Patent Search Report Title: A Design and Fabrication of Three Roller Bending Machine Date: July 13, 2019

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Title : A Design and Fabrication of Three Roller Bending Machine

Date: July 13, 2019
The Three Roller Bending Machine is a machine designed to bend on raw
materials Galvanized Iron sheets and Mild Steel circular solid bar into its
cylindrical form. The raw materials processed in this machine are made into a
metal cylindrical can, miniature cylindrical tank, taho container, basketball ring,
and other designated cylindrical forms. The roller shafts could bend a metal
sheet as wide as four feet and a half inch of solid round bar. It is motorized built
and the structure of the machine is composed of three roller shafts; one upper
roller shaft and one lower roller shaft in parallel with each other, and a back roller
shaft which is placed at the side of the two rollers. The upper roller shaft is
immobile or stationed and is connected to the motor with the use of belt, and the
lower roller shafts, whose position is adjustable vertically. The back roller shaft
can be adjusted up to 8 inches center distance with respect to the upper roller
shaft. By adjusting the back roller shaft, the desired diameter of the raw material
to be formed will be determined. The distances between the upper roller and
back roller are varied that the amount to which a plate is rolled around the rollers
are also varying.
International Patent Classification
B21C47/02; B21D 5/14; B21D 7/08
three, roller, bending, machine

Database Search String Number of Hits

Patentscope roller 655,170

Patentscope roller AND bending 9,767
Patentscope roller AND bending AND machine 2,566

Patentscope three-roller AND bending AND machine 269

Espacenet roller >10,000
Espacenet roller AND bending >10,000
Espacenet roller AND bending AND machine 4,266
Espacenet three-roller AND bending AND machine 52
USPTO roller 455,700
USPTO roller AND bending 51,897
USPTO roller AND bending AND machine 21,634
USPTO three-roller AND bending AND machine 43
Google Patents roller 5,000,000
Google Patents roller AND bending 4,302,446
Google Patents roller AND bending AND machine 3,647,326
Category* Citation of Documents, with indication, where Relevant to
appropriate, of the relevant pages Claim No.

*Special Categories of Cited Documents:

“A” document defining the general state of the art which is not considered to be of
particular relevance
“D” document cited by the applicant in the international application
“E” earlier application or patent but published on or after the international filing date
“L” document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is cited to
establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as
“O” document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means
“P” document published prior to the international fi ling date but later than the
priority date claimed
“T” later document published after the international filing date or priority date and
not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the principle or theory
underlying the invention
“X” document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered
novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document
is taken alone
“Y” document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered
to involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more
other such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in
the art
“&” document member of the same patent family

Search Reviewed by:
Search Conducted by:
Bacus, Dann Drew B.
Beron, Mary Grace A.
Carballo, Trisha Jane E.
Dingcong, Renniel D.
Gabica, Ray Gabriel B.
Mahinay, Sean Dorney
1 Three-Roller Plate The roller The proposed
Rolling Machine It can form a bending machine project is
metal sheet into displayed at the motorized built.
its cylindrical M. E. laboratory The machine
form (e. g. metal is non-functional. could also bend
cans, cylindrical Turning the hand a solid round bar
tanks) and solid wheel is hard up to a half inch.
bar into a considering that The machine will
basketball ring, the shafts are no longer use
heavy and the screw jack;
bending the metal the machine will
sheet alone make use of a
needs an mechanical
additional force to worm screw
be applied as well jacks connected
as human effort at the fixed end
to turn the hand support to adjust
wheel. Turning its position. The
the hand wheel worm
constantly could mechanical
possibly injure a screw jacks at
person. Lastly, each end will be
adjusting the coupled to a
center distance of shaft to adjust
the lower shafts them in a single
are tedious and way by turning a
time consuming – pulley
since two screw connected to a
jacks, connected worm screw jack
and placed at the at the other end
fixed end rather than
supports, had to adjusting them
be adjusted individually.
Turning two
screw jacks, if
unnoticed, could
give a non-
uniform and equal
force to the metal
sheet that is
feeded between
the shafts.

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