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English notes for Class X

‫ریمے رھگ ےک اسےنم اکی ابغ ےہ۔ اس ںیم تہب ےس وپدے اور درتخ ںیہ۔ اہبر ےک وممس ںیم یئک رگن ےک وھپل ےتلھک ںیہ۔ ایکن وخوبش ارد رگد‬ ‫۔‬1
‫وعروتںاوروچبںےسرھباجاتےہولگاِدرھاُدرھرھپےتاورفطلااھٹےتںیہ۔ےچب ابغںیمدوےےتںیہ۔اووی ںاںںیہ‬،‫لیھپاجیتےہ۔اشموکابغآدویمں‬
There is a garden in front of my house. It has many plants and trees. Flowers of different colours bloom
in the spring season. Their fragrance spreads around. The garden is filled with men, women and children
in the evening. People walk about and enjoy themselves. Children run in the garden. Now this moment
they are here and next moment they are in the other corner of the garden. I also go to this garden for walk
daily in the evening. Many gardeners look after the garden.

‫زدنیگےکبیشنورفازںیماےسیاحملتیھبآےتںیہبجااسننابلکلانادیموہاجاتےہ۔اےسرہرطفادنریھایہادنریھارظنآاتےہاوراےکساقمےلب‬ ‫۔‬2
‫یک تکس متخ وہ اجیت ےہ۔ ہی ابت ااسنن یک تمظع ےک الخف ےہ۔ داین ںیم ینتج یھب رتیق وہیئ ےہ وی اس زعم و تمہ اک ہجیتن ےہ وج ہک اہلل ےن ااسننوک اط رفامیئ‬
‫ےہ۔ااسننوکاچےیہےکیھبکتمہہناہرےہکلبرمداہنواراناکویمںاکاقمہلبرکے۔اہلللاع ٰیاکیدنوروراکبایی اطرکےا۔‬
Such moments occur in the ups and downs of a man’s life when a man totally loses his hope. He becomes
pessimist and his power of competition disappears. It is against the dignity of man. All the progress in the
world is the result of determination and perseverance that God has granted to man. Man should never lose
heart. Instead he should face his failures manfully. One day God will bless him with success.

‫اکیوجنکساھت۔اکیدہعفااکسوٹبامگ وہایگ۔وٹبےںیماکیوسروےپےھت۔اسےناالعنایکوجریماوٹباڈوھڈن ئا ےاںیماےسدسروےپدوںا۔‬ ‫۔‬3

‫اکی دن اکی اسکن ااکس وٹبا ےل رک آای۔ وجنکس ےن وٹبا داھکی۔ اس ںیم وپرے وس روےپ ےھت۔ بج اسکن ےن اانپ ااعنم اماگن وت وجنکس ےن اہک "ریمے وٹبےںیم‬
‫اکیوسدسروےپےھت۔اورصفاکیوسںیہ۔ م ےلہیہدسروےپر ھ ےکوہ"۔‬
There was a miser. Once he lost his purse. There were hundred rupees in the purse. He announced, “I shall
give ten rupees to him who finds and brings the purse to me.” One day a farmer came to him with his
purse. The miser searched out the purse. There were exact one hundred rupees in it. When the farmer
demanded his reward, the miser said, “There were one hundred and ten rupees in my purse. Now they are
only one hundred. You have already taken ten rupees.”

‫وادلنییکزعترکانامہرااالخیقرفضےہ۔ویامہراتہبایخل رےتھکںیہ۔ویںیمہوخراکدےتیںیہ۔ویںیمہابلسدےتیںیہ۔ویںیمہامتمںیزم ای‬ ‫۔‬4

‫رکےتںیہنجیکںیمہورورتوہیتےہ۔ویںیمہوکسلےتجیھبںیہاتہکمہمیلعتاحلصرکےنےکدعباُنیکدختمرکم ۔اسےسںیمہرالمیگ یگ۔‬
It is our moral duty to respect our parents. They take much care of us. They feed us. They give us clothes.
They provide us with all those things which we need. They send us to school so that we may serve them
after getting education. It will bring comfort to us.

