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This manual is either an original scan from tech's who worked at Carver corp, donated by forum 
members, or both.  These manuals are NOT intended for re‐sale.  If you purchased a 'Carver 
Manuals' disc on ebay or another auction site, and it has this material on it, you were ripped 

Please report any resale of this material to us at 
Powerful o Musical o Accurate

(,ut An (- . ( V:ut StJAr*^r)ryt r*)
v r!/
ft-r ?

Prea lifie/Tuner
with phy'
Safety lnstructions
L Read Instructions-- All the safetyand operation 9. Power Cord Protection- Power-supplycords should
instructionsshouldbe readbeforethe Carver Component be routedso that they are not likely to be walked upon or
is operated. pinchedby items placedupon or againstthem, paying
2. RetainInstructions to cordsat plugs,
- The safetyand
operatinginstructions receptacles,and the
shouldbe kept for point wherethey
future reference. exit the Compo-
3. HeedWarnings- nent.
All warningson the 10.Cleaning-
Componentand in The Component
shouldbe cleaned
instructionsshould be PARTSINSIDE
only as recom-
4. Follow Instruc- manual.
tions- All operating I l. Non-use
and other instructions Periods-The
shouldbe followed. The lightningflashwith arrowheadsymbol
withinan equilateraltriangle is intendedto alert power cord of the
5. Water and Moisture- the userto the presenceof uninsulated Componentshould
"dangerous voltage"withinthe product's be unplugged from
The Componentshould
not be usednear water enclosure,that may be of sufficientmagnitude the outlet when un-
- for example,neara to constitutea riskof electricshockto persons. usedfor a long
bathtub,washbowl, period of time.
The exclamation pointwithinan equilateral
kitchen sink, laundry triangleis intendedto alertthe userof the 12. Object and
tub, in a wet basement, presenceof importantoperatingand main- Liquid Entry -
or neara swimming tenance(servicing) instructionsin the literature Care should be
pool, etc. accompanying the appliance. takenso that
6. Ventilation- The objects do not fall
Componentshouldbe into and liquids are
situatedso that its not spilled into the
location or position CAUTl0ll:T0 PREVENT
SHOCK, insideof the
doesnot interferewith MATCHWIDEBLADE OFPLUG
TOWIDESLOT, Component.
its proper ventilation.
For example,the
INSERT. 13.Damage
be situatedon a bed, poUREVrrnLES
ATTElrTrolr: ElrC-
The Component
shouldbe serviced
sofa,rug, or similar
surfacethat may block
LA LAMELA PLUS only by qualified
any ventilation LARGEDELAFICHE
openings;or placedin RESPONDANTE
a builrin installation
such as a bookcaseor
JUSOU'AU supplycord or the
plug has been
cabinetthat may damaged; or
impedethe flow of air throughventilationopenings.
B. Objectshave fallen, or liquid has spilledinto the
7. Heat - The Componentshouldbe situatedaway from Component; or
heat sourcessuchas radiators,or other deviceswhich
C. The Componenthasbeenexposedto rain; or
D. The Component does not appearto operatenormally
8. Power Sources- The Componentshouldbe con- or exhibits a marked changein performance;or
nectedto a power supply only of the type describedin E. The Componenthasbeendropped,or its cabinet
theseoperationinstructionsor as markedon the Compo- damased.
14. Servicing- The usershould not attemptto service This apparatusdoesnot exceedthe ClassA/ClassB
the Componentbeyondthosemeansdescribedin this (whicheveris applicable)limits for radio noise
operatingmanual. All other servicingshouldbe emissionsfrom digital apparatusas set out in the radio
referredto qualified servicepersonnel. interferenceregulationsof the CanadianDepartmentof
15.To preventelectric shock,do not usethis polarized
plug with an extensioncord, receptacleor other outlet ATTENTION - Le pr6sentappareilnum6riquen'6met
unlessthe bladescan be fully insertedto preventblade pas de bruits radio6lectriquesd6passantlas limites
exposure. applicablesaux appareilsnum6riquesde classA/de
classB (selonle cas)prescritesdansle rdglementsur
Pour pr6evenirles chocs6lectriquesne pas utiliser
le brouillageradio6lectrique6dict6par les ministere
cettefiche polarise6avecun prolongateur,un prise de
des communicationsdu Canada.
courantou une autre sortiede courant.sauf si les lames
peuvent 6tre ins6r6esi fond sanslaisseraucunepariie 19. Power Lines - An outdoorantennashouldbe
d d6couvert. locatedaway from power lines.
16. Groundingor Polarization- Precautionsshould 20. OutdoorAntennaGrounding- If an outside
be taken so that the groundingor polarizationmeansof antennais connectedto the receiver,be surethe
the Componentis not defeated. antennasystemis groundedso as to provide some
protectionagainstvoltagesurgesand built up static
11.lnternaUExtemalVoltageSelectors- Intemal or
charges.Section810 of the National Electric Code,
externalline voltageselectorswitches,if any, should
ANSIA.,IFPANo. 70- 1984, providesinformation with
only be resetand re-equippedwith a proper plug for
respectto propergroundingofthe mast and supporting
alternatevoltageby a qualified servicetechnician. See
structure,groundingof the lead-in wire to an antenna
an AuthorizedCarver Dealerfor more information.
dischargeunit, size ofgrounding conductors,location
18.AttachmentPlugs for AlternateLine Voltage(Dual of antenna-discharge unit, connectionto grounding
voltagemodelsonly) - Seeyour Authorized Carver electrodes,and requirementsfor the grounding
Dealerfor information on the attachmentplug for electrode.Seefigure below.
alternatevoltageuse. This pertainsto dual-voltage
units only. PORTABLE
Cartsand stands- The
Componentshouldbe used
only with a cart or stand
that is recommendedby
movedwith care. Quick
stops,excessiveforce, and
unevensurfacesmay cause
the Componentand cart
combinationto overturn_




1 N E CS E C T T O8N10 2 1)
This reminderis to call the CATV svsteminstalleasattentionto Article820-40
of the NEC that providesguidelinedfor propergroundingand inparticular,
ELECTRODESYSTEM specifiesthat the cablegroundshallbe connectedto the groundingsystem
(NECART 250,PARTH) oi the buildingas closeio the pointof cableentryas praciical.
Safety Instructions. o.o.... o........................ o.o.. o.o. Page 2
A M e s s a g e f r o m B o b C a r v e r . . . . . . .o . . . .o. . o . . . . . . . .o.o . . . . .5.
. .o


and Features
Specifications ........ ....6

R e a r P a n e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . o. . . . o. . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . 7

OperatiOn . . . . . . . o. . . o. . . . o. . . . . . o. . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. ...o.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .o. . . . 0
F r O n tP a n e l. . . . . o
Suggestgd 3
. . . . .o . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . t | 4
R e m O t e C O n t r O l . . . . . . .o . . .o .o . . .o . . . . . o

O p e r a t i O n S. . . . . . . o . . . . . . o . . . o . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....n. .1. 6

