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5 Day Muscle & Strength Building

Workout Split

Build muscle and strength with this workout program that

combines two strength based weekly workouts with three
hypertrophy size building weekly workouts.

Workout Summary
Workout Summary

Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Split

Training Level Intermediate

Program Duration 10 weeks

Days Per Week 5

Time Per Workout 60-90 minutes

Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells,

EZ Bar, Machines

Target Gender Male

Recommended Supplements Whey Protein, Creatine, Beta-Alanine,

Citrulline Malate, Multivitamin

Author Trevor Kouritzin

Workout PDF Download Workout

Workout Description
A topic that is constantly under debate in the bodybuilding community is how to build
muscle at the fastest rate possible.

One camp has the opinion that it’s all about getting strong.

The other camp will argue back that most powerlifters look like fat guys who don’t
even workout.

The truth of the matter is, gaining strength and nutrient delivery (i.e. the pump) are
equally important. It would almost be like asking which organ is more important; your
heart or your liver? You would be dead without either.

This size and strength training program focuses on gaining strength and blood volume
training so you get the best of everything.
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to
build lean muscle mass. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them
how to build muscle, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Muscle Building Email Course.

The course will teach you how your body builds muscle, how to utilize workout plans
on our website to maximize muscle growth, how to eat to build muscle, how to
supplement to build muscle and how to track your progress.

Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout

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Training Frequency
Studies show that muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is elevated 2-3 days after training a
specific muscle group.

To maximize MPS, each muscle group will be trained once every 3-4 days in the size
and strength training program.
Overtraining and Stress
Muscle mass gains don’t happen in the gym. It’s after your workout when you are
resting that your body actually repairs and rebuilds the muscles you broke down
during your workout.

Doing another workout before your body has had a chance to fully repair the broken
down muscles from your first workout would obviously be counterproductive.
Workouts in the size and strength program are intense to stimulate the muscle to
grow, but short so you don’t over train.

There are three main stress hormones in the body; cortisol, catecholamines and
Neuropeptide Y (NPY). NPY is only released during times of perceived chronic stress.

NPY is particularly evil in that unlike the catecholamines and cortisol, which are mainly
catabolic hormones (i.e. they burn fat), NPY makes you gain fat. When NPY is released
in large amounts, it causes fat cells to go from immature baby fat cells to full-grown,
mature fat cells. To make matters even worse, cortisol enhances the efficiency of NYP
to develop more fat cells.

Other negative effects of overtraining include:

Reduced muscle protein synthesis and increased muscle protein breakdown

Reduce growth hormone release
Metabolism slowdown
Water retention
Disrupted sleep patterns
Strength Phase
The first 2 workouts in this program focus on big compound movements such as the
deadlift, squat, and bench press. The goal rep range is 4-6. Rest periods will be 2-3
minutes between sets. The strength phase is all about moving as much weight as

I recommend rotating your strength phase movements every 4-5 weeks so you make
consistent progress. For example, you could substitute squats with front squats.

Size Phase
The next 3 workouts in this program focus on blood volume and nutrient delivery. The
goal rep range will be 8-12. Rest periods will be 60-90 seconds between sets. The size
phase is all about getting as big of a pump as possible.

Make sure to use exercises in the size phase that you have a good mind to muscle
connection with. Feel free to swap out one of the exercises I have listed for a different
exercise if you get a better feel from that exercise. For example, you could substitute
standing dumbbell bicep curls with standing EZ-bar bicep curls.

Ab Training
Some people might argue that direct ab training is not needed since the abs get so
much indirect work from big compound lifts like squats, overhead barbell press and
Although that is true, I personally feel that to make the abs really ‘pop’, direct ab work
is needed. At the very least, it can’t hurt. In the size and strength training program, you
will be training abs three times per week. Add the ab workout to the end of three
workouts each week.

I do not recommend doing a lot of cardio on an intense workout program like this.
Cardio taps into your body’s recovery ability and puts you at risk of over training. It’s
also simply not needed.

Cardio isn’t magic. It simply burns calories. You could achieve the same effect by
simply removing calories from your daily diet. Keep cardio minimal on this program. If
you want to add in cardio, keep it low intensity.

Supersets are when you perform two exercises back to back with no rest in between.

After finishing the first exercise, you immediately start the second exercise. After both
exercises are completed, you take the prescribed rest period.

5 Day Muscle & Strength Workout Weekly Schedule

Monday: Upper Body Strength
Tuesday: Lower Body Strength
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Back/Shoulders Size
Friday: Chest/Arms Size
Saturday: Legs Size
Sunday: OFF

Monday: Upper Body Strength Workout

Exercise Sets Reps

1. Weighted Wide Grip Pull Ups 2-3 4-6

2. Bent Over Barbell Row 4-5 4-6

3. Narrow Grip T-Bar Row 2-3 4-6

4. Standing Overhead Barbell Press 4-5 4-6

5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4-5 4-6

6. Weighted Dips 2-3 4-6

7. EZ Bar Skullcrusher 2-3 4-6

8. EZ Bar Bicep Curls 2-3 4-6

Rest periods: 120-180 seconds between sets.

