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MATA UJI : Bahasa Inggris

SATUAN PENDIDIKAN : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are for parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to 3
For each item, there is a picture on your computer screen and four short statements about it on
the tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written on your computer screen, so you must
listen carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes the
picture. Then, on your screen, mark your choice.
A. Little boy is telling a story to his grandfather
B. A grandfather and his son are printing on the wall
C. The grandson is playing with his father
D. The grandson is helping his grandfather print the wall.

Sample answer:

Choice (D) – “ A grandsons is helping his grandfather paint the wall” – best describes what is
seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your computer screen.

Let’s begin with picture number one




Questions 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed on your computer screen, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
(woman) : Hello, can I speak to Mr. Berry?
You will also hear:
A.I’m sorry. He’s not in the office right now
B.Sure, I’ll take you to lunch
C.Don’t worry, he’ll be back in a minute
D.Sure. I’ll pick you up at Mr. Berry’s house
Sample answer:
Choice (A) – “I’m sorry, He’s not in the office right now”. – is the the best response to the
question” Hello, can I speak to M.Berry?”
Therefore, you should mark ( A) on your computer screen. Let’s begin with question number 4
4. Mark your answer on your computer screen
5. Mark your answer on your computer screen
6. Mark your answer on your computer screen
7. Mark your nswer on your computer screen


Questions 8 to 11
In this section of the test, you will hear several short conversation. You will hear the
conversations TWICE . The conversations will not be printed on your computer screen, so, you
must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. On the computer screen, you will read
a question about each conversation. The questions will be followed by four answers. You have to
choose the best answer to each questions, and mark it on your computer screen.
Now listen to a sample questions
You will hear:
Man : Rastra told me you were sick yesterday.
Woman : Yes, I had a headache
Man : Are you feeling better now? You still look pale
Woman : I’ve still not completely recovered. I’ll leave class early today and get some rest.

You will read:

What will the woman probably do?
A.Go to the medical room
B.Go home
C.Take medicine
D.Visit a doctor
Sample answer

Choice (B) – Go home” – is the best answer to the question, “What will the woman probably
do?” Therefore, you should mark (B) on your computer screen.

Let’s begin with question number 8

8. Why does the woman look different?
A. She is wearing new clothes
B. She looks slimmer
C. She applies some makeup
D. She is wearing gold necklace

9. What can we infer from the man?

A. He doesn’t like the previous math teacher
B. He likes the old math teacher
C. He doesn’t like math
D. The homeroom teacher should be wise

10. Why did the man borrow the woman’s money?

A. He was pickpocketed
B. He doesn’t have a wallet
C. He doesn’t have money
D. He left his wallet
11. What can we infer from the woman?
A. She can use Photoshop
B. She learned to use drawing software
C. She can write with hand
D. She can draw


Question 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several short monologs. Each will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed on your computer screen, so you must listen carefully to understand and
remember what is said. On the computer screen, you will read two or more questions about each
short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer
to each question and mark it on your computer screen.
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following instruction.
12. Who might find this information useful?
A. Visa Applicants
B. Airplane passengers
C. Bus Passengers
D. Truck passengers

13. What should we do when we are traveling with a child and decompression occurs?
A. Secure our oxygen mask first and then assist the child
B. Place the oxygen on the child first, then us
C. Pull the mask towards a crew members
D. Ask the crew members to assist us
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following announcement.
14. What is being announced?
A. A fire drill
B. Lunch time
C. A building office system
D. The fire-alarm system test

15. What should we do when the alarm rings?

A. Leave the building immediately
B. Call the Fire Safety Administrator
C. Just stay in the office building
D. Run to the assembly point.

Choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.
16. Sinta : Why was our friend Dedi absent yesterday ?
Ajeng : … . He is in the hospital now
Sinta : Let’s see him this afternoon
A. He was sick
B. He has gone to a bookstore
C. He goes to shopping
D. He is playing football
17. Josua : What are you doing on Friday night?
Lena : You know it’s daddy’s birthday, so …..
Josua : Really? Why don’t you try the special menu at Ponyo restaurant?
A. We plan to see a concert
B. We are having a trip to Bali
C. We are going to take him out for dinner
D. We held a celebration in our garden
18. Rina : did you see Hellen? I have to meet her this afternoon
Anna : I am not sure where she is, but. … she usually spends hours to read
books there.
A. She must be in the mall
B. She may have been in the class
C. She might be in the library
D. She could be at the book fair

19. Waiters : …
Lilla : yes, a chicken, salad and pasta, please!

A. Do you want some dessert, mam?

B. What drink do you like?
C. Are you ready to order?
D. Can I get the bill for you?

20. Indy : What was missing?

Detha : Mr. Ivan’ s luggage. But …. at the airport .
Indy : I am glad to hear that
A. It has finally been found
B. It puts on the bench
C. It is carried by someone
D. It has gone away

21. John : I think nuclear can be used as an alternative energy. It’s cheaper.
Jessica : … It’s very dangerous. Imagine what will happen if the reactor explodes. It’s
saver to use another source of energy.
A. That’s right
B. No, problem
C. That’s good idea
D. I don’t think so.
22. Clara is talking with her sister what they are going to buy for their mother’s birthday.
Clara : What are you going to buy for mother’s birthday?
Cinta : I don’t know yet, but if I went to the florist …
Clara : You told me you had no money.
Cinta : That’s the problem.

A. I will buy her a birthday cake

B. I would buy her a bunch of roses
C. I will buy her the most expensive bag
D. I can make her a beautiful dress

23. Gella : We will have “ PENSI” two months later, would you
mind coming with us by my antique car?
Mora : I’d love to. ... I should do my father’s business
A. But I don’t think I can be there
B. That sounds good
C. I won’t miss it
D. Pick me up at five thirty

24. Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.
Beni congratulates her.What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
Beni : ” __________________________.”
Siti : ”Thank you.”
A. Sure, Good luck.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti.
D. Thanks, I will do my best

25. … Aline used to change her cosmetics very often, she has some breakouts on her face now
The appropriate conjunction to fill in the blank is…
A. Besides
B. Because
C. Although
D. In addition

Questions number 26-28 are based on the following passage.

Paul Newman has had a long career as a famous movie star-he’s played a leading man for
30 years, acted in over 45 films, and won an Oscar for Best Actor in 1987. He has been married
to the actress Joanne Woodward since 1958 and has appeared together with her in her films as
well as directed her.
But there are many sides to Newman. He enjoys having a little risk in his life and is
known for being a champion race-car driver. He has always liked to cook, and when friends
loved his Christmas presents of homemade salad dressing, Newman decided to go into business.
Begun in 1982, Newman’s Own took off and became success. Soon spagetti sauce, popcorn, and
lemonade were added, all carrying the familiar drawing of Newman’s smiling face on their
labels. Even burger king restaurants serve the salad dressing.

26. What is the text about?

A. Paul Newman’s career
B. His interest in having a little risk
C. Paul Newman’s movie
D. An Oscar given to Newman

27. Why did he make his own business?

A. He retired from being a movie star
B. He didn’t succeed in acting
C. He took many presents from his friends
D. He was fond of cooking

28. “...when friends loved his Christmas presents of homemade salad dressing
The synonym of the underlined word is....
A. Product selling
B. Making own product
C. Homesick
D. To build a house

Choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.

29. Linda : Could you tell me how to operate the new cleaner?
Salesman : Yes, Ma’am. Firstly …
Linda : Oh, I see.
A. You put on the power button at the side of the cleaner.
B. You put off the power button at the side of the cleaner.
C. You turn up the power button at the top of the cleaner.
D. You turn on the power button at the left side of the machine.
30. Lena : Which one do you think would be better for me, taking an English course or taking a
French course
Yuriko: Well, I think … since your English is already quite good.

A. You’d better take another foreign language.

B. English is an international language.
C. Paris is a well known city for its fashion.

D. You'd better go to Paris, first .

Number 31-33 refer to the following text!

A factory is very big building where things are produced. In factory, machines are used.
Therefore many things can be done more rapidly. In every indurtrial town, we always find
Factories give job for many people. Those who work in factories will get money for their
wages. Nowdays, always everything we wear in use has been produced in factory. Of course,
something are still made by hand. Factory made products are usually cheaper than made things.