Set-UpFor SonicHolographlpo.o.......o....o...........'1
g u i d € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. . . . .o. .. . . . . . . . .2 2
T r o u b l g s h o o t i nG
Careand Service

A MessageFrom
Bob Carver
Dear Customer, and read the instructions carefullyto fine tune
Thank you for choosing Carverelectronics. Sonic Holography@to your room'and speakers...
We at Carver Corporation realizethat there is an but the resultsare absolutelyastonishing.We get
abundanceof home electronicsfrom which to many lettersfrom Carverownerswho simply
choose.and the differencesbetweenthe various cannot live without the improvements Sonic
Holography@makeson their favorite music.
The CT:-3also includesa high-quality Digital
SynthesizedAM/FM tuner, providing clear,crisp
reception of broadcaststations.A signalstrength
meter on the front panel allows you to fine-tune
distant stations,or stationsplaguedwith noise
and other forms of distortion.
There are also a host of operatorfeaturesto
make using the CT-3 a pleasure.There are six
audio inputs to accommodatejust about any
sound source,plus three compositevideo inputs.
We have also added some conveniencetouches
that will enhancethe usefulnessof the CT-3,
such as a sleepbutton, which will turn off the
CT-3 at a pre-settime, up to 720 minutes after
it's set,automatic scanningof broadcaststations,
models are not alwaysapparentat first glance. programming of up to 3Obroadcaststations,and
CarverCorporation strivesto produce for you more. We have provided a full-featured,easy-to-
the finest in audio reproduction bquipment by use remote control that will allow you to access
integrating the latest and best technology with many of the operating functions of the CT:3
the most competitive price possible. right from your listening chair.
The CT:-3is a sophisticated,full-featured All thesefeaturesand more are packedin an
preamplifier with a state-of-the-artFM tuning attractive,compact unit that will provide the
section.It will serveasthe control centerfor the ultimate in sound reproduction.As with all
highest quality music system.At the heart of the Carvercomponents,we have usedthe highest
CT-3 is a superb reference-qualitypreamplifier quality componentsto ensureyearsof trouble-
that providesflat frequencyresponseand van- free performance.
ishingly low distortion. But with this wealth of featurescomesthe
But that's just the starting point. We've added easeof use that makesthe CT-3a true example
to the mix the unique benefitsof Carver'sSonic of Carvercraftsmanship.If you study this man-
Hologram Generator.Sonic Holography@is an ual carefully,you will soon be able to enjoy each
exclusiveCarverinvention that helps restorethe and every one of the remarkablefeaturesof the
true spatialcharacteristicsof recordings.It can CT-3tuner/preamplifier.
bring you a more realisticlistening experience The CT-3is a fine exampleof our commit-
through psychoacousticprocessingof the stereo ment to excellence.We believeits sophisticated
signals.Insteadof the flat, between-the-loud- engineeringand meticulous craftsmanshipwill
speakerimaging associate-d with conventional provide you with many yearsof listening
stereo,Sonic Holography'generatesa sonic im- pleasure.
age-a sound stage-that's remarkablybelievable
and convincing. You'll experiencea noticeable Very truly yours,
increasein sound stagedepth aswell aswidth.
Furthermore,it works with any stereosourcein-
cluding CD's,tapes,records,FM broadcastsand
video soundtracks,and doesnot require addi-
tional speakers.It DOES,however,require careful
EL G,,"^
set up and speakerplacement.In other words, to Bob Carver
get the full effect,you'll have to take some time
Unpacking Specifications
. Carefully unpack your Carver product and
keep the original carton and pacliing materials 6r Features\,'lng,shipment, or long_termstorage.
Upon opening the box, pleasecheck foi uny
damage that did not appeai on the outside of FM Tuner Sectlon
the box. If you do encounter what appearsto be Frequency Range: BZ.5-10gMHz
concealeddamage,pleaseconsult your Carver Antenna Terminals: 25 ohm coaxial input
pealg.rbeforeproceedingto further unpack or IHF Usable Sensitivity: Mono: 13.5dBf^
install the unit. (1.3pV)
S/N Ratio at 65dBf Input (A-weighted):
lmportant Paperworlr Mono: 76dB;Stereo:6gag
Image Reiection: 98MHz, 50dB
Make sureto saveyour salesreceipt.It is THD (65dBf atTOOo/o Mod): Mono:O.2o/o;
extremely important to establishthe duration Stereo,0.5olo
of your Limited Warranty, and for insurance Nternate Channel Selectivity: +40OkHz
purposes. 60dB
Next, make a note of the serial number that Stereo Separation (65dBf @ lkHz): 4OdB
is located on the back of your Carver product. Output Level (7 SkHzdeviation): 940mV
Record it in the spaceprovided below for con_
venient reference.
AM Tuner Section
Frequency Range: SZO-|7tO kHz
Model: CT-3 Sensitiwity_ (20d8 euieting) : Dummy/Loop,
THD (50mV/m at 30oloMod):0.5olo
Serialnumber Selectivity:+ lOkHz:>2SdB

Audio Section
Sig1Lal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted):
Date Phono: 75dB at
lape Out, below air input
referenceof SmVrms at lkHz:
Line Level: 82dB at preamp Out, below
Finally, take a moment to fill out and return O.SVrmsoutput level at lkHz, with gain set
the Warranty Card that came with your Carver for unity
product and return it to CarverCorporation. It Input Sensitivity:
providesus with important information about Phono:3.5mV
you, our valued customer. Line:22OmV
Phono: 47 kilohms
Line: 40 kilohms
Phono Overload (lkHz, lolo THD): 120mV
Output Impedance: 1k ohm (50 ohm with
Hologram engaged)
So11c Hologram Generator Image
Resolution: 5 degreeshorizonta-i;
20 degreesvertical
Display: Fluorescent

