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Cross Cultural Understanding

Name : Noviana Gita Ayu w 16420049

Isnaeni Nur S 16420074


Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people,

encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and art. Culture is knowledge,
beliefs, and behavior shared by a group of people. This is to understanding their own experience
and to guide their own actions and behavior.

US Cultures

It is not possible to say that all Americans share the same culture. It is more accurate to
speak about the same cultures of Americans. U.S. is often described as a “Culture of Cultures”.

Although there are many American cultures, Americans do share certain customs,
belief,values, and other aspects of culture. This general, shared U.S culture is often called
“mainstream: culture.

Culture learning: just as we speak of language learning, we can also speak of culture
learning. Both language learning and culture learning take time.

Every person is influenced by his or her own culture, and every person has a unique
personality. That is not everything person does is culture.

Misscomunnications : sometimes miscommunication due to cultural differences can be a

good opportunities for learning American culture.

A cultural description is rarely true for all people in a group. That is, even these people
share some aspects of a culture, they will not share other aspects.

It can be difficult to learn how people of one culture interact with people of other
cultures. This is the cross-cultural perspective of culture learning.

A stereotype is a general description of a group of people which does not point out
differences among individuals in that group. Stereo type can be possitve and negative. Negative
stereotypes, in particular, can give a false picture of a culture.

It is not possible to talk about culture without making generalization. Even so, the most
accurate generalizations about American culture are expressed in terms of “many” or “some”
Americans…words such as “all” “no” “always” and “never” usually indicate an
overgeneralization ot a stereotype.

Learning a new culture is hard work. Adpting to different ways of doing things can be
tiring and at times, frustrating. Culture fatigue, however, is a normal part of cultural adaption.

Adaptation is a part of leraning to communicate in a new language and in a new culture.

Adaptions means recognizing similarities and differences, and learning how to act in different
kinds of situation.

One positive aspects of critism is that it can be reduce some of frustrations of cultural
adaptation. On the other hand, some critism argumentative stereotype. This means that they may
be only partially true.


Change and adaptation is necessary to make some changes in another culture. How you
choose to change must be comfortable for you. You have to be yourself .

Culture learning as gain, when you learn a second language, you don’t lose or forget
youre first. With culture learning, you can gain knowledge and skills without losing your own
cultural identity.

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