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Nl'lk f O IC ( l f f

HOUSING TEL (212) 306-3000 • http lfnyc gov/nycha



July 17. 2019

!"vis. i'vlarjorie Landa

Deputy Comptroller !Or 1\udit
N YC Ortice ol"thc Comptro ller
One Centre Street. Room 1100
New York. NY I 0007

Dear Ms. I.anda:

Thi s leuc r is in response to your July 2m1lcller which 1m)\'idcd the dra rt Audit Report on the New York
City I lous ing /\ uthorit:"s Pre\'l..'ntati\ e tvlaintcnancc and Repair on the Roors Under Warran ty -
H SE I 8-059A.

NYC ! It\ is co lllmitted Lo prm·iding sak. ckan. and c1m11ected communities for c\·er: one " ·ho li, es in
public housi ng.

\\ "hilc NYC l Ii \ agrees with most ol"t he audi t rccomlllendat ions. it s hould be noted that rI
en harn.:e111cnts. 11C\\ project management system and electronic docurm:nt storage wen.: initiati,·es that
were already underway. and NYC I 11\ manage ment was a\\·are orsome gaps in on:rsight.

We have inc luded the l\YC I l. response on the follo\\'ing pages. "hich 1mwides our responses to each

rec<'mmendat ion.

A udit R eco mm enda t io n No. I

NYC l 11\ shou ld perform adequate inspet.:tions. pre\enti\e 111ai11tenan1.:e. and repair~ in a ti1rn:I: manner
to ensure that its rnnrs arc protected b: the manuli1<:turers' \\arTant: c<wcrage and can be kept in sen ice
throughout their L':\peeted usef'ul lik.

:"i\'CI IA R espon se:

\YCI I.'\ \\ill migratL' \\arrant: dat;1 to the i\la:\imo s:stcm. ~la:\inw ''ill autolllati<:all: genL'rate r\loftop
inspi..:i..:tions (both 11w1Hhl: and semi-annual) for all roofs under \\arrant:. Fm an: delit.:iencies l(H111d .
.\la:\inw ''ill genl'rate the apprnpriat1: C\'ITCt.:ti\e maintenancl' \\or!- order .. \ \\atTant: chi:i..:k !lag \\ill
also he displayed •Hating that thL' rnor is under \\arrant: so that staff" ill he prompted to fol lo\\ the
pr0<.:edtrrL' for J"\l(lfs umkr ,,,1rrant;.. Llcctrnnic illlages t1f ,,arra11tie~ "ill be made ;l\ailablc w
de,elopment staff. ·\II roof'\\arrallt) data \\ill C\cntuall: he stored in i\la\imo. \JYCll :\ plans tu h<l\L'
all rlHlf \\arrant: r11nt.:liPllalit: de-,LTibed ill thi s paragraph ill prndt1L"tion h: lkl"L'lllhl'r 201 ()
Page 2 of 8

Proper!~ i'v lanagemenl staff \\'i ll inspect and clear rnor drains on a 1110111hly basis anti after alt rainlsm1\\
falls or 1110re than 1 inch or precipi1a1ion. Staff\\ ill \\Ork to sc hedule Pre\ entati,·e lvlaintenam:e \\'01'~
orders. Stn ff''
iII complete Correcti ,.e f'vlai n1enance ,,·ork orders 10 repair rools i11 a 1i mcly manner ( 12

A udi t Reco mm endatio n No. 2

Perform apprnprintl' repairs to address delil:icrn:ics on the rnolS as identified in this nudi1.

NYCH A Res p on se:

NYC! 11\ agrees with the n:conunendation.

A udi t lkcommcndati on No . 3
lnn:s1iga11: prolonged ponding cond itions obsen'l.:d by the audiwrs on 1-t building roo rs to dc:tcnnine
\\'hether the roof in:-;ulation has hc.:en compr~:s sc.:d from 1he \\eight of the.: membrane and standing \\atc.:r.
\\'hethcr the roor insulation has become saturated from kaks and hns degraded. \\ hcthcr roor drains ar\.'
clogged. and \\'hcther there arc.: inadequate fh)\\s to rooi"clrains. NYC ! I/\ should cnnsidc.:r usi ng
ach·anccd mnisture-assc.:ssmcnl techn iques such as thermal scanning 10 dctcnn i1 ll' the extc.: 111or111ois1ure
accu111 utal ion.

