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Diabetologia (1993) 36:658-663

9 Springer-Verlag 1993

A glucose monitoring system for on line estimation in man of blood

glucose concentration using a miniaturized glucose sensor implanted
in the subcutaneous tissue and a wearable control unit
V. Poitout 1, D. Moatti-Sirat 1, G. Reach ~, Y. Zhang 2, G. S. Wilson 2, F. Lemonnier 3, J. C. Klein 3
i INSERM U341, Service de Diabrtologie, Hrtel-Dieu, Paris, France
2Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
3Centre de Morphologie Mathrmatique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France

Summary. We have developed a miniaturized glucose sensor centration, and then displays this estimation. In this study, 11
which has been shown previously to function adequately sensors were investigated of which two did not respond to
when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats and dogs. glucose. In the other nine trials, the volunteers were asked to
Following a glucose load, the sensor output increases, mak- record every 30 s what appeared on the display during the
ing it possible to calculate a sensitivity coefficient to glucose secondary decrease in blood glucose. The results were anal-
in vivo, and an extrapolated background current in the ab- ysed by comparing these readings (approximately 220 mea-
sence of glucose. These parameters are used for estimating at surements per trial) to the changes in plasma glucose,
any time the apparent subcutaneous glucose concentration measured every 15 min. The Error Grid Analysis indicated
from the current. In the previous studies, this calibration was that 84.1 _+3.6 % of the measurements were in zone A (accu-
performed a posteriori, on the basis of the retrospective anal- rate) and 15 + 3.6% were in zone B (acceptable). Conside-
ysis of the changes in blood glucose and in the current gener- ring each individual trial, the differences between the dis-
ated by the sensor. However, for clinical application of the played value and the concomitant plasma glucose concentra-
system, an on line estimation of glucose concentration would tion ranged between -1.7 and 0.69 mmol/1. These excellent
be necessary. Thus, this study was undertaken in order to as- results were due to the absence of any significant lag between
sess the possibility of calibrating the sensor in real time, using the changes in plasma glucose concentration and the changes
a novel calibration procedure and a monitoring unit which in the result on the display. We conclude that this glucose
was specifically designed for this purpose. This electronic de- monitoring system, based on subcutaneous sensing of glu-
vice is able to measure, to filter and to store the current. Dur- cose, is able to provide a direct on line estimation of blood
ing an oral glucose challenge, when a stable current is glucose concentration.
reached, it is possible to feed the unit with two different
values of blood glucose and their corresponding times. The Key words: Diabetes mellitus, artificial pancreas, glucose
unit calculates the in vivo parameters, transforms every sensor, subcutaneous tissue.
single value of current into an estimation of the glucose con-

The purpose of a glucose sensor is to provide a continuous changes in blood glucose level observed during a glucose
estimation of glucose concentration. Potential use of glu- load, the lag between the current generated by the sensor
cose sensors includes continuous glucose monitoring, de- implanted in the subcutaneous tissue and the blood
tection of hypoglycaemic episodes, and development of glucose was shown to be usually shorter than 15 min, when
an artificial pancreas [1]. In recent years, most of the investigated in rats [9], dogs [13, 14] and humans [15].
studies have focused on the development of an ampe- Our laboratories have developed a miniaturized glu-
rometric, enzymatic subcutaneous glucose sensor [2-12]. cose sensor (outer diameter, 0.45 mm) which can be readily
The principle of glucose measurement is the oxidation of implanted in the subcutaneous tissue and replaced every 3
glucose by glucose oxidase layered on the surface of the or 4 days [16]. This sensor has been extensively evaluated
electrode, the generation of hydrogen peroxide and the in rats and dogs, and has been shown to work for up to
detection of the resulting current. Indeed, the glucose 10 days in rats [9,17-19]. The current generated by the sen-
concentration in the subcutanous tissue was shown to sor was transformed into an estimation of the concentra-
be essentially identical to plasma glucose concentration tion of glucose by using in vivo parameters, namely the sen-
under stationary conditions [9]. Furthermore, during sitivity coefficient (SC, expressed in hA- m m o V . 1q) and
V. Poitout et al.: Continuous glucose monitoring in man 659

the e x t r a p o l a t e d b a c k g r o u n d c u r r e n t in the a b s e n c e of glu- 12

