VTS - The Complete Venom Training System Program - Muscle & Strength

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VTS - The Complete Venom Training

System Program

Unleash your inner beast and reach your bodybuilding goals

with this unique and comprehensive five day muscle building
split workout from Maurice Bright.

Workout Summary

Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Split

Training Level Intermediate

Program Duration 10 weeks

Days Per Week 5

Time Per Workout 60-75 minutes

Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ

Bar, Machines, Other

Target Gender Male & Female

Recommended Supplements Creatine, Whey Protein, Casein Protein,

Author Maurice Bright

Workout PDF Download Workout

Workout Description
About a year ago I came up with the Venom Training System. Now I want to present to
you a complete program based entirely around its principles.

From head to toe and bicep to calves, we’re going to cover every body part. I am going
to present to you detailed training sessions and protocols to follow. You will grit your
teeth, feel pain and probably curse at me while lifting, but this program will induce
muscle growth, contribute to strength gains and improve your conditioning in only 10
week’s time.

Get it? Got it? Good! Let’s begin…

The Venom Training Program

Monday - Arms
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Back & Abs
Thursday - Chest & Shoulders
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Active Rest
Sunday - Rest


Exercise Sets Reps

Stretch (optional)

TRX warm-up (optional)

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls [giant

exercise]. Heavy weight will be used for these sets; 3 10, 8, 5
add 5lbs for last set.

Standing Dumbbell Curls (at the same time) [giant

exercise]. Heavy weight will be used for these sets; 3 10, 8, 3
add 5lbs for last set.

Barbell Preacher Curls [mini exercise]. Neither

heavy or light weight will be used for these sets,
1, 2 20, 15
simply a challenging amount. Add 10lbs for last 2

Hammer Cable Curls w/ Rope Attachment [mini

exercise]. Semi-heavy weight will be used for these 1, 2 12, 10
sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Single Arm Machine Bicep Curls [mini

exercise]. Semi-heavy weight will be used for these 1, 2 12, 10
sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Reverse Straight Bar Curls [mini exercise]. A

challenging amount of weight will be used for 1, 2 25, 20
these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Reverse Single Arm Dumbbell Curls on preacher

pad [mini exercise]. Light weight will be used for 3 25, 20, 15
these sets.

Lying Tricep Extensions [giant exercise]. Semi-

heavy weight will be used for these sets; add 5lbs 1, 2 12, 10
for last 2 sets.

Single Arm Seated Tricep Extensions [mini

exercise]. Light weight will be used for these sets; 1, 2 25, 20
add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Single Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks [giant exercise]. 1, 2 15, 12

A challenging amount of weight will be used for
these sets.

Diamond Pushups [mini exercise] 1, 2 35, 30

Warm down and stretch

Rest for about 3 minutes after completing 1 giant exercise before going on to the
next giant exercise. In the case of moving from 1 giant exercise to 1 mini exercise,
rest for 2 minutes.
Rest for about 1 minute 30 seconds after completing 1 mini exercise before going
on to the next mini exercise. In the case of moving from 1 mini exercise to 1 giant
exercise, rest for 2 minutes.
Arm day giant in-between sets rest periods: Maximum 2 minutes 30 seconds,
Minimum 1 minute ~.
Arm day mini in-between sets rest periods: Maximum 1 minute, Minimum 30
seconds ~.

A giant exercise is an exercise that is required for the program. These exercises are the glue
that holds this entire 10 week plan together.



Exercise Sets Reps

Stretch (optional)
TRX warm-up (optional)

Barbell warm-up (required)

Back Squats [giant exercise]. 1 set of 7 reps (75%

of your max), 1 set of 7 reps (80% of your max), 1
4 7, 7, 5, 3
set of 5 reps (85% of your max), 1 set of 3 reps
(90% of your max) / Narrow stance.

Squats: 1 set of 15 reps (Divide 90% of your max

by 2 and add 7lbs, round if need to), 1 set of 12
reps (Add 15lbs from previous set), 1 set of 11 4 15, 12, 11, 10
reps (Add 10lbs from previous set), 1 set of 10
reps (Add 15lbs from previous set).

