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org.springFramework.Beans and org.springframework.Context forms the base of the spring IOC container.

The beans define their dependencies with the each other they work with hence it is known as IOC
(Inversion of Control). A good se example of IOC is the servlet container where the container instantiates a

BeanFactory and ApplicationContext forms the base of the spring IOC container. The basic difference
between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext is:

Bean Factory Application Context

Does not support internationalization I18 support Supports Internationalization
Follows lazy initialization of beans which means that Eager instantiation of bean. All the singleton bean is
it creates the bean when a bean is requested. created at the time the container is
Does not provide support for sending events to Does provide support for sending events to the
registered bean. beans registered in the xml file
Annotation based dependency is not supported by Annotation based dependency is supported by
bean factory like @AUTOWIRED, @PREDESTROY Application context.

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