cose (Io, expressed i n n A ) . It m u s t b e stressed that this

m e t h o d of c a l i b r a t i o n is o n l y b a s e d o n in vivo m e a s u r e -
m e n t s [20].
I n all these studies, the c u r r e n t was r e c o r d e d d u r i n g the
e x p e r i m e n t , the b l o o d glucose was m e a s u r e d , a n d the cali-
b r a t i o n of the s e n s o r was m a d e a posteriori., i. e. the esti-
m a t i o n of glucose c o n c e n t r a t i o n b y the system was carried
o u t b y c o n s i d e r i n g the results of a c o m p l e t e d trial. I n this
paper, we p r e s e n t a m e t h o d for o n line cafibration of the 7000






system, using a specially d e s i g n e d portable, b a t t e r y
driven, m o n i t o r i n g unit, a n d software which i m m e d i a t e l y
t r a n s f o r m s the c u r r e n t m e a s u r e d into a n e s t i m a t i o n of the
glucose c o n c e n t r a t i o n .

Subjects, materials and methods 4.


The glucose monitoring system g
The preparation of the miniaturized glucose sensor and its in vitro
characterization have been described elsewhere [16]. Briefly, the 0 0 i i J i i
7000 90 0 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000
sensor consists of a platinum anode covered with teflon, except for a
1.5 mm cavity near its extremity, where glucose oxidase is layered.
The glucose oxidase is then coated with polyurethane. A silver/silver
chloride cathode is wrapped around the Teflon coating. In vitro sen-
sitivity to glucose of sensors used in this study, determined in phos- 12-
phate buffer, was 3.59 + 0.51 nA .mmo1-1.~a. After this determina-
tion, each sensor was sterilized with ethylene oxide and sent from the
University of Kansas to Paris in a sterile package under dry condi-
tions. Sensor implantation for in vivo testing in man was performed
}g s d
several weeks after sterilization.
The monitoring unit is a 6 x 12 • 18 cm battery-driven electronic
device which is able to apply a 590 mV potential between the elec-
trodes, this potential being controlled by a digital servomechanism,
and to measure, filter, and display the current. Filteringof the signalis
achieved by using the algorithmic procedures of mathematical mor- 0
phology [21-23]. The monitoring unit has a memory which allows the 7000 90O0 11 ;00 13;00 15;00 17;00 19;00
storage of up to 8,000 current values. The unit can be connected to a Time (s)
portable P C (Toshiba T 1200XE; Toshiba Corp., Tokyo, Japan) to up -
Fig.1. Results of one experiment showing the plasma glucose level
load the stored values for data post-processing. The potential, the
following the 75-g oral glucose load (indicated by the arrow, upper
time between two measurements and the filtering characteristics can
curve), the current delivered by the sensor and stored every 30 s
be chosen by the operator, using specially designed software. More-
(middle curve), and the estimations of the glucose concentrationdis-
over, the unit is able to display the estimation of the glucose concen-
played by the monitoring unit (-, lower curve) compared to the plas-
tration calculated from the current in real time (see below).
ma glucose ( u, lower curve)

