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Maine Yainkee

321 Old Ferry Road, Wisc~sset, Maine 04578

' • • - • J

( March 20, 2018

ATTN:: Document·Coritrol .Desk _

Director, Division of Security' Operations
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response \
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i
Washington, DC 20555 ~ 0001 · I
. )
· - ---- ------~Maine-Yankee Atomic Power Company/ -- ~ -
· .Maine Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
NRC License No. DPR-36 (NRC Docket No. 50-309)

Sub1e_ct: Notification of Change in Maine Yankee Board of Directors

J - - : I
. . . . . . . ,- .
On February 28, 2017 (Reference 1), Maine-Yankee Atomic Powe;r Company(Maine Yankee)
submitted a 5:-year update regarding-its Facility Clearance in accordance with lQ_CFR 95.19(c).
This submittal included an updated SF-32-8 Form. Attachments to this form identified the
iiiernbe1lb{the Maine Yankee Board of Directors and.identified n)embers of the"Executive
'cohimitteei su:bsequently, on August 14, 2017 (Reference 2), the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) issued a favorable .Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI)
determination for Maine Yankee.

0~ Janu~.~?,:2_0~~ (R.-_efer~n,ce_ 3),,Maine_y~nkee ~de11ti_~~dthat Sara J. Bums, Central Maine

Power, ·was replaced ·on· thcfBoatd of Directors by Douglas A. Herling, Central Maine Power,
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On January 31, 2018, R. Scott Mahoney, Central Maine Power, was elected to replace Sara J.
Btitns·; Centii(Mairie 'PoWef dh the'M:~in~ y iitlcee Board of Directors' Executive Committee.
Maine Yankee does not consider this to be a significant change, because R. Scott Mahoney is a
___ ~e_mber of the Boar_q of Directors wbo. ha.d pr~yiously exe__c:µt~.d a C~rtifj__c_ation of Foreign
Sponsor Representative.

If you have any questions or require additional informatipn reg~di:ng this Sll:bn:iittal, pl~;:i.~e_contact
MaineYalikee''sGeneta1·counsel';JdeF~y".ii·c207)S·s·o-036o: :. ,,·-<•·· - . / i : , . , · · · ,._._,_
.• :: ::;····.;.~ -~-··_.... ~.... ,, :..-....... ~-~--·-..,.~ ..... -.'~..... ~- ;.·.- ·~·1· .. _.,. \ =,.:::~· :-·~-1::·~· 1,;~ •. ;;'. ·J·__ ,- _.:· ...• ~'',.:f' .. :';

Respectfully, · i

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. Maine·Yaµkee Atomic Power Company .
. 'OMY~·18-'(H 1/Mardi 20; 2018/Page 2- .. · .
References: · . (/ . ·
,' ! " • . .' . ': . ' . ' ·•. ' . ·• . .· . . • . • , • . ' ,"·. . ' • . .. : , . , "; :. - • . • .::. . . • . • ; •• ~- • • ·• '·. . .. ..

1... Maine Ya~ee lett,e(to:P:,S. NRC _(Document);on\1'.6L:Oesk); $-jYear ~pdate to Facility

· . Cle.mince; dated·}·elrni~ty 28, iOl 7 (QM¥.: 17~00~) . :.... ·. , . 1·.· - : -• . - ... ·• . · .
• . .• • . • _i__ , . . ., • . ••. I:·.: . >
2.. 'NRCi lefter tX? Wayne::No~on (Maine Yankee),. Favorable FOCI petenninatioh and Renewal of
. Facility Secu:rity'Clearan.'ce, dated August 14, 20 if .. 1 .
-3. Maine Yankee letter-to l/.S. NRC (Docurrietit Control Desk); N~tification of Change to
Maine· Yartkee'\13oard. of Director~,. ~ated Ja11tiafy 29, .2918:(0ivly~ 18--006) ·

''. . . " ...... ·. . . ' \, .· : ' . : '.. . . '. • • . .' :· . '' ·· .. '1 : .. : :·'.

.· ·.·. J. Hyland, State of Maine, Manager·Rad1attonControl .Program

' I .
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