NYCI IA Res p onse:

l\YCI IA. s Capital Projects f)i,·ision is rC\ ie\\ ing the.: infrared roor thc.:rmography repllrlS and \\Ork order
leak tickets for the top floor apan111c.:n1s at the.: ci11.·d buildings Ill dc11.·nni11c ir there is an)" damage Ill the.:

:\udit Reco mm endation i\o. -t

Take.: appropriate action to corrc.:cl the.: root causc.:(s) or inadc.:quall.' flo,,·s 10 roor drains 10 mitigate
ponding Oil the roors.

f\YC ll A R es p onse:
I I" the prnlo nged ponding tkscrihed in ~} did ll\ll du tl<tmagl' Ill the rnoi"s. then thl.'rc \\il l he no need Ill
tak1.· an: <tt:t inn lo co1-recl inadequatl.' llo'' 111 the 1\101· drain u11kss it is a chiggc.:d rmir drain .

.-\u d it l~cco m me nda tio n 1'\o. S

Co ndttct Sl.'lll iannua l illSJK'l'lions or J\l(lr \.'llllditinns in lhL' spring and foll h: l]U<tlilied illlfi,·idual s
eXpLTil.'lll'1.'d in l"llOI° pr\.'\ \..'llli\ I.' l11'1in11.•nanc\..' and l'\.'f)\lirs <IS rel'\lll1m1.·1llkd h.' th\.' l"\\Or manul°;ll'tlll\.'J"-. :llld
the.: 0.RC \ .

:\\"Cl IA Rc:-ponsc:
:\ YCI I.\ ·s Jlrnpcn~ \la11ag1.·m1.·11t -;1aff '' ill c1111dt11.·t scmi-;11111ual i1i-.111.T ti1111s 11 1 nior 1.·t1nditio11:- b:
qua lilid ind i' idttab ( 12 n111n1ils).
Page 3 of 8

A ud it Recommend at ion No. 6

Conduct monthly inspections by Dcn:lopment Supcrintcmknts in accordance'' ith the current
Pre,·enti,·c ivlaintenance policy and cnsu1\! that the superintendents secure proper performance or
appl icabk pn:,·entive maintenance responsibi lities in accordance \\'ith the same polic).

NYCI I A Res ponse :

1YCI II\ agrccs with the rc1.:om111endation. NYC I l/\'s Operations Di,·ision \\'i ll re,·isc a che1.:kl is t for
De,·dopnwnt Superintendents to use in thi s inspection (6 mon ths).

A udit Reco mm end at ion No. 7

Conduc t roo r inspections al'le r major rain events to help timel> identify root causes or ponding. and
\\·hen required consider pumping pond ing \\'ater off the roor.

NYCH A R espon se :
NYC H/\ ·s Constni1.: tion. Sarety and Qua lity Department (CSQ) or Capi tal Proje1.:ts Division (C PD) has
inspcc tcd nine (9) ne\\'ly insta llcd roo ls : TildL:n Houses (!31<lgs. :15 thru 11 8) on .lunc 24. 2019 and
Campos Plaza II (Bui lding #3) on .lune 27. 20 19. and found no issues or ponding. CSQ wil l continue to
randomly inspect completed roof installations as the: become a\·ailahk.

A ud it Recom m endati on No. 8

Doc ument the results or all semiannual. month I~· . and \\Cather-rela ted inspections. and initiate \\'Ork
orders for the rcquired repairs in lvlaximo.

NYCHA Res p o nse :

NYC I 11\ agrees with the recommendati on ( 12 months).

A ud it Recom m en datio n No. 9

To pn.1\'ide proper transparcnc: and <H:countabilit:. ensu 1\~ that adequatL' records arc maintained to
es ta hi ish the bas is and idcnt i IY the indi' iduals rcsponsiblc for an: decision to repla1.:c a roof during a
'' arrant: perioJ. and i!'applicabk. to explain ''h: i'\YCI I:\ did not exen.:ise the \\UITant: cowrage.

i'l \'CllA Rl·spo nsc :

13ased nn the Ph: sical Needs :\ssessment (!':\:\)rating. for roofs to note the lc\·el ot'deticienc_:-. a Design
and Project lvlanagc111e11t lk partrncnt r1.:prcse11tati\ e \\ill' isit the rools bcing considered for replacement
011 th1.: Fi\e-Year Plan \\ith the ma11uli1durer. lhe manuli1cturer \\ill issuc a rcport that \\ill ad,·isl' CPD
regarding the Clllld itioll 111' the l'OOf. l fpllll further!\.'\ ie\\. it \\aS ddennincd that h: \ irtllL' or the project
being in the appro' L'd capital plan. tlh.' 1.'l)nsid1.:ralilln:-. r1.:g.ardi11g. dcci...,ion tn replac1.: n1l1i' \\L'rc madL' and
app1\1\ cd .