Subjects The unit was programmed to display the median of the last five
values of current every 30 s. Usually, a 2-h run-in period was neces-
Eleven non-diabetic human volunteers (five women and six men) sary to obtain a stable signal.
participated in this study. All subjects gave their informed consent,
and the study was approved by the ethical committees of INSERM
and of H6tel-Dieu Hospital. The age of the subjects was Oral glucose tolerance test and calibration
30.7 +2.5 years (mean +_SD, range 20-45 years), the BMI was
22.0 _+1.1 kg/mz (mean _+SD, range 18.6-31.2). A 20-gauge catheter was indwelled in a forearm vein for blood sam-
pling. At time 0, a solution of 75 g of glucose dissolved in 135 ml of
water was ingested by the subjects. Plasma glucose was measured at
Sensor implantation -10, 0,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90,105,120,135,150 and 180 rain with a
Beckman Analyzer (Beckman, Fullerton, Calif., USA). The basal
At 18.00 hours, a 21-gauge needle was implanted I cm into the sub- value of blood glucose (G1) and its time of measurement (time1) were
cutaneous tissue of the forearm. The indwelling sensor was im- recorded. About 60 min (time t2) after the ingestion of the glucose, it
planted through the needle, after which the needle was pulled out. was observed that the current reached a stable plateau corresponding
No local anaesthesia was used. The sensor was then connected to a to the hyperglycaemic blood glucose value, G2. The current was con-
small battery applying a 590 mV potential. sidered as stable when over 5 min no further increase was observed.
After an overnight fast, the sensor was disconnected at 08.00 The values of Gz, (32,tl and t2 were loaded into the monitoring unit.
hours from the battery, and connected within a few seconds to the The software then searched for the currents corresponding to tl and t2
monitoring unit. The current was measured and recorded every 30 s. (Is, I2) in the memory of the unit. By using a two-point in vivo ealibra-
660 V. Poitout et al.: Continuous glucose monitoring in man
tion [20], the unit then transformed every subsequent measurement
8 of the current into an estimation of the subcutaneous glucose concen-
tration (SGC (t) = (I (t) - Io)/SC). A switch on the front of the unit
made it possible to display this estimation instead of the current every
30 s. These estimations were noted by the subject over the next 2 h.
The subjects rested between the connection of the sensor to the wear-
t~ 4
E able amperometric unit to the end of the oral glucose tolerance test.
3 A
1 Statistical analysis
-1000 10'00 30 0 50'00 7doo 90'00 1 ;00 For a single experiment, the estimations of subcutaneous glucose
level were compared to the blood glucose from t = 60 min (after the
calibration) to the end of the test (t = 180 rain). In order to compare
the estimation of the glucose concentration by the system to the
corresponding value of plasma glucose concentration every 30 s, the
latter was calculated by linear extrapolation between two measure-
ments of actual plasma glucose, performed every 15 rain.
The two methods of glucose measurement were compared by the
3" method of residuals [2@ As statistical analysis is insufficient for
0 evaluating the accuracy of the estimation of glucose concentration,
2" the clinical significance was also examined by using the "Error Grid
Analysis" proposed by Clarke et al. [25]. This grid is divided in five
t zones, corresponding on a clinical basis to different degrees of accu-
racy of glucose estimations. Briefly, values of glucose concentrations
0 ! i i i i !
in zone A are accurate, in zone B, acceptable, and in zone C, D or E
-1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 unacceptable because the results would lead to an inaccurate and
dangerous treatment decision.
Student's paired t-test was used for assessing the significance of
the data.

o 8-


O f 11 e x p e r i m e n t s , t w o s e n s o r s d i d n o t r e s p o n d to t h e in-
c r e a s e of g l u c o s e level a n d t h e r e f o r e n i n e c a l i b r a t i o n s
c o u l d b e p e r f o r m e d . F i g u r e i p r e s e n t s t h e results of a typi-
cal e x p e r i m e n t , a n d F i g u r e 2 p r e s e n t s t h e m e a n a n d S E M
o f n i n e similar e x p e r i m e n t s . T h e u p p e r c u r v e r e p r e s e n t s
t h e p l a s m a glucose level. D u r i n g t h e o r a l g l u c o s e t o l e r -
0 ! i i I | t a n c e test, t h e s e n s o r o u t p u t i n c r e a s e d f r o m 2.85 _+0.74 t o
-1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 4.19 + 0.83 n A ( p a i r e d t-test, p = 0.0002) a n d t h e n d e -
Time (s)
c r e a s e d to 2.54 + 0.93 n A ( m i d d l e c u r v e o f Fig.2). T h e
Fig.2. Results of the nine experiments showing the mean and SEM l o w e r c u r v e r e p r e s e n t s t h e m e a n c u r v e of b l o o d glucose
of the plasma glucose following the 75-g oral glucose load (indicated
t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e m e a n c u r v e of e s t i m a t e d s u b c u t a n e o u s
by the arrow, upper curve), the mean + SEM and mean - SEM
curves of current (middle curve), and the mean + SEM and mean - g l u c o s e level as d i s p l a y e d b y t h e unit.
SEM curves of the estimations of the glucose concentration dis- T h e in vivo sensitivity coefficient a n d b a c k g r o u n d cur-
played by the unit (-, lower curves), compared with the mean plasma rent, d e t e r m i n e d f r o m t h e b a s a l a n d p e a k v a l u e a n d u s e d
glucose (-, lower curve) f o r t h e c a l i b r a t i o n p r o c e d u r e , w e r e 0.45 + 0 . 0 9 n A .
m m o l 1.1-1 a n d 0.38 + 0.34 n A , r e s p e c t i v e l y (n = 9). T h e in
vivo sensitivity was significantly l o w e r t h a n t h a t o b s e r v e d
in v i t r o b e f o r e t h e i m p l a n t a t i o n (3.28 + 0.31 n A . mmo1-1.
Table 1. Error grid analysis of the nine individual experiments
1-1, p = 0.01, n = 9) a n d t h a n t h a t d e t e r m i n e d in vitro im-
Exp. n ~ n Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone E m e d i a t e l y a f t e r e x p l a n t a t i o n (1.17 + 0.31 n A . m m o F I. 1-1,
1 223 91 9 0 0 0 p = 0.01, n = 9).
2 225 78.6 18.7 0 2.7 0 A n a l y s i s of t h e results o f t h e e x p e r i m e n t s h o w n in Fig-
3 217 90.8 7.4 0 1.8 0 u r e 1 t h r o u g h t h e E r r o r G r i d A n a l y s i s is s h o w n in Fig-
4 173 82.1 14.5 0 3.4 0 u r e 3, a n d T a b l e I r e p r e s e n t s t h e results of t h e n i n e e x p e r i -
5 214 86.9 13.1 0 0 0
6 243 90.1 9.9 0 0 0 ments. 99.1 + 3.6 % o f t h e e s t i m a t i o n s w e r e in z o n e A o r B
7 220 58.2 41.8 0 0 0 ( c o n s i d e r e d as a c c u r a t e ( A ) o r a c c e p t a b l e (B). F i g u r e 4
8 224 86.6 13.4 0 0 0 r e p r e s e n t s t h e results o f t h e s a m e e x p e r i m e n t t h r o u g h t h e
9 262 92.4 7.6 0 0 0 m e t h o d of residuals. T h e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t h e dis-
Mean + SEM222+8 84.1+3.6 15+3.6 0 0.9+0.4 0 played value and the concomitant plasma glucose concen-
For each experiment, the percentage of points lying in zones A to E t r a t i o n w e r e p l o t t e d a g a i n s t t h e m e a n of t h e two values.
is indicated T h e t h r e e h o r i z o n t a l lines r e p r e s e n t , respectively, t h e
V. Poitout et al.: Continuous glucose monitoring in man 661

