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Module 20: Theories on Factors Affecting Motivation

1. Attribution Theory

- this theory explains that we attribute our success or other events to several factors.

3 Types of Attribution

1. Local (place): Internal Vs. External

2. Stability: Stable Vs. Unstable

3. Controllability: Controllable Vs. Uncontrollable

How does Attribution affect Motivation?

- this is something interesting, "People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their
failures to external causess".

2. Self-efficacy Theory

- is the belief that one has the necessary capabilities to perform a task, fulfill role expectations, or meet
challenging situation successfully.

4 Kinds of Self-efficacy Enhancing Strategies

1. Make sure students master the basic skills.

2. Help them make noticeable progress on different tasks.

3. communicate confidence in student's abilities through words and action.

4. Expose them to successful peers.

3. Self-determination and Self-regulation Theories


- a student's sense of self-determination is demonstrated in his capacity for self-regulation.


- refers to a person's ability to master himself. He is the " I am the captain of my soul " type of person.
What are the indicators of self-regulation? They are the abilities to:

• set standards for oneself

• monitor and evaluate one's own behavior against such standards

• impose consequences on oneself for one's success or failures.

How does Self-regulation relate to Motivation?

- A student who is capable of self-regulation, is not only capable regulating his own learning.

6 Processes involved in Self-regulated learning :

1. Goal setting

2. Planning

3. Attention control

4. Application of learning strategies

5. Self-monitoring

6. Self-evaluation

4. Choice Theory

- is a biological theory that suggests that we are born with specific needs that we are genetically
instructed to satisfy.

4 Basic Psychological needs that must be satisfied to be Emotionally healthy:

1. Belonging or connecting

2. Power or competence

3. Freedom

4. Fun

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