( ·pl) r1.·\ iL'\\cd the l·i\L'- Year Plan and dctL'rmincd that thc pla111h.·d r11111' r1.·placcnh.'l1t prnjcch du nnt
h:l\c 1.'\is ti11g. \\arr:intic-...

Page 4 of 8

A udit Recomm endati on No. I 0

l\YCI (,\should de, clop and imph.:mcnt policics aml procedures that ensure that rools an: proper(~
nwintaincd in acrnrdam:c '' ith the requi rcmcnts or appl icabk ,,·arrant ics. To'' ards that end. N YCI I1\
should adopt the l(1lll1wing spct: ilic recommendations.

l\ Y CI I,\ R espon se:

l\YCI I.'\ ·s Capital Projects IJi\ isi(lll and Opt:ratillns Di,·ision \\·il l collabnrnte \\'ith stakchol<krs to
update the Stnndard Procedure.

A udit Reco mmendati on No. 11

Dc' clop a compn:hcnsi,·c policy and procedures manual cm·ering roof inspection. 111aintenancc. repairs.
and the prcscr\'C1lillll and use of \\'arranty co\'cragc. and pnl\'ide it lo appropriate stall. including all
De\\:lopmcn t Superintenden ts. In dc,·clopin g. the manw1I. NYC I (,\ should consider consulting \\'ith
subject 111attcr c:'\pcns. " ·hich might include the NRCI\. rcnl property management prnlcssionals. and
roof ma nu facturcrs. to identi I\ best practices and to consider whether nc\\· technologies may offer
NYCI IA opportun it ies to impro,·e its pcrfor111ancc of these rcsponsibilitk·s.

NY CI IA Res pon se :
NY CI IA ·s Capital Projects Di,·ision and Oth:rations Di' ision "ill collabnrnte '' ith stakeholders to
update the Standard Procedure.

A udit R eco mm en dation No. 12

Consider S \\ itching to an ckctrnnic tiling s ~ . tem at the de,·cl npmcnt (c, cl so that rek,·ant dncunwnts
arc n:adi l;; available.

NYCl l,\ Response:

1\ s prc,· iousl~ stated in l\ YCl 11\ Response lt> :\udit Rccn1111111.·ndation Nt). 1. all rntil" ''arrant~ data'' il l
en:ntuall~ he stored in I\ la:'\ i1110 .

In addition . lhl' (i uarnnty and \\ ' arra nt~ sys ll'lll 111anag1.·d by CPD is being linked'' ith t\·la:'\imu to
prn,·id...: acc1.·ss (11· inrormati on l\l the dc,·elt1pn1en1 prnject 111anagcrs.

A udil Recomm endation :'-lo. U

l lpdatc the standard procedures that touc h Llf)lln rnnf" inspection. tn:1intc11:1ncc. repair. and \\<llT<l lll ~
adm inistration l\) rcllcct the organi/<ll inn's current 01k·ratil) fH1l st ruc tur1.' and 1)r prnc1.·..;:-.1.·..;.

~ ' C' ll A Rcsponsl•:

YCI I:\ ·s C.1pi1al Prujcct:-. I)i \ is inn rn1d ( >111.·r:1tiu11s Di' i:-.ion ''i ll c11 ll ahnra1e '' ith s1:1kch11ltkrs to
upd:1te 1'11.· S1a11dard Pn1cedur1.·.
Page 5 of 8

Audit Recommendation No. 1-t

Implement necessary operationa l changes lo facilitate adequate main1c1rn11<..:e and 1\:pairs or the current

NYC HA Respon se:


NYC I IA S Operations () i,·ision \\'ill Cl>lH.IUt:l a rull business proc\.!SS n:,·ie\\ and impl('lllClll changes from
that re,·ie\\'.