Angled Leg Press (narrow stance) [giant exercise].

A challenging amount of weight will be used for 3 15, 12, 10
these sets.

Single Leg Press [mini exercise]. A challenging

1, 2 12, 10
amount of weight will be used for these sets.

Quad Curls (or leg extensions to some) [giant

exercise]. A challenging amount of weight will be 1, 2 20, 15
used for these sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Hamstring Curls [mini exercise]. Light weight will

1, 2 25, 20
be used for these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Single Standing Leg Hamstring Curls [mini

exercise]. A challenging amount of weight will be 1, 2 15, 12
used for these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Calf Raises superset with Bodyweight Calf Raises

[mini exercise]. A challenging amount of weight 1, 2 35, 30
will be used for these sets.

Calf Raises on leg press machine [mini exercise].

A challenging amount of weight will be used for 1, 2 25, 20
these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Rest for about 4 minutes after completing 1 giant exercise before going on to the
next giant exercise. In the case of moving from 1 giant exercise to 1 mini exercise,
rest for 3 minutes.
Rest for about 2 minutes after completing 1 mini exercise before going on to the
next mini exercise. In the case of moving from 1 mini exercise to 1 giant exercise,
rest for 3 minutes.
Leg day giant in-between sets rest periods: Maximum 3 minutes 30 seconds,
Minimum 2 minutes 30 seconds ~.
Leg day mini in-between sets rest periods: Maximum 1 minute 30 seconds,
Minimum 1 minute ~.

Scientifically, an individual builds muscle when consuming at least 1g of protein per lb of

bodyweight (amongst a caloric surplus) coupled with intense training.


Back & Abs

Exercise Sets Reps

Stretch (optional)

TRX warm-up (optional)

Barbell warm-up (required)

Rack Pulls or Deadlifts (personal preference)

[giant exercise]. 1 set of 7 reps (75% of your max),
1 set of 7 reps (80% of your max), 1 set of 5 reps
7, 7, 5, 3, 45,
(85% of your max), 1 set of 3 reps (90% of your 8
max), 1 set of 45 reps (30% of your max), 1 set of
35 reps (35% of your max), 1 set of 25 reps (40%
of your max), 1 set of 15 reps (45% of your max).
One Arm Dumbbell Row [giant exercise]. Semi- 1, 2 12, 10
heavy weight will be used for these sets; add 10lbs
for last 2 sets.

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns [mini exercise]. Heavy

weight will be used for these sets; add 10lbs for 1, 2 10, 8
last 2 sets.

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns [mini exercise]. Semi-

heavy weight will be used for these sets; add 10lbs 1, 2 12, 10
for last 2 sets.

Seated Cable Rows [giant exercise]. Semi-heavy

weight will be used for these sets; add 10lbs for 1, 2 15, 12
last 2 sets.

Seated Cable Rows w/ Lat Pulldown attachment

[mini exercise]. Semi-heavy weight will be used for 1, 2 12, 10
these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

Freestyle for abs. This means the ab routine that follows your back regimen will be
completely up to you to manifest. At least 4 exercises are required to be done.

Warm down and stretch

The resting guidelines for the back routine are the exact same guidelines mapped
out for leg day.
As for abs, maximum resting in-between sets are 1 minute and minimum is 30
seconds; rest for 1 minute 30 seconds max when going from 1 exercise to another.

Chest & Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps

Stretch (optional)

TRX warm-up (optional)

Barbell warm-up (required)

Barbell Bench Press or Dumbbell Bench Press

(personal preference) [giant exercise]. 1 set of 7
reps (75% of your max), 1 set of 7 reps (80% of
your max), 1 set of 5 reps (85% of your max), 1 set 7, 7, 5, 3, 45,
of 3 reps (90% of your max), 1 set of 45 reps (30% 35, 25, 15
of your max), 1 set of 35 reps (35% of your max), 1
set of 25 reps (40% of your max), 1 set of 15 reps
(45% of your max).

