Parative Form of Adjectives Final

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Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram

Department of English
Technical English I
Comparative Adjectives

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with the comparative form of the adjectives given in
1. The weather this summer is even __________(bad) than last summer.
2. I think mathematics is ___________(difficult) than English
3. A fan is _____________( cheap) an air conditioner ( Jan 2011)
4. Nanotechnology is ______________(popular) any other subject today(Jan 2011)
5. Nothing is _________________(difficult) concentrating on a subject we don’t like( Jan 2011)
6. Laptops are ______________(convenient) desktop computers( Jan 2011)
7. Diesel is _________(heavy) than petrol (MQP)
8. Diesel costs __________(little) than petrol(MQP)
9. Pressurized heavy water reactor is _____________(small) fast breeder reactor, and is , therefore
______________(compact) than the other(MQP)

10. Lead is __________________(heavy) than aluminum(Dec 2002)

11. Gold is _______________(expensive) than silver(Dec 2002)
12. The Process of extraction of oil is _______________(simple) than the process involved in
prospecting for oil(Dec 2002)
13. The disposal of nuclear wastes causes ___________(great) problems when compared to the
production of nuclear energy(Dec 2002)
14. Nylon is ______________ ( hard) rubber(May 2003)
15. Platinum is ____________(expensive) Gold(May 2003) (Nov 1998)
16. Today, making investments in landed property is __________(wise) investing in articles of gold.
(May 2003)
17. In mountain regions, day travel is _____________(good) night travel(May 2003)
18. A wise enemy is _____________(good) a foolish friend(Jan 2005)
19. Liberty is _________________(important) food(Jan 2005)
20. Petrol is ____________( costly) kerosene(Jan 2005)
21. The tiger is ______________( ferocious) other animals(Jan 2005)
22. Water has a _____________(high) boiling point than alcohol(Aprl 1997)
23. A mile is _______________( long) a kilometer (Oct 2000)
24. The dependence on alternative power sources is ___________(heavy) in developing countries
than in developed countries (2006)

Compiled by D.Jayavelu & P.Chandrasekaran Page 1

Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram
Department of English
Technical English I
Comparative Adjectives

25. The process of extraction of oil is _______________(simple) than the process involved in
prospecting for oil(2002)
26. She is _____________________(intelligent) than her husband(2009)
27. The sword is not so _________________(mighty) as the pen(2009)
28. Cricket is a ______________________(popular) game in England. (2009)
29. Water is ____________________(heavy ) than oil. That is why oil floats on water.(2009)
30. The diesel engines are ____________________(powerful) than petrol engines (2009)
31. Modern aircrafts are fitted with ___________________(sophisticated) engines (2009)
32. Doing calculations using computer is ______________(fast) than doing them manually.(2009)
33. For children, playing is _________________(interesting) than studying(2011)
34. The Ganges is ________________(long) than Cauvery.(2011)
35. An ocean is _____________________(large) than a sea (2010)
36. People say that Chinese is _____________________(difficult) to learn than English(2010)
37. Super computers are __________________(strong) than other computers (2011)
38. Oil is ____________(dense) than water. (2011)
39. Water is ___________(heavy) than Oil ( Jan 2009)
40. Platinum is __________________(expensive) than silver (May / June 2007)
41. A diesel engine is _______________(efficient ) than a petrol engine(May / June 2007)
42. Carbon dioxide is _______________( heavy) than air(May / June 2007)
43. Which is __________(heavy), iron or lead? (May / June 2009)
44. An aeroplane can travel ______________(fast) than a train(May / June 2007)
45. A computer is one of the _____________(useful) modern inventions (Jan 2010)
46. Diesel costs ____________(little) than petrol.(Jan 2010)
47. A car has a __________________( high) petrol consumption than a scooter(Jan 2010)
48. My radio works _______________( good) than my brother’s radio(Jan 2010)
49. Oil is ____________(light) than water(June 2009)
50. The university campus was _____________(far) away from the station than I was given to
believe(June 2009)
51. The afternoon session of the workshop was definitely _____________(Interesting)(June 2009)
52. The weapons used in the second world war were_____________(destructive) than those used
ever before in the history(June 2009)
53. Travelling by car is ____________(expensive) than riding on bike(May 2005)

Compiled by D.Jayavelu & P.Chandrasekaran Page 2

Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram
Department of English
Technical English I
Comparative Adjectives

54. Mobile phones are ____________(convenient) than landline phones(May 2005)

55. Jet planes _____________(fast) than aero-planes(May 2005)
56. Cotton dress materials are _____________(comfortable) to wear in summer than other
materials (May 2005)
57. Computer is one of the ______________(useful ) modern inventions (fill in the blank with
appropriate form of the adjective) (Dec 2004)
58. A car has a ____________(high) petrol consumption than a scooter (Dec 2004)
59. An aero-plane can travel______________(fast) than a train (Dec 2004)
60. Fear of death is ___________(bad) than the actual death.(Jan 2009)
61. Cricket is __________________(popular) game in England (Jan 2009)
62. An ocean is ______________(large) a sea.(Dec10/ Jan11)
63. People say that Chinese is ____________(difficult) to learn than English.( Dec10/ Jan11)
64. These letters are ___________(bold) than the others.( Dec10/ Jan11)
65. We have to be ____________(cautious) than others.( Dec10/ Jan11)
66. Four wheelers are ___________(safe) than two wheelers.( Dec10/ Jan11)
67. A computer is ______________( reliable) than a calculator. .( Dec10/ Jan11)
68. Aluminum is ___________(abundant) than any other metallic element(May / June 2011)
69. Reema feels much ___________(well) today than she did yesterday(May / June 2011)
70. The open reel tape is ________________(thick) than the cassette tape(May / June 2011)
71. Computer works____________(fast) than calculator(Apr / May 2011)
72. Trains travel _______________(fast) buses(May / June 2012)
II. Change the following into Comparative Degree
73. Alcohol boils at 78O C; Water boils at 100O C(MQP)
74. Nuclear power is better than any other source of energy. (MQP)
75. A computer is one of the most modern inventions(Nov 1997)
76. Platinum is one of the most precious metals(MQP)
77. Osmium is the heaviest metal on the earth(April 1998)
III. Make comparative sentences using the information given below (Jan2011)
78. Steel / strong / Cast-iron
79. Swift car / comfortable / Maruti car
80. Indian food / good / American food
81. Silver / expensive/ Gold

Compiled by D.Jayavelu & P.Chandrasekaran Page 3

Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram
Department of English
Technical English I
Comparative Adjectives

Compiled by D.Jayavelu & P.Chandrasekaran Page 4

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