Audit Reco mm end a tion No. IS

Ensure that applicable stanclnrd procedures that rnncl.!rn or to uch upon rl.!co rdkecping for roofs me
cons istently fol lo\\'cd. Spec ifi cal ly. designate R1\ i'vls or other appropriate onie ials to regularly revic\\'
develop111e1ll-k\'el records to ensure that each dcn~lopmcnt maintains a complete tile 011 its rooti ng
systems. including but not limited to the \\'arranty. im·oices. and logs of all inspections performed.
repairs that ha\'e been made to the ruoling system s and contract in !Ormation fo r the manufac turer or
contractor \\'ho replaced the rool1s) at the de,·clopmcn t. and that the approp riate records me kept up-Io-
date in ivlaximo. NYC 111\ 's system o 1· record fo r asset 111anage111ent.

NYCHA Respon se:

NYCI IA agrees \\'ith this nx:o111111cn<la1i o11 and " ·ill im plement. ;\ s prc,·iously stated in NYC HI\
Response 10 Audi t Recom111endatio11 No . I. all roof \\'arranty data wi ll eventually be ston.:d in tvlnx imo.

Audit Recommendation No. 16

Ensure that appropriate training is pro,·ided to rele\'ant staff. especiall y lo the De,·elopmcnl
Superintendents l(x adm ini stering and enltirt:ing the rool'\\a1-ran1ics and to janitorial staff for improving
monthly inspections and record ing cond itions on their inspecti on reports.

NYCI IA Response:
CPI)\\ il l begin lo require roof 1rn11Htl(11:1urer's n.:presc..:n lativc(s) to allc..:nd projet:l closl.!out rnect ings 10
discuss admi ni ste ring and enforcing the roof \\arranties "ith Propl.!rty i'vlanagerncn t in September 20 19.
This requirement "ill be1:01rn: part ol'the closeout thc..:ck list in d3uil<kr 1.

>! YC 11 :\ · s Ope mt ions I)i\'ision "i II pn)\'idc De\ elnpment Superi 111e11de111s \\it h the appropriate training.

,·/ ,, u ,/1111 l-ht1''"' 111·111•'< t t111tll1t~•'lll<'IJ/ ",//11111'<' 11,,.,J /11 1111111<11!,<' 11111/ /n11 /.. tit<' I'' r/11r11i.llll <' u/ ,, 11r11gr11111 ,,,. !""''"' t
111wt/ult11 < /'/ J />1'11, 11r,·1l thn '' ''"111 /111//tlllll.\!.<' t/\ 1111rt/11/111 /r11111 tit<' il/l fl<tlt1111 11! tit<' /ll't1/l'<'l lltro11,'.:,h ti' ,·/1>\l'flilf /l\tnl!, a
't'l'I•'' 11/ 1111r/..;!"11' ( '/'/ J 111i/i::<'' '•'''<'1\tl 11111,/11!"' ti/////'/'"'"''"' /11 111,111Ut:.<'' ;,, 1•11r!/11ltn (t'\'<1111/•lt', "''· ,,·h,.. ltde. /.11<~1!,<'I
' • •11111/t/111' JI/ \ lt1111-.:• ,,.J..,· RI 1 ·'"'l.l!.11 I <'\'It'll I fh<' ,, '"'/// II t'I// /11. Iii I /,11, It _'11 /•J ,1111/ /\ '/ll'l<'Jlflt Ill tit.· ''""''""" 1•ft.,,,
Page 6 of 8

Audit Rccomm cnd utio n No. 17

lrnpkmcnt a \\arrnnty chcc.:1-. in i'vlnxinw for \\ork urders tlrnt i11,·oh·e wor h.:al-.s and l.'nsur.: that the
\\'arranty ched:s arc n.::conkd on those " ork orders.

N\'C IIA Response:

As prc\·iously slated in NYC I IA Response Ill 1\udit Recornmcnda tion No. 1. all roof \\arrant) data\\ ill
e\·enwally be sttm:d in Maximo. !\ \\<11T<llll! ched: llag \\ ill also be display •.:d stating that the roof is
under \\'arranty SO that Staff\\iJJ bl' prompted 10 foJIO\\ the proclC'durc lc)I' roors Ulltkr \\<llTilll\~.
i'\ YC 11:\ plans to han: all roof " ·arra111y run ct ional it~ in production b~ Ikccmbcr 20 19.

