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Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear under certain circumstances on a potential

Weapon (Advisory Opinion) enemy or an enemy. The court decided, with

some judges dissenting, that, if a threatened
retaliatory strike was consistent with military
Brief Fact Summary: An advisory opinion as to necessity and proportionality, it would not
whether States are permitted to use nuclear necessarily be illegal.
weapons udner international law was placed
before the International court of Justice by the
Un General Assembly. There is neither customary nor conventional
international law any comprehensive and
univerasal probition of the threat or use of
Synopsis of Rule of Law: Under certain nuclear weapon as such. However, a threat or
circumstance, threat or use of nuclear weapons use of force by means of nuclear weapons that
is permitted under international law is contrary to Art 2, par 4 of the UN Charter and
that fails to meet all requirements of Aet 51 is
FACTS: The World Health Organization (WHO)
requested the opinion on 3 September 1993,
but it was initially refused because it was acting A threat or use of nuclear weapons should also
outside its legal capacity (ultra vires). So the UN be compatible with the requirements of the
General Assembly requested for another international law applicable in armed conflict,
opinion in December 1994 for an advisory particularly those of the principles and rules of
opinion as to whether States are permitted to humanitarian law, as well as with specific
use nuclear weapons under international law obligations under treaties and other
was laid on the table of the International Court undertakings which expressly deal with nuclear
of justice by the UN General Assembly. weapon.

ISSUE: Under certain circumstances, are threats Discussion: the idea that despite steps taken by
or use of nuclear weapons permitted under a very large part of the international community
international law? toward complete nuclear disarmament, in
which no customary rule specifically proscribe
the threat or use of nuclear weapons that exists
is illustrated by this case. Reservations about
RULING: Yes. Under certain circumstance,
the notion that there are no imaginable
threat or use of nuclear weapons are permitted
circumstances warranting their use have been
under international law. The threat or use of
expressed by too many dissenters.
nuclear weapons in all circumstances is not
authorized or prohibited by either the
customary or conventional international nuclear
law. Under the UN Charter, the threat or use of
nuclear weapons would be considered legal if all
requirements of Article 51 which deals with
state’s rights to self-defense are met. However,
in whatever the situation can be, a state
obligation exists to pursue in good faith and
bring to a disarmament in all its aspect under
strict and effective international control.

The court considered the matter of deterrence,

which involves a threat to use nuclear weapons

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