mean, the m e a n + 2 SD and the m e a n - 2 SD of these dif- Discussion

ferences. In this trial, they were found to be, respectively,
0.18, 1.72 a n d - l . 3 6 mmol/1. This indicates that in this trial, Although the development of self monitoring of blood
95 % of the 173 values differed f r o m the actual plasma glu- glucose (SMBG) can be considered as a milestone in the
cose concentration by less than 1.72 mmol/1. history of diabetes therapy [26], it has two major draw-
Table 2 gives the data for the nine trials. The m e a n of backs related to its discontinuous nature as Type 1 (in-
the differences ranged f r o m -1.7 to 0.69 mmol/1 (mean sulin-dependent) diabetic patients are usually not willing
+ SEM of the nine trials: -0.31 + 0.28), and the values for to p e r f o r m m o r e than 3 to 4 daily measurements: First, it
2 SD ranged f r o m 0.94 to 2.62 mmol/1 (mean + SEM of cannot be used as a warning system of severe hypogly-
the nine trials: 1.67 _+0.16). caemic episodes, which can occur between two measure-
ments. This is a subject of concern, especially in view of
the recently recognized syndrome of hypoglycaemia un-
awareness [27]; secondly, the p r o b l e m of nocturnal hypo-
glycaemia, the frequency of which was recently pointed
12 E
out [28], cannot be resolved by conventional SMBG. This
demonstrates the interest in developing a continuous glu-
E cose monitoring system.
A glucose monitoring system must consist of two parts:
8 a glucose sensor and an electronic device. The glucose
D sensor must be either totally implantable, or small enough
6 to be readily replaced by the patient himself. Similarly, the
electronic control unit must be miniaturized in order to be
4- wearable in normal daily life. It must be pointed out that
the functions of such a unit are multiple: controlling the
potential of the working electrode, sampling, filtering,
storing and processing the current, and transforming the
0 current generated by the sensor into an estimation of a
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 glucose concentration. In addition, it is essential that the
Glycaemia (mmol/I) result is given in real time, i.e. the result is still relevant
Fig. 3. Error Grid Analysis of the experiment shown in Figure 1. The when it becomes available. This implies that the glucose
estimations of the glucose concentration by the glucose monitoring sensor has a short response time, but also that the changes
system are plotted against the actual plasma glucose, as determined in blood glucose concentration are rapidly transmitted to
between two measurements by linear extrapolation the subcutaneous monitoring site. Indeed, the aim of the

E 2,0'
Mean + 2SD
_~5_0 1,s +#
~o E~ i,o. .., ****%
~ o,s § 4.
~/ ~ */§ ..4I r §162 Mean

