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Australian International Academy

AIA Kellyville Campus


Discussion and feedback on achievements and / or factors hindering successful performance

Please complete the following reflections and email back to the Principal
before our meeting in week 7, commencing Tuesday 12 th June, 2018

Name: Kamaldeep Kaur

Commencement Date: 29/01/2018

Subjects taught and classes: Science Year 7 (7A and 7B), Mathematics
Year 5 and Year 8, Chemistry Year 11.

Performance review discussion plan:

What were your individual objectives and/or “SMART goals” for this period of employment (first six

My objectives for this period were:

1. To align myself with IB structure, terminology, assessment criteria and IB learner profile.

2. To have engaging and meaningful classroom sessions where each learner gets the maximum
benefit and is catered for. The goal was to develop the love for the subject and have a
sound foundation of the fundamentals of science and math.
3. To build a great rapport with students; to make students feel comfortable in my classroom
and make myself approachable as an educator.
4. To encourage students to participate in classroom discussions and teaching learning
activities. i.e. to feel free to communicate their concerns to me as the teacher.
Overall, how well do you feel you have been meeting your objectives/SMART Goals for the year?
What achievements would you like to highlight?

My journey at school have been a great experience and have provided me with an opportunity to
adapt and familiarise myself with the IB model, structure and functionality. In addition to that
I have actively engaged all throughout my time at the school with my colleagues and made sure
that I perform to best of my abilities each day.
I feel extremely privileged to be working with such learned colleagues and at an organization
with great and energetic learning environment. I have been made feel welcome at the school and
I would like to begin with thanking staff and school management for providing such fantastic
support to me. Overall I feel confident that I have been successfully able to achieve my goals
and I desire to keep learning and growing in future with school’s support and guidance.

Below are key highlights and some specific examples of my achievements at school.
YEAR 5 Mathematics-I am very proud of year 5 and their progress so far and can report that
they are very excited for their math lesson and look forward to engage and interact and have
some good fun learning together. Ms. Govender also enjoys my lessons and is a very keen observer
and supports throughout as required. I continue to share a great rapport with students and some
examples of my work include: 5B made a spectacular poster during PI week using mathematical
operations to write the expanded form of the number PI. We enjoyed learning about different
time zones of Australia when we were learning time- 12 hour and 24 hour format. Recently we
used measuring tape and other tools to calculate the area and perimeter of different objects in
5B classroom as a group task and compared our answers with other groups. We extended this
activity by using the MAKER SPACE TROLLEY and using LEGO to construct our own structures
and find the area and volume of our own design. We also made cube in the classroom using nets
and talked about volume. Year 5 lately wrote a mathematical story and it was fun sharing our
stories with other members of the class. Earlier this term we focused on preparing for NAPLAN
and had some lessons on its preparation. We look forward to seeing some good results.
There are some early finishers (gifted students) who are regularly challenged with harder
problem solving questions and extended in the classroom.
The pictures of our activities are regularly saved in teachers general.

Finally I can summarize as follows we add by interacting, subtract any problems in class, divide
any fear of math and multiply our knowledge when I meet the students. I promise I will continue
to work with students and help them achieve great results.

2. Year 8 Mathematics- I have made remarkable progress with year 8 despite of many
changes earlier on due to different learning styles and abilities of students, I was able to
make subject interesting for some who initially thought of it as a very dry and hard subject.
We have one student moved up to the other classroom 8A and 4 students achieving between
level 5 -7. I am confident that with continual efforts we will soon see all students at the
same level. I trust that students will support me and I will try to the best of my abilities to
achieve great results for the team.

