Submitted By: Iilm Instutiute For Higher Education - Anil Singh Bisht (PGP20090052)

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Submitted by - Anil Singh Bisht (PGP20090052)

Jaiveer Singh (PG20090158)

Submitted to – Mr. Abdul Majid Khan

(Assistant Professor – IT) is a Stamford, CT, US-based website owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc,
World Wrestling Entertainment.

WWE is a worldwide in sport entertainment business, and it is almost seen in over 160 countries
and had a huge fan following. They come up with their website with the domain name was first registered on May 30, 1995.And time to time they have changed the look of
the website which is good think for any website. WWE is seen as an entertaining sport and the
website look is also designed in that way to attract the people who want some entertaining stuff
which is attractive. Below is the snapshot of the WWE home page-
Website is designed in a way helps to attract the people to come in their website and look at the
motive of the site is to attract more and more users to it and see their products which they have
listed over their to sell which are WWE merchandise, their DVDs and new releases.

Website structure:

 Advertisements are given on the top, bottom and the right side of the page. Small
advertisements are given on the top and the bottom part. But bigger size of advertisement
is there on the right side of the page.

 Lots of content are there in the website links are on the left side of the page and below the
top page advertisement.

 Much use of images with different size and colors.

 All the links are clearly seen no confusion in that part.

 Presence of a website is good and in its first look it attracts.

 The title of the website is short which is good because longs titles are generally avoidable
by users.


 This Google Page Rank 7/10 website.

 Traffic Estimate rank of 467 with an estimated 11,352,000 monthly visits.

 According to Alexa, WWE has a worldwide rank of 1,151, is ranked 527 in the United

 It has 5,249 external websites linking to it.

 The top categories for include Promotions / World Wrestling Entertainment
and Reality-Based / WWE Tough Enough.

 targets these keywords and phrases with their SEO: "WWE, world wrestling,
world wrestling entertainment, WWE shop, and wrestling."

 Too much advertising on the home page which is distracting for a user.

 There is no internal search box. And if user has to find something they have to click the
available links until they find what they looking for.

 Visited link has no change in color which is not good because user should be able to
recognize which links they have just visited. Because there are many users which did not
remember then it might be a problem for them.

MAJOR PROBLEM (Website is not tagged)

 One of the major mistakes which they have done is that they have not tagged their
website. Because of that they did not able to know.

 Which page of the website is most viewable and they can’t take benefit of that they can
advertise their, show case their products and could also take other several benefits.

 They don’t be able to know which page needs to be improved and what they can do more
to make it more attractive.

 Site overlay is also not possible in that case because they don’t know which part of the
website is most people are clicking. For example suppose the people are clicking on the
Left side of the page but they have place advertisement on the Right side of the page.
Then it is not good for the website.

First of all analyze the data which is on the basis of DEMOGRAPHIC


Data is indicating that the more number of the Males 58% are viewing the website compared to
the Females 42%. Web analysis can do those things which will attract more males to their

 More male oriented content

 Blogs should be made more interesting because more number of males are writing and
discussing about the WWE.
 But should not neglect the females should create a section for the females using the
colors which will attract them and they can explore more on website related to their

 It is clearly seen that WWE is watched by every age person, but a larger number of
people those who see are from 18 to 34 years 38%, 35 to 49 and then 13 to 17 years with
20%. That means WWE is youth oriented site as well mature people are also using the
 To attract more people from that age group they need to work on the website more and
create that kind of environment which is like by them. Understand the behavior and
motive for using the website then they can have the better changes to make them view the
website again and again.
 They can segment the different age group people and target more on those age groups
from the more number of traffic is coming.

 Kids are also the major traffic puller for the website and to keep attract kids need to have
a kids oriented stuff should be there in the website, rather than Adult oriented.
 Or they can do they can open a separate website for the kids where they can use
cartoons character use of color full themes which more connects the kids.
 They can also have a Quiz for the kids and Reading challenges which they use to
promote their biggest event of the year called WRESTLEMANIA.
 And also they can have a educational awareness through their website called Learn
while Fun.


This site attracts a less affluent audience.

