50…
That’s if we ignore the time allowance for boredom du
due to looping…

What I called real improvement is the recovery …

Back in December, I barely can only walk for two days…
This evening, one day after the race, I manage to run 15K at pace 6 min…
This time I learnt to withstand in the heavy rain and strong wind
Very cold almost to the limit due to wrong costume…
Thin jacket, organizer shirt and no finger gloves…

Luckily very nice lady allow me to use her gloves…

Enlighten my remaining half way with nasi kuning & a cup of warm tea…
Thx to all organizer, perfect drink, food and busses…
Special thx to the gloves lady Mba Ina Budiyarni :)

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September 21, 2015 · Ultra #7 Samosir Ultra Marathon 47K

Samosir Marathon#10 Cat47K - 4:17 at 1st pos

Simply Stunning View...

Simply Great Weather...
Simply Acurate Marking...
Simply Solid Water Post...
Simply Awesome Comitee...

Thx to Mr. Voorijder...

Feels the kenyan pressure...
The feeling stops when he starring at me walking and see me smilling... 

Believe it or not I actually aiming that bigger loop for recovery run...
I decide to cancel it after 9km due to darky and risky road nig
night traffic...
All that matters is we dare to dream...
And the passion to reach it...

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August 9, 2015 · Ultra#8 Mount Rinjani 50K

Mount Rinjani Ultra 50K - 19:42 (Ascend 5700m)

So many expected things:

The first 10K climb was easy...
The next 3K climb was moderate...
The 5K summit climb was the hardest time in life...
The 4K from W6 climb was cooked half done...
The final 3K climb was slowest time after all...
All of those are expected, off course this is the damn MRU...

So many unexpected things:

Shoes was found actually bit undersize in the long run...
Run through painful blister and hooked nail...
Stomach issues suspected due to Ayam Taliwang a day before...
It get worsened with milk and oranges during the run...
No food could enter my blood stream...
Luckily 2 savior gel always stay in my vest...

So many great things:

The Sunrise from Summit view was stunning...
The Lake was best I have seen so far...
This is my main reason in the trails...
Racing was never came in my trails and will never be...
The other enjoyment is running with others...
Really like a French guy named Johan...
He was fast runner few hours ahead of me...
He spend hours just watching in silence the stunning view...
We run together conquer the last climb...
The final 5K I ran downhill to beat the Old Scary Cut Off Time...

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November 8, 2015 · Ultra#9 Bromo
romo Tenger Semeru 170K

BTS170 ULTRA - DNF 90K at 24hrs

Being conservative person is sometime a gift and also a curse...
Being able to read our body is sometime a benefit and also unnecessary frightened fear...
Distance and time are useless parameter in the mountain…
The whole new level of elevation makes all of those went wrong…
Uncertainty is single parameter of unknown
unknown but makes things wonderful…
Something didn’t kill you will only make you stronger…
Bad experience is a gift so that we can be more grateful in the future…

That's me started as the last person in yellow…

But I failed my target finishing last as well…
My plantar just giving up on the climb…
I manage to see the highest peak…
It was fun run and trail back safely…

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November 29, 2015 · Ultra#10 Jakarta ULTRA 100K

Jakarta ULTRA#9 100K – 13:06 at 2th position


Began with race against traffic…
Marshall bike guarded safely through midnight…

First 25K stable pace 6:00 min…

Second 25K dropped to 7:30 min…
Last 50K stable at 8:00 min…

This last 50K I got new mantra…

Every single of that 50K walk 100m & run 900m…
The walking part was necessary…
To keep the running part moving…
Keeping the mind busy waiting the walk…

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December 15, 2015 · ULTRA#11 Gede Pangrango100K

GP100 ULTRA#10 - DNF 50K at 20.5 hrs

As last year DNF, this year meant to be the same…

DNF-ed at BTS and GP100 but higher category…
Two toughest race in this country…

Sometime its good to join the tough race…

We may not finish…
But certainly raise the bar with experience…

My legs are really weak in ascent…

Descent seem to be better…
Maybe the quads need to be strengthened…

This is too slow and too relaxes 50% HR…

The most important part is I’m happy at the trails…

Thanks to all committee and volunteer…

You all are my champion…

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May 30, 2016 · ULTRA#12
ULTRA#1 Merapi Goat Run 51K

Merapi Goat Run 42K - DNF Catching Train 51K in 13.5 hrs

I was definitely off the trail 5 months since GP last year...

Completely off running from Mar - Apr 2016...
Painful blister getting worst after I cut open with my hand nail...
Barely can only walk from km30 with many off tracks...
Felt like my first ULTRA at Mesastila 2014...
Except this time I was not so burdensome to finish...
My goal iss to catch the train to meet my kids on the next day...
Enjoy this Fly by Strava, only 1 survive from 11 recorded in Strava, I was second last one...

Nyasar -

DNF Ngejar KA

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August 2, 2016 · ULTRA#13 Rinjani100 - 100km

ULTRA#12 Rinjani100 Cat 100km Gain 10,000m – Completed Over COT at 37.5 hrs

Mount Rinjani …
Thats all where my trail running was started…
Jun 2014, we follow crazy folks trained in Mt. Gede for MRU 52K…
I got about 37K with gain 3300m in 15 hrs (2.5 kph)…

Never ever cross my mind to even try MRU at that time…

Aug 2015, final battle MRU was finally arrive…
Completed MRU 52K with gain 5700m in 20 hrs (2.6 kph)…
Unforgettable intense effort to the Legendary Summit…
Off course with painful blisters and well done cooked…
Never ever cross my mind to repeat to the summit again…

July 2016, new pristine trails along Rinjani100 was hard sell to resummit again…
One more time to summit with the same unforgettable pain to the summit…
This time even worse since the starting time was earlier 4 hrs…
Meaning no sunrise, only darkness along the same way 33K track with last year…
This time faster 11 hrs than last year 12 hrs (3 kph)...
Along with sunrise, my journey to the whole new 67K pristine trails really started…
The view was totally gorgeous in this pristine trails (see pic)...
Arrive in KM50 within 16 hrs (1 Hill – 3.1 kph)...
Arrive in KM60 within 19.5 hrs (1 Hill – 3 kph)...
Meet Aziz and walk along with him together…
Arrive in KM73 within 27 hrs (5 Hills – 2.7 kph)...
We were both walking drowsy in the downhill street, Aziz slept for a while …
Arrive in KM 83 within 30 hrs (2 Hills – 2.7 kph)...
Get lost KM90 at least for one hour, no marking sign spotted…
In the middle of Savana in very cold morning with no where to go…
We were both very shaky and just walking arround to find the marker…
Giving up walking ahead with last two marking direction…
Finally found
nd marking after several hundred meter and rush away…
This definitely could not reached out by our headlamp in the morning mist…
Arrive in KM 95 within 36 hrs (6 hills – 2.6 kph)…
Finish the journey 100K with gain 10,000m in 37.5 hrs (2.7 kph)…
The marking was all great but that one damn marker was too far off the grid…
Its just too many 16 Hills (after the Summit)...
and very tight Cut Off Time for the hardest summit track in the country…
This definitely much better result from last year…
Very happy with the trails journey and result overall…
See you on another time Rinjani, it will be quite some time, I hope… :)
Some video from the founder :

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September 6, 2016 · ULTRA#14 Bogor to Sentul Hunter's Hut 50K
Trail Bogor to Sentul Hunter's Hut 50K at 7 hrs

Marathon this time a bit unordinary and overdose…

Boarding train 1.5 hrs to Bogor Station…
Start running at 4 pm…

Arrive at km15 WS1 - Indomaret Jungleland at 6 pm…

Climb Gunung Pancar pine forest at dusk…
Climb Sentul Hunter's Hut thrilling dark with headlight…
Creepy forest with fireflies and bizarre sound…
Got lost few hundred meter, luckily locals still up…

Arrive at Hut km 27 – no body outside there…

Headlight low, replace batt at km 29…
Keep going with low water ¼ tank, filled up at km 34…

Heavy rain at km 38 - rain coat on...

Walking down flooded road with 2m visibility…

Rain stop at km 45, running light to the train station…

Missed my target of last train to home at 10 pm…
Thanks God still catch very last train at 11pm about 15min by taxi from home…

This is to train the mentality and patient at night…

Luckily I can train in the rain as well…
Prepared… Passion… Patient… #RoadToUTMF

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September 25, 2016 · Failed ULTRA#15 UTMF 167K shortened 44K

UTMF 167K shortened to 44K in 6 hrs

I didn't know it was shortened...

Didn't hear in the middle of crowd...
My mind was still focused on the full course...
Running as relax as possible but agile...

Seeing only clouds since arrival...

Courtesy ran STY was an empty hope...
With lack of transportation support...
Leave us abandoned with nowhere to stay...

Very sad...
Very disapointed...
It should have been really good trails...
Maybe just in the very idealistic place...
And certainly unproper season...

But fun was not defined by others...

It defined by us...
Climb Mt. Fuji with the same heartbroken fellows...
Reach the top at 3775 mASL with breathtaking view...

Run Half Marathon around the Kawaguchiko Lake...

Enjoy cultural foods, drinks, bath, and the capsule...
Unforgettable moment with friends...
Thank you all, see you on the next journey...

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October 15, 2016 · ULTRA#15 - 3 Peak Mt. Gede Pangrango 51K

3 Peak Mt. Gede Pangrango 51K - 5300 m Gain at 16.5 hrs

The Complete GEPANG: Cibodas-Mt.Pangrango-Mt.Gede-

Selabintana Gate-Surken
Surken-Putri Gate-Mt.Gede-Cibodas...

A Loner Self Propelled...

Clear bright view at the Double Summit...
Freezing Heavy Rain at Selabintana...
Luckily stop after 3 hrs...
Continue to Shivering Surken...

Found nasi uduk before downhill Putri...

Meet the dark at Uphill Putri...
Freezing Surken with 3m visibility...
Hard to find the way to third summit...

