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Adamarys Hernandez

Education 210

Nevada State Legislature Assignment

1. Search for, identify and summarize in one or two paragraphs, one of the approved
education related bills (Either Assembly Bill [AB]or Senate Bill [SB]) for the most recent
Legislative Session. Use this url: (Links to
an external site.)Links to an external site.
A.B. 38

This bill is relating to sex offenders who are under lifetime supervision not being able to have civil right
automatically restored. This bill was prefilled on December 5, 2008 and is referred to the Committee on
Corrections, Parole, and Probation. One who has been convicted of such a crime with lifetime
supervision is prohibited from voting, serving as a juror or holding elective office unless they petition a
court for restoration of their civil rights. One is able to receive honorable discharge by the courts if he or
she has demonstrated their fitness for honorable discharge or has fulfilled his or her condition of their
probation the entire period. This bill was first introduced to the committee on Feb 2, 2009.

2. Go to the law library section of the website ( (Links

to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and read one of the following chapters: 385,
386, or 387(all related to education). Summarize the purpose of the chapter. For example,
chapter 386 identifies the school district organization - from Board of Trustees down to
personnel. What does each section in this chapter tell you?

Nevada Revised Statutes: Chapter 385 A


Chapter 385 A was created to base schools’ accountability on numbers and scores. Based on how good
students do at a school gives their school a wider variety of ways to receive funding for their classrooms
and also better pay for teacher who are in schools with higher numbers. It tells how they break down
accountability by class sizes, attendance, discipline of pupils, remedial/ special programs and many
more. Each school has an annual review of their accountability schools tat place them in ranking from
the best schools to the not so good ones.

General Provisions

Gives the definition of each category the accountability report is based off of

Program and annual reports of accountability

Explains what is being looked at during the accountability report from the Superintendent of Public
Instruction and the availability of the annual report of accountability on the internet.

State Accountability Report

Provides the information required for the reports and goes in depth of each category the reports are
going to include at the end of the evaluation
Statewide System of Accountability

Determines the school terms and the annual reports are also being mentioned. It describes how the
pupil achievement and school performance is measured. Class sizes, teacher’s attendance and teacher
qualification are also spoken about in this section. Graduation rates, dropout rates, student enrollment,
and students who do not speak fluent English are also included in these numbers.

3. Identify the Legislator's in your district that are your representatives for both
the Nevada State Assembly and the Nevada State Senate (The information is
posted on the website and you are expected to figure it out!).

My name is Adamarys Hernandez I live in the zip code of 89142 which puts me in District 21.
My State Assembly member is Maggie Carlton and my State Senator is VACANT.

4. Write an email about an education related issue that you are concerned
about and send to one or more of your State Legislator's either in support or against any
issue for which you have concerns about as a future educator and make a copy of your
actual email (including the address(s) of your legislator(s) that was sent and any
response that you may have received back. Even if you have posted this assignment and
get a response, send a copy to me in "mail."

17 September 2018

Adamarys Hernandez

6360 E Sahara Ave Apt 2149, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89142

Assemblywoman Maggie Carlton

5540 East Cartwright Avenue

Las Vegas, Nevada 89110-3802

To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing this regarding a concern I have about our college education systems. I know college has
various cost and in order to keep colleges running we as a community need to pay our dues. My biggest
issue with the rates that colleges acquire over semesters is the overly priced classes and textbooks.
College itself is an expensive way of education if you are just starting off but for someone like me who is
planning on getting several degrees overtime I am not sure how I will pay for those funds. Student loan
is a great option given to students who are in need of money for attending schools, but interest rates
and the little to no guidance on how to properly use loans can have someone in a whole by the time
they finish college. There is other option given to us to find a way of income to pay for such things like
attending trade schools so one can immediately begin working in their field of choice, but many are
students right out of high school who are taking the easy route due to not having to proper funds t
complete full terms in a university. I think we need to find many more resources out there to help lower
pricing for college and find a way to make sure student are aware of the options they have besides loans
if they re wanting to attend school for the long run. Scholarships and Grants are mostly promoted for
those who meet the qualifications due to the efforts they worked for in the past schooling history, but
we need to find ways to provide this type of information for students who may have struggled in their
past schooling and cannot afford to take out thousand-dollar loans just to take some classes. I do
appreciate you taking the time to read my email regarding our college education. This is something
many people are concerned about due to the outrageous prices all around campuses. I think a few more
eyes need to take a look on how to care for those in need during their college years and persuade those
to go for their long-term degrees and not find the easy way out just to make an income.

Thanks again and I hope to be hearing from you soon.


Adamarys Hernandez

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