How Will Technology Change Our Lives in The Next 20 Years

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How will Technology change our lives in the next 20 years?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes so as to improve the
overall well-being of humans. Since the industrial revolution, technology has changed our lives
drastically, and with the advent of internet the change is happening at a much faster pace. Our phones
are becoming sleeker and more powerful, cameras have gone completely digital, and the hand-held
devices are giving access to all the world’s music and movies in a matter of few clicks.

With the pace of technological development, it can be anticipated that we will become an even greater
technology reliant society. Driverless cars will become a truth; the prefix smart will move on from
mobile devices to wearable devices such as contact lenses. Even though robots and computers are an
efficient means of production, 3D printing will most probably render humans capable of making
anything at home.

In the business environment, technology would make businesses more and more competitive, with
robots and machines replacing all of the human labour. This would demand long term investment
from companies and would have serious social repercussions. Further, with advancement in data
analytics, companies would cater to individual consumer rather to a region or a group. This would also
lead to more people taking business decisions based on the information provided rather than
following guts and instincts.

On the personal level, health and related technologies would be readily available, helping humans to
take better and timely decisions based on their present condition. Further, technology would readily
help humans to let go of the monotonous tasks that we have to do again and again – driverless cars,
smart cleaning devices etc. would become a reality.

Thus, the potential scope of technology is infinite in the next twenty years. The technology that we
see in the sci-fi films would become a reality in the near future, thus changing the landscape of our
entire world. Every surface that we touch, walk upon or sit on would be some sort of a computer. As
we progress as a human race and see continuous technological progress, however, we must also
consider the dire consequences that such technology might pose along with the bright and life-
changing future.

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