 Now this data is the most important because it tells us that which class of people are
viewing and it shows that those who are less affluent are actually coming then other 70%
of the traffic is coming from $0 to 60k.
 They can come with those products which are less expensive or cheap and this group can
buy those things because placing high price stuff and selling them there is not a good
 Activities like winning price for some question can be done because these groups were
actually interested in gaining some things along with entertainment.


 Now this is some thing which is more interesting is that the more number of people who
are coming to their website are those people who are less educated or who did not gone
college for education.
 60% people are no college going people- This means the kind of a content is their in a
website is not very complex to understand and use. Which makes easier for their group to
use this website?
 This group people are more interested on looking for entertainment oriented content
rather than other things.
 That is why the website is less words out there and more images are used to connect with
this Group more.

 wrestling

These are the popular key words for the website which people are typing on a search engine.

 They can create more words to keep in mind the mentality of those groups which are no
college going, and make it simpler for them to search and reach to you.

 Can use the phrase entertainment with other associating words the reason why it should
be that because these people are more entertainment oriented. And they are looking for
there words on a search engine.

 More the keywords they have more number of people will come to their site.


 The average load time for is (3.63 Seconds) which is very low compare to
other sites, 88% of sites are faster.

 They need to work upon this because more the time site will take to load people are less
interested in spending a time on it.

 Slow sites may be penalized by search engines.

 They should work on those content which are more time taking while loading because
there are many users which don’t have high speed connection it can be because they are
less affluent.

This data shows that from which part of the world the most number of traffic is coming to the
site. In this list United States is in No.1 with 30.4% traffic, which is due to the home of WWE.
And that is why the most no. of people is coming from that.

 Then Indian users are in 2nd spot with 7.7% traffic coming, the Indian are considered to
be huge fans of WWE and they keep on searching about the latest updates about the
 If their web analytics team pays little more attention toward the Indian visitors then they
will be able to generate more traffic from the India. Indian viewers are more
entertainment oriented then others, so they can introduce more new feature on their
website to capture the attention and time visit on a website.
 Large number of traffic are coming from different countries and they can easily take
benefit of this they can tie up with local institutions or business collaboration to be seen
on their website and on the basis of regional, geographical. This will benefit them in
generating revenue through advertisement and collaboration.
 Discussion about the regional happening and current issues and interesting topics through
which user will stay on website for long and connect more to the website.
 Some features can be given on country specific language which is more engaging.

WWE is an entertainment driven program in sport industry and their website is made with the
objective of to create more awareness, display and sell their products, highlighting event,
discussion on website. That is a clear indicator that they want to people to spend time on their
visit and if we see the last one month visitor is approx 11, 352, 00 which is a very high no of
traffic for a particular website. It means they are achieving what they wanted to through their
website .And successfully bringing the new things which a visitor wanted from them.

 And it is approximately 8 million for last 6 months, it is a highly engaged website

because of their entertainment oriented content which keeps people coming to their
website .They should know which type of traffic is coming and what is percentage of that
let see different type of traffic if we do not know that we could not take the possible
advantage out of that.
 Search engine traffic, direct traffic, Referring traffic and Social bookmarking traffic and
to achieve their goals they have to work upon each and every type of traffic.

From the graph it is seen that for last one year the number of unique visitors is from 2.4 to 2.75
million. And in May, 10 it cross to 3.3 million unique visitors but after that there is an up and
down to the number.

The number of unique visitors is quite high in and which is a good thing for the
website are shows that the people who are coming to first time they are interested in coming
again and again to website. And kind of content in website is appealing to the people and like it.

For unique visitors strategies can be made to take benefits from the m-

 About the behavior on the website because it is very important to know the behavior of
the visitors what they are looking, which content is most likely by them, where they used
to click again and again. These small things can actually create a huge difference.

 How much time they spent during their visit on a website.

 During which time the visitors are coming the most, so that during tha t time more
prominent ads can put out there.

 What kinds of products they buy over website and know why they are buying this stuff.
This will help in increasing the product sell in future.

 Feel special to the unique visitors because they are the one who are keep coming to you,
so what can do they can create a accounts for the visitors who are keep coming
and give some additional benefits to them.
Monthly Traffic (October, 2010)


Page Views per Month 56,292,344 138,980,720

Average Page Views per Visit 6.01 6.31

Visits per Month 9,366,116 22,030,076

Cookies per Month 4,410,224 10,056,464

Home Traffic 85% 88%

Work/Education Traffic 14% 11%

People per Month 3,536,038 8,022,022

Monthly Page Views per Person 15.92 17.32

Monthly Visits per Person 2.65 2.75

First we look at the page views & pages visits this data is for the September month and total
number of page views only from the US are 56,292,344 which is a large number and then the
Global page views which is 138,980,720.