,\udit Recomm endatio n No. 18

J·: 1110n.:c \\'arrnntics and track \\'arrn11 ty clai111 s. J>arti<.: ulmly. rnai ntain rek n 1111 informa tion such as detail s
ol' \\·ork performed umkr \\'arranty. ii' any. ,·oidcd \\'arrn nti cs. irany. and any instail<.: l' in \\'hi ch a
nrnnufocturer has foikd 11r n: rus1.:d to comply \\'ith it s obli gations on a \\'arrant y cla im. and in any such
1.:as1.: determine and do1.:u111e111 all rekrnnt 1.:on11m1nkations. in<.:luding \\·he1h1.:r and \\·h1.:n the designated
NYCI I:\ c111plo)ee appropriately notililC'd the L1" Department and till' result ing action or outc.:nmc.

N\'C HA Response:
i'\YC J-1,\' s Operations Di\'ision \\il l build these recommendations into the re,·ised standard procedure.
The cktnil s or\\'Ork i11 l(1rmatio11 <.:all he stor1.:d in 1\-laximo.

111 addi tion. NYC I11\· s (';1pital Projects l)i,·ision \\'ill maintain w;1rrn11t i1.:s i11 cl3 uilde r and pro\·ide copi es
to Dl'\'clopn11.:n1 sta ir al thc project's <.:lnseout meet ing. Thi.' Jk,·ell1p1111.:nt staff\\ ill alsu Jia,·e direct
access to \\'arrnn tics 1lmn1td1 :Vlaximo.

Aud it Reco mmend ation 1\o. 19

t:nsurl.' that all necessm~ labor and 111atcrial data arl.' rl.'c111·ded accurate!: anJ l'ntercd in a ti rnd: ni<1n111:r
in Max i1110.

!\\'CH:\ Respon se:

t\YC l 11\ ''i ll explurc IH1\\ l\l hesl ca pture material dal:l in :\ b\ illlll \\11rk nrtkr-; .

Aud it RN·o mm c·ncfat ion i\ o. 20

h1surl' that all ronr '' ar rant~ dn<.:unll'lll:-. are uplnaded in Prim;I\ era h~ ('J>I) in a ti111cl~ mannn.

:\ \'C l I:\ Rt·sponst' :

:-., \'Cl I.\ · s ( 'i>i ) is uph1;1di11g u1 pio..·, \\I tho..· \\;lrrn11til·, i11t1111ur prujl..'cl 111a11;1gl.' l11l'lll :-.: -;1c111 - cl~uiltkr
l1 ri111a\ ...·rn "ill sull"\..'l at the end 111· 20 I9 .

.\udit lkcommcndation \o. 21

I ll"llf'l' that all \\arra111: inli.1n11a1iu11 !'or r1Hll-pr11_kch i-, maintained and l\.'Cllrlkd ao..·o..·urah:I~ . cnmpktl'I:.
and prompt I~ in I \.I\ h: thl· CPI)',. \nal~ ~i' 8:. Rcp1ming unit '>ta ff

Page 7 of 8

NYC HA Res po nse:

NYC l-1/\ has a 111.:\\' S) stem and \\'ill ensure.: that all warranty inrormalion is maintained and recorded
accurately. completely. and promptly. In add ition. NYC I I;\ ·s CPD is uploading wpics of the warrant ies
into cl3uildcr. ·

A udit lkcommendati on No. 22

Ensure that all IT systems arc utilized crkcti\·cly lo realiLc rull benefits or thc im·cstmcnls and lo he lp
NYC l-11\ managcrnl.!nl monitor maintenance and repair or its roo r assets.

NYC HA R es ponse :
NYC 111\ has a new s~ stem and '' i11 cnsun.: that al I warranty information is maintai ncd and reconkd
a<.:c urntc ly. co mplctcl y. and promptly. In addit ion. CPD is uploading copies o f' the \\'arrantics into

1\ s prc,· i o u sl ~ statl.!d in 1 YC I I;\ Rl.!sponsc Lo /\ud it Rcrnmmcndation No. I. i\·laxi mo will automatically
gcncralc roof'lop inspccti ons (both monthl y and se mi-annual) fo r all roofs unlh.: r ,,·arranty. For a n~
dcliciencics round. l'vlax imo \\'ill gl.!ncrall.! thl.! apprnpriall.! corrcctivl.! maintenance wo rk order.

A udit Recommendation Nu. 23

Regularly and sysll:matieall y maintain and update its inl(mnat ion on the costs t)r impkmcnling the IT
systems mentioned in this repon- Prim<l\'Cra. i'vlaximo. and UN IX- including. annual licensing l\::cs. and
operating costs. ror use in pcr lo nning apprnpriate cost-bcnclit analyses as \\'e ll as for budgeting and
plann ing purposes.

