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As a student studying in a Catholic School, there are a lot of ways to prevent

the rising number of teenage pregnancy in our society, especially in our country. My
suggestions to my friends and relatives in order to stop the increasing numbers of
teenage pregnancy is that, adolescents need to have a complete awareness of
abstinence, contraceptives, and consequences. Nowadays, sex is on the minds of a
lot of teenagers that they forget that they are not yet on the stage of having a child.
As a teenage girl, I am often alarmed when I see teenage girls experiencing
parenthood at a time when her main priorities should be her studies and her family,
far less than those of taking care of another human being. In the real world therein is
that year after year more and more adolescent girls are having children at an
unsafely young age. This concern raises the issue of what can be done to avoid and
lower the rates of what they call as teenage pregnancy.
Teenage pregnancy have many different ways of prevention but ​the way that
is completely effective is sexual abstinence. This practice is the only one that
guarantees no chance of having a child and protects the adolescent from getting any
sexually transmitted diseases or what they call ​STD's. Another form of teenage
pregnancy avoidance that is being taught are several contraceptive methods.
Despite the fact that sexual abstinence still remains the best way to intercept
pregnancy among teenagers, it is a reality that there are still a large number of them
who will be involved in sexual relations. For this cause, it is important that the youth
should be provided with complete knowledge on how to use various contraceptive
techniques responsibly. Meanwhile, the contraceptive pills may also malfunction if an
adolescent was to fail a day on taking the pill after her menstruation. Another way of
preventing teenage pregnancy is in the form of using condoms. Condoms are one of
the most popular ways of avoiding teenage pregnancy. One of the reasons why
condoms fail is that sometimes it can be damaged mostly by the fingernails or other
sharp things. Still condoms are a trusted source for avoiding this kind of accident.
So as shown, there are many different kinds of ways to prevent teenage
pregnancy. As part of the youth and as a student in a Catholic School we should
spread these kinds of prevention around the world for us to prevent these kind of
events around us and for the teenage pregnancy numbers decreases. To that end,
the responsibility of parents is to provide their children with a deeper
understanding of sexual abstinence, contraceptive techniques, and the
consequences after having sexual activities.

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