Tuesday: Lower Body Strength Workout

Exercise Sets Reps

1. Squats 4-5 4-6

2. Hack Squats 2-3 4-6

3. Deadlifts 4-5 4-6

4. Lying Leg Curls 2-3 4-6

5. Standing Calf Raise 4-5 4-6

6. Seated Calf Raise 2-3 4-6

Rest periods: 120-180 seconds between sets.

Thursday: Back/Shoulders Size Workout

Exercise Sets Reps

1a. Wide Grip Pull Down 4-5 8-12

1b. Narrow Grip Pull Down 4-5 8-12

2. Chest Supported Machine Row 4-5 8-12

3. Narrow Grip Low Pulley Cable Row 2-3 8-12

4a. Straight Arm Rope Pull Down 2-3 8-12

4b. Lower Back Hyperextensions 2-3 8-12

5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4-5 8-12

6. Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2-3 8-12

7. Standing EZ Bar Front Raise 2-3 8-12

8. Dumbbell Rear Delt Lateral Raise 2-3 8-12

9a. Cable EZ Bar Upright Row 2-3 8-12

9b. Rope Face Pull 2-3 8-12

Rest periods: 60-90 seconds between sets.

Friday: Chest/Arms Size Workout
Exercise Sets Reps

1. Incline Barbell Bench Press 4-5 8-12

2a. Flat Machine Chest Press 2-3 8-12

2b. Incline Dumbbell Fly 2-3 8-12

3. Cable Crossover 2-3 8-12

4. Narrow Grip Bench Press 2-3 8-12

5. Seated Overhead EZ Bar Tricep Extension 2-3 8-12

6. Single Arm Cable Press Down 2-3 8-12

7. EZ Bar Preacher Curl 2-3 8-12

8. Standing Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2-3 8-12

9. High Pulley Single Arm Bicep Curl 2-3 8-12

Rest periods: 60-90 seconds between sets.

Saturday: Legs Size Workout

Exercise Sets Reps

1a. Seated Hamstring Curl 4-5 8-12

1b. Leg Extension 4-5 8-12

2. Front Squat 4-5 8-12

3a. Leg Press 4-5 8-12

3b. Barbell Walking Lunge 4-5 8-12 Each

4a. Abductor Machine 2-3 8-12

4b. Adductor Machine 2-3 8-12

5. Glute Kick Backs 2-3 8-12 Each

6. Donkey Calf Raise 4-5 8-12

7a. Seated Calf Raise 4-5 8-12

7b. Single Leg Calf Press 4-5 8-12 Each

Rest periods: 60-90 seconds between sets.

Ab Workout: 3X Per Week
Exercise Sets Reps

1a. Hanging Leg Raise 3-4 8-12

1b. Decline Sit Up 3-4 8-12

2a. Lying Leg Raise 3-4 15-20

2b. Cable Crunch 3-4 15-20

3. Cable Wood Choppers 3-4 15-20 Per Side

4. Barbell Ab Roll Out 3-4 Failure

Rest periods: 60-90 seconds between sets.

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2 Best Exercises For Building a Wide Back 4 Day Workout Program to Build Muscle TUT Workout: A Muscle Building Workout

Drop 5 System: 4 Day Mass Building 4 Day Power Muscle Burn Workout Split Build Big, Brutal Muscle & Strength
Workout Split

About The Author

Trevor Kouritzin
Trevor Kouritzin is a chemical engineer, professional bodybuilder,
international model and human nutrition masters student.
View all by Trevor Kouritzin »

54 Comments + Post Comment

Posted Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:00 LIKE 0

omar kamal
i started this workout plan last week and i love it, i used to workout last year but i've been off
for sometime now, is this routine good for me as i want to gain weight ( muscle mass ) or
should i go with a beginner routine for the first two months instead


Posted Thu, 06/06/2019 - 06:57 LIKE 0

I was using 5 days split like chest,back,leg shoulder,arms..
now i start this and this feel great..can u advice me after 10 weeks wt is the best next schedule,
other wise i will lose every thin..please rep


Posted Sat, 04/06/2019 - 19:41 LIKE 0

Anthony Dillon
What the??? 3 high intensity ab workouts in one week? That's so incredibly counterproductive
as they do not have enough time to rest fully, and that's not even counting the heavy
compound movements that require a lot of core stability.


