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1--About the SIM card
- Please prepare a sim card ,write down your SIM card number .
- Only the Normal GSM SIM Card works.Most sim cards 2G/3G/4G all support GSM in Europe.
- If you have purchased a Nano or Micro SIM card, you will need to use a Normal SIM adapter.
- It is imperative that the PIN code of the SIM card is removed beforehand (to be done with a mobile phone or the
mobile service center)
- Get APN information from card seller/operator,it should include APN name ,APN user name,APN password .It
may needed when you want to use the application.
2--Insert the sim card prepared into gps tracker. When you insert the SIM card to the device,Blue and yellow
indicator light will flash once every 3 seconds . or you call the SIM card,it answering busy or you heard it rings and
then the call fails,That’s mean the device has received the GPS signal,you can go on..
--If at this step ,the trackers’s light not showing as we said or when you call the sim card with tracker, it can’t
connected or straight turn to voicemail ,pls take out the card and plug into a phone to Cancel call
forwarding,Cancel pin code of the sim card.(to be done with a mobile phone or the mobile service center)

3--After done that ,please reinsert the sim card into the tracker,using your phone to call the trackers again. If it
works ,you will receive location SMS with google maps link. If it can’t reply location SMS ,please kindly contact us
by email.

4--Tracking By SMS :
Please send the following SMS command
1. Locate SMS command: g123456#
2. The command of set admin number : admin123456(espace)XXXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXXX refers your mobile phone number,not the sim card inserted into the tracker, (Space) = Type an
empty space, do NOT type (space).
3. The command of cancelling admin number : noadmin123456
Set your mobile phone as admin number by sending the SMS command above. (The purpose of setting the admin
number is that all of the SMS commands to configure tracking in the future can be sent only by the administrator
number and all of the alarm SMS will be sent to the admin number .)
4. Reset command: reset123456
5. Vibration alarm Command: shock123456
The command of cancelling the vibration alarm:noshock123456
Pls keep the tracker being stationary for 5 minutes ,it will takes five minutes to take effects.
About this function:
After parking the car for 5 minutes,if you restart the car,the shock sensor alarm will feel the vibration,then it will
send a SMS alarm to the admin number. But if the car is rolling on the road, the device will always detect
vibrations and no alarm will be generated.)

5--Set the power saving mode

1. Sleep by time mode setting:
Command : sleep123456 time
The SMS command and phone call can wake up the tracker. After waking up, the tracker only works for 5 minutes
and it will return to standby mode, the GPS is off, the GSM operates in
low consumption mode.
2. Sleep by shock mode setting:
Command: sleep123456 shock
The Vibration, SMS command and phone call can wake up the tracker. After waking up, the tracker only works for
5 minutes and it will return to standby mode, the GPS is off, the GSM operates in low consumption mode.

6--Tracking by APP:
Please scan the QR code in the manual or the search “tkstar gps “from google play store /apple store to download
the application “TKSTAR GPS”.
1. If you only have one tracker, please log in the application via IMEI number.(On the back of the tracker).The
default password is 123456
2. If you have serveral trackers,you can contact us to request for creating an account to manage there trackers.And
then,you can log in the apllication by username and password.
After logging in the application,If there is TKSXXXX not enabled showed at the top of the main page(as last
photos showing) ,you just need to set APN (please refer to point 8 for the details) .
3. If you have problems in using the application, please contact us for assistance.
【APP Page 】
7--Tracking by Web
Log in the webiste : (as the same way as logging in to the app)
You can get the tracking information via this Website. The default password is 123456, and it can be changed via
this website.

【one account control more device】:

8--How To Set APN

1-how to get apn information?
(1) .You can take out the SIM card from the tracker and insert it into your mobile phone,then you
can go to setting page to find it.
(2) Or You can contact the card seller/operator to consult about the APN informations.
2-The steps of setting APN:
(1) Command:gprs123456 Reply:gprs ok
(2) Apn123456 apn name Reply:apn ok
(3) Apnuser123456 username Reply:apnuser ok
(4) Apnpasswd123456 password Reply:apnpasswd ok
All the red square in the above command represents a space.
Please send a second command after receiving the reply of the first command.
After you done that,pls restart the tracker by take out sim card reinsert it.
For T-Mobile SIM card in Germany, the APN information is :
APN name: internet.telekom
APN user name: t-mobile
APN password: tm

The SMS commands are :

apn123456 internet.telekom
apnuser123456 t-mobile
Apnpasswd123456 tm
9--Our Service:

Please contact us by email or whatsapp if there is any problem,We will reply you as soon as
possible in 24 hours.

Email address

WhatsApp: 008613975110591

The following is a video link on youtube for your reference:

tk905-☞ :

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