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Review Task

1. Ovi Prudenta (115130100111011)

2. Rizka Putri I.E (115130100111012)
3. Buyung Yahya (115130100111013)


People said that family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions but our
roots remain as one. That’s why “family” becomes the biggest present in the world. In 2005,
Carter Bays mixed emotion with humor to create unconventional comedy How I Met Your
Mother that was innovative series used flashbacks and flash-forward about a love story. The
series begin with Ted as a father tells to his kids about the real story about finding their mother.
The story begins with Ted as a single living with his best friend from his college years, Marshall
and Lily. Marshal and Lily have been dating for years and finally propose by Marshall. It makes
Ted thinks about finding his true love. He has no idea about how to make woman interested with
him because he isn’t brave enough that makes him frustrated. Marshall, Lily and Barney always
give an advice about how to start a date and how to be an amazing man. Ted starts his search in
the restroom at a bar with Barney, whom he met few years ago in that bar. Barney is perfectionist
people and always wear suit everywhere and everytime. After he search a longtime, he finally
find a green-shirt woman sit behind of him and Barney does his trick to make Ted has a good
chat. He quickly falls in love with her, Robin Scherbatsky, young reporter from Canada. They
doesn’t know each other very well so, it makes some misunderstanding between them. He never
give up in his relationship because he know that love needs some big act and it will find a way if
he always try to find out. This season, writer want to tell everybody that love is not about saying
“I love you”,”I miss you” and “I need you”; it’s about how to give real action and never give up
to find the meaning of love. If we do our best, it will show the best way. We must believe that
love will find a way.

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