Experimental Design and The GA-BP Prediction of Human Thermal Comfort Index

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2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation

Experimental design and the GA-BP Prediction of

Human Thermal Comfort Index
Ma Bingxin, Shu Jiong*, Wang Yanchao
Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science, Ministry of Education,

East China Normal University,

Shanghai 200062, China

Abstract--- Fanger's PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) is an import index indoor and outdoor environment and chose different floors to
to evaluate human thermal comfort. Three AM-101s (thermal do observation. The result represents most of the residential
environment analyzer) were used to get outdoor and indoor sample areas. Importing experimental data to neural network model
data, and then built a prediction model between the six impact and using outdoor observation data as the training samples,
factors and PMV index with genetic algorithm and neural network. indoor observation data as test samples to train the network,
In this model the difficult iterative calculation was avoided. The we achieved satisfactory results.
results show that MSE converges to 10 ^ - 5 at the 68th epoch and
the overall errors are controlled in 0.006. The correlation coefficient
between PMV and the main three factors: temperature, humidity According to human body engineering and
and air velocity are respectively 0.839, 0.791and-0.932. The first microbiological theory, when the body’s heat loss and
two factors have a significant positive correlation and the third one metabolic heat production is equilibrious, we feel well
has a significantly negative correlation with PMV index. After daily otherwise it is uncomfortable. In stable condition, the
variation analysis of indoor and outdoor temperature, this paper put feelings of most human body are determined by six factors:
forward air conditioning control measures with manual interference (1) mean radiation temperature, (2) humidity, (3) air
to provide support to the occurrence of intelligent air conditioner. temperature, (4) air velocity, (5) metabolic rate, (6) clothing
thermal resistance. Fanger put forward the PMV index which
Key words: thermal comfort index PMV; BP neural network; is proved by the theory and practice and is widely used in
genetic algorithm; real-time control system; thermal many fields. It takes the heat exchange factors between
environmental analyzers human body and indoor environment into consideration.
PMV is the thermal feeling of most people to the same
environment and it has a numerical index to represent human
On the premise that human body is in a steady
thermal comfort. According to the thermal sensation votes, it
environment and metabolism is constant, human heat [2]
can be divided into seven comfort level ; the grading ruler
absorption is equal to the heat loss. In 1970, Fanger took
is in Table Ⅰ:
human thermal equilibrium equation as a starting point, got
TABLE1Ⅰ. Thermal sensation scale (PMV)
the evaluation index of human thermal comfort PMV
[1] Thermal cold cool Slightly moderate Slightly warm hot
(Predicted Mean Vote) . Many scholars studied in this field.
comfort cool warm
They used the simplified PMV model to predict thermal
comfort value and avoid complicated iteration calculation. PMV -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Although there is a high accuracy, the data is not measured Fanger’s thermal comfort equation:
and usually generated the variables randomly according to
PMV = (0.303e −0.036 M + 0.0275) × {M − W − 3.05[5.733 − 0.007( M − W ) − Pa ]
the data scopes. The PMV index, calculated base on these −0.42( M − W − 58.15) − 1.73 × 10−2 × M (5.867 − Pa ) − 0.0014 M (34 − ta )
data, can neither represent the real environment of human −3.96 × 10 −8 f cl [(tcl + 273) 4 − (t s + 273)4 ] − f cl hc (tcl − ta )}
thermal comfort nor correctly reflect the day changes of the tcl = 35.7 − 0.028( M − W ) − I cl {3.96 × 10 −8 f cl ×
body comfort. It reduces the reliability of prediction in a [(tcl + 273) 4 ] − (t s + 273) 4 ] + f cl hc (tcl − ta )}
certain extent. This paper utilized thermal environment
analyzer for field observation, considered the influence of the

Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.40671176)