Posted Tue, 04/02/2019 - 18:00 LIKE 0

Alex C
Quick question. On the size phase are we suppose to use the same weight as the strength
phase? or we suppose to go little bit lighter?


Posted Wed, 04/03/2019 - 10:26 LIKE 0

Hi Alex,
You'll need to go lighter given the higher amount of volume during the size phase.


Posted Sat, 03/02/2019 - 05:41 LIKE 0

Hello, thanks for the very helpful plan.
I have a question on the weight. For the 4-6 reps; how should I calculate the weight to lift? Or is
it supposed to be at my 4-6 reps failure weight?
Thanks in advance.


Posted Mon, 03/04/2019 - 10:55 LIKE 1

Hi Alvin,
Finish each set feeling as though you have 1-2 reps still left in the tank.

Posted Wed, 02/27/2019 - 00:38 LIKE 2
Hey Josh,
Thanks for your workout plan. since I am using this workout, I was just wondering how much
calories do I burn approximately ?


Posted Wed, 02/27/2019 - 09:03 LIKE 1

Hi Mehdi,
Calorie expenditure will depend on the workout, weight used, and the individual
performing the workout. If you have the myfitnesspal app - try to enter in the duration of
your workout under the exercise field for "moderate weight-training". It should help
provide some relatively accurate calorie counts.


Posted Wed, 02/20/2019 - 08:26 LIKE 1

Ian Irvin Pacua...
Are the workouts with a & b supposed to mean supersets?


Posted Wed, 02/20/2019 - 08:37 LIKE 0

Hi Ian,
Yep! Those are supersets.


Posted Mon, 02/18/2019 - 17:00 LIKE 0

Steven I Montanez
Would it be a bad thing to do my Deadlifts after Squats and then do Hack Squats or should I
stick to this strict program?


Posted Tue, 01/29/2019 - 05:30 LIKE 0

Big fan of the flat bench press, could i substitute the flat machine chest press for a flat bench


Posted Sun, 01/27/2019 - 11:09 LIKE 0

Been doing this for almost 10wks now. Like the progress. Any recommendations for a follow-
up program? Thanks!


Posted Mon, 01/28/2019 - 09:48 LIKE 0

Hi J,
you could give one of these a try:


Posted Wed, 01/23/2019 - 14:38 LIKE 0

Would it be ok to work out 5 days in a row instead? (mon-fri, then sat and sun rest)


Posted Fri, 01/25/2019 - 09:42 LIKE 0

Hi Jack,
That should be fine.


Posted Sat, 01/19/2019 - 16:04 LIKE 2

With the suggested pauses between sets, day 1 will be between 1 and 1,5 hours in pause
alone. That if I understand the program correctly?


Posted Fri, 01/11/2019 - 01:53 LIKE 0

When It gives the number of sets, for example It says 4-5 sets with 4-6 reps, are these
considered the working sets or including warmup weight?


Posted Mon, 01/14/2019 - 14:13 LIKE 0

Hi Jeff,
Those are the working sets.


Posted Thu, 01/10/2019 - 19:29 LIKE 0

Hello Josh,
This program looks great in terms of volume and rest... would it be okay to switch Friday and
Saturday in order to alternate upper and lower body? Also to focus on arm growth and let it
rest the weekend...
Thank you!


Posted Mon, 01/14/2019 - 14:05 LIKE 0

Hi Jaime,
Yes, that'd be fine.
Best of luck!


Posted Wed, 01/09/2019 - 23:26 LIKE 0

Is it better to have fewer strength days than size days? Could I do a push/pull/legs for
strength, then go upper-lower for size?


Posted Thu, 01/10/2019 - 16:23 LIKE 0

Hi Ron,
Sure, that would be fine.

Posted Wed, 01/09/2019 - 18:28 LIKE 0
What are the A and B for beside the numbers?


Posted Thu, 01/10/2019 - 16:21 LIKE 0

Hi Matt,
That represents a superset.


Posted Sun, 12/30/2018 - 17:39 LIKE 0

Hi Josh,
Would you alter this program any for my age of 45?


Posted Wed, 01/02/2019 - 12:14 LIKE 0

Hi James,
Not necessarily if you find you're able to recover properly from each workout session.
The main thing to consider as you age is your recovery level. You may have to alter
workout days or volume depending on this.


Posted Mon, 12/10/2018 - 02:05 LIKE 0

I almost completed 1 year in gym and my muscles are not growing anymore
should this program effective in muscle gain and breaking the platue?


Posted Mon, 12/10/2018 - 09:55 LIKE 1

Hi Ritesh,
Yes, this program is an excellent option to help you build lean muscle.

