Blood Bank

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Income Statement

2014 2015 2016

Hospital Revenue
In-Patients Revenue 53,680,956 54,387,311 59826042
Ultrasound 2,159,690 3,590,250 5968401
ECG 46,100 52,400 59561
X-Ray 2,512,960 3,512,170 4908689
OPD Hospital 8,509,742 7,955,915 8751507
Labortary Income 12,745,213 11,182,053 12300258
Blood Service Income 6,072,003 9,212,000 13975774
MCH Income - 6,597,998 7257798
Total Hospital Revenue 85,726,664 96,490,097 108604936
Zakat, Donations & Grants 19,314,423 14,776,198 18470248
Other Income 1,749,246 2,710,158 4198927
Total Income 106,790,333 113,976,453 244322139
Salaries & Allowances Expenses 27,960,014 37,771,550 41,548,705.0
Consultants Service Expenses 12,555,777 1,775,619 251,105.35
Hospital Panel Expenses 5,424,051 9,076,815 15,189,490.39
Thalassemia Patients Treatment Expenses 4,950,089 4,994,905 7577905.4885184
Waived as Financial Support to Indigent Patients 603,866 1,644,919 1809410.9
Labortary Expenses 7,361,745 7,763,589 8,187,367.83
Utiities Expenses 5,432,902 5,331,975 5,232,922.92
Repair & Maintenance 3,973,853 3,496,476 3,076,446.06
Vehcile Runing & Maintenance 3,899,409 5,268,383 7,117,965.68
Postage Expenses 68,349 40,109 23,537.02
printing and Stationary 1,225,647 1,313,922 1,408,554.85
Oxygen Gas charges 2,645,102 2,408,859 2,193,715.66
Laundary Expenses 264,358 64,945 15,955.08
Advertisement Expenses 401,952 720,364 792,400.4
Blood Donation Camp Expenses 250,767 268,397 287,266.46
Computer and Software Expenses 243,708 411,972 696,410.99
Office Supplies 3,450,109 1,065,276 328,920.90
Security Expenses 227,700 254,745 285,002.26
Conveyance Expenses 8,514 33,782 134,040.82
Entertainment Expenses 322,984 513,175 815,361.07
Subscriptions, Newspaper and Periodicals 12,392 16,853 22,919.92
program & Seminar Expenses 15,535 102,930 681,981.65
Audit Expenses 99,000 271,095 742,348.48
Staff Uniform Expenses 330,783 366,183 405,371.47
Curtain and bed sheet expenses 86,891 232,778 623,604.25
Deprecition Charge 968,383 1,504,040 2,335,993.43
Bank Charge 42,198 47,845 54,247.69
other Expenses 6,671,863 6,646,934 6,622,098.15
Project based charges 9,269,787 8,753,251 10,503,901.20
Discard Blood pints Expenses 216,703 210,878 205,209.58
Total Expenses 98,984,431 102,372,564 119,170,160.9
0.662391 1.662391
0.136659 1.136659
0.397623 1.397623
-0.06508 0.934918
-0.12265 0.877353
0.517127 1.517127
0.125555 1.125555
-0.23497 0.765034
0.549329 1.549329
0.067292 1.067292

0.815232 0.542217 -0.85858 0.141418

0.673438 1.673438
0.009054 1.009054
0.147103 1.72398 2.72398
0.054585 1.054585
-0.01858 0.981423
-0.12013 0.87987
0.351072 1.351072
-0.41317 0.586826
0.072023 1.072023
-0.08931 0.910687
-0.75433 0.245671
0.792164 1.792164
0.070304 1.070304
0.690433 1.690433
-0.69123 0.308766
0.118775 1.118775
2.967818 3.967818
0.588856 1.588856
0.35999 1.35999
5.625684 6.625684
1.738333 2.738333
0.107019 1.107019
1.678966 2.678966
0.553146 1.553146
0.133822 1.133822
-0.00374 0.996264
-0.05572 0.944277
-0.02688 0.97312
0.034229 1.034229
2014 2015
Non-Current Assets
property plant & Equipt: 40,952,495 45,132,018
Capital work in progress 3,998,495 5,806,350
Total Non C.Assets 44,950,990 50,938,368

Current Assets
Stock Medicine & Supplies - 3,146,102
Trade debts-Considered good 4,237,486 5,702,850
Adavnce and other Receivable 4,487,957 7,990,083
Tax Refund Due 282,654 282,654
Short Term Investment 10,000,000 10,500,000
Cash & bank balance 11,518,397 16,853,371
Total C.Assets 30,526,494 44,475,060
Total Assets 75,477,484 95,413,428

Capital Fund 71,214,812 83,168,122

Current Liablities
Trade & other payable 4,262,872 8,136,415
Advances from patients - 1,704,390
Provident fund -Unrecognized - 2,404,501
Total Current Liabilities 4,262,872 12,245,306
Total Fund & Liablitites 75,477,684 95,413,428

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