Virtual Campus: C O M S A T S I N S T I T U T E O F I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N O L O G Y

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COURSE: Project Controlling & Monitoring


Govt. of Pakistan take initiative of rehabilitation for the flood affected areas. For this they
decided to launch a project which outcome is 500 shelters.

1. Consider yourself a project manager and design a WBS for this project (WBS must
contain 15 activities).
2. After project planning and initiation, Govt. wants 5 major changes in the scope of the
project. Please design a scope change request log for the demanded changes.
3. Please construct a new WBS which incorporates the changes.

Note: Think outside the box. You are free to consider activities and changes of your choice, but
remain sensible in your suppositions.


Read and understand instructions carefully and then start attempting the assignment. In order to get good
marks, following instructions should be followed while compiling your assignment

a) Font style should Times New Roman

b) Font size should be 12 for normal text (paragraph) and 14 for headings
c) Line spacing should be 1.5
d) Document should be “JUSTIFY” aligned
e) You can consult your text book, reference books or internet for your assignment
f) Be careful with the copping as it will cause cancellation of the assignment and will be marked
g) Just grasp the basic concept from the book or internet and apply it in the situation of your selected
h) Your own ideas and words will be appreciated
i) Comprehend your own idea in 1,000 words (max), be precise with your answer, un necessary
details will not create a positive impression
j) Spelling or grammatical mistakes will not be negatively marked, in order to appreciate and
acknowledge your own creative writing
Referencing Guidelines:

Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APA reference style” in Google and
read various website containing information for better understanding or visit

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