NYCHA Res ponse:

NYC 111\ · s IT l'ull ~ tracks the i mpkmen1at ion costs. on-going Iicensc costs. and on-go ing support costs
of both P rima\\~ra and Ma:-: imo. Prinia,·cra is being sunset and rcplacl.!d by e l~ui ldcr. The ··LJl\lx ··
s: stem has hee11 sunsl.!t and\\ ill be rq>laccd \\ ith i'unctionali1y in ivlaximo.

A ud it Recomm enda tion No . 2-1

Fnsure tlw1 ncccssar~ contro ls arc implcmcnted. and those controls are working properly to faeili1a1e
tran s parcm:~ 01· programmatic aeti\ ities and re lated inl(>rnrntion.

NYCll A Resp onse:

\JY( ·11:\ ·s Operatioth I)i, ision ''ill conduct 1'ngni11g <):\ orn11,r inspect ion:-. and repair \\ork.

:\u dit Rcrnmmcndation \o. 25

Fnsurc that th1: It\ \b acli\el: 1111111i111r p1\111en: 11pcr,11i111h and li11:111cial rcpurh. as rcquirL·d

.Y YC I IA Res ponse:
\JYCI I:\ agreL'" \\ith 1hc 1\'.commendminn ;rnd \\ill implement.

Page 8 of 8

Audit Rcco111111endatio11 No. 26

De,·elop si.:parnte main1i.:11arn.:c budge! for roofs al dc\\: lopmi.:nl k\ cl 10 help N YCl I;\ assi.:ss aclual cosls
\ 'S. budgell:d cosls and for strategic pl:lnning purp1.)scs.

!\ \'C l-I A Respon se:

l\YC I It\ utili/.es Physit:al Nc1.:ds 1\ sscssn11..·111 anal: sis and \\urk ordi.:r da1a 10 assi.:ss rool' replacement

Audit Rcco111mcndation No. 27

De,·clop and maintain appropriate performance mdrics irn:luding warranty usage ror its roof asscls. al
the agenc.:y and/or at the opcra1ions k\·cl.

NYCHA Response:
NYC! lt\· s Capital Planning Department maintains conditi on rating as an indit:atiun of roorpcrfonnancc
as part or lhe Physical Needs Assessment 1\.'cords.

\\'e look rorward 10 our conlinucd collaboration \\'ilh all our stakeho lders to impro,·e euslomer se1Yice
and obtain thi.: fund ing req uired.

Ir you ha,·c an: questi ons. please contact 11~ at: inth .leners. ;\cling ,1\udit Director. nl 2 12-306-8 055.

Sincerch'. ~ n
Vi wM~
Cicnern I :vi a11ag1:r

cc: Kathryn (ian.: ia. Vice Chair

Kel l; D. ivtacNeal. l ~ :-:e1.:u 1i,· c Vice President for 1.egal .i\ffairs & (icncral Couns1.·l
Rolwrt l\ !arann. l·:xectlli,·e Vice President & Chic!' lnl(Hnwlinn O ni cer
P\' . .- \11antharam. l-. :-.ecu1i'1.' \ 'ic1.: l'r1.·:-.i1.k n1 li.H· i:i11a11c1.· & Chici'Finam:ial Olfo.:cr
De ho rah Goddard. i:,ernl i' 1.' \ 'ice Presitknt fo r C:1pi t;1I Prnjecl:->
lbni1.·l (irccne. :\t:1i11g Chie l' Complian<.:e Ol'liccr
( ';m,I: 11 .1<1s1K'r. :\c1i11g l'. :-.1.· u11i,·e \ 'ic1.' Prcsitlen1 ol'<)pcra1i1.)n:-;
(';11h: Penni11gw11. /\cl ing C)ua lit: :\ ssma11t:c Olfo.:er and ~\ · p l\11 l11 li.1n11a1in11 I L·t:hnnll>~:
I ric i:1 I . Rober! :-> . \ 'ic1.' Pr1.':-> itk1ll l\ir l·i11;111<.:1.'
11;. at:i111h .kn~:r:-. . \ t: 1 i11 ~ I>i rector. 11111.·mal \udi1 & \..,,1.·. . . . 1111.:1ll

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