31. What’s the text about?

A. Factories.
B. Hand made product.
C. Machine in factory.
D. The wages in factory.

32. What does a factory give to the people?

A. Cheaper product.
B. Hand made things.
C. Traditional product.
D. Working opportunities.

33. Those who work in factories will get money for their wages. The underlined word refers
to ....
A. Wages.
B. People.
C. Factories.
D. Product.

34. Bob said,” I will help you.”

What did Bob say?
A. He said that he will help me.
B. He said that he would help me.
C. He said that he can help me.
D. He said that he could help me.

35. Dicky : Listen, we’re just going around the corner for a drink. ….
Santi: Well, I’d love to, but I’m not sure I have time.
A. Would you join us?
B. Will you go to the corner?
C. Will you invite me?
D. Would you buy me soft drink?

36. Agus : what are you going to do after you graduate, Tika?
Tika :…..
Agus : what will you take?
Tika : I’m thinking of majoring in Mathematics
A. I’ll travel around the word
B. I’ll try to find a job
C. I’m working as a clerk
D. I plan to go to college

Number 37-40 refer to the following letter!

The PR Manager,
Garuda Hotel
I Malioboro Street,
Dear Sir,
I would like to tell you that PR and HR managers, Ms. Riani Sukma and Mr. Ari Bintaro, will
attend a meeting (37)…Yogyakarta (38)… January ,2010 and stay there for three days.
We should be glad if you will (39)… accommudation for them.
2 (two) single rooms with 2 (two) bathrooms.
Please let us have an early (40)… of this booking.
Yours faithfully,

Hotel Toegoe Malang

Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto

A. On
B. In
C. At
D. Beside

A. In
B. At
C. On
D. Behind

A. reservation
B. reserve
C. reserved
D. recipient

A. confirmation
B. confirmed
C. confirm
D. confirming

Questions 41 - 45 are based on a selection of reading materials,. Answer all the questions
following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated or implied in the selection.

The following announcement is for the questions number 41 and 42.

This is your captain. I hope you’re enjoying the flight. It’s beautiful day out there. Off the left of
the aircraft you can see Mount Rushmore and on the right, the approach to Deadwood, South
Dakota. Our radar indicates some turbulence ahead, so I’m going to ask you all to fasten your
seatbelts and stay in your seats.

41. What is being announced?

42. Where is the announcement probably heard?

43. Arrange the following jumbled sentence into correct order!

i. Finally click OK and you’re ready to print.

ii. You can choose the pages to be printed.
iii. Next go to the file menu on your program and click on print
iv. If you finish set the page, click OK and see the print preview again
v. After that you should set up the page margins
vi. See the print preview to make sure there is no mistakes
vii. Then open the file or document you want to print
viii. Before you attempt to print anything, make sure that your printer is turned on and you
have paper in your printer
ix. Here are the common steps to use a printer
x. Have you ever printed a document?

Number 44 -45 refer to the following text!

Irfan Haarys Bachdim is an Indonesian footballer who is currently playing for the Indonesian
football club, Persema Malang. His father, Noval Bachdim, is an Indonesian while his mother is
He started his career for Ajax, but moved to Hoofdklasse side SV Argon after 3 years. He
became the top scorer in the league, despite his position as a midfielder. FC Utrecht scouted him
and brought him to FC Utrecht.
When the Indonesia national under-23 football team had a training camp in the
Netherlands, Irfan played a number times for the team, but he got injured a week before going to
the 2006 Asian Games.On March 2010 he went trial in persib bandung and persija Jakarta but
none of them signed him.
Bachdim’s desire to play in Indonesia is finally realized. Officially the 22-years-old
player joined the club Persema malang. The signing of the contract itself is conducted in Persema
Mess, Monday 09-08-2010. After Indonesian beat Malaysia 5-1 and 6-0 for Laos. Irfan becomes
a trading topic on Twitter. Irfan just instantly has lots of fans especially womenfolk
44. What is the text about?

45. Where did he start his career?

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