Video Section
Out-put Level/Impedance (Vp-plohm) :
Dimensions:19" x 5.25,,x lS.2S,,(4g3mmx
133mm x 387mm)
Power Requirements: l2O V/60H2, USA;
o_thervoltagesavailableas export modeis
!-e! wgight: 10.6lbs. (a.Bkg.)
Shipping Weight: 13 lbs. (5.9 tS.)
T Carver'spatented Sonic Holography@for
I Six audio inputs, three compositevideo Rear Panel
I Sleeptimer automatically turns off the Most of the inputs and outputs on the back of
CT:3 after a selectabletime period of up the CT:-3are self-explanatory.But becauseof the
to two hours. number of possibleconnectionsyou can make,
I Includes CATV (FM) coaxial input in addi- be sureto take a few precautionsfirst. All con-
tion to standardFM/AM coaxial antenna nections to the rear panel should be made with
inputs. the power to the entire systemturned off. To
I Selectfrom up to 30 radio stationsat avoid confusion, connect one cableat a time
random. between the different components of your
T Motorized volume control can be operated system.This is the safestway to avoid cross-
directly from the remote control unit. connecting channelsor confusing signalinputs
with outputs.
Check the illustration and descriptionson this
Getting Stafted and the following pagescarefully for the correct
Here'swhat you need to begin using the CT-3 terminals. If still in doubt, vou should also check
in a home music or video system. the owner'smanual for your audio and video
1 . A SOUND SOURCE. You may use the sourcefor proper hook-up instructions.
CT:3'sown tuning section,or connect a CD 1. VHF antenna terminal (75 ohms). For con-
Player,a Turntable,a CassetteDeck, a VCR or necting a CATV cable.
laserdisc player. 2. FM antenna terminal (75 ohms). For con-
2. AN AMPLIFIER. The CT-3 will go well with necting an external FM antenna with a
most any high quality stereoamplifier-or coaxial cable.
two high quality mono amplifiers.Check the 3. AM antenna and ground terminals. For
amplifier'sinstruction manual for special connecting the suppliedAM loop antenna.
detiils on installation. Usethe terminals marked "AM" and "GND."
3. SOUND PROCESSORS.You can connect h Note: In areaswhere the suppliedAM loop
an external equalizeror Dolby Surround antenna givesunsatisfactoryresults,it is
Processorto the CT-3using the TAPEIN/ recommendedthat you connect the receiver
OUT connecting jacksat the back panel of to an outdoor antenna. Usethe AM terminal
the unit. for this. An earth grounding lead can be
4. SPEAKERS. You may selectany high connectedto the GND terminal to further
quality loudspeakers,but it is alwaysa good reduceinterference.
idea to match the power ratings of your 4. PHONO input jacks.Connect to the output
amplifier with those of your speakerfor best jacksof a turntable equipped with a moving
performance. magnet (MM) cartridge.Then connect the
5. ANTENNAS. The CT-3comeswith an FM turntable's ground wire to the GND terminal.
FeederAntenna and AM Loop Antenna that h Note: If a humming sound or other noise is
will work very well in many installations. heard when the ground wire is connected,
If you are in a difficult reception area,or disconnectthe ground wire.
Iocatedat a distancefrom your favorite 5. CD input jacks.Connect to the audio output
broadcastingstations,you may wish to jacksof your CD player.
use an external antenna or CATV FM 6. TAPEinput/output jacks.Connect the IN
connection. jacksto a cassettedeck'soutput (PLAY)iacks.
Connect the OUT iacksto the cassettedeck's
input (REC)iacks.
h Note: You may also chooseto install an ex-
ternal equalizeror Dolby Surround Processor
to theseterminals.Thev mav be switched in
and out of the circuit using ttre TAPEMONI-
TOR button on the front panel of
the CT-3.
7. TV audio input jacks.Connect to the stereo
audio output jacksof a stereoTV (if so
8. CDV audio input lacks.Connect to the au-
dio output jacksof a laserdisc player.
9. VCR audio input/output jacks. Connect the 17. AC OUTLETS.The CT-3 has two AC outlets.
IN jacksto a VCR'saudio output jacks.Con- . The one labeled SWITCHEDwill provide
nect the OUT jacks to the VCR's audio input power only when the CT-3 is turned on or is
jacks. in stand-by mode. This outlet is useful for
10. REMOTEjacks.Connect to a component components that you use each time you play
equipped with remote (RC-5)jacks. your system. Be sure that the total power
L1-.TV video input jack. Connect to the video consumption of a component plugged into
output jack of a TV (if so equipped). this outlet does not exceed 100W The own-
12. CDV video input jack. Connect to the video er's manual or rear panel of the component
output jack of a laser disc player. you want to attach to the CT:3 will usually list
1-3.VCR video input/output jacks.Connect the power requirements.
IN jack to your main VCR'svideo output The second AC outlet in the CT:-3is
jack. Connect the OUT jack to the VCR's labeled UNSWITCHED. This outlet will pro-
video input jack. vide power as long as the CT-3 is plugged
14. TV monitor output jack (MON 1). Connect into the wall. A component connected
to a TV's video input jack. This jack outputs here may be left on all the time, or may be
the video signal from the sourceselectedby switched off with its own power switch. Be
the input selector,such as your laser disc sure that the total power consumption of a
player or VCR. component plugged into this outlet does not
15. PREAMPOUTPUTS.Useto connect a high exceed 100W.
quality stereoamplifier (or two mono ampli- Ea Note: In order to avoid possibleturn-on
fiers) to the CT-3. thumps, any component plugged into the
16. AC LINE CORD. PIuginto an AC outlet prop- UNSWITCHED outlet should be turned on
erly configured for the line voltage specifiedon BEFOREthe CT-3 is tuned on.)
the rearpanel.

( . )


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CT-3 Rear Panel

The CT-3 is a.solid state device and can be
placed in any position including vertically. Heat,
at least in normal amounts, shouldn't be any
problem. However, be sure not to block the
CT-3'sventilation slots by setting other compo-
nents directly on top of it and make sure that it
is not placed directly above power amplifiers
that radiateheat.
Since the CT-3 is going to be directly con-
nected to your signal sources,such as a CD
player and CassetteDeck, LaserDisc player or
Videocassetterecorder,it should naturallv be
located with the rest of your stereoequipment.
Connectlon tlps
The following suggestionscan help you avoid
potential problems and general frustration later:
Component-to-component connections
r' Make sure all components are OFFbefore
making any connections.
r' Use high quality interconnects. Cheap, worn
or frayed patch cords will not only degrade
the sound, but can be a sourceof hum and
RF noise as well. Specialhigher-quality inter-


E = E

E :


@ @
connects are available in many grades.They
have more durable plugs that make better Operation
connections, won't short out or break as
cheap patch cords may. Consult your Carver
dealerfor recommendations. Front Panel
r' Double-checkthat "left's go to left's and The following is a brief description of the
right's go to right's". It is generalpracticeto function of each of the CT-3 Preamplifier/Tuner's
use REDplugs for RIGHT channel connec- front panel buttons and controls. Note that
tions and WHITE or BLACK plugs for LEFT some switches perform two or more functions,
connections.Whatever way you choose, depending on the operating mode you're in.
remain consistentwhile hooking up all of Check the Operating instructions on the feature
your components. you want to use for more details.
Q/ Make sure that turntable input cablesare L. DISPLAYPANEL.Shows all of the active
well away from both power cords and functions of the CT-3 as labeled.These
speakerwires, to reduce the possibility of include:
segment display bar showing the relative
strength of an incoming broadcast station.
B. STANDBY.Indicates that the CT:3 is in
standby mode.
C. TAPEMONITOR. Lights when a TAPE
sourceis active.
E. Statusdisplay of the tuner section.
F. Wake-Up Mode and Sleeptimer

CAFVER A/VPreamptirier/runer
sJnicHotosraphy cr-3


@ @ @
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souND>r;rr3r:*r:t$3$:t$l|f /i y' -

