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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Parañaque City
SY 2016 - 2017

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

According to the blog How Can Teachers Help Assess Struggling Readers In Their

Class (Rhodes & Shanklin, 1993) “ Assessments can measure five main components of reading:

Phonomic Awareness; Phonic; Fluency; Vocabulary; and Comprehension". In this blog it

provides teacher some information needed to develop or enhance the strategy in teaching. Blog

stated that reading is foundation to learn. The teachers should implement better reading

instructions to determining student baseline. One of the components of reading that is needed to

implement is the comprehension. In comprehension, it involves the connection of what the

student have read to his/her knowledge. It is also on how you understand the article/story. Next

skill is the vocabulary , it is the words that is used in reading. A good vocabulary can help you to

recognize reading stories/article easily.

According to Mary Lynn Woods and Alden J. Moe (2007) "Reading comprehension

assessments are the most common type of published reading test that is available." Asking a

child to read a passage of text is this most common reading comprehension assessment. It is

leveled appropriately for the child, and then asking some explicit, detailed questions about the

content of the text (often these are called IRIs). There are different variations on reading

comprehension assessments, First, the child could be asked to answer inferential questions about

information which was implied by the text, then the child’s comprehension might be tested by
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Parañaque City
SY 2016 - 2017

his or her ability to retell the story in the child’s own words or to summarize the main idea or the

moral of the story. 1

According to the study Evaluating Reading Skills by Bruce M. Lockhart, Ph.D.2(1999)

"They are in fact very important in and of themselves, in terms of both the Assessing the Roles

of Depth and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Reading Comprehension. In the study, it uses

a classroom tools that requires a students to grapple for the meaning of different words. Then it is

also used in testing if the instruction enable to evaluate effectively and accurately.

According to study The relationships between depth and breadth of vocabulary

knowledge and reading comprehension in English as a second language (ESL), Shen (2008)

"The depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge in assessing the performance of a group of

young adult ESL learners with a minimum vocabulary size of 3,000 word families in carrying

out general academic reading comprehension tasks is important. ". The results support the

hypotheses that (1) scores on vocabulary size, depth of vocabulary knowledge, and reading

comprehension are highly, and positively, correlated; and (2) scores on depth of vocabulary

knowledge can make a unique contribution to the prediction of reading comprehension levels, in

addition to the prediction afforded by vocabulary size scores.

According to The Prediction of Reading Comprehension: Relative Contributions of

Word Recognition, Language Proficiency, and Other Cognitive Skills Can Depend on How

Comprehension Is Measure, Scarborough and Cutting (2006) "The commonly used tests of

reading comprehension, such as the three we compared, may not tap the same array of cognitive
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Parañaque City
SY 2016 - 2017

processes." The reading comprehension scores from the Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests,

the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test, and the Gray Oral Reading Test were examined by this

study in relation to measures of reading, language, and other cognitive skills that have been

hypothesized to contribute to comprehension and account for comprehension differences. The

researchers select a sample of 97 first through tenth graders, the relative contributions of word

recognition/decoding and oral language skills to comprehension varied from test to test. This

result that inclusion of reading speed accounted for additional variance, but prediction of

comprehension scores was minimally improved by including measures of rapid serial naming,

verbal memory, IQ, or attention.

According to the study Extensive Reading: Speed and Comprehension, Bell (2001)

"Learners in the extensive group would achieve significantly higher scores than learners in the

intensive group." This study concluded that the extensive reading program based on graded

readers has led to much greater improvement in learners' reading comprehension than traditional

text-based, intensive language exploitation activities. In the study appears that this approach is

much less successful in developing comprehension than providing learners with attractive, high-

interest story books, which learners are well-motivated to read and understand.

According to the study of The influence of reading speed and line length on the

effectiveness of reading from screen, Haselgrove (2001) “Comprehension when reading fast, but

the type of information recalled was not dependent on speed." In this study a medium line length

(55 characters per line) appears to support effective reading at normal and fast speeds. This

produced the highest level of comprehension and was also read faster than short lines.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Parañaque City
SY 2016 - 2017


Rhodes & Shanklin (1993) How Can Teachers Help Assess Struggling Readers In Their Class

Bruce M. Lockhart, Ph.D.4(1999) Evaluating Reading Skills

Scarborough and Cutting (2006) The Prediction of Reading Comprehension: Relative

Contributions of Word Recognition, Language Proficiency, and Other Cognitive Skills Can

Depend on How Comprehension Is Measure

Bell (2001) Extensive Reading: Speed and Comprehension, Bell (2001)

Haselgrove (2001) The influence of reading speed and line length on the effectiveness of reading

from screen

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