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Don Honorio Technological

State University
Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.
Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

Submitted by: Maria Lourdes J. Salazar , Teacher I

Course: Educational Management

Subject : Current Issues and problems in Education

Submitted to: Dr. Thadi Mato Delos Reyes

!. The direct effect of Family Morality on the education of each Learner.

2. The effective way to solve problem in every student’s discipline.

3. The effective way to solve problem among learners in their subjects.

4. Which is most efficient for our learners to develop, An Emotional Quotient or Intellectual

5. The importance of Instructional materials among learners.

6. The effective way to determine SPED children among learners.

7. Good education is good governance.

8. Stop bullying it is a serious matter.

9. THEORY ( T-the H-have the E-essence O-of being R-realistic developing Y- youth

10. Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

11. The direct effect of religion among learners.

12. Causes and Effects of Bullying.

13. Health Issue among Our Teachers.

14. Morality among our Teachers and the effect towards our learners.

15. Closeness among teachers and students …when to stop?

16. Why most of our seasoned teachers think that they do not need to attend Masteral in

17. Our duty as a teacher.

18. The effective Education leader

19. How are you teacher...In all aspect.

20. Good Morning class. How are you today?

21. Gender sensitivity among learners the effect in education.

22. Parent Teacher Communication the positive and negative effect.

23. Relationship among peers in education.

24. The positive and negative effects of media technologies among our learners.
25. The study among our learner’s behaviour and the direct effect in their education.

26. What makes a good education among our learners?

27. How to attain a zero non-reader among our learners?

28. Current issues concerning our Teachers and the action taken by Department of

29. Diversity among learners and its effect in their education.

30. Why most of our teachers stay single?

31. Stress Related Teacher

32.”El Profesor Eficaz( The Effective Teacher)” , A Learners Foundation towards a bettere

*The one that I did not choose are numbers:

28, 20 I think I must use a specific problem

3 must have enough resources for the topic

*And the rest that I did choose

Background of the research

Topic “The Effective Teacher” A learner’s Foundation towards a better Education.

Teachers who Love teaching …teach children to love learning. A quote popular for every

Teaching .. According to Oxford Dictionary for advance Learners, is simply defined as a

work of a teacher. That is teaching is an act. Something that is effective that is capable of
producing the result that is wanted or intended producing successful result. That means for a
teacher to considered effective he or she must must produce positive result, and effectiveness
is the label of a good professional.

Teaching a way to train a young to help them adjust to the world in which they live. As an
effective teacher one must acknowledge the the value and skill of each individual. A teacher
must be very artistic, innovative and resourceful in order to meet the changing needs of the
students. A teacher shoul be skilful in using strategies as well as having a full grasp of basic
teaching strategies present.

Parents want the best for their children and will do anything to help them. Therefore with an
effective teacher the future of the learners will be in good hands.

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