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CT-3 Front Panel

2. STATIONPRESETbuttons. Thesebuttons 8. PRESETSCAN button. When pressed,each
allow you to program up to 30 AM or FM presetbroadcast station is sampled for five
broadcast stations into the CT:3'smemory. seconds,and then the next station is sam-
After programming, pressing the appropriate pled in turn. When you push the CLEAR
button will allow you to selectthe preset button (7) the station being sampled
broadcast station. stayson.
3. ONCE timer button. This control is used 9. WAKE UP.Works with an external timer to
along with the WAKE UP (9) button to pro- activate the CT:3 at a preset time.
gram timer functions for one time only. 10. VOLUME CONTROL. The CT:3'smaster level
4. DAILY timer button. This control is used control.
along with the WAKE uP (9) button to pro- l-L. POWERbutton. Turns on the CT:3.
gram timer functions to repeat at the same 12. INPUT SELECTORS. Use to selectany audio
time each day. . or video sourceattached to the CT-3.
J. FREQUENCY/PRESET button. This button 13. HOLOGRAM. Activates Carver'sexclusive
switches between frequency display and Sonic Holographyc circuit for true 3-dimen-
preset number display. If a preset station is sional sound from a two-speakersystem. See
selectedwhile in frequency display mode, SetUp for SonicHolographyon page 18 for de-
the preset number will be displayed for five tails on how to use this remarkable feature.
seconds;then it will return to frequency 1-4.CATV FM, AM. Allows you to choose from
display. cable TV-derived FM, FM from an external
6. MEMOTy button. Instructs the CT-3 to store antenna, or AM.
broadcast station presets. L5. MODE button. This feature is activated
7. CLEARbutton. Stops autoscanning or preset when FM has been selected.When AUTO is
scanning functions. on in the display, FM stereostations will be
received in mono if the signal is very weak or


o o

garbled.When AUTO is OF!, all FM stations
will be remain in mono.
16. SLEEP. This button programsthe CT-3to
turn off at a presettime. Eachpressof this
button will add 10 minutes to the time it
turns off, up to 60 minutes. After 60 min-
utes, each pressof the button will increase
the time by 30 minutes up to a total of 720
17. TUNING/SCAN (UP/DO\4,T,1) buttons. Press
to change the tuner frequency or switch the
presetchannel. Thesebuttons work in three
different ways, depending on how you press
the buttons.
A. MANUAL TUNING. Thp and immedi-
ately releasethe button, and you will move
up and down the frequencyrange in single
B. AUTOMATIC SCAN.If vou oressthe
button for about two seconds,and then
releasethe button, vou will scanto the next
"strong" station on the FM or AM band,
either up or down, depending on which
button you press.
C. EXPRESS MODE. Holding down the
button continuously will result in a continu-
ous fast scan.When you releasethe button
(up or down) the CT-3will stop at the next
strong station that it detects.
En Note: If the TAPEbutton on the remote
control is used,the +/- buttons and the 0-9
buttons on the remote control will operate
tape deck functions insteadof tuner func-
tions. To enableTuning/Scanand station
presetselecton the remote control, simply
pressthe AM/FM button on the remote con-
18. BASS& TREBLEtone controls. In the center
detent position, the CT:-3providesflat fre-
quency response.Maximum rotation in the
clockwisedirection provides 10 dB of boost
(bassor treble);maximum rotation in the
counterclockwiseposition provides 10 dB of
cut (bassor treble).
1.9.BALANCECONTROL.Adjuststhe sound
volume balancebetween the left and right
Suggested Installation

t oooo tV;@

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o o o o o o 6666iiffi
Someof the remote control'sbuttons are
Remote Control multi-purpose and can be used to operate other
RC-5cbmpatible components such as tape decks,
CD, CDV and LD players. Thesecomponents
Batteries can be interconnected via the RC-5 remote In/
Out lackson their rear Panels.
The CT-3 wirelessinfrared remote (Model
The mode in which these buttons operate is
RH-74a)requires two AAA batteries. Remove the
determined by the input sourcethat is selected.
battery compartment door on the back of the re-
If CD is the selectedinput source,then the
mote control by lifting and pulling on the tab.
multi-purpose buttons on the remote control
Insert the batteries supplied, making sure to
will operale the CD player. Multi-purpose func-
match the positive (+) and negative(-) ends with
tions are indicated in italics.
the embosseddiagram inside the battery com-
1 . STANDBY. PressingSTANDBYturns off all
functions of the CT-3 and causesthe STAND-
BY RECEIVEDLED to light. Although the
Remote Control OPeration unit is OFl, it is ready to receiveremote con-
The remote control unit will work in a range trol signals. Activating any of the remote
of approximately 2O feet in front of and about control's Input Selectbuttons while in
30 degreesto either side of the CT-3. STANDBYmode (FM/AM, Phono, CD, VCR,
If the remote control beginsto occasionally etc.)will automatically turn on the CT:3.
not respond, 1) Check the batteries;2) Make sure For STANDBYto operate, the MASTERPOW-
the infiared projection areaon the tip of the re- ER switch on the front of the CT-3 must first
mote control is clean; 3) Check the infrared be pushed in. This switch should be left ON
remote sensorsquareon the front panel of the if ybu use the STANDBYbutton to turn the
CT:3 to seeif it's dirty or blocked from direct CT-3 on and off. If you're going on vacation
line-of-sightwith the remote. or use your CT-3 only occasionally,the C-T-3
can be turned fully off by using the MASTER

Note: When TV or VCR modes are selected,

the STANDBYbutton on the remote control
must be pressedfor 3 secondsor more to
turn the CT:3 OFF.

2. VOLUME DO\AIN/UP. This causesthe VOL-

UME control knob to rotate up or down.
This is used to increaseor decreasethe vol-
ume of the sound. Do not attempt to
impede the rotation of the knob by hand
while changing the volume by remote con-

3. L/R/FRONT/REAR.Thesebuttons do not op-

If you decidenot to use the remote control, erate any functions related to the CT-3.
after checking for satisfactoryperformance, re-
move the batteriesto prevent corrosion damage 4. 1 --+10/0 Buttons. Thesebuttons areusedto
and leaking. directly selectone of the thirty station pre-
sets. They operate the sameas the buttons
Someof the remote control's functions are on the front panel.
duplicates of the CT-3 front panel functions Tapedeck- Quick Music Search(QMS)'
while others are not. Thosefunctions that are CD/CDV/LD players- Selecttrack number.
duplicatesof front panel functions are indicated "+" button causes
by a white circlewith black numbers' Those 5. Tuning/Scan(+/-). The
"-" button
functions that are unique to the remote control the tuner to scanup and the
are indicated by black circleswith white letters' causesthe tuner to scandown. It operates
the sameas the TUNING SCANbuttons on
the front panel.
Tapedeck- Music Search.
Cd/CDV/LD players - Skipforward (+) or back-
ward G).
6. MEMO F/P. This button operatesthe same 8. MODE. This button operatesthe sameas
as the FREQUENCYiPRESET button on the the MODE button on the front panel, and
CT-3 front panel and causesthe display to causesthe FM reception to alternatebetween
switch between showing the station frequen- mono and stereo.
cy or the station preset number.
Tapedecks- This operatesthe MEMOry func- 9. MUTE. This button is unique to the remote
tion. It is usedto mark a point on the counter control. When pressed,the volume will
wherethe tapedeckwill stopwhenFast-For- drop to zero. Pressingthe button a second
warding or Rewinding. time will return the CT-3 to the previous
sound level.
7. AMS. For RC-5compatible tape decksand
CD players, this operatesthe Automatic Mu- 1O.ThpeDeck, CD or CDV (LD) PlayerFunc-
sic Searchfunction. When the AMS function tions. For RC-Scompatible components,
is activated, pushing Fast-Forwardor Rewind these buttons operate the following common
will causethe tape deck or CD player to stop functions:
at the beginning of each track and play 10a. Rewind <<
about ten seconds. 10b. Play
10c. Fast-Forward>>
10d. RECord
1Oe. Pause ll
10f. ReverseDirection
(for Auto-Reversetape decks
109. Deck A and Deck B selectfor
dual-well (dubbing) cassette
10h. Stop