Visits per month are 9,366,116 (US) and 22,030,076 (Global)

This is a good number for a website because the page views are very important for a website and
WWE website is seen with good numbers. Now with the help of web analytics they can have
better changes to create revenue from these numbers of views for they have to work on certain

 Using this they need to create a more loyalty visitors which straight and simple meaning
is that if they become loyal they will come to visit your website and view much more
page than an average visitor.

 And they can create and generate more revenue through ad sense and ad words because
more the page visit and page views are better the chances of people will click on the
website which is a revenue generating technique.
 Their view on a particular page will help them to know the popularity of that page and
they can actually work upon that make it more appealing and they also come to know
which pages are there which visitor are less viewing and they can find the problem with
that page.

 Average page views per visit are 6.01(US) and 6.31(Global) , they can shows the little
content and links on those pages which user are viewing and let user know about those
pages which they are not entering.

 Make the content more interesting and let the target audience enjoy through reading and
make articles and blogs more interesting.

Home & Educational Traffic

85% U.S and 88% Global who are viewing website are from there home. The larger number of
the audience is the from the home, when people at their home they like to visit the WWE website
the is as we earlier analyze the demographic which we seen that there is more number of no
college going group and in their free spare of time they like to visit the website and there is more
entertainment oriented content.

To attract that group more they should work on their search engine links because these links
shows not only the home pages but other pages of the website also. So these pages should be
work upon to attract the user.

And the reason why the lesser no of education traffic because there are very less number of
educated people who are viewing this website because there is no content which is given for the
education purpose it is fully entertainment driven website. That is why this group is not really
very interested.

From where the visitor are coming to after preceding website. There can see more
traffic is coming form the top 5 sites. In which (11.22%) on top then follows the
other sites (8.98%), (6.34%), (6.32%) and

These upstream are very crucial success factor to play and what kinds of strategies can be made
to make them convert the percentage more- should clearly be seen in those website that visitors visiting ration can be
increase for that they can do these things-

 Discussion blogs can be created to involve the visitors and then they visit to their website.
 Create a fan club in social networking sites to make website more popular.
 Show case their products and then visitor who are interested they come to their website.

And for search engines like Google and yahoo they can enhance their ranking to be seen
on the top currently they are ranked 7 out of 10 in Google. By using better web analytic
techniques they can come on top, and also they can use sponsored links or sponsored ads.
This will be beneficial for them.

Search Advertising Metrics Highlights:

 Google’s Ad sense- made their money through the ad sense where they place
a Google search box in their website and when visitor search for something in that box
Google pay them the money for that.
 Placing the ads of other brands or products- generates large number of
their revenue through this, when we look at their home page there are many
advertisement of other products and brands are placed over there. And they earn good
amount revenue through this.
 Selling their own products- sold their stuff online in which they sold WWE
merchandise T- shirts, books, DVDs and other stuff. By using their website they have
eliminate the unnecessary cost related to distribution network.
 There is almost all the groups are coming to website but the larger number of segment
according to the demographics are coming from the less affluent, no college going, more
number of males and age between 13 to 49.

 There is a need of segmenting these groups because a website has to be focused on a

particular target group because if they try to serve every one it might not get the success.
And be successful they need to focus on their prime a niche segment, which will bring
more traffic to their website and the critical success factor.

 When I first use the website I could not see the content on the website t he
reason is I need to have flash player or upgraded flash player which I did not like at all
because it is time consuming and flash player did not install in first attempt. So they need
to understand this that user might not like this and can avoid installing flash player and
might not come again.

 They should tag their pages because until unless they don’t know which part, which page
are most viewable how they would be able to take benefit of this.

 WWE can showcase their products associating to that content which is highly watched
and they can display a 10 sec products overview before the content.

 The main attraction in a website is WWE superstars web analytic can use the more
content related to the superstars and also can give the little bit information about their
outside the WWE ring life description which will keep user finding these things.



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