‫اکی دہعف دو دوتس رفس رپ رواہن وہ ے۔ اوہنں ےن اکی دورسے ےسودعیایک ہک وی اکی دورسے یک تبیصمںیم دمد رکم ےگ۔ وی اکیلگنجںیم‬ ‫۔‬5
Once two friends set off on a journey. They promised to help each other in the time of distress. They
reached a forest. They saw a bear coming towards them. One of them ran and climbed up a tree. His friend
could not climb up the tree. He lay down and held his breath.

‫ہنماہھتدوھرکامنزڑپےتھ۔رھپرسک زوتیں‬،‫رہشآےنےس ےلہمہاؤںںیمرےتہےھت۔اؤںںیممہولگتہبوخشےھت۔مہحبصوسریےاےتھٹ‬ ‫۔‬6


We lived in a village before we came to city. We were very happy in the village. We got up early in the
morning, washed our hands and face and offered prayer. Then we went out for a walk in the green fields.
We slept under the shade of trees at noon. A steam flowed near the village. Its water was clean and cool.

‫اکیدہعفاکیّوکاایپاساھت۔ویاکیہگجےسدورسیہگجاےانکیلاسوکںیہکاپینہنالم۔ابآلرخویاکیابغںیماچنہپ۔واہںاسےناپیناکاکیڑھگاداھکی۔‬ ‫۔‬7
Once a crow was thirsty. He flew here and there but he found water nowhere. At last he reached a garden.
He saw a pitcher of water there. He became very happy. He looked into the pitcher. The water was so low
that his beak could not reach it. The crow was wise. He hit upon a plan.

‫وجرہیوتاانیئوکااسننےکافدئےےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتکسےہ۔اےسداینوکابتیرکےنےکےیلیھباامعتسلایکاجاتکسےہ۔وجرہیوتاانیئامہرےےیل‬ ‫۔‬8
‫یلجب دیپا رک ےتکس ںیہ۔ رکایچ ںیم اکی یلجب رھگ ےہ۔ آلکج وجرہی وتاانیئ ےس دیپا یک اجےن وایل یلجب یتسس وہےن ےک ااکمن وموجد ںیہ۔ ںیمہ اچےیہ ہک وجرہی‬
‫وتاانیئوکرصفرُپانماقمدصےکےیلاامعتسلرکم ۔‬
Atomic energy can be used for the welfare of man. It can also be used to destroy the world. Atomic energy
can produce electricity for us. There is a power house in Karachi. There are possibilities of cheap
electricity produced by atomic energy today. We should use atomic energy only for peaceful purposes.

‫دودھ اکی لمکمذغا ےہ۔ہی اھٹیماورذلذی وہاتےہ۔اساک رگن دیفسوہاتےہ۔ مہزایدی رت دودھ ا ےاورسنیھب ےساحلص رکےت ںیہ۔ دودھںیمہ‬ ‫۔‬9
‫نھکماوررینپ یھبانبےت ںیہ۔وچبںاوررموضیںےکےیل دودھشیب تمیق ذغاےہ۔ دودھوک ہشیمہاابلرک اامعتسل‬،‫تحصدنماور اطوتقرانباتےہ۔مہ اسےس دیہ‬
Milk is a perfect diet. It is sweet and delicious. Its colour is white. We get milk mostly from cow and
buffalo. Milk makes us healthy and powerful. We also make curd, butter and cheese from it. Milk is a
valuable diet for children and patients. Milk must be used after boiling.

‫ریش اکی اطوتقر اجونر ےہ۔ ہی دےنھکیںیم تہب وخانفک رظن آات ےہ۔ اسیک رگد رپ ےبمل ےبمل ابل وہےت ںیہ۔ ہیارفہقی اور اایشی ےک ںولگنں ںیم اپای اجات‬ ‫۔‬11
‫ےہ۔ہیاغروںںیمراتہےہ۔اےسلگنجاکابداشیےتہکںیہ۔ہیااسنناکڑبادنمشےہ۔نکیلاکشریاےکسوچبںوکرچاےتیلںیہ۔ویاوکندسراھرےتاوررس سںیمان‬
Lion is a powerful animal. It looks very dangerous. It has long hair on its neck. It is found in the jungles
of Africa and Asia. It lives in caves. It is called the king of jungle. It is the worst enemy of man but the
hunters steal away its cubs. They train them and make them work in circus.