978-1-4244-9953-3/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 771

open collar unlined upper garment, thinner socks and shoes),
1.00 + 1.290 I cl , I cl ≤ 0.078 energy metabolic equivalent is set to 1met(1met is slightly
f cl = {
1.05 + 0.645 I cl , I cl > 0.078 higher than healthy adults’ basic metabolic, equivalent to the
metabolite rate of the adults while sitting quietly)[4].
hc = 12.1× Va (1)
b) AM - 101 (thermal environment analyzer) technical
Where M is body's metabolism rate (W /m2); W is human
activity (W /m2); Pa is the air vapor pressure around
AM-101(Thermal Environment Analyze)can calculate
people(Pa); ta is the air temperature ( ); ts is mean radiation
PMV (Predicted Mean Value) and PPD (Predicted
temperature; fcl is dressing surface coefficient which is
Percentage of Dissatisfied) index through the observation of
related to clothing thermal resistance; Icl is clothing thermal
air temperature, air humidity, air velocity, mean radiant
resistance(m2·K/W); tcl is the surface temperature of
temperature and other environmental factors.
clothing( ); hc is surface heat transfer coefficient
(W/m2·K); va is air velocity (m/s) [3]. Temperature: 0~50 , Temperature of the black ball:
0~50 , Mean radiation temperature: 0~50 , Relative
From the formula we can see that the calculation of tcl is
humidity: 0~100%RH ,Air velocity: 0~5m/s ,PMV: -3~+3 ,
iterative, it is inconvenience to use formula directly to
PPD: 0~100%.
calculate the PMV index. The BP neural network is to
Determination accuracy: temperature: ±0.5 (15~35 );
simulate the way of thinking. Its characteristic is signal
relative humidity: ± 3 % (20~80%RH); air velocity: ±0.1m/s
transmission forward and error propagation backward. BP
(0~1m/s), ±0.5m/s (1~5m/s) [5].Data was recorded every 10
algorithm in the training process is along the direction in
minutes. Parts of the sample data as shown in Table Ⅱ:
which the error function decreases the fastest to change the
weights and deviation. Its high parallelism and strong IV MODEL
fault-tolerance is very suitable for complicated nonlinear A Algorithm introduction
In recent years, the Artificial Neural network obtains
III DATA PREPARATION many scholars' attention; it is a computational model to
imitate the human brain and consists of a large number of
A Experimental time and place the instruments
neurons and mutual weighted connections. For its powerful
a) Experimental time: 2010 July 19-21 (totaling 48
learning function it is applied in many fields. The BP neural
hours), it can represents the typical summer conditions.
network is the error back-propagation neural network; it is a
b) Instruments placement: Considering the PMV index in multi-layer mapping function with reverse transfer and could
different circumstances and the floors may affect the results correct the errors. Through the study of input and output
of the experiment; we choose a large residential area to place parameters in unknown system it can express the associative
the instruments in 7th floor and the 13th floor. Meanwhile memory system . Because the selection of BP network
turning off the fans and air conditioners is necessary to weights and threshold is random each time, so initial values
exclude human interference. We placed another instrument are not the same and result is different each time. This paper
on grass to represent the outdoor situation. took the average of several network trainings to reduce the
influence by the random initial value and repeated the test
B Parameters setting and determination accuracy
until achieved the goal [7].
a) Parameters Settings: PMV can be obtained through the
estimation of the metabolic rate, clothing thermal resistance, Holland, a professor in the Michigan University of
air temperature, air velocity, air relative humidity and mean American put forward GA (Genetic Algorithm) in 1962. The
radiation temperature. According to the experimental time algorithm mimics natural genetic mechanism and biological
we set clothing thermal resistance to 0.5 (clo) (equivalent to evolution to generate a parallel random search optimization
general summer clothing: knickers, thin trousers, short sleeve method including selection, crossover and mutation. It brings

TABLE Ⅱ. Sample data

PMV PPD(%) Mean radiant Relative temperature(℃) Air

temperature(℃) humidity (%) velocity(m/s)
1.49 50.3 29.6 73.4 29.1 0.1
1.55 53.4 29.7 72.1 28.9 0.01
1.54 53.3 29.7 71.9 28.9 0.01
1.51 51.4 29.7 72 28.7 0.06
1.52 52.1 29.7 71.5 28.8 0.02
1.5 51.1 29.6 71.7 28.8 0.04
1.53 52.3 29.8 71.8 28.7 0.01

the mechanism, ‘survival of the fittest’ biological Net=newff (minmax (p), [6, 18, 1],
evolutionary theory into coding series groups to optimize {'tansig','tansig','purelin'}, 'trainlm'). (2)
parameters. According to the fitness function, selection,
crossover and mutation to retain good individual fitness Where minmax is normalized function; tansig and purelin
value and eliminate the individuals of poor fitness. The new are transfer functions; trainlm is training function.The BP
group inherits the information of last generation and is better neural network structure is shown in Fig.1:
than the last generation, its fitness value rise ceaselessly until
meet constraints [7].