an Note: In order to operate tape

deck, CD or CDV (LD) functions
through the CT-3, TAPEMONITOR,
CD or CDV must be selectedwith
the corresponding button on the re-
mote control. If TAPEMONITOR,
CD or CDV is selectedfrom the
front panel, the remote commands
will not go "through" to the desired

11. Input SelectButtons. These

buttons operate the same as the cor-
responding buttons on the CT-3
front panel and are used to selectthe
appropriateinput source. If the CT-3
is in Stand-bymode, pressingone of
these buttons will causethe power to
turn back on.
4. PressMEMO. The MEMOTyindicator flashes
Operations for about five seconds.
5. While the MEMOTy indicator is flashing,
pressthe presetbutton where you want to
Basic operation store the station. For example, for storing a
1 . Setthe VOLUME control to minimum. broadcaststation at preset24, pressnumber
"2" al'd then number " 4." A quick way to
2. Pressthe MASTERPOWERswitch to turn on set
the power. singledigit numbers (such as "5") is to enter
"0" followed by the number "5." This
If the MASTERPOWERswitch is already avoids
on, use an INPUT selector,AM, FM, or CATV the five second delay until the single-digit
button. presetis storedin memory.
3. Choosethe desiredaudio or video sound 6. Repeatsteps 1 through 5 for programming
sourcefrom the INPUT selectorbuttons. more presets.
4. If the tuner function is selected,pressthe
TLINING UP and DO\ /Nbuttons to tune in Auto presetting
the desiredstation.
t. Adiust the volume with the VOLUME This function allows you to selectstation
control. If necessary,
you can adjust the presetswhen the CT:-3is in the AUTOMMIC
sound quality with the tone controls SCANNINGmode.
(BASS/TREBLE). 1. SelectAM, FM or CATV from the TUNER
MODE buttons.
2. Pressthe FREQUENCY/PRESET button to get
MODE button operation the frequency display.
When "AUTO" is lit: Stereobroadcastsare 3. Pressand hold down the MEMO button.
automatically receivedin stereoand the 4. Pressand then releasethe UP button and
"STEREO"indicator will light. releasethe MEMO button. The CT:-3'stuner
To switch to monaural, pressthe MODE will store the station to which you first tuned
button so that 'AUTO" indicator goesout. into presetmemory position 1. Then it will
scan until it finds a strong broadcast station
and play a sampleof it.
Sonic Holography@ t. If you want to preset that station, do noth-
HOLOGRAM (13) activatesthe CT-3'sSonic ing. The station will be stored in memory
Hologram Generator.Sonic Holography@can re- and assignedthe next consecutivepreset
storethe 3-dimensionalityof a live performance number. Scanning will continue through the
through specialsignal cancellationand time selectedbroadcastband.
delay circuitry. It works with any stereosource, 6. If you don't want to store the station you're
including CDs, records,tapes,stereovideo tapes listening to as a preset,just pressthe UP/
and laserdiscs. SCAN button again to continue scanning.
Note: For maximum effect, the CT:3'sSonic 7. After you've presetall selectedstationsin
Holography@sound processingsystemrequires one broadcastband (sayFM), you may chose
careful set-upand adjustment of your speakers. another broadcastband (AM, for example)
Pleaseconsult the SONIC HOLOGRAPHYG' with the TUNERMODE button, and con-
section on page 18 of this manual before ex- tinue to selectpresetsuntil the maximum
perimenting with the HOLOGRAMbutton. number of 30 presetsis reached.

