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ARIANTO SINAGA. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat Terhadap Karakteristik

Kimia Tepung Pisang Tongka Langit (Musa troglodytarum) Beserta Kelayakan
Usaha. Dibimbing oleh V. N. Lawalata dan S. G. Sipahelut.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi asam sitrat yang t epat
terhadap mutu tepung pisang tongka langit dan mengetahui kelayakan usaha tepung
pisang tongka langit. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap
(RAL) faktor tunggal yaitu konsentrasi asam sitrat dengan 2 kali ulangan. Peubah-
peubah yang diamati meliputi rendemen, kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemek, kadar
protein, karbohidrat by difference serta analisis kelayakan usaha. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan perendaman dalam
konsentrasi asam sitrat 3,5.% dengan nilai rendemen 20,47%, kadar air 7,96%, kadar
abu 3,07%, kadar lemak 1,19%, kadar protein, 5,73%, karbohidrat By difference
82.87% serta analisis kelayakan usaha 1,30.
Kata kunci : Pisang Tongka Langit, Tepung Pisang Tongka Langit, Konsentrasi Asam


Arianto Sinaga. The Influence of Citric Acid Concentration on the Characteristics

of Banana Tongka Langit (Moses troglodytarum) and Business Feasibility. Guided
by V. N. Lawalata and S. G. Sipahelut.

This study aims to determine the proper citric acid concentration on the quality of
banana flour buds and know the feasibility of banana flour business. This research was
designed using Completely Random Design (RAL) single factor that is citric acid
concentration with 2 replications. The observed variables included yield, moisture
content, ash content, lemek content, protein content, carbohydrate by difference and
business feasibility analysis. The results showed that the best treatment was found in
soaking treatment in citric acid concentration of 3.5% with a yield value of 20.47%,
moisture content of 7.96%, ash content 3.07%, fat content 1.19%, protein content ,
5.73%, carbohydrate By difference 82.86% and business feasibility analysis 1.30%.

Keywords : Banana Tongka Langit, Banana Starch Banana Flour, Citric Acid

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