Proceso Administrativo - PIA

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración

International Business


Teacher Enrique de Jesús García Guardado

Team #2

Amy Paola Arreola Rodríguez 1868866

Mariana Berenice Candelaria Cardona 1944223
María Fernanda Campos Bustamante 1838637
Andrea León Villalobos 1848525
Diego Jorge Gómez 1799680
Irma Giselle de León Duran 1803338

Date: April 12th, 2019


Problem Statement………………………………………………………………………...4
Theoretical Frame………………………………………………………………………….7

This is the Final Project in which we explain and resume all the topics we have learned,
explained and studied in the semester. This essay will have a total of 10 sections in which the
team number 2 will explain a short resume of each chapter of the book “Management” written
offers a fascinating and useful portfolio of special boxed features that bring the subject matter
to life in real time. It goes without saying that this report remains on the cutting edge of topical
coverage, updated throughout with both current business examples and recent management
research. Emphasizing real results, sustainability, and diversity, themes on which we were
early and remain current leaders. While still organizing the chapters around the classic
management functions, we modernize those functions with a far more dynamic orientation.

Problem Statement
During the first partial we had the opportunity to analyze thoroughly three of the most
important topics that allowed us to acquire knowledge about organizational areas.
“Organization Structure”
We began with one of the most used tools in management: the organization chart. It is
a useful way to picture the division of labor in an organization and it also helps to have a better
flow of communication. Regarding the organization topic, we learned two important concepts
which are differentiation and integration. Differentiation is about the differences between the
tasks many units perform, in their own way and integration is how these different jobs are
coordinated in an overall product. We have different structures but, the one in which we focus
was the type where the items are ranked according to their importance levels, we called this,
hierarchy. An advantage of hierarchy is that it helps to develop talent and ambition and also
that it is very easy to detect the span of control, which means the number of subordinates
someone have. If we apply the hierarchy we have 3 levels of managers: Top level managers,
middle level managers, Front-line managers, named in order of hierarchy, of course the higher
the position, the higher the responsibility (the assignment of a task that an specific employee
should carry out). Also talking about responsibility, together with accountability, is about the
expectations that the employees will develop as their assignments are part of delegation.
The delegation is basically the assignment of new responsibilities to a subordinate, or
in other words the reassignment of a task. If we want to delegate correctly, there are some
steps we must follow: first of all define the goal, select the person, ask for subordinates views,
give them the authority and finally review the progress, this final step is an important part that
we’ll be able to understand better in the Human Resources topic.
As we mentioned before we have different types is organizations, centralized and
decentralized. Centralized is when the ones who have more authority and takes the most
important decisions are the ones with a higher hierarchy level, and decentralized is the
opposite, this means that the lower level manager also takes important decisions for the
company. Now, talking about the structures we have the contrasting which subdivides in 2,
divisional organizational structures and top down organizational structure, the first one the
chart provides a company organized in a specific geography’s and the second one it’s like a
pyramid organized in levels of hierarchy, obviously in the top the one who has the higher level,
that’s why it’s called top down.

“Organizational Agility”
We got to analyze the importance of the “Responsive Organization” structure, which
allows companies to take control of decisions, actions and each person that forms part of it.
In order to achieve an organizational agility and develop this kind of assemblage in the
company is essential to follow 2 determining steps; first the organization has to define its core
capabilities and second, improve and take advantage of them once they’re defined. The
second stage can be achieved by taking in count the following aspects: strategic alliances,
high-involvement organization, organization size, customers expectations and technology.

Strategic alliances happen between companies and their competitors, governments,

and universities developing formal relationships created with the purpose of joint pursuit in
which they focus on working together to reach their mutual goals. The purposes can be to
enter a new markets, develop new technologies, and reduce manufacturing costs from the

High-involvement organization focuses in having participative management and they

achieve this by involving each of their employees and taking in count their perspective for
decision making. In this type of organization, top leaders ensure there is consensus about the
direction in which the business is heading.

Organization size allows us to perform an analysis to know which is the company’s

size that best fits the type of organization that is being managed. The small case unleashes
high speed and energy, better quality in goods and services, greater involvement from their
people, and can steal market share. Then, the big case is focused in maximizing their success
to increase sales and reduce costs. Finally, the big and small case capitalize on the
advantages of the previous two cases to improve the performance.

Customers expectations triggers in diverse quality initiatives in order to ensure a

consistent high quality. Total quality management, six sigma, and ISO 9001 standards are the
systematic alternatives used to meet the previous purpose.

Technology bases in the systematic application of methods, processes, systems, and

skills used to transform resources into a new product, process, or service. The small batch
technologies or job shop are used when an organization produces goods or services in low
volume, large batch technologies are adapted with higher volume and lower varieties, and
continuous process technologies is practiced when there’s very high volume.

“Human Resources Management”

Human Resources Management is used to describe the management and
development of employees in an organization. It is one of the fundamental aspects for a
company because it involves overseeing all things related to managing an organization’s
human capital. Human resources department has several responsibilities to accomplish, in
order to protect human capital. That are, Job analysis, Recruitment and selection, Managing
people, Training and development, Health and security and labor unions.
Job analysis, this responsibility of the Human Resources department consists in
determining what is done on a given job. Basically, the department specifies what is required
to perform a certain job effectively.

Recruitment and Selection, once they have clarified the job positions and tasks they
need for their company, they proceed to recruit and select people by making interviews, asking
for application and résumés, also by doing reference and background checks.

Managing people, In this part of the process a manager must focus on both hiring the
right people, as they have checked and analyzed the people that applied for the job position.
And also getting the most out of them by motivating their employees.

Training and development, the Human Resources department is in charged of showing

the new employees the way they work by making trainings and simulations.

Health and security, companies must have benefits to give to their employees, as an
insurance and social welfare, so the department is in charged of controlling the absences of
their employees and also providing them security at work.

Labor unions, this mean to monitor the interests of workers, represent workers when
disagreements with employers arise and ensure that workers receive fair pay for their services.

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