Finally I can break 50K under

unde 18hrs...
Apparently I still hate downhill Cibodas..
Cibodas #RoadToBTS170

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November 8, 2016 · ULTRA#16 Bromo
romo Tengger Semeru 170K

BTS170 ULTRA#15 - DNF 137K at 37 hrs with Lots of "Fun"

The third DNF hattrick in my favorite mountain... Arrive in W13 km115 in #6 position with 1hr behind the plan...
It feels like this mountain calling every year... Decide to sleep for 30min with no success...
New feeling when we started the ran in the rain... My head still hot, take a panadol shot...
Wake up after heard kang HW arrived...
First 50K : The RUN Absorb as much as the ultra recipe while temp cooling down...
Started off with easy ran to W1 km7... Arrive at W1 km128 in #6 position with 2 hrs behind the plan...
Ran through slippery muddy dirt to W2 km18... Eat hot meatball soup at top 2650masl for 15min...
Constantly climb to W3 km28 in #5 position... Slowly walked in the muddy dirt and fell off few times...
Quick turn around to W4 km33 and back to W3 km38... At km134 left knee having discomfort joint sound like old
Long way to go to W5B 16km ahead... rusty hinges...
Power walk through along the course with w steep downhill Slowing
lowing down dragging with one lame left foot for 5km...
shuffled mode... Arrive at W5A km137 in #5 position with 3hrs behind the
Ahead of the timing plan, decided to just walk along the way... plan...
Arrive at W5B km54 in 11hrs or one hour ahead of the plan... Decided to stopped to preserve knee joint eventhough no
Change clothes, shoes and eat noodle in 30min... pain...
I was thinking potential worst case of broken joint, decided to
Second 50-100K : The STORM DNF...
Easy jog and power walk climb to W5C km61 in #6... Doctor
octor checked and advise to continue but my mind already
Walked through to 3km sand field with strong wind... shutting down and sleep for 1hr...
Glasses on and keep just walking in low power saver mode... Back to race central with locals courtesy car...
Walked through sand storm to W9 km76... Slept 2 hr at hotel and wake up to cheered up the finisher...
With full face mouth and nose covered with glasses on... The moment of seeing live the 5 last finisher effort in the last 1
Strong wind still
ill made little sand entered through faces... hr of COT was very impresive...
Walk with eye closed and keep blinking a bit through sand
storm... After Race : The RELAXING
Arrive to W9 km76 in #7 position... Race is over and my head and throat still burning...
Follow the legend kang HW who gave me 2 boost of tailwind... Took throat medicine from comittee and sleep...
Arrive at W10 km83 and accidentally drank spiritus
spir and Wake up at midnight after only 6hr sleep and could not sleep
throwing up... again...
Easy climb to W11 km95 in #8 position... Kept thinkingg and re re-evaluate
evaluate the full flashed back of the event...
With heavy thought of the accident impact burning throat.... I concluded that was maybe a very conservative judgement...
Arrive in W12 km100 in 24hrs or 2hr ahead of plan... I still could walk slow and steady, some pain in the right ankle...
Change clothes, shoes and eat lontong noodle in 1hr... Could not sleep again, search for jacket & headlamp...
While some others sleptt a while, decided to carried on... Come out at 3:30a
3:30amm and climb to highest peak pananjakan
Third 100-137K : The STOP Arrive at precise sunrise time 5am and take the very best view of
Slowly walked downhill while head temp kept rising... the most amazing sunrise in the country...
Stopped at many places to rest... I think I really missed the point coming here...
No idea if this is due to accident or no sleep... DNF but enjoy and really happy with the trail jjourney...
Stopped at many places to rest, take caffein 150mg shot...
shot Its all fun though, I hope can quick recover and run again soon...
Next week Jakarta ULTRA 50 Relay...
Next months GP100KM... Organizer Preview Video :

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November 14, 2016 · ULTRA#17 Jakarta Ultra 50K

Jakarta Ultra 2016 cat. 50K Relay at 4:39 hrs

People said Jakarta is always a difficult place...

Difficult to cross and difficult to live...
Street are jammed and even the sidewalk are packed...
But its actually just a matter of perspective...
No matter how wide the street and sidewalk...
No matter the street only used by walker at the car free day...
It will be always jammed and packed...

You should change your own perspective from the other side...
At least we have few park and sidewalk challenge to run...
At least we have so many races that the others city envy to...
At least we have a great ULTRA road races...


Finally we make our target 100K within 10 hrs...
Thanks to Christovik who shared all the pain...
Thanks to bang Sitor, all comitee and escort...
Thanks to Danny support from Suunto...

Next challenge to shoot 10 hrs as single...#UltraRoadRace

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December 13, 2016 · ULTRA#18 Gede
ede Pangrango 100K

GP100 2016 category 100K - DNF at 56K in 21 hrs

Mt. Gede have a special relation with me about hate and love...
This place was the first ever trail run back in Sep 2014...
I was shocked 2 yr ago and surprised the trail run is so damn hard...
Climbing the steep rock and crawling the tree...
This GP100-2016
GP100 is my ninth times at Mt. Gede...
Also my third time at GP100...
trick DNF for GP100 for the past 2 years...
The same DNF as last year for BTS170 and GP100...
But at least I made progression this year...
BTS improved from 75K to 137K...
GP100 improved from 50K to 56K...
Not so much on the distance...
But mainly on the time 2hrs faster...
Both loop improved 1 hr each mainly on descent side...
Not that my legs are stronger, but I pushed them to run through pain...
Reach personal best 1:47 from summit to base...
Second loop 1:55 despite heavy
heavy traffic of the climber...
The issue still the same with last year...
My climbing legs still weak...
My trails hours this year 2016 was greatly reduced...
With first four month of useless plantar recovery...
Catching up 5 months with big ambition on road road marathon...
Ended up with screwing up both road and trail races...
But I know I will keep going to the trail...
Even when I have failed so many...
Not because I obsessed with the challenge...
But deep down in my heart I know I love the trails...
This Mt. Gede is worst for racing, but actually best for training...
Once you hate one place so much, you might end up by meeting them so much...

I always amazed of the support, effort, dedication of the volunteer and committee with the
heart of this charity event
event to help our fellow runner every year. I think its easier for the runner
who love and enjoy the trail rather than all other support who tried their best and sacrifice so
much energy, time and money with getting no fame nor publication. Their good vibes br bring
ing so
much positive enthusiasm to the community despite the challenge was probably the world
hardest in their category, not to mention some hiker actually died just because of the weather
alone hidden in this so called tropical country

Thanks to all volunteer

volunteer and Derby support, committee Kang Pulung pakdhe Sheeva the greatest
mountain trail photographer bli Nyoman and team and founder kang Hendra Wijaya who give
us this best true challenge. Special apology also to mbak Eni Rosita not be able to complete the
challenge, positively this will made myself getting better, stay humble and always respect the
I really think I will never be able complete this challenge, but it will not b
e matter since its all
about the limitless lifetime journey that will never ended. I will made my complete story on this
mountain from the first met until now if you interested, stay tune...

Its not about the destination, its all about the journey of our life....

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December 13, 2016 · My story about GP100

This is my story about GP100...

Not trying to pursue anything, this is purely just a story from part of my life.........

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January 30, 2107 · ULTRA#19 Bogor to Monas 59K

Bogor to Monas 59K - 6:44 hrs

One and half Marathon...

Conversational Pace 6:45 - 7:00...
Stop every 20K..
Three man on the night run...

Special thanks to WL dan GP...

Yuk lanjut di minggu2 berikutnya....

Next homework :
- Jakarta Double Marathon
- Coast to Coast
- Jakarta Outer Ring
- Coast to Mountain

#RoadtoTiti250 #RoadRunner

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February 14, 2017 · Ultra#20 Ultra Trail de Jogja 96K in 2 days

Ultra Trail de Jogja 96K – 5600m Gain in 19.5 hrs

Day 1 : Coast To Coast 72K – 2400m Gain in 10:44 hrs

First timer Coast to Coast race at Jogja…

First time running in the Beach for Ultra distance…
Huge crowd, solid committee…
Excellent route marking and great water station with coke, banana, even soto…
Driven by Jogja Trail Die Hard buddy, Team Marshall & RD…
For sure is one of the race that prepared by heart of the trail lover….
Beach sand, river, soil, mud, rock, gravel, asphalt, jungle, and sand dune…
The killer final sand dune make my legs heavy…
It kills my 5min gain over last 5km for third podium…
But for sure not kills my price over the top of Merbabu the day after…
Thanks to Committee, Marshall, RD, Photographer and All the Team (Dzaki, Fauzi,
Nora, bli Nyoman, and all the Full Team)…
Definitely One of Recommended Trail Race that Prepared by Heart…
One of the rare feeling that leave a deep mark on us to return again, big crowd,
grilled fish…
Day 2 : Suwanting–Merbabu–Selo PP 24K – 3200m Gain in 8:46 hrs
First timer climbing Merbabu from south…
This is playground for Coast to Coast Committee Team…
Hike and Climb to the top with fellow RD Dzaki…
Try to follow his training pace, seem this is my race pace at GP…
Cloudy on the top with no view of Merapi…
Downhill to Selo was not as steep…
Eat egg noodle and hike to the top again…
Take many great picture since very short clear view…
Downhill to Suwanting kills my feet…
Walk down passing the darkwith no headlamp but phone light…
This route was so steep up to 45% grade..
Meaning up to 450m gain per km with avg 300m/km…
Even more elevation gain than Gede or Rinjani…
Great Race, Great Hike, Great Journey…
Many thanks to Dzaki Wardana…
Great RD and great buddy…
See you in the next journey…

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March 20,, 2017 · Ultra#21 Titi Ultra 200K Malaysia

Titi Ultra 250km Malaysia - Only 200km in 36.5 hrs with 3200m gain

Ran behind the champ 5:30 for first km... At 193

198K another run 10min pace downhill to get
My heart spike above 150... below 37 hrs...
Slowing down and control my heart at 140... Made it to 200K within 36.5 hrs, basically 2.5 hrs beyond
Nice run to first 50K within 6 hrs with porridge as the supper... COT 250K...
But even if I could push to make it 34 hrs, clearly almost
After 50K mixed with walk on the uphill... impossible
Arrive 100K on the third within 13.5 hrs with hurt on the nails but no
blister... for my condition to get the last 50K in 8 hrs...
Apparently I forgot to cut my toe nail, borrow nail cutter from comitee...
Change shoe from mid cushion (Triumph ISO) to max cushion (Ultra Basically this special 250K category allowed us
Boost)... downgrade to 200K...
Also change singlet and short to long sleeve and cap... Not sure if I failed or success on this ULTRA run...
Spend entirely half hour including bathroom break
bre and noodle... Failed on the crazy 250K but succ
ess on 200K, that is the
longest run with 3200m gain on the road...
Start walking slow mixed with running in the downhill... But surely this is the most painful finisher effort I have
Just walk uphill all the way to conserve energy... ever made...
At 115K everything start turned upside down with blister... And clearly I was showing a happy face on the finish
Apparently forgot to use vaseline before the socks... line...
Also the shoes wass too flexible added more pain ... Take photo shots and surprise I was like a robot right
away afterwards...
At 125K strong sun shines with no mercy make me a sleepy walker...
Lost the third position since basically just walk all the way... The special 250K category with 42hrs apparently was
150K meet and barely catch up with William and Matthew... specifically designed as training ground to prepare
Sleep for half an hour after eating two bowl of porridge... spartathlon 250K in 36 hrs...
Very helpfull comitee wake me up as requested at 5pm... But for recreational runner, 200K should be enough to
get the whole Titi ULTRA picture on the night and
an day
Sun goes down make me happy and fresh again... with downpour as a bonus...
But another half hour, rain was pouring really hard... Thanks Titi ULTRA and all the comitee, this journey
My shoes is not only too flexed but also sucks all the water... certainly tought another hard lessons to me...
Just barely walking all the way with painful blister in all foot and toe... Especially 60K/week after CTC and Merbabu was not
The last 50K was a long 12hrs night walk watching the 50/100K runner...
run enough...
Also shoes play very essential role in the hard asphalt,
At 175K, the night was so cold and no mercy
me with rain pouring hard ... may ne
need more rigid one...
Stop at some points to wear on and off jacket with minimum visibility... You guys did awesome job for almost everything, hot
Attempt to run at 10min pace for 5K downhill, my legs didn't compromise... drink and food in few other cp will probably make it
Stop again to wear jacket to avoid
void cold and walk the rest...See
rest... you again perfect :)
within two months in Penang Eco 100 miles in May.....

