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Distribution System

Laura Cárdenas Vanegas

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Tecnólogo en Gestión de Mercado

Bogotá Colombia
Distribution System
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It is the one that dispenses

it requires the participation of
with wholesalers and retailers,
different intermediaries to
it is the manufacturer itself, it
achieve the complete process
is responsible for supplying
your product to the final

intermediaries must perform

different actions from the
collection of information to find
the funds

they implement some special

functions that producers
normally prefer not to do alone
Lea y escuche las oraciones que se encuentran en el objeto de aprendizaje, complételas
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Descargue y lea el texto “Distribution Channels” que se encuentra en la sección “Let’s
read”. Elabore un mapa conceptual de la lectura.


important tool that companies

have implemented to organize
several factors that are
interconnected in the marketing

is the way in which the INTERMEDIARIES: those

goods or services pass people or companies that
from the producer to the are located between
final consumer producers and consumers
or end users

distribution channel
means the route through
which goods or services
pass from producer to
final consumer

COMPANY: they can be INTERMEDIARIES: those

organizations formed by people or companies that
people, goods, common are located between
goals and achievements producers and consumers
to satisfy customers or end users
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oraciones contestadas, como del resultado.
Desarrolle el ejercicio de unir el vocabulario junto con su respectivo significado. Tome
capturas de pantalla, tanto del ejercicio realizado, como del resultado

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