3. Year 7 Sciences-The continual support of students have provided me with an opportunity to

collectively demonstrate and closely work on individual skills and bring out the confidence
which students need in order to progress in a way they feel they can fulfill their dreams
with the right foundation at grass root levels. Year 7’s on the whole is a beautiful cohort.
The students are very obedient and take the task on hand very seriously. It is very exciting
for the students to be in the science laboratory and do hands on experiments and find
results. From the parent teacher interview, all the feedback from the parents confirms that
students love the subject more specifically due to its practical nature. In addition we are
focusing on Education perfect tasks, Jacaranda text books and active data recording of all
spelling tests we do from time to time. Finally, We look forward to an exciting upcoming
excursion to Sydney water recycling plant at Penrith and at a later date Spelling bee
competition during Science week for all stage 4 students. I can assure that with this
specific and realistic approach of learning, I am trying my best to make science good fun for

4. Year 11 Chemistry- I am very proud to say that some of our students have done a
remarkable job and came up with extensive and enriching ‘depth study’ reports. Year 11’s
enjoy doing practical work. We have mixed ability students in year 11 ranging from their
interests and learning styles. Some students are way too good with technology and some are
great speakers. This is evident when some students presented their power-points and
speeches in an interesting way. Given chemistry is not an easy subject I encourage and
motivate my students to show a continuum of learning at school and at home and revise the
classwork done regularly. We take regular topic tests to check student understanding and all
data is recorded. I believe we will achieve great outcomes in future. If need be I will be
holding support classes for the students who have missed some concepts in chemistry. My
achievement have been with them to discuss our collective goals to be realistic and time
bound. I trust that I have great class which keep promising me the greatest of results and a
promise of learning for life.
How could you have performed better or achieved more? Are there any barriers or obstacles which are
hindering your performance? Any suggestions / solutions around barriers, work improvements?

I am thankful for whatever support I have received so far and I hope I continue to get same
support and guidance in future. However, I feel that if I had some more time at induction to allow
me additional time to learn school procedures, software we use and brief on departmental
procedures it would have been a lot easier and saved me a lot of time. I have now been able to
understand all of the above to best of my abilities and will continue to seek guidance where
Finally, I would appreciate, if in future I am made clear of any changes to structuring of my role,
any duties expected of me in advance and request my job description and employment conditions
provided in the offer letter provided to me. This will allow me to be organized and prepared to
perform duties I am required to perform in an efficient manner.

What are your career goals and future within AIA?

I see myself as part of team AIA. In future I would love to see myself grow with the school and
be someone who contribute to lay foundations of our alumni who emerge to leave a mark on the
world as its global citizens.

Which areas of your work give you most satisfaction?

As a passionate educator, being in the classroom gives me immense satisfaction. I feel a great
sense of pride when the lessons go well and every student gets benefit from the lesson. In
addition, when critical thinking skills are aroused in the learners and they ask inquiry based

What major skills, knowledge & experience do you feel you have gained?

I have gained various skills such as being acquainted with IB learner profile and terminology,
making IB focused assessment task and rubrics around the four criteria’s, setting an exam and
assessing it, how to use various tools and platforms such as managebac and education perfect,
Data keeping and managing skills.

What support do you need to help you reach your goals?

Regular and timely feedback regarding my teaching. I need more time and would love to observe
some senior teachers at school teach, in order to provide me with an opportunity to learn from
some of the best teachers we have at the school.
What individual performance goals you need to focus on for the next six months

What are the next steps?

For you:

To look for growth opportunities within the school and contribute in every way towards the
progress of school and students.

To increase the number of hands on activity in my lessons and give opportunity to every student
to grow and express themselves.

For your employee:

To provide continual support and guidance.


Objectives should be specific. They should be outlined in a

S Specific
clear statement of precisely what is required, describing
the result that is desired in a way that is, detailed, focused
and well defined.

Measurement is hugely important because it will enable

you to know whether an objective has been
M ble
achieved. Therefore, include a measure to enable
organisations to monitor progress and to know when the
objective has been achieved.

An objective can be said to be achievable if the necessary

Achieva resources are available or similar results have been

A ble
achieved by others in similar circumstances. Design
objectives to be challenging, but ensure that failure is not
agreed) built into objectives. Objectives should be agreed by
managers and employees to ensure commitment to them.

The concepts of 'realistic' and 'achievable' are similar and

R (or
this may explain why some use the term 'relevant' as an
alternative. Focus on outcomes rather than the means of
achieving them.

It is necessary to set a date or time by which the objective

T bound
should have been accomplished or completed and this
contributes to making objectives measurable. Therefore,
agree the date by which the outcome must be achieved.

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