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Used cars

Total sales 250

Units of used cars 175
Units of new cars 75
Contribution per new car 5500
Contribution per used car 4500
Conntribution from service due to new cars 1200
Average contribution per car 5160
Average revenue per car 19350
Contribution from walkin service 120000
Fixed costs - Used 150000
Fixed Costs - New 125000
Fixed Costs - Service 350000
Fixed Costs - Additional 660000
Total Revenue 5037500
Total Costs 4912500
Total contribution from used cars 787500
Total contribution from new cars 502500
Total contribution from cars 1290000
Total contribution from walkin servic 120000
Total Contribution 1410000
Total fixed costs 1285000
Profit 125000

Breakeven sales 225.7752

Breakeven Revenue 4368750

Margin of safety 9.69%

Operating leverage 0.261578
% change in profit for 10% 103%

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