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Hello students, how are you today? I hope all of you are always happy and fine. Today
we are going to learn about how to greet someone in English. Let’s star our lesson !

Read the expressions below.

Greetings : salam sapaan Responses
Hello / hai : halo/ hai Hello / hai halo/ hai :
Good morning : selamat Good morning :
selamat pagi
pagi Good afternoon :
selamat siang
Good afternoon : selamat siang Good evening :
selamat sore
Good evening : selamat sore How do you do ? salam kenal:
How are you ? : apa kabar/bagaimana I am Fine, thank you : saya baik – baik saja,
kabarmu? terimakasih
How do you do ? : salam kenal (digunakan I am fine, thank you, and you? : saya baik, bagaimana
ketika pertama denganmu?
bertemu) I am very well, thanks. How about you? : saya sangat baik.
Bagaimana dengamu?
I am not very well : saya kurang sehat

Parting : salam perpisahan Response

Bye-bye : Selamat tinggal/selamat jalan. Bye
Good bye : Selamt tinggal. Bye – bye
Good night : Selamat tidur. Good night / have nice dream
See you later/again : sampai berjumpa lagi See you later
See you on Monday : sampai jumpa hari senin See you
See you tomorrow : sampai jumpa besok
I am glad to see you : saya senang berjumpa denganmu
I’m happpy to see you : saya senang berkenalan denganmu
Nice to meet you : senang bertemu denganmu

Dialogue 1
Meeting a friend Dialogue 2
Santi : hello, Dani! Angga : Good morning, Mrs. Yulia!
Dani : hai, Santi! Mrs. Yulia : Good morning, Angga. How are
Santi : how are you? you?
Dani : I am very well, thank you. how about you? Angga : I’m fine, thank you. and you?
Santi : I am fine, thanks. By the way, I have Mrs. yulia : I’m great. Thanks. See you in the
class. I have to go now. Good bye Dani! class
Dani : bye, Santi! Angga : See you, Mrs. yulia!

Complete the dialogue!

Maya : Good ................... , Ilham! Siska : see you tomorrow?
Ilham : Good afternoon, Maya! Budi : .............................. .

Ika : .............................?
Linda : good night, sarla!
Lisa : I’m not well. I have a cold.
Sarla : .................................
Chapter 2

Hi Yudi, I’m Kania.
He’s my friend Rudi!
Hi Yudi, Nice to
Hello, I’m Yudi. meet you.
What’s your name?


I would like to introduce myself : saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya

Let me introduce myself : Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri
May I introduce myself : bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri
My name is... : nama saya adalah ...
My nick name is / you can call me : nama panggilan saya adalah / kamu bisa memanggil saya ...
I am .... years old : umurku ...
I live in .... : saay tinggal di ....
I study at .... : saya sekolah di ...
I am in the ... grade : saya kelas ....
I am from .... / I come from ... : saya berasal dari ...

Look at the example, how to introduce yourself!

Hi, Good afternoon. I would

Hello, Good morning. Let
like to introduce myself. My
me introduce myself. My
name is Rian Surya. My
name is Raisa Yulianti.
nickname is Rian. I am ten
You can call me raisa. I
years old. I am from
am nine years old. I live
Surabaya and now, I live in
in Sidodadi. I study at
Banyuwangi. I study at State
State Elementary school
Elementary school one
one Sidodadi. I am in the
Banyuwangi. I am in the
fourth grade. That’s
fifth grade. Well, I think
about me. thank you
that’s all information about
me . thank you

Complete the personal information form below according to your personal information!
Full name :
Nickname :
Age :
Address :
School :
Class :

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