Incline Barbell Bench Press or Incline Dumbbell

Bench Press (personal preference) [giant
1, 2 25, 20
exercise]. A challenging amount of weight will be
used for these sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Chest Press Machine (2 diff. grips used per set, 1, 2 12, 10

overhand top grip then neutral middle grip) [mini
exercise]. A challenging amount of weight will be
used for these sets; add 10lbs for last 2 sets.

One Arm Chest Flies on either machine or using

dumbbell on an incline (personal preference) [mini
1, 2 20, 15
exercise]. A challenging amount of weight will be
used for these sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Diamond Pushups [mini exercise] 1, 2 40, 35

Single Arm Seated Overhead Dumbbell Presses

[mini exercise]. A challenging amount of weight 1, 2 12, 10
will be used for these sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Standing Alternating Front Dumbbell Raises [mini

exercise]. Semi-light weight will be used for these 1, 2 15, 12
sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises [mini exercise]. A

challenging amount of weight will be used for 1, 2 15, 12
these sets; add 5lbs for last 2 sets.

Dumbbell T Raises [mini exercise]. Semi-light

weight will be used for these sets; add 5lbs for last 1, 2 20, 15
2 sets.

Cable Side Lateral Raises [mini exercise]. A

challenging amount of weight will be used for 1, 2 15, 12
these sets.

Cable Rotator Cuff Pulls [mini exercise]. Light

1, 2 15, 12
weight will be used for these sets.

Dumbbell Shrugs [mini exercise]. Heavy weight

1, 2 35, 30
will be used for these sets.

Warm down and stretch

The resting guidelines for this routine will be the exact same guidelines mapped
out for leg day.



Exercise Sets Reps

Repeat Monday's workout.

Active Rest

Exercise Sets Reps

Stretch (optional)

Freestyle for abs

Long walk / jog / hike / swimming laps and/or etc.

Warm down stretch (optional)

Key Notes
Mini exercise - An exercise that can be
interchanged after 5 weeks, meaning you can
replace them with an exercise of your choosing
once you’ve hit the midway point of the program.
These exercises typically burn fewer calories for
energy than the giant exercises and are merely
accessories in the routines.

Giant exercise - An exercise that is required for

the program. These exercises are the glue that
holds this entire 10 week plan together and will
prove to deliver the best gains.

Adding weight - Every 2 weeks in the program

(5 times total), you will be adding 5lbs to your
overall max number. This will force the
accumulative amount of weight you squat, rack
pull/deadlift and bench press to increase as you
progress in the program.

If you’re not instructed to add weight for a set then do NOT add any weight, gracias.

Free weight exercises - Are ALWAYS to be performed first in their respective

routines; this is due to obvious safety reasons.

Forearms and calves - Have no giant exercises so free weights can be done last. This
is the only exception.

Rest periods - Your rest periods will begin officially either when the new weight is
applied, or when you’ve completed a set and aren’t adjusting the weight or your training
station has been cleaned (which is encouraged by the way).
A stopwatch in some way, shape or form is required for this program in order to get spot
on recordings of rest times.

Nutrition - I’m going to be honest here, there is no specific nutrition plan that comes
with this program. I'm going to merely make suggestions in hopes of being some service
to you guys in this department.

Scientifically, an individual builds muscle when consuming at least 1g of protein per lb of

bodyweight (amongst a caloric surplus) coupled with intense training. Therefore I’d
suggest utilizing this awesome little gem of info.

Also, given the volume of the program I’d also propose you undergo these 10 weeks
while on a caloric surplus so you’re putting enough cals in your body for both energy
and optimal growth. The program CAN be used on a caloric deficit nutritional plan (aka
a cut or when shredding) but it will prove to be a lot tougher and require an abundance
of protein and BCAAs to maximize results.

Supplements are cool and all but they are not required. Stick to food initially and sprinkle
supplement use here and there if you prefer their company.

I’ve given you yet another blueprint folks…you now have 10 weeks to go from timid
Timmy to awesome Arnold. See you on the other side!

