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( RPP )

Nama Sekolah : SMK Panca Budi-1 Medan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XI / III

Pertemuan Ke :7

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 45 Menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary

Kompetensi dasar : Mencatat pesan-pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun
melalui alat

I. Indikator :

 Mencatat pesan (message) yang diterima lewat telepon dengan benar

 Mencatat pesan (message) yang diterima secara langsung dengan benar

Nilai Karakter dan Kewirausahaan :

 Jujur
 Kerja keras
 Kreatif
 Rasa ingin tahu
 Tanggung jawab

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

 Dapat menjawab ungkapan pembicaraan melalui telepon

 Dapat memahami pembicaraan melalui telepon

III. Materi Ajar :

How to answer and speak on the phone

Study the dialogs and practice it with your partner

A : good morning. Mr james office

B : good morning. I would like to speak to Mr. James, please

A : I’m sorry. He’s out of the office right now. Would you like to leave a message
or would you prefer to call again?

B : when will he be back?

A : In an hour or so

B : ok I’ll call him again later. Thank you

A : Thank you. Goodbye

B : goodbye

Task 1.

Listen carefully to your teacher and complete the dialog below while you are listening.

Mr Willy : Hello, is it 5201927?

Indra : Yes, who’s speaking?

Mr Willy : I am Willy, a friend of Mr. Roy, Can ….. speak to him,please?

Indra : Would you mind if I ….. the line for a second?

Mr Willy : OK.

Indra : Hello, Mr. Willy? Are you there?

Mr Willy : Yes, I am still here.

Indra : I’m sorry,sir Mr.Roy is in a meeting now.Would you like to leave a messege?

Mr Willy : Ok. Tell to Mr.Roy that Willy call to talk about some important things …..

Me as soon as possible.

Indra : OK.

Key answer Task 1.

1. Canlspeakto
2. hear

3. hold

4. call

Task 2

Read the dialog then write down the message you find in the dialog

Nancy : tyker recidence?

Andi : is this naomi

Nancy : no, this is her sister, nancy

Andi : your sound like naomi

Nancy : oh, really. Can I take a message ?

Andi : sure, please tell her that andi called

Nancy : ok I’ll give her the message

Andi : thanks

Nancy : bye

1. How many persons are there in the dialog?

2. Who are they?

3. Where are they going?

4. Does M randa like to havepopcom first?,

5.. Where does the dialog take place?

Key answer Task 2.

1. 2 person

2. They are Miranda and Joni

3. They are going to the cinema

4. Yes, she does

5. at home

IV. Metode pendekatan :

 Membaca teks dan mempraktekan secara berpasangan

V. Skenario Pembelajaran :

Kegiatan awal (5 menit)

 Do’a
 Presensi siswa
 Motivasi

Kegiatan Inti

 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks narrative secara berpasangan

 Mempraktekan berbagai aspek dari teks ungkapan dan struktur teks pembicaraan
melalui telephone

Kegiatan Akhir

 Membahas bersama dan menyimpulkan

 Memberi kesimpulan

 Salam penutup

Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar

 Buku paket bahasa inggris penerbit garfindo, yudistira, lks

VII. Penilaian :

Diketahui Medan, Juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Diklat

Amdan, SH Masnilawati Pulungan, SS

NUPTK. 5634739643200002 NUPTK.2459752653300012

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