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March 26, 2017 · ULTRA#22 Tes Rute Komando Run 57K

Tes Rute Komando Run - 57K in 7:45

One week after Titi 200K...

No plan to do a really long run...
A friend drag me to a nice trap...
Run a decent pace 6-7 min for 20K...
Continue slightly uphill to Cijantung Base...
Really heavy legs 8-9 min to 38K...
Continue once stomach warm and full...
Finish to FX for another 19K...
With little fun 5min pace for the last 2K...
Overall route was hazzle free...
Bike marshall and mobile WS help along the way...
Challenging and crazy as always...
Running in Jakarta with the traffic...

Thanks Komando Team...

Just need to focus on the every sign of turn...
Hopefully someone break the record 4:50 hrs...

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April 15, 2017 · Ultra#23 Sentul Ultra 56K

Sentul Ultra 56K - Gain 1800m in 10hrs

(Gn. Pancar - Cibadak - Cisadon - Hunter's Hut -
Gn. Geulis - Sentul Highland)

Sudah 6 bulan lebih tidak menapak Sentul...

Cuaca dingin dan mendung, siang panas...
Menyusuri beberapa sungai kecil dan kelokan lumpur berair...
Menapak bagian hutan yg hampir tidak pernah dilintasi lagi...
Bertempur dengan dahan ranting dan satu-dua
satu pacet saja...

Sampai di pondok pemburu, makanan sudah habis...

Beruntung tidak tergoda jalur KM Nol yg lebih pendek...
Makan siang semangkuk indomie rebus telor...
Menyusuri Gn. Geulis
ulis Golf yg berliku-liku...
Berakhir foto2 di Sentul Highland Golf yg berlatar jingga...

Hujan deras selang semenit sampai di tujuan...

Makan nasi gudeg sembari hujan deras tapi tak kehujanan
menambah nikmat tak terkata...

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April 24, 2017 · ULTRA#24 Mt. Gede ULTRA 60K

Mt. Gede ULTRA 60K - 19.5 hrs with 4000m gain elevasi

(Cibodas - Taman Bunga Nusantara - Putri -

Surya Kencana - Selabintana - Puncak Gede - Cibodas)

Trail kali ini mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda...

Looping jalan raya yg berliku dan gunung yg menjulang...
Rute baru dan perjalanan yg blum pernah ditempuh...
Lebih jauh tetapi dengan lebih rendah gain elevasi...

Perjalanan dua orang dengan perbekalan sendiri...

Kami masih tersenyum di setengah perjalanan...
Jarak tiga perempat sudah mulai kelaparan berat...
Video ini diambil di pertengahan dan tigaperempat...

Background sound mencoba menggambarkan yg rekan saya rasakan...

Setelah penderitaan berat, kita beristirahat di puncak Gede...
Makan malam di puncak Gede memang sangat nikmat tiada duanya...

Menuruni batu Cibodas yg sangat panjang membuat ngantuk...

Memunculkan memori masa lalu yg berliku...
Selalu memberi kesan yang berbeda dari waktu ke waktu...
Sampai jumpa di perjalanan berikutnya... #GPNeverDies

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May 13, 2017 · ULTRA#25 Penang Eco 165K Malaysia

Penang Eco 100 Miles Malaysia - 36:10 with 4200m gain at 6th Position

This is about my journey to the 100 Miler...

Don't be overwhelm with the distance alone...
This is not about a success story...
Its not about "Finally I have Nailed 100 Mile"...
But rather than multiple failures and become better...

That is something like when an invention began...

Always started with idea, research, planning, failure, re-planning, everything broking down, last planning, natural disaster
due alien spaceship landing, very last planning, giving up, make piece and let the ambition go, and somehow everything
become easier. The process will take time, and in the right time somehow it will just works...

Back to early April 2014...

When I first dare to sign up for a marathon 7 month earlier...
I was only ever run 20K about 7 months before that race...
Then bravely run the 42K and ultra 60K a month after with no issue...
End of 2014, I DNF-ed in 100K category at 74 km (BTS)...
Then I raised my goals to 100 miller in 2015 to be able to complete the 100K alone...

First - In 2015 bravely attempted 100 miller but failed again about 100K distance...
Second - In 2016 missed a shot on a stormy UTMF 100 miller due to natural disaster...
Third - another chance in 2016, the third attemp on 100 miller, everything was perfectly planned...
But my common sense still dictate to stop at 140K when my knee sounds creaking...

Thats when I realize that myself is far more important than my goals...
The process is far more important than the result...

It will took time for sure...

For super human and special person, it may take one year in first attempt...
But for ordinary people like us it will take years...
It took me 3 years and still I'm not a 100 miller runner...
I only run about 70% of the distance, the rest just walking slowly in pain...
Its just a journey of the process understanding ourself better through time...

The true fact about my trail is...

I love running flat, since it felt like flying with the wind...
I hate climb, then I make peace with them by walking slowly...
I'm coldhearted with downhill, so I jog along with no hard feeling...
Lets see where my journey will continue...
Some other time, some other day...

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June 17, 2017 · Ultra#26 Trial Run SHTR 65K

Trial Run SHTR 65K in 14hrs with 3000m Gain

Self Support...
Trial Run...
Great View...
Amazing Heat...
Sentul Narrow Track Flavor...

Anaconda Starter...
Cisadon Memories...
Amazing Pine Forest...
Sweet Hunter's Hut...
Rivery desserts...
Uphill Finish Run...

I wish a 100K track...

Someday some other time...

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July 12, 2017 · Ultra#27 Sentul Hill Trail Run 65K

Sentul Hill Trail Run 65K - 9:53 hrs at 4th position One of the painful run that I have never felt before...
Sentul always tought a valuable lessons personally to
The fourth of my fourth position... me...
After Manglayang, Raung, and CTC... Two years back was skidding and patience...
The best thing about being fourth is... This time is running through painful cram
The fourth doesn't need to be wait for award... The strongest point was many marshall along route...
The fourth can straight go home to our family... Marking was very clear and really good...
But this fourth something different this time... WS serving good with instant noodle and banana...
Something I'm not anticipated to be in the podium... Spent 2 sachet of Tailwind from my vest...
Only due to nice sponsor and bad luck of other stronger
runner... I would love to see Coke in this race which was not
Targeting 11 hrs due to steeper than CTC and last 2 year race... Still need to improve the climb a lot...
Ending up with Sub 10 hrs with a very painful cramped... Also keep easy run from 2 weeks before is really
Started fast following the lead making 10K in 1hr... important...
Second 10K still manage to keeping
keepi up in 1:10 hr... The lowest point shoes was torn sideways despite
Got cramped muscles in lower thigh both legs... only 400km...
Suspected due anaerobic run 3 days ago... Warm committee, great atmosphere, and nice
Something that never happened before... sponsor...
Thank you very much for every vo volunteer
lunteer and
Stop few times stretching, keeping lower easy pace... committee...
But the muscles still hurting a bit, not too much...
much.. Really great race made by passionate trail runner
Decided to keep running without thinking much... community...
Climbing which is my weakest section is getting harder... For sure could not resist for the new 100K track on
Lowering my body with bending knee help a bit... the next year...

Pushing one hand to sort of stick to move upward... Special thx for RD Nanang Handoko and all the
Downhill way better but could not ran too fast...
fas volunteer & photographers, including Mahdi the
Pushing the last 10K back in 1hr to be sub 10... explorer...

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July 16, 2017 · Ultra#28 Birthday Run Tt Flo's 55K

Birthday Run Tt Flo's 55th - 8hrs

Lari ultra marathon sejauh 55 Km...

Melintasi gerai2 Pizza Hut Jkt...
Merayakan hari ulang tahun Tante Flo yang ke 55 tahun...

1. Pizza Hut Gatsu (Start)

2. Pizza Hut Buncit (Km 6)
3. Pizza Hut Cilandak (Km 10)
4. Pizza Hut Bintaro (Km 23)
5. Pizza Hut Kemanggisan (Km 33)
6. Pizza Hut Benhil (Km 42)
7. PHD Bulungan (Km 49)
8. Pizza Hut Gatsu (Finish)

Semua orang bisa berlari...

Banyak orang punya niat...
Tp tidak semua menjalaninya...
Bersama2 bisa lebih mudah...
Happy Birthday 55th Tt Flo Ambar...
Wish a long life & run stronger...
Acara keren dan meriah sekali...
Terima kasih teman2 Campur Sari Runners...

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July 27, 2017 · Ultra#29 PlataranX Menjangan Bali 50K - Day1

PlataranX Menjangan Bali 50K Race Ultra#28 - 05:58 at 5th place

Start with headlamp following the leads...

Surprisingly quite relaxed pace 5min...
In the dark was heard marshall shouting left...

Then the drama began at km 3 with the fast wrong route...

4km to the east, 1 km to the west, 2km climb to the south...
Getting back to marshall no body know any clue...
My saviour policeman said to go to the beach...
Lost 33min then the catching games began...

I was among 5 last persons who losts...

That made me probably 30th persons in the race...
Meet and greet many runners as always...
Some of them in other 25K category...
I was passed only by Manolito who got losts even 12km...
Trully a champ mentality that rarely seen...

As always my pace will drop down at km 40...

Further heat slows me down to jog & walk a bit...
Really enjoyed the view at last 5 km...
The last 3km asphalt made me run again sub 6 min...

Apparently I broke my 4th place curse...

This time become 5th place...
Other than the lost, last 20K was the worst...
Last 20K could have been saved 20min...

I think this was a really good race to me...

Despite the 3 axis losts and a bit breakdown...
I believe I was able to hold sub 6 min for 50K...
Great run, luxury place, delicious food...
Rarely happening place and really enjoy the race...
Especially experience after the race...
Soaking in the pool with sunset view...
With friendly reunion among runners...