Presetting Stations Erasinga preset station

With the CT:3,you can presetup to 30 1. Selectthe presetnumber you want to delete.
stationsin any order.You can selectany com- 2. PressMEMO and then CLEAR.The Preset
bination of FM, AM or CATV stations. will be erased.
For your convenience,the CT-3'sbuilt-in
memory will storepresetsfor up to three days "Samplinq" Stations with
after the unit has been disconnected. Presei Scin
The CT:-3can sample presetbroadcaststations
Manual presetting for 5 secondseach,to allow you to locate a de-
1 . SelectAM, FM or CATV from the TUNER siredstation.
MODE buttons. 1. Pressthe PRESET SCANbutton.
to get the 2. The PRESET SCANindicator light will begin
frequency display. to flash.
3. PressUP or DO\tVN to tune to the desired
3. Pressthe UP or DO\AIN buttons to begin
scanning through the presets. 2. Choose the desiredvideo source(TVIVID 1
4. When you find the station you want to lis- or CDV/VID Q)via the front panel or remote
ten to, pressO/CLEAR. control.
3. "Cue up" the tape or laserdisc to the point
at which you want to start recording. Now
Playing a tape pressthe PAUSEbutton if available.
1. Turn on the cassettedeck and the CT:-3. 4. PressPLAYon the SOURCEand RECORDon
2. PressTAPEMONITOR on the CT:3 or TAPE the TARGETdeck.
on the remote control unit.
3. PressPLAYon the cassettedeck. StereoTV sound through your
4. Adjust the sound level using the VOLUME main speakers
control. Adjust the sound quality using the
tone (BASS/TREBLE) controls. To play stereotelevision, you need a stereo
capableTV with stereoaudio outputs.
1. Be certain the TV set'saudio outputs are at-
Recording a tape tached to the "TV" audio inputs of the CT:3.
L. Pressone of the input selectorbuttons to 3. Turn on both units.
choose the sound sourcefrom which you 3. Tune in the station/program on the TV and
wish to record, such as AM/FM/CATV CD, adiust the CT:3'svolume, tone and balance
PHONO and so forth. controls to your own taste.
2. Load a blank cassetteinto the tape deck, and r' To switch to a VCR, pressthe appropriate
make the desired adjustments for tape type input selection button on the CT-3.
noise reduction and other settings.Put the r' Pleasenote that the TV's own volume con-
deck into the REC/PAUSEmode. trol in some casesmay affect its output level.
3. PressPLAYon the sound sourceor choose If the playback level on the CT-3 is too high
the desiredtuner playback mode on the or too low at your normal volume setting,
CT-3.The sound you are hearirlg is the it's possiblethat the TV's volume control
SOURCE. may have to be adjustedaswell. Check the
4. Adjust recording levels on your cassettedeck TV owner's manual for further information.
according to the instructions in the owner's
manual for that unit. Wake-up & Timer Functions
s. If you have a three-head cassettedeck that
allows for tape/sourcemonitoring of the 1. PressWAKE UP.The Wake Up indicator on
recorded signal, you can pressthe TAPE the CT:3'sdisplay panel will begin to flash.
MONITOR button on the CT:-3to check the 2. While "Wake-Up" is lit, pressMEMO. The
"Memo" indicator will flash, and SELwill
playback quality as recording is in progress.
appear in the alphanumeric display.
3. Selectthe desiredinput source.For AM or
Playing video sound FM, just pressthe number on the preset.
1 . Turn on the video source(such as a VCR, 4. When Phono, CD or CDV are selected,
laser disc player or TV monitor). NUMBR will appear in the display. Enter the
2. PressTV/VID 1, CDV/VID 2 OR TV/VID 3 on desired program number with the numbered
the front panel of the CT:3 or on the remote buttons (when using components connected
control unit. The matching indicator light to the RC-5remote jacks).
will appearon the CT:3'sdisplay panel. J. Wait until the display readsONCE. Then
3. Start the video sourceand then adjust the pressI/ONCE or 2/DAILY (presetbuttons 1
CT:3'svolume, tone and balancecontrols to and2), depending on whether you want to
your own taste. turn on the receiver just once or every day at
e/ To switch among video sources,simply press the sametime.
the appropriateinput on the front panel of 6. The "Wake Up" indicator will light up once
the CT:-3. again to confirm your setting.
7. Setthe timer and leave the CT:3'spower
button on.
Vldeo dubbing
1. Turn on your video SOURCE(useVID 1 or Erasewake-up mode
VID 2), and your TARGETVCR, the one to
which you want to record (connected to 1 . PressWAKE IJP once,and then pressCLEAR.
VID 3). Also turn on your TV monitor and 2. Wake up settings will now be erased.
the CT-3.
Setting the sleeptimer Set-Upfor
The CT-3 can be set to turn off after a preset
period of time, using its built-in timer. SonicHolography-
1. While the CT-3is on, pressthe SLEEPbutton After installing and connecting the CT-3 to
2. You may now pressthe SLEEPbutton one or the rest of your stereosystem,you'll probably be
more times to storethe amount of time the tempted to begin playing music and experiment-
CT:3 is to play before it shuts down' ing with Sonic Holography.'We urge you to
The first time you push the SLEEPbutton, resist this temptation for the moment. If you
10 minutes will be set.This time will increase decide to try it arrryay, not much will happen
by ten minutes for each time you pressthe becauseyou're only part way there. Successful
SLEEPbutton, up to 6 times total. The 7th Sonic Holography'depends on proper loud-
time you push the button, it will increasethe speakerplacement and other important factors.
setting to 90 minutes. The 8th time, it will Readthe following section and follow the
increaseto the maximum of two hours. If
instructions and recommendations exactly.
you pressthe button a 9th time, the setting
Note: Since the recommendations of speaker
returns to 10 minutes.
manufacturers for ideal placement can vary
3. After the sleeptimer has been set, it can be widely, it is a good idea to rdad the owner's man-
cancelled by simply pressingthe SLEEPbut-
ual for your speakersas well at this point. You
ton again. The SLEEPindicator will go off in
may have to adapt the set-up somewhat to pro-
the display.
vide the most pleasing performance when using
Sonic Holography.'
Initial Loudspeaher A Properly Functioninq lmaqe
Chair Placenient In Sodictlolographyt'
Making Sonic Holography@work properly Beforelistening ^tosome musical selectionsin
requires attention to many factors that usually Sonic Holography,'you should know what you
aren't problemsor considerationsfor normal will be listening for. With correctly positioned
stereoplayback. The two most important fac- loudspeakersand listening chair, the Sonic
tors are 1) accuraterelationshipsbetweenthe Hologram Generator system should causemusi-
loudspeakersand the listening chair, and 2) deal- cal instruments and other sound sourcesto
ing with reflected sound from surfacesin the spreadout in a large 45o to 95oarc in front of
listening room. you. Sound imageswill appear to the left and
The real keys to this processare the relation- right, extending well beyond the limits of the
ships between the loudspeakersand chair. While loudspeakersand, occasionally,all the way to the
minimizing room reflectionsis almost asimpor- extreme left and right. You'll be able to perceive
tant, a musicalimagein SonicHolography@ will a sonic stagedepth of 10 to 20 feet with sound
never occur unlessthe loudspeaker/listeningchair images clearly floating behind and, from time-
relationship is achievedaccuratelyand correctly. to-time, in front of the loudspeakers.You can
It might seemimpractical, or a lot of trouble actually turn your head and look at the sound
and effort, but you'll be amply rewarded by the images.Theseimageswill seemto stay put in
stunningly live imaging Sonic Holography' space.Somesound imagesmay even seemto
brings to your favorite music. clearly emergefrom outside the walls of the
listening room.
To perform the set-up, you'll need a tape mea-
A "Test Flight"
sure and listening chair. Referto the figure above So far, this section has discussedthe "nuts and
and follow this S-stepprocedure: bolts" of Sonic Holography.@ If you've correctly
1. Make surethe loudspeakersare away from establishedthe initial relationshipbetweenthe
side and rear walls as shown in the drawing. loudspeakersand the listening chair, you should
2. Move the loudspeakersso they are exactly be able to experienceSonic Holography@almost
six feet apart and on a direct axis with the right away.
listening chair, with direct sound from both First, take a couple of minutes to "preflight
speakers. check" vour stereosvstem:
3. Adjust the toe-in of the speakersso that the 1. Visually check out and confirm that all
inner edgeis ONE INCH closerto you than components are connected in phase (all
the outer edge. left-channel outputs to left-channel inputs,
4. Placeyour listening chair so that it is not right-channel outputs to right-channel
directly againstthe rear wall of the listening inputs).
room. 2. Check and confirm that the loudspeakersare
5. Carefully measurethe distancefrom the properly wired in-phase(positive"+" loud-
CENTERof the left speaker'stop woofer to speakeroutputs on the amplifier should be
the CENTERof the listening chair. Repeat connected to the positive terminals on the
the measurementfor the right speaker. loudspeakers;negative "-" outputs to nega-
Adjust the chair so that both distances tive terminals on the loudspeakers).
(D1 and D2 in the illustration on the pre- 3. If your system has an external equalizer to
vious page) are exactly the same.Accuracy flatten room response,we recommend that
within one-quarterinch is desired. you switch it out of the CT-3'ssignalpath.
The goal of thesestepshas been to place the Wait until you've had a chance to experience
listening chair at a point equally distant from and experiment with Sonic Holography@
both speakers.This placesa seatedlisteneron before re-equalizing the room. Room re-
what can be calledthe "stereoaxis." Being on sponsewill also be altered by any sound
this acousticcenterlineis very important to hear- treatments used to reduce room reflections,
ing a musical image in Sonic Holography.@ If so wait until all phasesof the set-up are com-
you've followed the above instructions, a seated plete to savetime and trouble.
listenerin the chair should have a ready-made 4. If you are using a record for a sound source,
window for initial experimentswith the Sonic inspect the phono stylus and cartridge for
Holography@Sound ProcessingSystem.You'll proper phasing, wear, and tracking. A car-
probably have to make some minor adjustments tridge/stylusin poor shapecan upset the
but this should get things going. balanceof the program material before it
getsto the rest of the stereosystem.This can
simulate certain acoustic problems that cause Dlstance from back wall.
strong one-sideimaging, with weak imaging The purpose of keeping the loudspeakersaway
on the other side.You might chooseto ex- from the walls is to provide a direct, speaker-
periment with a CD or cassettefirst until to-ear sound path with a minimum of extra,
proper sonic balanceis achieved. unwanted reflections off surfacesin the room.
5. Setthe CT-3'sBALANCEcontrol to "center." Just as the second-soundarrivals confuse the ear
Setthe two tone controls to their center (12 in normal stereoplayback, early arrivals of re-
o'clock) position. flected sound can further confuse the issueand
6. Pressthe CT:3'sHOLOGRAMbutton. ruin attempts at creating holographic images.
7. Play a stereorecording with only a few in- Always keep in mind the importance of accurate
struments and the human voice for first-time loudspeaker/listeningchair relationships,keep-
attempts at Sonic Holography. ing the loudspeakersrelatively closetogether