Posted Sat, 12/08/2018 - 08:46 LIKE 0

Hello.. great fan of muscle and strength. I was able to gain 103 kilos using 4 days split
program in a year. Now I want to do this routine. I hope it helps me improve more. I want to
gain little more muscle and at the same time my stubborn belly fat which is not much but not
going away. will this workout help me to shred the belly fat? and is there any replacement to
abductor/adductor machine as my gym doesnt have that machine? thank you so much


Posted Mon, 12/03/2018 - 12:05 LIKE 0

I can't hit the gym on weekends. Can i do this straight Monday to Friday?


Posted Mon, 12/03/2018 - 12:19 LIKE 1

Hi Jim,
Should be fine.


Posted Wed, 11/21/2018 - 09:49 LIKE 0

Hello. If there's for example 4 sets and 6 reps, should I do all the sets with same weight or do
the first set with as much weight as I could and then decrease weight to make another tight set
of 6 reps?


Posted Sun, 11/18/2018 - 05:34 LIKE 0

Hello there
Thanks a lot for your workout routine , I wonder which time of the day is the best period for
training ? Like I’ve got time either early mornings or late nights , which one would you suggest

Posted Mon, 11/19/2018 - 10:28 LIKE 0
Hi Matt,
Whichever allows you to make it to the gym consistently.


Posted Thu, 11/15/2018 - 21:05 LIKE 0

Curious about the upper body strength workout... i notice 3 different back exercise, one
shoulder and only 2 chest workouts? No flat bench presses? And incline dumbbell vs incline
barbell for a strength day?


Posted Sun, 10/28/2018 - 23:25 LIKE 1

Hi, is this routine help's burning fat besides gaining muscles ? thanks.


Posted Mon, 10/29/2018 - 09:02 LIKE 1

Hi Yahya,
Yes, this routine can be used to help aid in fat loss.
Hope this helps!


Posted Thu, 10/25/2018 - 08:34 LIKE 0

Hi! Thanks for this great routine! I would like to know the macros you recommend.


Posted Mon, 10/22/2018 - 09:29 LIKE 0

Hey, I'm a bit confused by 1.A and 1.B exercises. Is it a superset, combo or do i get to choose
between them?

Posted Tue, 10/23/2018 - 09:54 LIKE 0
Hi Peter,
That represents a superset.
Hope this helps!


Posted Sat, 10/20/2018 - 03:20 LIKE 0

I have a question, does 1.a and 1.b mean i get to choose which one? Or are they supersets


Posted Tue, 10/23/2018 - 09:55 LIKE 0

Hi Roland,
Yep, they are supersets.


Posted Thu, 10/04/2018 - 05:09 LIKE 0

Greetings from Greece
I am runing my second week of this program and I am completly satisfied as it feels all my
needs to pack some muscle again!
Quick question,
Since powerlifting days are impossible to retain power to include abs,
What is the best choice for abs routins?
On rest days or in bodybuilding ones ?


Posted Fri, 10/05/2018 - 11:34 LIKE 1

Hi Kostas,
Σας ευχαριστούμε για την ανάγνωση του περιεχομένου μας από την Ελλάδα
I would say aim to work your abs on whichever days are most convenient for you.
Personally, I'd go with Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday with this particular program.
Hope this helps!

Posted Fri, 09/28/2018 - 17:53 LIKE 0

I like this one! I've been muscle building but over the past six months or so I've been
incorporating power lifts in my routines and it's made me fall in love with weight lifting all over
again. Perhaps more routines that mixes a healthy balance of both?


Posted Mon, 10/01/2018 - 10:15 LIKE 0

Hi Cris,
Thank you for that feedback, we'll see what we can do!


Posted Tue, 09/25/2018 - 07:18 LIKE 0

Hey. Program looks dope indeed. Currently im usin 4 day split workout with some good
results actually, thanks to our M&S friends wich i am a big follower and suporter! I wanted to
ask you if, after i finish 4days split routine, should i implement this routine? My aim is to gain
size. Or maybe you can recomand me another routine. Thank you and keep up the good stuff!


Posted Wed, 09/26/2018 - 16:58 LIKE 0

Hi Aurelius,
That's awesome! Glad you enjoy the programs! This workout would be a solid next step
for your goals.
Hope this helps!


Posted Tue, 09/25/2018 - 00:30 LIKE 0

How much cardio is preferable for this routine ?

Posted Wed, 09/26/2018 - 16:54 LIKE 0
Hi Vikram,
It depends on your goals. Personally, I always recommend people perform some form
of cardio during the week. I typically go with 30 Mins of LISS (like walking) each day.
Hope this helps!


Posted Fri, 09/28/2018 - 02:29 LIKE 2

Thank you for the response. Shud i do cardio in separate part of the day away from
weight training or complete my weight training and do cardio immediately ?


Posted Fri, 09/28/2018 - 09:07 LIKE 0

Hi Vikram,
Either way works! Whatever works best for your personal schedule.
Hope this helps!



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