Summary :
3 km - 15 min (pace 05:00) - 5th
7 km - 33 min (lost 04:43) - 30th
10 km - 60 min (pace 06:00) - 18th
10 km - 58 min (pace 05:48) - 15th
10 km - 59 min (pace 05:54) - 10th
10 km - 71 min (pace 07:06) - 8th
8 km - 62 min (pace 07:45) - 5th
Total 58K = 05:58
First 50K = 04:56

Many thanks to the Plataran Menjangan, and BNI friends (Okki and Team) that made this event really
enjoyable and different after race world class experience from other races I have been ran before...

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July 28, 2017 · Ultra#30
Ultra# Mt Batur and Lake Circle 50K - Day2

--- Mt Batur
atur and Lake Circle 50K Run ---
(Day 2 of 4 Ultra in 5 Days Total 215km in 45 hrs)

Amazed by the beauty of the Island of Gods...

Could not resist to have another run in Bali...
This time located in Kintamani, Mt. Batur...
Plan was to summiting 3 peak (Batur-Abang-Agung)...
We were held down Mt. Agung by our heavy carrier...

Climb to amazing view from the top of Mt. Batur...

Circling the top of caldera, we can see 3 mountain...
Mt. Abang, Mt. Agung and Mt. Rinjani spread across the cloud...
Going down to soak to the best hot spring pool in the country...
Continue to Mt. Abang, could not find the path after 500m...
Guess almost no body passed this way...

Continue to Trunyan village...

Hoping to loop the lake...
Asking to the villager no pathways to go...
Att the end of the village, we found a temple...
Beside the temple there was a sign trekking route 1.8km...
We decide to make our journey longer another hour...

At the top of the hill, apparently there was 2 path left and right...
We just follow our heart taking
king the left hoping to cross the lake...
Apparently this circling not as easy as we thought...
We need to came down from hill to 5km to the east...
Sun goes down before right before our climb started...
Villagers were kind enough to give us some water...

Going uphill through the dark cliff ridge 5km to the west...
Getting lost no track path, my buddy saw a cable hanging up...
It should be the right path to the village...
Followed this electric cable we saw many village...
Finally we found what we need the most "a food shop"...
Eat best food of the day instant egg noodle with energen...

Remaining path were asphalt 13km the lake side...

With different view nothing to be seen in the dark...
Different feeling running through cold night...
By the belief that we have made our great day in Bali...

The next day soaking in the hot pool with great view...
Great mean real warm water, nice people and not bushes...
Take cold pool bath 15 min to recover quicker...
Spend half day soaking and swimming in the hot pool...
In the end we decide to DNF this day and take Ojek to our hotel...
Trip from Kintamani to Banyuwangi took 7 hrs...
Including dinner in the best kampong chicken in town "Pondok Wina"...
Sleep well for the next day beach run...

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July 29, 2017 · Ultra#31 Plengkung Beach 60K Run - Day3

Plengkung Beach 60K Run

(Day 4 of 4 Ultra in 5 Days Total 215km in 45 hrs)

Plengkung Beach, also known as G-Land...

Internationally renowned one of the greatest surf zones...
One of the purest and cleanest beach with no other like it...
Located at Alas Purwo National Park, Banyuwangi...
Most commonly reached via boat charter from Bali...
Rarely visited by road due to bad
d muddy condition...

We started at 7am at the end of asphalt road...

Run through 7km the dirt sand with forest view...
We meet 4km asphalt that cut across the forest...
Turned 3km left to Sadengan Savannah Tower...
About 3km we arrived to the last post Pancur...
We make our first stop at km17 to eat and drink...

The next 7km was the bad muddy soil that closed for public...
Every visitor normally rent jeep from that post...
We were looked strange abnormally choose to run instead...
Also we were warned that logistic
ogistic in the beach hotel is very expensive...
A liter and half of drinking water priced 3$ a bottle...
We decide to carry a bottle while we still can get a normal price...
Running with additional 2kg seem to increase my HR by 10 bpm...

At km25 we reached the beach gateway to this surf paradise...

After stashed a bottle of water...
Run through 3km of jungle track with beach view...
In the end of the track at km28 we ran along the coast...
A big rock standing about 2km through the coast to the east...

We haveve to soak into the water to get through the rock...

Apparently high tide come into play that afternoon...
While we soak, a wave strike into us up to neck level...
Coming back and wait for half an hour...
It seem the wave have not calm down...
We decide to make this point at km30 as the furthest coast...
Worrying we may passed this and not be able going back...

Then we jog back 6km along the coast...

Astonishing view that we finally run in the real white beach sand...
The heat strike us along with no mercy,
mercy my uncovered calf felt acute...
Many times soaking my whole feet into the beach...
Ran back 7km to the last post to have egg noodle with coke...

Jog about 4km to visit Triangulasi Beach...

With no headlamp in our vest...
We had to catch the light with 13 km to go & less than 2 hr...
Running back and completed this 60km journey...
At 6pm under the crescent moon...

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July 30, 2017 · Ultra#32
Ultra#3 Sukamade Beach 46K - Day4

Day 5 - Sukamade Beach 46K Run Ask villager only 3 spot to get a signal...
(Day 5 of 4 Ultra in 5 Days Total 215km in 45 hrs) One of the spot is right into garage but still found nothing...
Ask again to villager, appare
ntly need an old phone with a
Sukamade, a wildlife turtle consevation beach... bamboo stick
Part of the 50,000 hectare Meru Betiri National Park...
A place that I have never seen before in my whole life... The rainy and slippery track took us longer than estimated...
Eventhough located only 50km from my hometown.... With less than 4hr left to the dark, we still have 19km to go...
The access to this remote location will need 4x4 vehicle... Going to this north village took 6km longer with 4 river crossing...
Travel along 20km stony hill with few river crossing ankle deep... Arrived at last village at km32 to buy some coke...

As usual we start at the end of asphalt at 7:30am... Went back through the hilly jungle about 5km...
We ran 3km along
long a wide gravel trail... Stop at km37 to eat instant noodle on the junction to green bay...
Then walk 7km through jungle hill offroad track... Turning right 2km into green bay beach, we found stony beach...
We arrive at Sumbersuko nearest village... Getting lost on the river stream we real
realize going farther from the
Spend half an hour at food shop eat egg noodle with energen and green bay...
cofee... After found the single track we passed that stony beach...

After this village, from km10 we went through plantation... We finally found the Green Bay beach...
rossing one big river knee deep... Hidden like a jewel in the middle thick forest of Meru Betiri...
I open my shoes since I hate running wet... A small bay as a hidden paradise with greenish ocean water...
At km14 we finally arrived at turtle beach, Sukamade... The cleanest beach ever of white beach sand...
On the other edge a 12m tall drinkable waterfall...
Walk along 6km coast on a rainy beach with brownish sand... With rock arranged sequentially on both edge side...
With view of Meru Betiri jungle in the other side...
saw many turtle egg shell flakes and turtle foot steps... We were going back shortly as time running out...
But no turtles seen as they normally came to lay eggs at night... One hour left for rema
remaining 6km before the dark...
In the midway I felt pain in my left ankle...
We just walk through the dark to be safe...
Ran again 2km with phone light to end our journey...
At 6:15 we completed 46km with ice cream as desserts...

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August 4, 2017 · Ultra#33 The Magnificent Merapoh Trail 100K

The Magnificent Merapoh Trail 100K at 5th place in 12:42hrs

My third UTRM 2017 (Ultra Tour Running du Malaysia)...

First was Titi 250km in Feb 2017 at 37hrs (200km only)...
Second was Penang Eco 165km in May 2017 in 36hrs...
Third was this one TMMT 100km in Aug 2017 in 13hrs...
The finale will be in TMBT 100km in Sep 2017 aim in 20hrs...

This trail was quite different than my races before...

Nice runable fast trail with lots of great runner...
Really high enthusiasm and running spirits...
Very diverse varied tracks from mud to river...

The river was killing me, barely walk with a stick...

Three river with total almost 3 km in length...
Beautifully dazzling array of the limestone caves...
The Great and Magnificent Merapoh Caves...

I really enjoyed running on the cold night...

Part of me still wish I see all of those on clear daylight...
And one crucial suggestion is to standardize 100km route...
Since we only get 93km in distance while last year get 97km...

Not a heart break but just like missing a piece of puzzle...

That also to have a standardize and comparable course record...
For all those champ, not for me since I'm a recreational runner...
Also to honour the sub 14hrs buckle, still felt not right with 93km...

Other than that everything was great overall experience...

The whole new fast and river trails experience for my self...
Great organizer with really good marking, combo bunk, bus and meals...
Top class runners and nice gathering with many new friends...

Really recommend this races to the trail lovers...

The 70km for recreational and 100k for challenger...
Many thanks to all the organizer, volunteers and photographers...
This is one of the races that made the runners to come back every year...

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August 5, 2017 · The Story of Magnificent Merapoh Trail 100K

The Race Story : TMMT100 at 5th place in 12:42hrs

I wasn't about to choose this race before... Again using normal mode on and off in the wide track...
Seem no other option due to another race sold out... Meet the first river at after CP3-31km...
Looking at elevation gain would not normally good high view... Few shallow stream ankle high river...
But maybe worth an adventure and experiencing something different this I was only walk slowly, slipped many times...
time... My feet felt hurt, not only slipped to the rock...
Also felt acute on the right little toe finger...
I'm not kind of person that raced with other...
More likely to have my own personal time to target... I was using a sewed manually reconditioned trail shoe...
I would like much to run along with them sharing the run... Due to my planned shoe was torn out badly from last Sentul
Looking at the flattish type of track, I was targeted sub 13 hrs... Ultra 65K...
Apparently the sewed thread passed my sock and snuck
A real bold target considering I was making the same 13 hrs in very flat against my little toe finger...
road in late 2015... It felt some sand flowing inside my shoe making a
Looking at the elevation gain 1600m and at least 30min river... considerably pain...
I would normally estimated 2 hrs beyond the flat road timing... I kept running, not the worst pain that I have ever felt (as
Meaning that my target would need to be faster 2 hrs than my previous Penang Eco blisters)...
I never opened my shoe nor sock since I don't want to waste
This time I got a real good 9 hrs of sleep... time...
Unlike Penang Eco that was only 1 hr... One hard time got lost on the river, apparently the marking
The race was started at 9pm at night... was uphigh sharp left turn...
I met some other fellow runners that very familiar face... Another hard time to believe that we must pass a cave about
I stay rather in the third lining person from the start line... 50cm above the water...
A very loud sound marked at the start time with bunch of fireworks... From this river onwards I kept pacing 7 min...