‫اکیونوجانابغںیماھٹیباھت۔ویھچک رکفدنم اھت۔ھچکدریدعباکیڑوےراھآد یابغںیمدا لوہا۔اسےنونوجانوکاکی طدای۔ونوجانےن طلوھئا‬ ‫۔‬11

‫اوراےسڑپراھ۔وی طڑپھرکتہبوخشوہا۔اسےکرکفدنمیےکارثاتاغبئوہےئگ۔اسےنڑوےےھآد یاکرکشہیاداایک۔‬
A young man was sitting in a garden. He was a bit worried. An old man entered the garden after some
time. He gave a letter to the young man. The young man opened the letter and read it. He became happy
after reading the letter. His signs of anxiety disappeared. He thanked the old man.

‫ئاوہراکیرپااناوراتریخیرہشےہ۔ہیدرای ےراویےکانکرےرپواعقےہ۔ہیوصہباجنپواکداروکحلتمےہ۔اسرہشںیمتہبےساتریخیرامرںی‬ ‫۔‬12

‫اابقلاکزمارےہ۔اابقلےنمہوکاپاتسکناکوصردایاھت۔رقاردا ِد‬
ؒ ‫ںیہ۔ابداشیہدجسمداینیکبسےسڑبیدجسموںںیمےساکیےہ۔اشیہدجسمےکاپسیہالعہم‬
Lahore is an old and historical city. It is situated on the bank of the river Ravi. It is the capital of Punjab
province. There are many historical buildings in this city. Badshadi Mosque is one of the biggest mosques
in the world. The tomb of Allama Iqbal is quite beside the Shahi Mosque. Iqbal gave us the idea of
Pakistan. Pakistan’s Resolution was passed in Lahore. Minar-e-Pakistan was built in the remembrance of
this resolution. It was built in Iqbal Park.

‫ڑچایرھگںیممہےنتہبےساجونردےھکی۔ہیاجونرمہےن ےلہیھبکںیہندےھکیےھت۔مہبستہبوخشوہ ے۔ریماوھچاٹاھبیئاخصوطررپوخشوہا۔‬ ‫‪13‬۔‬

‫بجاسےنومرداھکیوتوخ یےسا ےنلھ۔اگ۔اسےنااباجنےساہک "ایکآ ےھجاکیومررخ درکدےےتکسںیہ ہیتہبوخوصرتاجونرےہ"۔ااباجنےناتبای‬
‫‪We saw many animals in the zoo. We had not seen these animals before. We all were very happy. My‬‬
‫‪younger brother, in particular, was very pleased. When he saw the peacock, he began to jump with joy.‬‬
‫‪He said to the father, “Father! Can you buy me a peacock? It is very beautiful animal.” Father told him‬‬
‫‪that those peacocks were not for sale.‬‬

‫ریم ی وادلی س ھےستہبک تب رکیتےہ۔ویریمی تحصاکہشیمہ ایخلرہ یت ےہ۔اخ یوخراکیتایت ےہوجںیمک دن رکاتوہں۔نکیل ےھجزایدیناھےن‬ ‫‪14‬۔‬
‫ےس رویتکےہ۔ ےھجاےھچ اےھچڑپکےدیتی ںیہ۔ زایدییتمیقڑپکوں ےکالخفںیہ۔ ےھج اباقدعیاتکںیب ڑپراھیت ںیہ۔ںیم ارگنزییںیم ذرا زمکور وہں۔ ذٰہلااوہنں‬
‫ےنریمےےیلاکیااتسدرناھےہ۔ ےھجروزاہنڑپےنھیکاتدیکرکیتںیہ۔‬
‫‪My mother loves me very much. She always takes care of my health, cooks food that I like, but warns me‬‬
‫‪from over eating. She gives me good clothes, but she is against costly clothes. She teaches me books‬‬
‫‪regularly. I am a bit weak in English. Therefore, she has employed a teacher for me. She daily reminds‬‬
‫‪me to study.‬‬

