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Negative Skin Friction (NSF) - Example

Depth (m) Soil Average cu (kPa)

0–5 Clay Fill 50
5 – 15 Soft clay 12
15 – 25 Stiff silty clay 100
> 25 Hard silty clay 500

• Estimate the working load for a precast pile 320 mm x 320

mm (fcu = 40 N/mm2) with penetration depth = 25 m

• We assume that the top 15 m is moving downwards due

to consolidation of soft clay.

• We further assume that negative skin friction is mobilized

at the top 70% of 15 m, i.e. 10.5 m as shown:
Negative Skin Friction (NSF) - Example
Estimate the working load for a precast pile 320mmx320mm (fcu = 40 N/mm2) with penetration depth = 25 m
cu = 50 kPa
Qsn 0.7Ls = 10.5 m
cu = 12 kPa 5.5 m

15 m
cu = 100 kPa

25 m

Qb cu = 500 kPa

Depth (m) Thickness (m) cu (kPa) α fs = α cu ≤ 200 kPa Qsc (kN)

0–5 5 50 0.67 33.5 214.4
5 – 10.5 5.5 12 1 12 84.5
10.5 – 15 4.5 12 1 12 69.1
15 – 25 10 100 0.50 50 640 2
Negative Skin Friction (NSF) - Example
Qb (net) = (0.32 × 0.32) (9)(500) = 460.8 kN

Long term (with negative skin friction)

Qsn = 214.4 + 84.5 = 298.9 kN
Allowable structural capacity (fcu = 40 N/mm2):
η = 1: Qa = 0.25(40 × 103) (0.32 × 0.32) – Qsn = 725 kN
η = 0.67: Qa = 0.25(40 × 103) (0.32 × 0.32) – 0.67Qsn = 824 kN
Allowable geotechnical capacity:
Qsp = 69.1 + 640 = 709.1 kN
Assume Fs = 2
Qb + Qsp 460.8 + 709.1
η = 1: Qa = − Qsn = − 298.9 = 286kN
2 2
Qb + Qsp
η = 0.67: Qa = − 0.67Qsn = 385kN
2 3
Negative Skin Friction (NSF) - Example
Short term (no consolidation)

Qb + Qsc 460.8 + 709.1 + 298.9

Qa = = = 490kN
3 3

• Hence, controlling condition is long-term geotechnical

capacity with negative skin friction.

• Working load is between 286 kN and 385 kN, depending on

mobilization factor

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