You should now hear Sonic Holography@in (three to five feet, center-to-center).
Room reflections.
FineTuning For the best possiblesonic hologram genera-
tion, the areaaround and behind your speakers
Carefully adjusting the following speaker should be relatively dead. If the back and side
parameterswill result in the best possibleholo- walls are too reflective, they may generateaddi-
graphic image: tional sound reflections which can interfere with
L. Tilt-back angle (wherepossible)and toe-in Sonic Holography.@
angles. The object of acoustically treating the listen-
2. Distanceof speakersand listening chairs ing room is to createwhat's known as a "live
from back walls. end/dead end" configuration. This design makes
3. Room reflections. the areaaround the loudspeakersacoustically
"dead," while the areaaround the listener is kept
Tilt-back and toe-in angles. "live." Thus random sound reflectionsreach a
If you are in"a seatedposition, decreasingthe listener long after the direct sound, establishing
tilt-back angle of most typical speakerswill result a uniform sound field. The reflections most in
in more high frequency and lessmidrange need of correction in your listening room are the
energyat your listening position. It will also usually strong, side-wall reflections that originate
lower the soundstagecloserto the ground. If from surfacesnear each loudspeaker.
you are in a standing position, these effectsare Any treatment should be applied to the wall
reversed.Decreasingthe tilt will result in less extending two feet above and below the mid-
high frequency energy and will bring the mid- range and high-frequency loudspeakerelements,
range slightly forward. standing two to three feet from the leading edge
It is possibleto find a tilt-back angle that will of the loudspeakercabinet.The treatment itself
allow the tonal balanceto remain unchanged may be quite simple. Often, full book casesor
from sitting to standing.This specificangle record shelves,hear.y fabric hangings, or draper-
may or may not result in the preferredtonal bal- ies made of hear.ymaterial, will work well as an
ance.We recommend that you determineyour acoustictreatment for many sifuations. Sound
favorite tilt-back anglewhile seated.But remem- panelsmade from cork or acousticaltile can be
ber, changing the tilt angle will also change coveredwith a variety of other sound-absorbing
the height of the sonic image.The lesstilt, the materials,too.
lower the image.Increasingthe tilt anglewill, Since side-wall sound treatments are relatively
however,often enhancethe dimensionality of small (usually lessthan four feet by'four feet),
the soundstage. you could use attractive grill cloths or foam
Toe-in (the lateral angl^eof the speakers)also panelsto improve the appearance.But loud-
affectsSonic Holography@. When experimenting speakergrill cloths or covers are not, obviously,
with speakerangle,make surethat the speakers effective sound absorbers.Scrapcarpeting can
are equally toed in. This can be done by mea- be effective when used with other sound-
suring the distance from the inner and outer absorbingmaterials.
cornersto the back wall of the listening room. Be sure to deal with room reflections equally.
hnportant: Tilting is not recommended for If you eliminate the reflections from one wall
someloudspeakerdesigns.When in doubt, and not the other, the resulting reflections will
check the loudspeakerowner'smanual first for createan audible imbalance in the holographic
recommendedinstallation procedures. image.The sound imageswill be well-defined
on one side while smearedot fuzzy on the un-
The wall directly behind the loudspeakers live event played back through loudspeakers,
should also be as nonreflective as possible, as opposedto hearing an actual sonic event.
especiallyif loudspeakershave been placed During a live musical event, each ear receives
a less-than-idealdistanceaway from it. If there's one sound arrival. The timing of these arrivals is
a large window between the loudspeakers,it processedby your brain and converted to infor-
should be covered with heary draperiesto mation about where the music is coming from.
reducereflectionsoff the glass.Of course,if In conventional stereo,the recordedsound of
there's no window to worrv about, a wall can be the music is reproduced by both left and right
treatedwith sound-deadeningpanels,or just loudspeakers.If your left ear ONLY got a sound
book shelvesand record cabinetsextending arrival from the left speakerand your right ear
vertically as high as possible,and completely ONLY got a sound arrival from the right speakeq
betweenthe loudspeakers. we wouldn't need Sonic Holography.@Unfor-
Sound reflecting off a bare wood or tile floor tunately, each ear hearsBOTH speakers. This
can also reduce the Sonic Hologram effect even if results in each ear getting an extra, confusing
the loudspeakersare properly elevatedon stands. sound arrival of information that contradicts the
The only possiblesolution here is to cover the original position of the musicians.The bestyour
floor with shagor plush pile carpeting. If install- brain can do is "construct" a fuzzy "stefeo"
ing wall-to-wall carpeting isn't on your agenda image.This problem of FOURtotal arrivalsis,
when installing your new Carver CT:3, use a rug by the way, why stereois so much more pro-
made from similar materialsthat extends from nounced when you listen to isolated stereo
the baseof each loudspeakerstand to a foot short headphones.
of the listening chair. Upholstered,low furniture, To review what we've covered so far: In real
placed somewhat in front of the loudspeakers, life a sonic event can never createmore than
can also break up floor reflections. TWO sonic arrivals: One at the left ear and one
at the right ear.Stereoplayback through speakers
Loudspeaker Desiqns causesFOUR arrivals. Those extra, second-sound
and Eirly Reflecti5ns arrivals confuse our ear/brain system, masking
clues as to the exact positioning of the sound
The Sonic HolographyoSound Processing sources.
Systemusessignal delays of a fraction of a milli The CT:3'sSonic Hologram Generator
second.In some loudspeakers,reflectionswith eliminates the extra sonic arrivals that occur
similar delays can be causedby protruding edge in conventional stereoplayback. This is
moldings, grillwork, and other front surface accomplished by cancelling out the unwanted
irregularities^thatmight dilute an image in Sonic second-soundarrivalsfrom each loudspeaker
Holography.@ to the opposite-sideear.Eachear is then free
Most modern loudspeakersuse sound ab- to concentrateits attention on the same-side
sorbing materials,rounded corners,or even loudspeaker.In other words, your left ear hears
unconventional designsto reducetheseearly just the left loudspeaker;your right ear hearsjust
reflections.In all fairness,most loudspeakers the right loudspeaker.
with "conventional" front panelswon't have This is accomplishedby electronically-gener-
any seriousreflection problems that could hurt ated crosstalksignals from each stereochannel.
or weaken holographic images.However,if The signalsyour new CT:3 receivergenerateare
sound images remain fuzzy, even with close virtually identical to the unwanted acoustic sec-
attention to all other factors,there'sa possibility ond-arrivals that confuse our ear/brain systems.
it could be the result of early reflection off front- The difference is that they're phase inverted.
panel irregularities.The solution to this problem When thesemirror-signalsare reproducedby the
consistsof placing a cut-out of felt around the loudspeakers, they cancelthe acousticcrosstalk
various elementsin your loudspeakers. signals arriving from the opposite loudspeaker.
Of course,this is a very simplified explanation of
About Soni< Holography@ how the Sonic Holography@Sound Processing
Systemworks. In addition to electroniccrosstalk
Sonic Holography@is a complex method of signals,the CT-3usesdelay timing and filtering
processingstereosignalsthat correctsthe basic circuits for creating the same types of filtering
imaging flaw inherent in conventional stereo and delay causedby our heads.
The problem with conventional stereoplay-
back is that both earshear the output of both
loudspeakers.In order to understandwhy this
is a problem, a comparison must be made be-
tween the way we hear a stereorecording of a
Solo voices or instruments sound thln, shrlll
Troubleshooting or distorted.
Guide Tieble controls set to maximum boost.
2. Phono cartridge wired out of phase.
If you're having trouble or suspecta problem, 3. Speakersare connectedout of phase.
first of all: DON'T PANIC! Sit back, take a deep
breath, and try some simple troubleshooting. No sound when AM or FM is selected.
More likely than not, the problem lies elsewhere 1. No AM loop antenna has been connected.
in the system-not with the CT-3. 2. No FM dipole or external antenna has been
No sound.
1. CT-3 power off. No picture from TV monitor.
2. Line cord is either disconnectedor loosely 1. Correct VIDEO input has not been selected.
connected. 2. Video component is not turned on.
3. Poor fit between plug and wall receptacle. 3. Video component has been connected
4. Power off at wall receptacle.(Check with incorrectly.
testeror lamp.)
Scanning mode will not stop at any stations.
No sound (power OK and on). 1. No FM antenna connectedor it is too small
L. CT-3 set to inactive source. to pick up any signals.
2. Tapeor video button is pushed in with no
tape running. Hum and noise.
3. Selectedinput not functioning. 1,. Defective signal cables.
4. Programsourceis maladjusted.For example, 2. Improper fit between the signal cable plug
tuner is between stations,tape is on a blank and sockets.
segment,CD player is in pause. 3. Signal cableshave been routed too closely to
J. Amplifier not turned on or not working. AC cables,power transformers, motors or
6. Amplifier not hooked up to CT:3. TV sets.
7. Be certain that the loudspeakersare properly 4. Turntable or cassettedeck may be oriented
connected to your amplifier. in such a way that it is picking up induced
hum from internal AC wall wiring. Change
Sound ls very faint, even with volume component's position slightly.
control all the way up.
1. Wrong input selectorbutton has been Intermittent noise, statlc or hum caused by
pushed. RFI interference from CB, TV or radio.
2. CD player or other sound sourcewith inde- L. Determine where the RFIis entering the
pendent volume conlrol is turned down. systemby disconnecting individual sound
sources,then the CT:-3.
No sound in one channel. 2. Useinterconnect cableswith better shield-
1. Defective cable from signal sourceto ing. Check with your Carver dealer.
2. C?3 BALANCEcontrol fully clockwise or Remote control doesn't work.
counter-clockwise. 1. Batteriesor dead or missing.
3. Amplifier not turned on or not working. 2. Remotecontrol unit is too far or at too
4. Amplifier not hooked up to CT-3. much of an angle in relation to CT-3 to
5. Speakerfuseblown. work properly.
3. Remotesensoron CT-3 or remote control is
Loud howl, squeal or whistle. dirty.
1. TAPEMONITOR is engagedwhile micro-
phones are connectedto tape deck for
Care and Service
You'll want to wipe off the CT:3'sfront panel If you should have questions or comments,
and chassisfrom time-to-time with a soft, dry pleasewrite to the factory addressgiven below.
cloth. If you have something stubborn to Pleaseinclude the model and serialnumber of
remove,use a mild dish soapor detergent your Carver product, your complete addressand
sparingly applied to a soft cloth. Don't use a daytime phone number.
alcohol, ammonia, or other strong solvents.
Factory Address