‫ہیونوجاناقدئامظعوکلتقرکےنےکارادےےسآایاھت۔بجاسےنداھکیہکوکیئآساپسںیہنےہ۔اسےنزیتیےساچوقاکنئا۔ویاقدئامظع‬ ‫‪15‬۔‬
‫یک رطف اکپل۔ اہلل لاع ٰی ےن اقدئ امظع وک تمہ‪ ،‬لقع اور وحہلص اط ایک اھت۔ اوہنں ےن اانپ ابمل ابزو ڑبراھ رک اقلت اک اہھت وبضمیط ےس ڑک ایل۔ اوہنں ےن اےن‬
‫‪This young man had come to kill Quaid-e-Azam. When he saw that there was nobody nearby, he quickly‬‬
‫‪pulled a knife. He pounced upon Quaid-e-Azam. God had blessed Quaid-e-Azam with much wisdom and‬‬
‫‪courage. He stretched out his long arm and caught the murderer’s hand firmly. He called his private‬‬
‫‪secretary. The culprit was arrested. All the people saw that Quaid-e-Azam was a brave man.‬‬

‫رضحتدمحمﷺ ہکمںیمدیپاوہ ے۔آ ےکوادلاکانمدبعاہللاھت۔آ ےکداداےنآ یکرپورشیک۔بجآ ﷺ سیچپربسےکوہ ےوت‬ ‫‪16‬۔‬

‫آ ﷺ ےنرضحتدخہجیؓےساشدیرکیل۔بجآ ﷺ اچسیلربسےکوہ ےوتآ ﷺ ےناہکہکںیمربمغیپوہں۔ریمیابت ررےس ۔و۔دخا‬

‫‪) was born in Makkah. His father’s name was Abdullah. His grand-father brought‬ﷺ( ‪Hazrat Muhammad‬‬
‫‪him up. He married Hazrat Khadija when he was twenty-five years old. When he was forty years of age‬‬
‫”‪he said, “I am prophet. Listen to my words carefully. God is one, worship him.‬‬

‫آد یاینپتمسق وخدانباتےہ۔اسوکاچےیہہک تنحرکےاور نگےساکم رکےاتہکویاینپزدنیگںیماکبایو وہےکس۔ تنح اسداینیکبسےس‬ ‫‪17‬۔‬
‫ڑبی تقیقحےہسجوک الٹھجایںیہناجاتکس۔ارگمہامیضںیم رظندوےاںیئوتولعمموہ اہک ےنتجیھبمیظع آد یزگرےںیہ بسےن تنحاورتمہ ےساکم ایلاور‬
‫اینپتمسق ۔واری۔‬
‫‪Man architects his own fate. He should work hard with devotion so that he may succeed in his life. Hard‬‬
‫‪work is the greatest truth that cannot be falsified in this world. If we look into the past, it will be clear that‬‬
‫‪all the great men of the past labored and worked with courage and ornamented their fate.‬‬

‫دمہنیرعواکاکیدقمسرہشےہ۔ہیہکمےسرقتًابینیتوسلیمےکافہلصرپےہ۔اکرم ہیافہلصھچاستےٹنھگںیمےطرکیتیلںیہ۔دمہنیربمغیپاام‬ ‫‪18‬۔‬

‫اکرہشےہ۔ ںاںیئکاسمدجںیہ نکیل بسےسزایدیروہشردجسموبیﷺ ےہ۔اسدجسمںیمروسلاپک ﷺ اکروہضابمرکےہ۔ ںاںدسئا ھاملسمن‬
‫امنزڑپھےتکسںیہ۔دمہنیںیمیئکوہلٹںیہ۔ ںاںرپاینرامرںییھبںیہ۔‬

Madina is a sacred city of Arab. It is about three hundred miles from Makkah. Cars cover this distance in
six to seven hours. Madina is the city of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. There are many masjids there but Masjid-

e-Nabvi (‫ )ﷺ‬is the most famous of them all. The sacred grave of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬is lying in this
mosque. One million Mulims can offer prayers there. There are many hotels in Madina. There are old
buildings also.