-o,s. +, * ,§247§247247247247247247247
~g ~
m -1,0' g *


"0 ~ -1,5' ,t Moan - 2SD

~ -2,0' §

~ -2,5'
Figo4. Analysis of the data presented in Figure 2 through
the method of residuals. Each difference between the plas-
-3,0 i i J
4 6 8 10
ma glucose level and the estimation of the glucose concen-
tration by the unit is plotted against the mean individual
Mean value of glucose measurement (mmol/I) value of glucose level

Table 2. Analysis of the data through the method of residuals

Exp. n ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
n 223 225 217 173 214 243 220 224 262
Mean difference 0.57 - 1.3 - 0.76 0.18 - 0.36 - 0.54 - 1.7 0.69 0.46
2 SD 2.62 1.7 1.2 1.54 1.88 1.6 2.02 1.5 0.94
SEM 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.03
t 6.5 - 22.9 - 18.7 3.1 - 5.6 - 10.5 - 25 13.8 15.8
For every experiment are indicated the number of comparisons, the mean difference between plasma glucose and subcutaneous glucose con-
centration, the SD and the SEM of the difference, and the paired t value of the comparisons. Allp values are < 0.01
662 V. Poitout et al.: Continuous glucose monitoring in man

system is to provide the patient with continuous access to tern on the basis of minor changes in blood glucose con-
his/her blood glucose concentration, which is the needed centration, such as those which would be commonly ob-
relevant information. served in well-equilibrated Type I diabetic patients. Cali-
This paper provides the evidence that our glucose brating the sensor on the basis of an "in vivo" sensitivity is
monitoring system meets these requirements. First, the essential since the sensitivity in vivo is different from that
glucose sensor, the function of which was extensively in- determined under in vitro conditions, as shown in this
vestigated both in vitro and in vivo [9, 16-20], can be read- study, confirming all our previous reports [9, 17-20] and
ily implanted in the subcutaneous tissue without anaes- reports by others [13, 14]. The originality of this method is
thetic. Secondly, a wearable electronic unit was designed that it is based on the changes in the current, and that it
to fulfill all the requirements outlined above. More speci- should therefore provide the basis for a fully automated
fically, the system contains built-in software for transform- procedure. The software could be improved to be able to
ing the current into an estimation of glucose concentra- recognize a current stability, ask the patient to measure a
tion. Signal filtering is achieved by a mathematical mor- blood glucose concentration and enter the data, and to re-
phology m e t h o d [21-23]. In this study, a rather crude pro- peat the procedure a second time to provide the second set
cessing of the signal (median of the five last values) was of values necessary for achieving the two-point calibra-
used, which proved to be sufficient in these preliminary tion. In this study, the calibration procedure was per-
trials, although noise was far from being completely elimi- formed 14 h after the sensor implantation, the sensor
nated. However, the novel use of signal processing being polarized in the meantime with a battery: the con-
through mathematical morphology procedures should nection to the electronic control unit would not have been
provide the basis for implementing in the future better fil- comfortable, due to its present size. This study was not
tering algorithms. Finally, the architecture of the control aimed to describe the lifespan of the sensor, and further in-
unit was designed to be compatible with its further minia- vestigations are needed to determine its long-term sta-
turization to the size of a wrist-watch. bility. However, the lifespan of a similar sensor was evalu-
The aim of this study was to develop and to validate a ated in rats and this sensor was proved to function satisfac-
procedure for on line calibration of the system. For this torily at least 10 days after implantation in the subcuta-
purpose, eleven different sensors were implanted. Two of neous tissue [18]. Finally, these results indicate that the
them did not generate a sufficient increase in the current kinetics of the changes in subcutaneous glucose concen-
during the glucose load. Investigations are in progress to tration in man are extremely rapid. This could have im-
understand why some sensors are "blind" to glucose. With portant implications for the choice of the subcutaneous
the nine other sensors, the current increase was used to tissue as a site for implantation of a closed-loop insulin de-
calibrate the system under a procedure based only on the livery system, including a bioartificial pancreas.
changes in the current. When, during the course of a glu-
cose load (oral glucose tolerance test in these normal sub- Acknowledgements. This study was supported by Institut National
jects), the current was estimated to have reached a stable de la Sant6 et de la Recherche M6dicale (grant CRE 89-90-14), Na-
peak value, the blood glucose concentration was deter- tional Institutes of Health (USA, grant n ~D and K 30718), Hoechst
AG, Frankfurt. Aide aux Jeunes Diab6tiques (grant to VP).
mined which was used for calibrating the system. The dis-
play was then switched to a "glucose m o d e " where the es-
timation of glucose concentration appeared on the liquid
crystal display of the control unit during the secondary de-
crease of blood glucose concentration. It must be pointed
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