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Lesson Plan in Science 9

First Quarter (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates an understanding of how changes in the environment may
affect species extinction

Performance Standards: The learner shall be able to make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms, plants, and animals

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learner shall be able to

a. Describe the value of organisms

b. Determine the threats to biodiversity, and;
c. Appreciate the value of diversity

II. Content/Subject Matter

Topic : Importance of Biodiversity

A. References: Adea, E.B., et al., 2003 Science and Technology II p. 326-333
B. Materials: Illustrations/pictures, laptop
C. Integration:
TLE: Use of plants and animals
Araling Panlipunan: Environmental issues
Values Infusion: Appreciation of the values of biodiversity.
Build the spirit of group cooperation.

III. Procedures
A. Daily Routine
-Tell students to arrange the chairs and sit properly.

B. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Yesterday, we had discussed the meaning of biodiversity and its levels. Did you remember the meaning of

Call a student to define biodiversity.

Who can give me the three levels of biodiversity?

Are you ready for our new lesson?

C. Motivation
Class I will show you pictures of different organisms (powerpoint presentation). I will give you three (3)
minutes to study these pictures.

Divide the class into three (3) groups by counting off, students that have the same number will form one

Instruct students to write all the importance of all organisms that are being reflected on the screen and
give them three (3) minutes to finish.

D. Presenting exampes/instances of the new lesson

After doing the activity, what do you think our lesson for today?
Each group will present their output and let the students share their ideas with their classmates.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Each group will report their output to the class.
The group will post on the board the importance of every organism mentioned.

The teacher will discuss the importance of biodiversity based on the students output and will add other
information that was not mentioned by the students.

Do you have any question with regards to the importance of biodiversity?

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Class, did you know that biodiversity is now threatened?

Can you name some threats? Why do you think it becomes a threat?

How does mining affects biodiversity?

Mining destroy our forest and other ecosystem. It further releases harmful chemicals that have harmful
effect to other organisms.

Why using dynamite in fishing becomes threat to biodiversity?

Do you have any question class?

G. Developing mastery

Name the different threats to biodiversity.

H. Generalization

The teacher will show pictures of various organisms. Tell students to pay attention on the pictures and
consider that these pictures composed one big ecosystem and the man is the center of that ecosystem.

What will happen if I will take the mushroom/fungi out from this ecosystem? Call a student to answer.

What will happen if I will take the bacteria out of this ecosystem? Call a student to answer.

And what will happen if all plants will die? Call a student to answer.

Are there any reasons for those organisms mentioned to become extinct?

It seems that all of you are already familiar with the importance and threats to biodiversity. Do you have
any question regarding the lesson that we had discussed?

I. Application
Since you have no question, we will have an activity. Each group will present a brief interview, play or a
game that reflects the importance of biodiversity and its threats. I will give you five (5) minutes to prepare
for your activity and every group will be given two (2) minutes to present their output. Is that clear?

Group presentation.

IV. Evaluation

Please get a ¼ sheet of paper and we will have a short quiz. Please listen carefully to the direction. I will read
the question twice.
Direction. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. Which of the following organisms help in the decomposition of dead organisms?
a. Plants b. fungi c. animals d. seaweeds
2. Which of the following functions indicate the importance of plants to humans?
a. It produces biogas c. it helps in the decomposition of dead organisms
b. It produces food d. it provides habitat
3. In what way does the kaingin farming negatively affect biodiversity?
a. It destroys the forest ecosystem as well as the other organisms.
b. It provides opportunity to other plants to grow.
c. It enhances the biodiversity of the forest.
d. It helps to maintain the ecological balance
4. Why does mining considered as threat to biodiversity?
a. It provides job opportunity to the people.
b. It alleviated poverty.
c. It makes the mountain accessible to all people through road construction.
d. It causes deforestation to mountains and other ecosystems and destroys water quality.
5. Which of the following organisms gives the air that we breathe?
a. Grasses b. mushroom c. dog d. amoeba
6. Which of the following activities threated biodiversity?
a. Planting of trees b. riding a bicycle c. mining d. planting of vegetables
7. Which of the following organisms give fertilizer to plants?
a. Bacteria b. dog c. peanut d. mushroom
8. Absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen is one of the importance of
a. Fungi b. horse c. plants d. protozoa
9. This activity destroys the coral reefs and kills other marine organisms.
a. Logging b. swimming c. surfing d. dynamite fishing
10. Which of the following organisms functions as plant pollinator?
a. Insects b. trees c. bacteria d. lizard

V. Assignment
Answer the following in a ½ sheet of paper crosswise.
1. List at least five (5) ways to conserve biodiversity.
2. As a youth, how can you help in conserving biodiversity?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:


School Head

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