‫ںیم ےن ریشوک دورےس داھکی۔ ویاھجےویںںیم اھٹیباھت۔ریش ےنںیمہںیہنداھکی۔ںیمےن اےناسیھت ےساہک مںیہی اخومشےھٹیب روہ۔ںیمریشےک‬ ‫۔‬19
‫رقبیاجاتوہں۔اسےکدعبںیم ےنآآ ہتآآ ہتریشیکرطفڑبش اعووکرکدای۔ارگںیمذرااس رررکاتوتویاھبگاجات۔آرخںیماسےکرقبیچنہپایگ۔وی‬
‫ ےھجوتپںںیماصفدناھیئدےراہاھت۔اسےنایھبکت ےھجںیہنداھکیاھت۔ںیمےنڑبیاایتحطےسدنبوقااھٹیئ۔‬
I saw the lion from a distance. He was sitting in the bushes. The lion did not see us. I said to my companion,
“You keep sitting silently here. I go near the lion.” After this I began to advance slowly towards the lion.
Had I caused a little noise, he would have run away. At last I came close to him. He was clear in my sight
through the leaves. He had not caught sight of me yet. I took my gun with great care.

Unit No. 1 Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬an Embodiment of Justice

Q. 1 How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
Ans. By seeking light from the message and guidance from the Holy Prophet’s life.
Q. 2 How did the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans. He set up noble ideals through his practical example for all mankind.
Q. 3 What standard of justice did the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬practice as head of the state of Madinah?
Ans. He (‫ )ﷺ‬decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of colour, creed, or race.
Q. 4 What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet (‫?)ﷺ‬
Ans. The justice of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬made non-Muslims bring their suits to him.
Q. 5 What does the word “proclaimed” mean?
Ans. It means “publicly told about its importance”.
Q. 6 Why did non-Muslims trust the Holy Prophet (‫?)ﷺ‬
Ans. They trusted him because he was well-known for his justice and decided their cases in equity.

Unit No. 2 Chinese New Year

Q. 1 When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans. It starts between January 21st and February 20th.
Q. 2 What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans. The decorations on doors and windows symbolize luck and happiness.
Q. 3 What is the significance of New Year’s Eve dinner?
Ans. It is a source of visiting relatives and it is also a source of getting prosperity and long life.
Q. 4 What do little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans. The little red envelops filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year.
Q. 5 Why does New Year’s Eve dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
Ans. In Chinese language the word “eight” means “prosperity” and “nine” means “long lasting”.

Unit No. 3 Try Again

Q. 1 What does the word ‘persevere’ mean?
Ans. It means persist steadily in an action of belief.
Q. 2 “If we strive, it is no disgrace”. Explain it.
Ans. If we strive after failure, there is no disgrace in it.
Q. 3 Why is trying again important in life?
Ans. It helps to lead a successful life.
Q. 4 What can we learn from failure?
Ans. Our weaknesses and shortcomings from our failure.
Q. 5 How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans. Wise men learn from their failure, try again, get success and become respectable.

Q. 6 How many times should we try and why?

Ans. We should always keep trying till we achieve our goal.
Q. 7 What should we do it we find our task hard?
Ans. We should not give up hope and keep trying till we achieve our goal.