Optimizing the weights and threshold of BP network is

the basic principle of genetic algorithm. Based on the
optimized BP network we can get a better prediction. Genetic
algorithm is a global search algorithm which compensates
the defects caused by the random selection in weights and
threshold. The integration of the BP neural network and Figure.1 Neural network structure
genetic algorithm gives full use of global search ability and c) Select the preprocessed 600 groups of the outdoor
local search ability to get a better prediction. samples into the neural network; randomly select 100 groups
B Algorithm Implementation of the indoor sample data to test the model and output the
simulation results.
a) Data preprocessing: Including data filtration and
preprocessing. Data filtration is to remove the noise data
Net=train (net, p, t). (3)
caused by human interference and the null data caused by the
rain; Preprocessing stage use mapminmax function to Where p is input vector set; t is output vector set.
normalize the sample data and make them fall into [-1, 1] d) Use genetic algorithm to optimize the initialized
interval; use processpca function for each column data to do weights and thresholds of BP neural network and use the
principal component analysis so as to reduce the correlation new weights and thresholds to train the network. The fitness
among the input samples [8]. function can expressed as:

b) Initialize the neural network: According to the study of the

PMV index, design a three layers BP neural network. The 1 1
f (X ) = =
neuron number of the input and output layer respectively is ∑ (t
i =1
i − mi ) 2

6 and 1, the neuron number of the hidden layer is 18

according to Kolmogorovg’s empirical formula and after Where SE is variance; n is sample number; ti is sample
repeated experiments [9].
Use ‘newff’ function to generate value; mi is the sample average value.
the BP neural network: e) Output the simulation when the results meet the goal
and then analyze the results. The results are as follows:

Figure.2 GA-BP neural network training error curve Figure.5 Comparison of prediction error

The results show: The MSE (Mean Square Error) of the

training converges to 10^-5 at 50 Epochs (Fig.2). The
predicted results of BP have a good agreement with the
expectations but there are several larger errors exist in the
curve (Fig.3). After the optimization of GA, we can see the
agreement between predicted values and expectation values
is better than prediction of BP (Fig.4).Apart from several
points, the overall error of BP prediction is controlled in
0.015; the error of GA-BP prediction is controlled in
0.005(Fig.5). It shows that the algorithm optimized the BP
neural network model and had a better predicted accuracy.
Figure.3 Prediction results of BP
34 indoor
temperature(℃ )





21:00 3:00 9:00 15:00 21:00


Figure.6 Indoor and outdoor temperature contrast

temperature(℃ )

Figure.4 Prediction results of GA-BP




20:00 6:00 16:00 2:00 12:00 22:00

Figure.7 Temperature and PMV index comparison

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This paper presents a neural network combined with GA
(Genetic Algorithm) to predict Fanger’s thermal comfort
index PMV. We build a prediction model between the six
impact factors and PMV index and used the sample data to
train the network, and then utilize the genetic algorithm to
optimize the weights and threshold of the BP neural network
and take the new weights and threshold to train the neural
network and output the new results. By adjusting the
parameters of neural network the MSE converged to 10 ^ - 5
at 68 Epochs (Fig.2).The result shows optimized BP neural
network that the overall error is controlled in 0.006. It
illustrates Bp neural network’s high accuracy and feasibility
to predict PMV index. What’ more, according to the partial
correlation between PMV and its main impact factors, we can
select the optimal control measures to achieve the best
thermal comfort with the fastest speed so as to realize
real-time control of the air conditioner. It makes the
occurrence of the intelligent air conditioner possible.

This paper is partially supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NO.40671176). The authors
also appreciate the editors and reviewers for their
constructive comments and suggestions on our paper.


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