This time I was staying behind to control the race excitement... I was surprise making to the CP4-km38 (should be 43) as the
About 500 meters from the start, my headlamp get dimmed... 5th person...
Shit, my light seem in trouble and no backup light... All CP from this point is about 4-7 km short than what they
I remember to put new batteries yesterday... mentioned...
My first reaction was to replace the batteries with the spare... Not sure where are those persons that I have passed, maybe
Luckily no issues with the headlamp, only it took some of time to change got losts...
the batt...
At CP5-km46, the marshall telling us 3km to follow the river...
With no backup batteries, I really need to save the battery to low mode... I was surprise in some part of the river was chest high...
I switched to low mode running with bunch of people at the beginning... One kilometer took me forever, as slow as 25min...
But after passing a few fellow runner, alone on low mode would not be My painful toe screaming every my right foot enter the
enough... slippery rock bottom river...
Switch back to normal mode to see the downhill and the marking... Rai and Isaac passed me walking slowly with a stick in that
But still using low mode during the wide flat or uphill track... river...
This low mode was not enough to see the marking, I only follow my gps I saw them like flew away quickly splashing the water with
watch gpx... their legs...
While myself is like blind persons walking try to see how
After CP1-10km, finally catch two persons Kris and Isaac... deep the water in front with a stick...
I was running low mode with them hoping to save my batteries...
We run together until CP2-22km, only fill my water then rushed away... I felt relieved it was only 1.5 km long section...
My pace was steady about 6 min for the first 20K... My right foot could not run straight, I need to adjust little bit
Not too bad even though I was hoping more to stay at 5:30min... inside to avoid getting hurt...
But still forcing my legs to keep pacing 7-8min...
Asking villager there were 7 people passed already, meaning I was the I passed by quickly the drop bag CP6-57km (should be 61)
8th person... as I didn't put any...
Only filling 100 plus and taking 2 banana along...

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Arrived in CP7-km64 (should be 69) as the 7th persons... Extended 100km, my timing would be approx 13.5 hrs...
I spend bit of time eating bread with hot durian porridge... Meaning that I'm out of my target, half an hour late...
Of course with my favorite coke with ice... This is still my personal best about sub 12 hrs in flat...
My toe getting hurt entered once again the last short section of river at I believed that river is ruining my pacing substantially...
km69... Also not the best shoe hoping this will be expendable in
Having my stomach full and hot with durian... this brutal river...
I finally catch up with Isaac at dawn before CP8-km73 (should be 80)... But on top of that this race was really fun and
underestimated challenging river...
We taking selfie together after exiting the last cave...
Running along until hitting the asphalt road... The organizer really did a great job, even the marking were
I ran ahead with the bright and beautiful foggy morning... with so many blinking red light...
Arrived at last CP9-km82 (should be 89), fill coke and 2 banana... On the evening we have a roasted lamb dinner...
Those last 10km was curvy up and down... Bus and dormitory arrangement also very helpful for the
Try to push the uphill and ran downhill with a relaxed 8 min pace... outsider...
Overall I think I was having a great trails experience...
At the last 5km asphalt, Isaac was running strong 6min passed me... I would not see the magnificent caves and roam along the
Despite eating a banana and a gel for that last 5km... river if not join this race...
I could not follow him with max pace only 7min on the hilly asphalt...
My heart was screaming at 183bpm running uphill... See you on the next adventure...
Finally arrived at 9:42am on the finish line km93 as 5th male position at Enjoy video from organizer...
12:42 hrs...
Really happy with my pacing without the river walk... Thanks RD Razis Rahim, RunningProject, ActionPix,
Especially the first quarter a bit faster before the river... Kakironda, Cik Arnab en kura-kura, Trevor Lim and many
And getting slower after my toe hurt and wet shoes... other photographer...
Manage to ran flat 3 hrs every 23km even though pretty slow 8 min only... Our day will not remembered without you guys...

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August 22, 2017 · Ultra#34 Run To Care 155K

Run To Care 155km Cibubur to Lembang Charity Run at 23:36 hrs

Lari kali ini adalah charity run RTC 2017… Riuh dengan gendang dan teriakan suka cita…
Ini adalah event pertama charity run yg saya ikuti… Akhirnya saya berhasil mencapai finish 23 jam 36
Bayangan awal saya charity run adalah take it & no complaint… menit…

Tapi ternyata semua berbeda, acara dipersiapkan sangat rapi… Suatu event yg bukan sekedar dengan lari tp
Dari press conference yang sangat baik dan alur yg rapi… dengan hati...
Makan malam dan briefing pun dilakukan dengan sangat baik… Kenangan ini akan menjadi yang terindah…
Sampai kepada panitia menyiapkan bed untuk seluruh pelari Bukan karena saya sendirian bisa mencapai ini…
sebelum lomba… Namun karena dukungan kalian semua…
Yang membuat saya terus berlari…
Perjuangan para pelari kali ini bukanlah hanya lari… Ingin ikut merasakan perjuangan kita utk anak2
Tetapi juga menggalang donasi bersama2 pelari lain… tercinta...
Mensosialisasikan program SOS Children’s Village Indonesia…
Dan menjelaskan semua usaha pelari, semua untuk anak2... Terima kasih atas dukungan kalian semua…
Utk menyediakan tempat tinggal dan pendidikan… Semua teman2 pelari yg ikut mendukung...
Untuk anak2 Indonesia yg kehilangan
ilangan pengasuhan orang tua…. Semua anak
anak-anak SOS Children’s Village...

Kita start dari SOS Children’s Village Cibubur… Tim SOS Children’s Village… (Mbak Lusi, Mbak
Berlari sejauh 150km ke SOS Children’s Village Lembang… Nina, Mbak Linda, Pak Hadi, Mr Paco dan segenap
Dengan menanjak setinggi 3600m di beberapa lintasan… tim di tempat yg men
menyiapkan makan pagi, siang,
Lari hanyalah suatu misi untuk membawa pesan tersebut… malam dan tempat tinggal)
Menggambarkann suatu perjuangan panjang yg sangat berat…
Tim Volunteer di setiap pos…
Maka saya bertekad juga lari saya kali ini haruslah tidak mudah…
Bahkan tidak semudah pada saat saya berlomba… RD Bang Lexi Rohi dan Team : Satria, Bang Dohar,
Dan menggunakan target pencapaian di bawah 24 jam… Bang Adi Owu

Pada saat lari semua pos air dan makanan tertata rapi…
r Para sahabat
sahabat-sahabat donaturku…(Nora Lestari,
Didukung penuh oleh physiotherapy dan portable bed… Arif, Tamma, David, Dewo, Diah, Nando, Ino,
Minuman panas dan dingin tersedia… Davids, Faisal, Hai San, Ian, Asto, Noor, Bang Sitor,
Di CP atau pos besar juga disambut dengan meriah… Niel, Rahmat, Risa, Tania, Thomas, Ko Wie, my
buddy William, mbak Wiwik, Wolfgang, Elite
Cuaca juga sangat mendukung, mendung hingga jam 9 pagi… George, dan semuanya, mohon maaf yg tidak
Perjuangan saya dimulai pada km100… tersebut)
Panas terik hingga 42 derajat celcius... Para sponsor
sponsor-sponsor… (Waskita, Total 8+, AXA,
Kaki mulai terasa berat dan jalan raya padat kendaraan… Sukaoutdoor, Compresport, Outback, Fitbar, Usana
yg menyuplai supplemen selama seminggu penuh,
Tak jarang saya harus melompat ke bahu jalan… 4Life yg luar biasa memberi tanda mata untuk
Untuk menghindari truk2 besar berbelok yang tak tahu diri… semua peserta, Maha Physio yang ada di setiap
Tp saya merasa sangat beruntung dikawal tim mobil SOS… pos istirahat)
Sehingga bisa terus berlari
erlari dengan aman… Teman2 Komunitas (Campur Sari Runner, Burners,
Indorunner, RFI, Gorun, Nusanta Run)
Dengan sabar mobil & Pak Yos mengawal jg dengan sepeda… Dan terlebih
rlebih sangat special kepada pengawal sejati
Mengawal lebih dari 10 jam penuh dengan perlahan... (Pak Yos, Pak Dana, Pak Hadi, Bu Linda, Mr Paco,
Saya pun merasa agak malu untuk berjalan… Mas Miftahul Physio, Biker2, dan semua yg tidak
Pace tetap dipertahankan melaju meski lambat… saya sebut satu persatu)...

Sesampainya lembang saya disambut anak2 SOS… Istriku Patricia dan anak2 tercinta yg membuat
Hampir tengah malam namun menyambut dengan meriah… surprise dat
datang malam di garis finish...
Serasa terbang berlari bersama dengan mereka… Terima kasih semuanya...
Rasa lelah hilang seketika berubah menjadi keceriaan…

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August 23, 2017 · The Story Part 1 - Run To Care 155

Part 1 - Introduction : Me and My Dream

Biasanya saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris… Bahkan sebulan sebelumnya pada tgl 14 Sep 14…
Karena mungkin ada teman luar yg tidak mengerti… Di saat semua orang ikut lomba Bali Marathon…
Kali ini saya menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia… Lomba yg paling elite & prestisius di negeri ini…
Agar anak2 SOS mengerti juga cerita saya… Saya memilih yg gratis dan mencoba melak
Dan mungkin juga untuk cucu2 saya kelak… sendiri…

Nama saya Hendra Siswanto… Yakni trial lari marathon sendiri dgn rute Jakarta
Tidak pernah hobi olahraga apapun sebelumnya… Marathon…
Tidak pernah mendaki gunung atau kegiatan ekstrim lainnya… Dan akhirnya berhasil selesai kurang dari 4 jam…
Hanya dulu semasa SMP sangat suka melakukan skipping atau jump Tanpa saya sadari kedisiplinan dan konsistensi itu…
rope… Membuat saya melebihi dari apa yg saya targetkan…
Jump rope dengan triple swing hasil dari latihan sendiri… Bahkan sebelum lomba marathon itu sendiri…
Mungkin itulahh yg membuat betis saya agak besar...
Hasil dari lomba Jakarta Marathon 2014 malah tidak
Saya mulai lari pertengahan 2013… begitu berarti…
Awal2 saya disuruh olah raga karena kolesterol tinggi... Padahal itu adalah target utama yg saya siapkan
Saya memilih olahraga yg gratis yakni berlari... selama 10 bulan...
Saya mulai lari hanya 30 min saja… Jadi berusahalah terbaik untuk mencapai sesuatu…
Dua kali seminggu selama beberapa bulan penuh…
pen Yg paling berarti adalah usaha dan proses untuk
Tidak pernah terlintas untuk ikut lomba lari... Apapun hasilnya mungkin tidaklah begitu berarti…
Tidak pernah terlintas pula untuk berlari jauh…
Belum pernah juga mendengar lari ratusan km… Catatan waktu, medal, kaos finisher yg didapat…
Sewaktu Jakarta Marathon pertama kali 2013… Mungkin akan membuat bangga bbrp saat saja…
Merasa kesal sekali, beberapa jalan ditutup… Yang dapat membuat kita merasa sudah hebat…
Saya berpikir pelari2 itu sangatlah egois… Sehingga kita berhenti untuk belajar dan maju lebih
Namun setahun sekali ya sudahlah tak apa… jauh...
Jika berte
bertemu orang yg anda kagumi, jangan
Awal 2014 merupakan awal mula saya bermimpi… tanyakan pencapaian terjauh atau tercepat…
Bermimpi untuk lari marathon kurang dari 5 jam… Tanyakan usaha, proses dan pengorbanan untuk
Marathon paling terjangkau adalah Jakarta Marathon 2014… mencapainya…
Saya langsung mendaftar padahal masih Oktober
Oktob 2014...
Dengan hanya berbekal bisa berlari 10km saja… Dari pengalaman inilah memberanikan diri untuk
mencoba tantangan lain…
Dengan tekad dan semangat kuat saya terus berlari… Lebih jauh, keras, lebih sadis, lebih tinggi, dan le
Pekerjaan saya waktu itu yg membutuhkan fokus 24 jam… menantang…
Tidak mengurungkan niat saya berlari… Banyak kegagalan saya alami, justru menjadi
Mulai dari 3x seminggu, rata-rata
rata 8km… pembelajaran yg sangat efektif…
Maka dari itu janganlah berhenti untuk bermimpi dan
Tidur memakai celana
ana dan kaos katun (blum punya dry fit)… berusaha keras utk meraihnya…
Mengorbankan jam tidur, bangun tidur lebih pagi satu jam…
Langsung pakai sepatu, ambil minum dan lari… Tak terasa tepat 3 tahun saya berlari…
Setiap bulan jarak ditambah 20%... Dari sejak target marathon pertama sendiri ssaya itu..
Saya sudah berlari #20 kali Marathon…
Sepuluh bulan berlangsung tak henti2… Hanya #6 perlombaan, selebihnya lari sendiri saja…
Kehidupan monoton yg sangat menyiksa… Selain itu sudah juga #32 kali berlari Ultra...
urang tidur dan mengejar target bulanan… Untuk jarak Ultra 50 - 200 km…
Hanya untuk mimpi lari marathon… Baik di jalan raya ataupun di pegunungan…

