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13 Caquot and Kerisel Method:

Active and Passive Earth
Pressure Coefficients

2.13 - 1
Learning Objectives

 We will discuss the assumptions behind the

commonly theoretical non-linear failure

 We will learn how to obtain the Ka and Kp

values based on assumed theoretical non-
linear failure surfaces.

2.13 - 2
Ka and Kp for More Realistic Non-Planar
Failure Surfaces
 Terzaghi (1943) extended the Coulomb earth pressure
theory to accommodate a failure surface geometry
consisting of log-spiral and linear segments.
 For the case of passive failure with positive wall friction,
Terzaghi assumed the following failure surface drawn in red.

2.13 - 3
Ka and Kp for More Realistic Non-Planar
Failure Surfaces

 Based on the assumed failure surface, the zone of plastic

equilibrium is the light brown shaded region below.

2.13 - 4
Ka and Kp for More Realistic Non-Planar
Failure Surfaces

 Part of the zone of plastic equilibrium includes a passive

Rankine zone (shaded green below) whose inclined
boundaries rise at an angle of 45 - φ/2 to the horizontal.

α = 45 - φ/2
α α

2.13 - 5
Ka and Kp for More Realistic Non-Planar
Failure Surfaces
 Another part of the zone of plastic equilibrium consists of
the blue shaded zone whose lower boundary is curved.
 The shape of this curved boundary may be reasonably
approximated as a logarithmic spiral function, or even an
arc of a circle.

2.13 - 6
Ka and Kp for More Realistic Non-Planar
Failure Surfaces
 Caquot and Kerisel (1948) made further developments
to the non-linear failure plane theory, and produced
charts/tables for Ka and Kp values based on the log-
spiral + linear failure surface.

Jean Kerisel
Albert Caquot 2.13 - 7
Non-planar Failure Surfaces

 Caquot and Kerisel (1948) produced tables of earth

pressure based on non-planar failure surfaces.
 They used a logarithmic spiral to represent the
rupture surface.
 While the logarithmic spiral failure surface is used in
both their active and passive derivations, this
modification is extremely important for _______passive
earth pressure where there is soil-wall friction.
 Eurocode 7 Annex C provides charts based on
Caquot and Kerisel’s work. Note that these charts
are provided as “informative” materials – you are not
compelled to use them if you can justify or support
the use of other methods.
2.13 - 8
EC7 Charts for Active and Passive Pressure Coefficients

 The next few slides contain the charts for active and
passive earth pressure coefficents that are extracted
from EC7 Annex C.
 Note that I did not extract all the charts from the EC7
 If you would like to get the additional charts not
shown here, please refer to the EC7 document.
 Note that even the charts provided by EC7 Annex C
are not complete. In many cases, you would still
have to interpolate between the charts.
 For example, the EC7 charts only provide the K
values for certain wall frictions, δ/φ = 0, 0.67 and 1.
 If you need K values for other δ/φ values, in some
cases you will need to interpolate between charts. 2.13 - 9
Eurocode 7 Annex C (KA for β=0, α=90º)

2.13 - 10
Eurocode 7 Annex C (KP for β=0, α=90º)

2.13 - 11
Eurocode 7 Annex C (KA for δ=0, α=90º)

2.13 - 12
Eurocode 7 Annex C (KA for δ=φ′, α=90º)

2.13 - 13
Ka and Kp Chart from NAVFAC DM7.02

 The Naval Facility Design Manual NAVFAC

DM7.02 contains a chart that provides the Ka
and Kp values based on Caquot and Kerisel’s
 It is able to account for different wall friction
δ/φ and different backfill slopes within one
single chart.

 The chart, which you may find useful at some

point, is provided on the next slide.

2.13 - 14
2.13 -15
Summary of the Log-Spiral + Linear Segment
Failure Surface Method

 The log spiral shape of the failure plane has generally

been supported and verified by experiments, and
hence the Terzaghi/ Caquot & Kerisel solution is
generally preferred over that of Coulomb.
 For the active pressure coefficient, the results using a
logarithmic spiral rupture surface generally provides
negligible difference to those obtained using a planar
 For passive conditions, does the Caquot & Kerisel or
the Coulomb method yield a higher value of KP ?

2.13 - 16

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