Service Assistance Carver Corporation ServiceDepartment

We suggestthat you read the LIMITED WAR- Lynnwood, WA 98046-1237
RANTY completely to fully understand your
warranty/service coverage.Pleasepromptly com- (206) 775-624s
plete and return the WARRANTYREGIS-
TRATION CARD. Also be sure to savethe salesre- Patent 6r Trademark Notice
ceipt in a safeplace. It will be necessaryfor
warranty service. The circuitry and application of the CARVER
If your CT-3 should require service,we suggest Sonic Holography@Sound ProcessingSystem
you first contact the Authorized Carver Dealer are protected by United StatesPatent Number
from whom you purchased it. Should the Dealer 4,218,585and correspondingforeign patents.
be unable to take care of your n€eds,you may @ 1992 All rights reserved.CARVERCORPORA-
contact the CARVERTechnical ServiceDepart- TION, P.O.Box 7237,Lvnnwood, WA 98046
ment by writing to us at the factory address (206)77s-r2o2,
shown at the right. We will then direct you to
the nearestin our national network of Autho- Part #990-20156-00Rev.B
rized Warranty ServiceCenters,or give you Publication#920501-B.
detailed instructions on how to return the
product to us for prompt action. Carver constantly strives to incorporate new
methods, materials, and technologies in order to
further improve the quality of our products.
Thus all specificationsare subject to change
without notice.

Written and produced in the United Statesof


Printed inJapan.
Powerful . Musical o Accurate

P r i n t e di n J a p a n tooJdctztz

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