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Dengan total 52 kali dalam 3 tahun…
Bisa dibilang rata-rata setiap 3 minggu sekali… Tak ada kompetisi dan tak ada ketergesaan…
Setiap kisahnya didokumentasikan di FB page saya... Belajar mengukur kekuatan sendiri tanpa ada
gangguan luar…
RTC 2017 ini adalah lari saya ke 53…
Sesuatu hal yg sangat spesial… Masih banyak mimpi saya yg lain…
Kali ini saya berlari bukan untuk saya sendiri… Kebanyakan adalah personal project dan bukan
Tapi untuk charity menggalang dana... lomba…
Hasilnya untuk membantu anak2 asuh di SOS… Sabang, Sumatera, Bandung, Situbondo…
Utk menyediakan tempat tinggal dan pendidikan… Sulawesi, NTT, Maluku, sampai ke Papua…
Untuk anak2 Indonesia yg kehilangan pengasuhan orang tua…. Saya bukanlah typical risk taker utk menjelajah
gunung2 tinggi dunia…
Sesuatu hal yg saya impikan sendiri pula dari dulu… Hanya ingin menjelajah dunia ini dengan aman
Berlari dari Jakarta ke Bandung, penasaran brp waktu yg saya memakai anugerah kaki sendiri…
Ini adalah mungkin personal project lari saya yang kedua… Ada juga suatu mimpi yang sangat susah sekali
Utk lari sangat jauh yang bukan merupakan lomba… dicapai...
Setelah lari Bali-Banyuwangi 215km dalam 4 hari bulan lalu… Suatu saat berlari di WSER, OSJ Ontake,
Spartathlon, dan HK4TUC…
Setiap lomba yg saya ikuti selalu terasa berat… Semoga saya masih bisa mencapainya suatu saat
Namun personal project selalu terasa mengalir ringan… nanti...

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August 23, 2017 · The Story Part 2 - Run To Care 155K

Part 2 - The Preparation of Run To Care 155k

Jika anda mengikuti aplikasi lari strava saya… Terutama melihat penurunan energy pelari setiap 50km…
Mungkin akan ada yg bertanya sesuatu hal berbeda… Dan menarik kesimpulan konstan adalah sesuatu yg
Setelah lomba terakhir 2 minggu lalu 100km di Malaysia... mustahil…
Untuk apa saya 2 minggu ini selalu berlari pacing 7 min… Penurunan waktu terkecil adalah waktu 50km pertama
Bahkan pacer andalan kita menyarankan untuk pacing 6 min... paling lambat…

Sesuatu hal yg tidak pernah saya lakukan sebelumnya… Maka saya membuat suatu rencana yang agak
Mungkin hanya ketika lari pemulihan setelah lomba… unik…
Saya melatih zona sangat nyaman mode menghemat energy… Tidak boleh lebih cepat dr 6 jam untuk 50km
Mencoba hal baru yg tidak pernah saya lakukan sebelumnya… pertama…
Untuk itu saya harus menjaga pacing tidak lebih
Karena setiap lari jauh selalu dimulai dengan pace kencang… cepat dr 7min/km…
Dan menurun seiring badan dan kaki melemah… Dan menambah target 2 jam lebih lama untuk 50km
Pandangan saya selama ini adalah berlarilah cepat selagi kuat… berikutnya…
Selebihnya lakukan sebisa mungkin semampunya… Dengan target utama memecahkan waktu breaking
24 jam (6,8,10 jam utk setiap 50km)...
Kali ini pendekatan lebih teoritis dan matematis…
Menurut kalkulasi sederhana, lambat dan konstan akan sama Hasil dari lari ini akan merubah seluruh pandangan
hasilnya… saya…
Dan mungkin malah menghasilkan energy yg paling efisien… Suatu lari yg biasanya dilakukan dengan menggebu2
Persiapan RTC ini saya malah berlari sangat santai… secepat mungkin…
Pace 7 min/km utk 10km setiap 3 hari dalam 2 minggu… Kali ini dilakukan dengan sangat terkontrol dan
Selain itu saya melakukan pengamatan catatan waktu… Saya share juga pengamatan ini ke semua teman2
Event lain di jarak yg hampir sama atau lebih sedikit… pelari...
Di Indonesia tercatat ada 3 event yg kurang lebih sama pada tahun Akan menjadi suatu hal yg menggembirakan jika bisa
ini… melakukannya bersama2…
Di jalan raya dengan jarak 150 - 200km…
Nusantara Run, Lintas Sumbawa dan Kebun Raya Bogor… Selain itu seminggu terakhir kami disupport oleh
Selain itu saya juga teringat pernah ikut 200km di Malaysia… USANA...
Suplemen Vitamin, Mineral dan Q10 utk suplemen
Pasti setiap lintasan mempunyai tantangan masing2… jantung...
Terkadang tidak bisa dibandingkan, hanya bisa jadi acuan... Suplemen diminum tiap hari dengan dosis
Dengan mempertimbangkan suhu dan elevasi lintasan... meningkat...

Suatu tantangan khusus juga untuk event di dalam negeri... Run To Care memang bukanlah suatu lomba lari…
Saya tidak bisa menemukan catatan waktu detail… Namun suatu penggalangan donasi untuk membantu
Hanya berupa berita lokal juara dan total waktunya… anak2 Indonesia…
Melalui wadah SOS Children’s Village yg tersebar di
Maka saya perlu membaca kembali postingan twitter lama… beberapa daerah…
Dan mengira2 waktu tiba dari berita postingan saja… Termasuk Cibubur, Lembang, Bali, Aceh, Semarang
KRB sudah saya cari2, tidak nemu detail waktu breakdownnya... sampai Flores…
Sangat berbeda dengan event di Malaysia yg saya ikuti… Lari hanyalah suatu misi untuk membawa pesan
Hasil catatan waktu lengkap setiap 10 dan 25 km secara akurat… tersebut…
Menggambarkan suatu perjuangan panjang yg
sangat berat…
Pengamatan ini bukan untuk memecahkan rekor apapun…
Tapi untuk menarik suatu dasar acuan untuk membuat plan…

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Maka saya bertekad jugauga lari saya kali ini haruslah tidak mudah… Pengambilan kaos, BIB, dan diukur tekanan darah
Saya sudah pernah berlari 148km dalam waktu 24 jam di Malaysia… lancar…
Namun rute itu adalah looping, menanjak dan menurun sama... Setelah makan malam, kami mendapat briefing dr
Rute kali ini lebih susah, lebih menanjak 1000m dan lebih sedikit RD…
turunan… Hal paling penting yg dia ingatkan adalah
Usaha yg harus us saya berikan kali ini haruslah 2 jam lebih cepat… keselamatan masing2 peserta…
Satu jam untuk 1000m lebih tinggi dan satu jam untuk sisa 7km… Bisa mengukur kekuatan dan batas diri adalah yg
paling utama…
Saya sadar harus mencoba dan berusaha yg terbaik…
Untuk mengejar waktu selesai dalam 24 jam… Setelah itu kami disediakan bed masing2 utk
Terutama setelah 2 minggu lalu sudah berlari di lomba 100km… beristirahat…
Hari sebelum RTC, saya tidur cukup 9 jam… Hal yg paling dibutuhkan yg tidak pernah saya terima
Siang hari nya juga bisa tidur 2 jam… di suatu acara lari jauh sebelumnya…
Tak lupa kami berfoto2 dengan teman dan komunitas
Panitia menyediakan free shuttle dr FX jam 4 sore… …
Disana bertemu teman2 pelari lain yg ikut berbagian… Kemudian kami bersiap2 digaris start dikawal oleh
Sesampainya di tempat start kami disambut hangat oleh Tim SOS… teman2 komunitas Burners dan Campur Sari

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August 24, 2017 · The Story Part 3 Final - Run To Care 155K