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Tom Hardy Inspired Workout: Train Like Phase 2 of the Complete Beginner's Phase 3 of the Complete Beginner’s
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About The Author

Maurice Bright
It is my goal to inform, educate, motivate, and inspire. I am dedicated to
providing you with quality workout videos, health articles, and workouts
hitting all body parts.
View all by Maurice Bright »

18 Comments + Post Comment

Posted Sun, 11/06/2016 - 01:45 LIKE 3

Required barbell warm-ups offer zero explanation. Describe them per muscle group

Posted Fri, 05/06/2016 - 01:37 LIKE 7
Hi There i used to do this workout about a year ago had great results but after getting married
i got a bit lazy started eating real bad stuff so i packed on a lot of weight now i'm trying to get
back into it but i don't see any results in fact i'm gaining weight and my body fat percentage is
going up and muscle down is that even possible because i am busting my ass over here!!!
Could it be that the electronic scale that i'm using is inacurate with bodyfat % and muscle
mass? Becuase I,m on the 28 days to lean meal plan can anybody give me advice


Posted Tue, 12/08/2015 - 14:31 LIKE 8

I'm starting this program the next week, but I have a doubt: in many excercises it says add
5lbs for the last 2 series, when it consists in just 2 sets for that excersise. How should it be
done? Have I missunderstood something? Thanks for the answer


Posted Sun, 08/09/2015 - 07:02 LIKE 6

What's the difference between back squats and squats in leg day?


Posted Mon, 08/10/2015 - 10:23 LIKE 7

They're the same, one just incorporates a giant set.


Posted Wed, 03/04/2015 - 14:15 LIKE 12

I see many bicep workouts (7) and only 4 for triceps. Triceps are the biggest most important
muscles in you arm, is there any explanation for this imbalance?


Posted Tue, 01/20/2015 - 23:35 LIKE 12

Since max percentages are such a big part of the big lifts (Bench, squat, and deadlift) how
often should I be maxing out during the 10 weeks?


Posted Wed, 01/14/2015 - 12:03 LIKE 10

Great System. However I have a question. I did not understand the exercise Seated Cable
Rows w/ Lat Pulldown attachment. Is there any picture or video about it ?


Posted Wed, 01/28/2015 - 20:34 LIKE 9

is Seated Cable Rows but with the pull down bar that looks like the pull up bar


Posted Thu, 01/08/2015 - 09:45 LIKE 13

Hey, I'm 17 years old and I want to start this program next week on Monday, so I was
wondering if I would need to watch what I'm going to eat while starting this program? If that's
the case can you please tell me what I won't be able to eat and what I'm allowed to eat. Can
you please email me if that's possible with you. Thank you for the help :)


Posted Tue, 03/03/2015 - 20:42 LIKE 8

Mesam Haider
Hey, Just calculate your macros according to your goals. This program is generally for
strength gain so you wanna keep your proteins levels up. You can calculate your
macros online.


Posted Mon, 11/24/2014 - 18:45 LIKE 20

I've just finished day two of this. Arms was tough, and has me sore. Legs? The name Venom is
very appropriate. I get the feeling that this is going to be tough but rewarding.

Posted Sun, 11/30/2014 - 22:08 LIKE 16
I finished my first week following VTS, had my rest today and am back at it tomorrow.
It's harsh, and I'm aching EVERYWHERE! but in a really good way. I don't remember
ever being so up for a training session as I am for tomorrow's. I really wanted it to be
tomorrow today. That cab=n only be a good thing.


Posted Thu, 11/20/2014 - 08:10 LIKE 18

tony booker
I've noticed it says on the faint exercises last two sets add 10 pounds how many sets r there to


Posted Tue, 11/04/2014 - 15:59 LIKE 29

What's the difference between back squats and sqauts?


Posted Mon, 11/03/2014 - 09:55 LIKE 15

Will this also burn fat?


Posted Thu, 10/30/2014 - 08:53 LIKE 24

45 rep sets of deadlift you say?.... That sounds like a sensible approach to powerlifting.
"Scientifically, an individual builds muscle when consuming at least 1g of protein per lb of
bodyweight" would love to see the source for that.


Posted Wed, 02/07/2018 - 21:15 LIKE 1

Spank me santa
Lol you sound a bit salty. Idk about the scientific part but Arnold Schwarzenegger has
said that protein thing in multiple interviews

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