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disappear[ dis-uh-PEER ]
disappear = verb = to become lost

Portugal[ PAWR-chuh-guhl ]

vacationing = verb = to go somewhere during a vacation

vacation [ vey-KEY-shuhn ]

periodically = adverb = happening regularly over a period of time

periodically [ peer-ee-OD-ik-lee ]

throughout[ throo-OUT ]
throughout = preposition = during an entire situation or period of time

ocean[ OH-shuhn ]
dine[ dahyn ]
dine = to eat dinner

Portuguese[ pawr-chuh-GEEZ ]
Portuguese = adjective = the people of Portugal

Scotland[ SKOT-luhnd ]
Scotland Yard = noun = the detective department of the London police

Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz (send a picture)

investigate = verb = to try to find out the facts about something, such as a crime
or an accident in order to learn how it happened, who did it, etc.

sleuth[ slooth ]
sleuth = noun = someone who looks for information to solve crimes

theorizers[ THEE-uh-rahy-zers ]
theorizers = noun = a person who thinks of or suggests ideas about what is possibly
true or real

Netflix = noun = a popular TV and movie-streaming service

Madeleine[ maduh-LEN ]

circumstance[ SUR-kuhm-stan-sez ]
circumstances = noun = the way something happens

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