Part 3 Final - The Celebration of Joy

Saya tidak membawa makanan apapun, pakai singlet, pouch pinggang Untuk mencapai jadwal, berjalan bukanlah suatu
dgn hp jadul dan bekal uang… pilihan…
Strategi 50km pertama hanya sebotol minum di tangan dan headlamp Meskipun pelan saya tetap berlari di tengah
tanpa vest… kegelapan…
Namun memakai reflective safety vest yg sangat berguna utk
keselamatan diri… Untunglah tanjakan tersebar di sepanjang lintasan…
Tak lupa blinking light di belakang yang sangat vital utk visibility oleh
Ternyata tidak seseram yg dibayangkan dari gambar profile
kendaraan... elevasi…
Dengan mempertahankan pace 8-10 min/km saya mencapai
Acara pelepasan pun sangat meriah dengan drone mengudara… WS4 sesuai jadwal…
Sejak garis start saya sudah bertekad untuk berlari lambat saja… Di WS4 ini saya bertemu dengan Mr. Paco berbincang2
Beberapa saat di depan, selalu mempunyai tendensi ritme cepat… ringan…
Apalagi ada pacer dr Burners yang melangkah dgn form lari yg mantap... Sembari itu saya minta utk stretching oleh physioterapy dan
Akhirnya di belakang teman2 seperjuangan saja yg berlari di pace kompress es…
7min/km… Penawaran makan pagi terpaksa saya tolak krn rencana
Ada yg merasa aneh baru kali ini melihat saya di event lari… makan di CP1 km70….
Hanya 2 pisang dan lanjut lg, mumpung mendung akan
Waktu itu malah berusaha keras utk tidak cepat tp konstan... sangat menguntungkan...
WS1 km15 saya skip, hanya mengambil botol minum saja…
WS2 km25 makan 2 roti dan coke dan kembali melanjutkan berlari pelan Tiba di CP2 km70 disambut meriah oleh panitia sekitar
7 min/km… hampir jam 9…
Tp mungkin kurang lebih rata2 6:50 sampai pada km25 ini... Teman2 relay yg menunggu rekan mereka sampai juga
Tak terasa sudah sampai km30, saya pun menoleh ke belakang… Disini saya berpisah dgn Mas Didit pesepeda Burners dan
Hanya tersisa William my running buddy yg sudah janji mengiringi… mengambil drop bag pertama saya…
Namun janji sekedar janji, dia tertinggal di pace 8 min/km… Yaitu vest yg sudah disiapkan dgn coke dan pocari tinggal
Saya tunggu 5 min di CP1 km34 sembari menyantap popmi dan kopi pakai…
panas… Kegunaan vest saya bisa menyimpan 2 botol utk antisipasi
kondisi panas…
Namun rupanya butuh istirahat lebih... Tidak ada makanan, ada jaket windproof, visor dan
Sehingga saya putuskan dan pamit utk lanjut sendiri… sunblock...
Karena sudah tertinggal dr jadwal yg saya buat karena itu hanya km34…
Total waktu cukup lama 15min menunggu gelang jg… Di CP2 ini saya minta indomie rebus telor dan segelas teh
Perjalanan ke WS3 km51 sangatlah jauh, 17km… Istirahat lebih lama 20min, stretching, tak lupa foto2 juga
Namun kawalan sepeda Mas Didit dr komunitas Burner cukup disana…
menyemangati... Setelah berganti kaos dan memakai vest saya pamit lanjut…
Dengan berbekal 1 botol minum di tangan saja tidak cukup… Tetap memegang sebotol air putih untuk menyiram kepala
Mampir ke warung beli 1 botol fanta dingin… jika panas...
Rasa dingin lebih menyegarkan semangat lari… Dari sini saya memakai visor dan sunblock krn matahari
sudah bersinar terang…
Akhirnya tiba di km51 persis sesuai target 6:07 jam… Perjalanan dr CP2 ini sangat menantang…
Agak kaget juga ternyata rute yg terlihat flat, elevasi gainnya sudah Jalan2 dipadati penuh oleh penduduk yang melihat
800m... karnaval…
Kemudian melanjutkan setelah makan 2 pisang rebus sambil tiduran... Berjalan bebas pun sangat susah karena banyak motor...
Terpaksa zig-zag meloncati motor2 dan trotoar yg padat…
Dari titik inilah saya kemudian bisa lebih bersantai… Disana saya bertemu panitia yg terjebak macet…
Dua jam lebih lama untuk target 50km berikutnya... Ditawari minum, namun saya masih punya 3 botol penuh…
Sepanjang jalan ke WS4 km60 adalah menanjak… Coke, pocari dan air putih untuk menyiram kepala...

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Lepas dari kerumunan saya bisa kembali berlari pelan 8-9min/km… Norak memang, tp harusnya teman2 lain juga tak jauh
Sampai di km80 saya hanya melihat tulisan tanpa ada panitia… berbeda…
Barulah saya sadar kalau panitia yg menjaga pos ini masih terjebak Persis jam 2 siang, saya keluar dari WS7, gain sudah
macet tadi… 1800m...
Namun di sekitar banyak warung, saya beli 2 biskuit, 1 aqua, dan 1
coke… Dari point ini lah saya dikawal mobil Pak Dana dan tetap pak
Jadi WS5 km80 saya skip, makan biskuit di jalan sembari minum coke… Yos dgn sepedanya…
Merekalah yg bersiap di setiap WS berikutnya…
Matahari naik mulai menyengat, biskuit ini pun serasa kurang nendang… Kawalan ini sangat baik melebihi harapan saya sebagai
Merasa agak lapar mulai km86 berjalan mencari2 warung nasi utk pelari…
makan siang tp tidak ada... Dengan jalan besar yang padat truk, kawalan dr belakang
Akhirnya ketemu warung nasi di km88, mampir untuk singgah makan… sangatlah membantu…
Makan nasi putih, sayur bening dan telor pun dilahap cepat dalam
5min… Namun sebenarnya juga akan membebani pelari…
Setelah bayar dan minum teh hangat, saya melanjutkan jalan dulu bbrp Semua gerak-gerik akan terpantau jelas dr layar mobil…
saat… Kebanyakan jalan daripada lari pun akan terlihat jelas…
Sering saya menyempatkan jalan jika tidak ada mobil ini di
Akhirnya sampai di WS6 km90 dgn perut masih kenyang… belakang…
Di km ini saya hanya minta kompress es di kaki... Begitu ada, saya pun kembali berlari pelan2 saja pace 9-
WS6 ini sangatlah spesial… 10min/km…
Disana ada profesional fotografer yg sudah mempunyai persiapan
matang… Dari km100 ini pun target saya menjadi lebih santai lagi…
Dengan gaya yg tak kalah menarik, dia pun membidik bbrp gambar… Sepuluh jam untuk 55km terakhir, cukup hanya menempuh
Untuk memuaskan hasratnya, maka saya pun rewind ulang lari minta 6km/jam…
difoto… Perjalanan ke CP3 km 110 sangat lama hampir 2 jam…
Kembali berlari dr belakang menuju ke angle yg dia mau dan Lama karena kebanyakan gaya selfie, beli es krim dan foto2
melanjutkan perjalanan lagi… di waduk…

Perjalanan ke WS7 km100 adalah yg paling menarik… Sampai di CP3 km110, saya makan roti dan biskuit tiap
Melewati tempat wisata waduk Cirata yg sangat memukau… 5km…
Beberapa tempat saya berhenti untuk mengabadikan gambar… Mulai dr titik ini pula, selalu minta stretching dan kompres
Di perjalanan ini lah saya bertemu dengan Pak Yos mengawal dg es…
sepeda… Mas Miftah physiotherapy yg handal selalu menjadi
Dia menyemangati dan berkata saya sudah hampir lari 100km spt robot andalan…
tanpa henti… Saya kembali melanjutkan lari lebih semangat karena
Memang mungkin otak saya tinggal di tempat race, hanya perlu tertinggal 20min dr jadwal…
melangkah lari tanpa berpikir...
Melihat es buah di km115, saya pun tergoda utk pesan 1
Sampai di WS7 km100, sambutan panitia sangat meriah… porsi...
Rupanya mereka heboh karena saya datang terlalu dini… Segarnya es buah makin membuat semangat terus
Mestinya tidak seheboh ini krn di kedatangan setiap WS saya selalu sms bergerak...
Mas Adhit panitia utk memberi kabar... Tak lupa selfie dan melanjutkan perjalanan lagi...
WS7 ini ternyata ditujukan menyambut pelari untuk bersantap malam
bukan makan siang… WS8 km122 lebih jauh 2km dr perkiraan…
Saya sempatkan makan nasi timbel disini meski tidak bisa banyak Namun disini saya kembali ke jadwal perlahan2…
seperempat piring saja… Tak lupa stretching dan kompres es lagi, dan meminta roti
Teh hangat sangat membantu saya untuk mencerna nasi yg tanpa dan kopi panas
kuah… Namun kopi panas mungkin belum siap, dengan candaan
nanti akan diantar…
Mulai disini saya mengambil drop bag saya yg kedua…
Karena ternyata drop bag kedua saya mereka bawa di mobil... Setelah keluar dr WS8, hari mulai gelap dan rasa ngantuk
pun tiba…
Blinking light, headlamp dan hp smartphone… Headlamp yang sudah dipersiapkan, dipakai dan blinking
Dari sinilah saya tau perjalanan yg paling berat, 55km terakhir… light dinyalakan…
Namun berkat smartphone, saya jadi semangat dan update status… Di saat rasa ngantuk menyambar, datang penyelamat biker
dgn sebotol kopi panas…

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Memang support mereka tidak diragukan lagi kehandalannya… Di 200 m terakhir memacu kecepatan lebih bersama
Perjalanan ke WS9 km130 lebih singkat 2km… Sangat riuh dengan gendang dan teriakan suka cita…
Kopi panas td menjadi penyemangatku selama perjalanan… Akhirnya saya berhasil mencapai finish dalam 23 jam 36
Tetap berlari diselingi berjalan di jalur menanjak… min…
Entah apa yg membuatku tetap berlari menanjak… Menembus batas 24 jam seperti yg diharapkan meski
Mungkin banyak tatapan mata penyemangat dari belakang… dengan gain elevasi di luar perkiraan 3,600 m…

