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Microsoft’s, White Space Technology is aimed to close the Digital divide. This broadband
service plan that rolled out about a year ago uses low powered television channels to help with
connectivity over long distances mostly within remote rural communities. The plan will be
implemented in 12 states. There is, however, some contention from the television broadcasters
based on possible interference from online activity via unused channels. Microsoft’s president is
unswayed by the possibility but delighted at bridging the gap of 80% of rural communities.

Nationwide many internet providers are providing lost-cost internet services to communities and
schools via various programs. These programs provide access to computers, software and
digital literacy training. The 2016 and 2018 Comcast Internet Essentials Report states that these
internet adoption programs have helped make accessible education, social networking, job
searches and governmental services to families and schools that were previously stunted by the
digital divide.

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