Minimum Time Minimum Time Minimum Time Minimum Time Minimum Time - 32 S

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Prut Udomwattawee

CS465: Computer Network I

Assignment #3
September 29, 2010
Chapter 9: Using Telephone and Cable Networks for Data Transmission
12. First communication phase is setup phase is equivalent to local loops. Second phase is data transfer
phase is equivalent to trunks. The last one is teardown phase is equivalent to switching offices.
18. Calculate the minimum time to download one million bytes by using DSL. Since 1 byte is equal to 8
bits then 1 million bytes = 8 million bits.
1∗10 6∗8
ADSL has downstream around 1.5 Mbps. Then Minimum time= =5.33 s
1∗10 6∗8
ADSL Lite has downstream around 1.5 Mbps. Then Minimum time= =5.33 s
1∗10 6∗8
HDSL has downstream around 1.5 Mbps. Then Minimum time= =5.33 s
1∗10 6∗8
SDSL has downstream around 768 kbps. Then Minimum time= =10. 42 s
1∗10 6∗8
VDSL has downstream around 25 Mbps. Then Minimum time= =. 32 s
20. When the customer uses DSL modems for data transfer, the topology that has been used is star.
Because DSL has its own bandwidth, it does not need to share the information to anyone other than the
service provider.
Chapter 11: Data Link Control
14. Bit stuff happen when there is five 1s then add 0
18. Using 5 bits sequence numbers.
a. Stop-and-Wait ARQ: Maximum sizes for send and receive windows are one.
b. Go-Back-N ARQ: Maximum size for send window is 31. Receive window is one.
c. Selective-Repeat ARQ: Maximum size for send and receive windows are = 16.
30. Packet has 1000 bits. How long to send 1 million bits from 5000 km and the propagation speed is 2 x
108. (Stop and wait)
Number of frame = =1000 frames.
Time to travel roundtrip = 2 * =0.05 s
Then the time to send 1000 frames is 0.05∗1000=50 s
32. Packet has 1000 bits. How long to send 1 million bits from 5000 km and the propagation speed is 2 x
108. (Selective-Repeat ARQ) Windows size of 4.
Number of frame = =1000 frames.
The total number of windows slice is =250
Time to travel one trip = =0.0 2 5 s
This protocol can keep sending the data without interruption because the exercise stated that.
Then in this case will have no delay for ack.
Then the time to send 1000 frames is 250∗0.025=6.25 s
Chapter 12: Multiple Access
16. CSMA/CD with data rate 10 Mbps. The maximum distance between each station is 2500 m.
For 100 Mbps should be 250 m.
For 1 Gbps should be 25 m
For 10 Gbps should be 2.5 m
18. The data rate is 100 Mbps. Distance from A and C is 2000m. Propagation speed is 2 x 10 8 m/s
Time From A to C = =10 μs
a. Time for C to hear collision is 10 µs
b. t4 – t2 = =10 μs then t4 = t1 + t2 = 10 + 3 = 13 µs
c. Tfr(A) = t4 – t1 = 13 – 0 = 13 µs then Number of bits = 100 Mbps x 13 µs = 1300 bits.
d. Tfr(C) = t3 – t2 = 10 – 3 = 7 µs then Number of bits = 100 Mbps x 7 µs = 700 bits.
20. Since W1 = [-1]
W2 = W4 = -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1
-1 1 -1 1 -1 1
-1 -1 1 1
-1 1 1 -1

22. Third Property: we calculate the inner product of each row with itself:
Row 1 • Row 1 [-1 -1 -1 -1] • [-1 -1 -1 -1] = +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Row 2 • Row 2 [-1 1 -1 1] • [-1 1 -1 1] = +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Row 3 • Row 3 [-1 -1 1 1] • [-1 -1 1 1] = +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Row 4 • Row 4 [-1 1 1 -1] • [-1 1 1 -1] = +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Fourth Property: we need to prove 6 relations:
Row 1 • Row 2 [-1 -1 -1 -1] • [-1 1 -1 1] = +1 - 1 + 1 -1 = 0
Row 1 • Row 3 [-1 -1 -1 -1] • [-1 -1 1 1] = +1 +1 -1 -1 = 0
Row 1 • Row 4 [-1 -1 -1 -1] • [-1 1 1 -1] = +1 -1 -1 +1 = 0
Row 2 • Row 3 [-1 1 -1 1] • [-1 -1 1 1] = +1 -1 -1 +1 = 0
Row 2 • Row 4 [-1 1 -1 1] • [-1 1 1 -1] = +1 +1 -1 -1 = 0
Row 3 • Row 4 [-1 -1 1 1] • [-1 1 1 -1] = +1 -1 +1 -1 = 0

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