Aku sudah lari lebih jauh 200km pada akhir Feb 2017 lalu... Hasil dari event ini telah merubah seluruh konsep saya
Namun aku hanya berlari sekitar 130km saja waktu itu… tentang lari jauh...
Sisanya 70km hanyalah jalan kaki biasa terseok-seok karena blister… Tentang bagaimana berlari dengan pelan tetapi stabil…
Tak kuat berlari lagi meskipun di turunan yang landai…. Hampir tidak pernah berlari dengan pace lebih cepat dr
Tiba di WS9 km130 saya disambut tim Fotografer Ultra lagi… Membutuhkan fokus dengan rencana terukur dan konsistensi
Disuguhi popmi, kopi panas dan jamu tolak angin… waktu…
Ramuan ini sudah dijamin ampuh oleh Ultra Fotografer ini… Pada dasarnya rata2 berlari 6 jam untuk tiap jarak marathon
Terbukti khasiatnya tidak terasa lapar dan kembali punya energi lagi… 4x secara konstan saja…
Tak lepas pula dari maha karya stretching dan kompres es dr Mas Miftah
Physio… Dan penting juga dukungan dari orang-orang di sekeliling
Dari sini perjalanan terus menanjak… Jika berpapasan dengan orang2 dan anak2, sapalah dengan
Terutama dr km135 sampai km142 WS10… tangan dan senyuman…
7km ini ditempuh hanya dengan berjalan kaki cepat saja… Maka mereka akan tersenyum balik dan memberikan energi
Satu jam hanya menempuh kurang dari 5 km… yg positif…
Namun udara dingin membuatku berjalan cepat… Menambah semangatmu untuk terus berlari mengurangi rasa
Untuk memaksa dan menaikkan suhu tubuh… lelah...
Dan memacu pace 12-14 min/km agar tidak terlalu lambat…
Suatu event yg bukan sekedar dengan lari tp dengan hati…
Akhirnya sampai juga di WS terakhir km142… Seperti yang kak Linda sampaikan kepada kita...
Udara terasa dingin menusuk, akhirnya memakai jaket… Semoga ini mengajarkan sesuatu hal yang baik untuk
Di sini saya sadar sudah terlambat 30min dr jadwal… semua…
Jadi saya singgah 5min saja utk minta 2 roti dan teh hangat… Untuk terus gigih dan berjuang mewujudkan hal-hal yg baik
Roti dicelupkan teh hangat pun langsung tertelan semua... dalam hidup….
Setelah itu kembali lanjut untuk 13km tersisa 2 jam saja…
Kenangan yang akan menjadi momen yang terindah…
Di sisa akhir inilah saya teruskan untuk tetap berlari… Bukan karena saya sendirian bisa mencapai ini…
Kembali berjalan hanya di tanjakan terjal… Namun karena dukungan dan senyum kalian semua…
Menembus dingin dan berpacu dengan waktu… Yang membuat saya terus berlari tanpa berpikir banyak…
Badan kembali menjadi panas karena berlapis jaket… Hanya sekedar ingin ikut merasakan sedikit perjuangan utk
anak2 tercinta…
Makin bersemangat setelah sampai dusun bambu km146...
Pertanda semakin dekat dengan km150… Kehebatan seseorang itu diukur dari...
Sepanjang jalan terus berlari pace 7-8 km/min… Bukan dari berapa banyak materi yg bisa dia dapat,
Waktu itu mencapai km150 dalam waktu 22:55 min… melainkan seberapa banyak hati yg dia beri…
Di event ini saya bertemu dengan banyak orang-orang hebat
Namun sudah 3km terlewati sampai pada km153… dari SOS Children’s Village...
Tak juga melihat pertigaan lembang… Saya tentunya belum termasuk, hanya mencoba menjadi
Malah menanjak lagi 100m ke atas… lebih baik saja dari sebelumnya….
Kelok2 di lembang itu terasa sangat lama sekali…
Semoga selalu ada jalan utk mereka yg selalu berjuang demi
Pada akhirnya 1km terakhir km154 bertemu dengan anak2 SOS… masa depan tanpa henti…
Hampir tengah malam namun mereka tetap menyambut meriah…
Serasa terbang berlari bersama-sama dengan mereka… Terima kasih semuanya…
Rasa lelah dan letih hilang seketika berubah menjadi keceriaan… See you on my next journey and adventure...

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September 2, 2017 · ULTRA#35 Mt. Salak Ultra 52K

Mt. Salak Ultra 52K - 17.5 hrs

We never been to this mountain before...

The well known mystical mountain nearest to Bogor...
It seem pretty low mountain from the elevation only 2200masl...

Apparently one of the most technical mountain I have ever encountered...

Slippery stones with muddy flowing water is not really a good combination...
Wide open limestone hills with roaring hot geothermal crater...
Easily get lost with no sign nor clear path in many places...
Got lost uncounted many-many times, saved by gps tracking...

We planned a Looping through asphalt to the North...

But we were told there were a closer way going back via Cidahu...
Apparently we were forced to going back to the mystical crater...
Through the dark night and very difficult orientation...

Slowly but sure finally we walked through it by patience...

In the end, we were happily trails through 3 routes of this mountain...
This trails taught us stronger mentality and greater patience...
I missed Mt. Gede so much after all of this trails...

(Pasir Reungit-Kawah Ratu-Puncak Salak1-Cimelati-Asphalt Road-Cidahu-Kawah Ratu-Pasir-Reungit)

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September 17, 2017 · Ultra#36 The Most Beautiful Thing 100K

he Most Beautiful Thing 100K at 23th place in 19:13hrs


My Finale on UTRM 2017 (Ultra Tour Running du Malaysia)...

Total nicely
nicely done of 565km in 105 hrs about 5.5 km/hrs :
1. Titi 250km in Feb 2017 at 37hrs (200km only)...
2. Penang Eco 165km in May 2017 in 36hrs at 6th position...
3. TMMT 100km in Aug 2017 in 13hrs at 5th position...
4. TMBT 100km in Sep 2017 in 19hrs at 23rd position...

The trail was unexpectedly hard...

Tough course through slippery rock and muddy soil...
Many river crossing and hanging bridge...
Downpour a bit about half an hour...
But the weather mostly nice cloudy...

I learnt a lot of wet track through out Malaysia ttrails...

A regular track can be damn hard under such condition...
Plus a wet shoe entire course of blistering feet...
Using a refurbish stitched shoe was hurting like hell...

As usual I keep it relax to enjoy the view...

But keep pacing right for 20 hrs...
Not too slow but not too fast either...
Just right for training upcoming 100 miles...
Pushing hard for final 50km to beat 20 hrs...

This is the most competitive trails in the country...

Apparently sub 20hrs was not enough to be top ten...
One weird stuff
stuff is 5km route with car transfer in the middle...
They change the route due to landslide...
But somehow a real comfort to take rest in car for a while...

Really appreciate all the comittee effort to ensure our safety...

Great organizer with really good marking,
marking, and huge crowd of entire village...
One that I could not forget is really good mushroom soup and chicken cashew rice...

This is one of the tough races in a very competitive field...

Especially for the one who always want to see the gap and learn from the experts...

Congratz to Noor Hendratno...

Tackled whole new level TMBT from TMMT was not easy at all...
Congratz to William Lesmana...
Shaving from 27 hrs in Penang Eco to 24 hrs in TMBT...
Should be tackled MCU & BTS with no sweat... :)

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tember 17,
17 2017 · The Story : The Most Beautiful Thing 100K

The Most Beautiful Thing 100K at 23th place in 19:13hrs

Arrive to the start line with the bus...

Three truck container line
li up taking the drop bag...
Very long queue to enter the race central as separated with hanging bridge...
Time showing 6:00am but we still in queue rushing into the start line...
Good thing the start delayed 20min to accomodate the queue...
A classic start
start two bamboo and a banner with crowded 334 starter...

I started fast this time hoping to break the wave...

Avoid the queue at the first hanging bridge after WS1...
Not really a relaxed pace since the first WS1 at km5 was uphill asphalt road...
A decent pace 7 min was really a struggle at uphill...
From WS1 to WS2 at km12 was technical downhill keep an easy pace...
Eat two banana at each of those WS1 and 2...

WS3 at km 22 was through a lot of hanging bridge...

This WS3 provide very good mushroom soup, eat two bowl with biscuit and hot coffee...
WS4 at km29 was a tough climb, eat cup noodle at this station...
Finally arrive at the shuttle waiting to transfer about 5km...
This shuttle transfer due to some collapse route to ensure safety...
Relaxed enjoy of 8 min ride with eat, drink and rest...
Grab some biscuit at WS5 at km 38 and continue to asphalt road...

WS6 at km51 was a roller coaster mostly asphalt road...

At drop bag point km51 rain pouring hard, change shirt and waterproof jacket...
Eat lunch rice with
with cashew chicken and veggie soup with macaroni...
Fill one of my bottle with 100 plus from this point as this is the only point with isotonic...
At this point everything took 20min and after that I gain about full one hour ahead of my plan...
There were some villager selling isotonic drink and food as an option but I keep headed to WS...
Luckily the rain only half an hour and stop, weather was nice and cloudy...

Continue to WS7 at km62 across villager's house also took cup noodle with some biscuit...
her asphalt road uphill made me only walk slowly as light faded away...
Arrive at WS8 at km 68 grab some potato chips with 3 bowl of mushroom soup...
Out of WS8 was shivering cold, use waterproof jacket from this point...
Climb to Mesilau Peak CP1 with slowly
slowly walk uphill muddy soil at the cabbage field...
That were the slowest time as 3 km took one hour and few minutes...
Back to the same WS8, now become WS9 at km75, took some biscuit dip into mushroom soup and
eat along the way...

Downhill to WS10 seem pretty

pretty easy at first asphalt road...
But the asphalt quickly faded away after 2 km and change to gravel road...
Then a very long 3 km technical downhill then arrive at WS10 at km83...
At this WS10, my pacing faded away only 30min ahead of my plan...

Rushing away
way grab some biscuit and fill water to WS11 at km88 on hilly asphalt road...
At last WS11 grab two full rounded bread and keep moving on...
I know the last section was so long 12km, so I have to eat those two bread completely...
In this last section I combine
combine walking with running back and forth...

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Really a long section, one full hour only get 4-5 km, feel very quite night...
But I know soon this fight will be over, keep focusing and heading to finish line...
Running strong towards finishing line at 1:33am...
Finishing 19hrs 5min about one hour ahead of my plan...

This race is quite the same as Run To Care 155km previously...

Showing that a good planning can help to achieve your goals...
The most important is not the plan with some crunching numbers...
But that is knowing your body really well under varied steepness...
And make a good achievable plan and not the aggressive one...

For now this is my record 100km with 5000m gain at 19hrs...

Previously Feb 2015 UTHK 93km at 20:11 hrs extended would be 22hrs...
The most recent one Nov 2016 DNF-BTS170 at 100km about 23hrs...
I realized this is still not good enough to attempt HK4TUC as the next year onwards
should be under 18 hrs...

After race headed to trail walk 20km below Timpohon Gate...

Also visiting 4km long to Langganan Waterfall a very high 120m Majestic Waterfall...
I feel ready headed back to Mt. Merbabu that actually my first Ultra in 2014...
See you there in the starting line...

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Closing Word
I have been running for 4 years and ULTRA for 3 years...
Almost once a month in average of 74 km/run...
Sometime twice a month at the peak...

What you see here just merely a fraction...

Of the whole adventure and excitement...
Journey with my own foot of 2,743 km...

The first two years has been a full ambition...

Chasing a Qualifier for UTMB in 3 races...
Failed miserably with no point at all in 2016...

Now after a complete 3 years...

I got the whole point for UTMB race...
A dream race and world summit for many...

But apparently after all of those does not make me happy...

I picturing myself much more happier with 4 Ultra Tour Malaysia ...
Four series of Ultra race that will be half cheaper than one...

Still not sure going forward with UTMB Lottery or Not...

But surely I will be much more happier to complete these...
My dream never ending adventures of BTS170 and GP100...

Those more prestigious races, at least in my mind...

Hopefully next edition will be less races...
And enjoy more story, adventure and much more photos...
Race Distance Total Finish DNF Remark on DNF
Training 711 13 13 0 100% Average 54 km/Run
~ 50 km 520 10 8 2 80% GP50 & Merapi Goat Run
~ 100 km 755 9 5 4 56% BTS100, 2x GP100, Rinjani100
~ 160 km 557 4 2 2 50% 2x BTS170
~ 200 km 200 1 1 0 100% Downgrade from Titi 250 km
Total 2,743 37 29 8 78% 3 Years - Avg of 74 km/Run

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