The poem ‘Try Again’ has been written by W.E. Hickson. This poem conveys a universal message of
continuous struggle. The poet says that we should keep on trying again and again till success. Instead of
quitting after our failure, we should learn from it. Failure is a good teacher. It will lead you to success.
Try again is the gate way to success.
Unit No. 4 First Aid
Q. 1 You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped. Why?
Ans. We should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage the clot that
is forming and cause bleeding to resume.
Q. 2 Why it is necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Ans. The soap can irritate the wound, so it should be kept away from the actual wound.
Q. 3 When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans. When the wound is not healing.
Q. 4 What is the importance of knowledge of ‘First Aid’ in crisis management?
Ans. ‘First Aid’ helps to save lives of people.
Q. 5 What do you understand by ‘First Aid’?
Ans. It is temporary and immediate help.

Unit No. 5 The Rain

Q. 1 What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans. According to poet, falling of rain drops on the leaves, drop after drop, is a sweet noise.

Nature and the hardships of the poor are W.H. Davies favourite themes. In this poem, the poet enjoys the
musical fall of raindrops. He described the discrimination found between the rich and the poor people.
The scene of sunshine after the rain points towards the fact that there would come a time when there would
be equality everywhere. By using the imagery of rain and sunlight, the poet actually presents the reality
of life.

Unit No. 6 Television vs Newspapers

Q. 1 How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans. We can study newspaper at any time and at any place.
Q. 2 In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?
Ans. Much mastery of language is not necessary. Everything is visual and auditory. Therefore,
viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper.
Q. 3 Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans. Some people read more than one newspapers in order to get different viewpoints about news and
check for its validity.
Q. 4 How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans. By writing to the forum pages.
Q. 5 How does television make us lazy?
Ans. On television, we can view news with a little or no effort. So, it makes us lazy.

Unit No. 7 Little by little one walks far!

Q. 1 What kind of person is the author?
Ans. The author is an ambitious, hardworking and courageous person.
Q. 2 How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
Ans. He spent his summer vacations by doing different jobs.
Q. 3 What are some distinctions of the writer?
Ans. The writer is a very wise, intelligent, ambitious and hardworking person.
Q. 4 What has he gained from his summer jobs experiences?

Ans. He gained money, knowledge and experience from these jobs.

Q. 5 What has motivated the author to participate so actively?
Ans. The urge for success has motivated him.

Unit No. 8 Peace

Q. 1 With what the wind is compared in the poem “Peace”?
Ans. It is compared to a monster of destruction.
Q. 2 Explain “its center is truth”.
Ans. It means trust is in its center. The truth is hidden.

In this poem, the poetess says that nature teaches us lessons through wind, water, mountains and light.
Wind in the form of storm smashes everything. In its rage it destroys trees, fields and buildings. But when
the wind is gentle and cool it gives lives to buds, birds and humans. We have to experience storms to enjoy
peace. There lies peace in depth of this disaster.

Unit No. 9 Selecting the Right Career

Q. 1 In past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?
Ans. In past, these fields were considered highly rewarding in terms of both respect and money.
Q. 2 Explain the phrase “profitable livelihood”.
Ans. It means a profession that certainly gives profit.
Q. 3 What is meant by the “right profession”?
Ans. “Right profession” means a rewarding profession that provides respect money and mental
Q. 4 How can career counselors help the young people?
Ans. Career counselors observe and analyze our interest and suggest suitable careers according to our

Unit No. 10 A world without books

Q. 1 Can modern technology take the place of books?
Ans. Modern technology can never take the place of books.
Q. 2 How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
Ans. A reader feels the emotions, feelings and thoughts of a writer through the book written by him.
Q. 3 In what way books are better than radio, TV and Internet?
Ans. We can study books of our own choice at any time and any place but in case of radio, TV and
Q. 4 “It’s a slow food in a world given over to fast food”. Explain.
Ans. It takes a long time to write a book. A reader studies and enjoys this book at a fast speed.
Q. 5 Why should people be given more opportunity to read books?
Ans. Because they may get more and more knowledge and awareness to improve themselves and

Unit No. 11 Great Expectations

Q. 1 What kind of boy was Pip?
Ans. Pip was a lonely Orphan.
Q. 2 What changed Pip’s life?
Ans. A kind deed changed Pip’s life.
Q. 3 How did Pip become a successful businessman?
Ans. He studied hard, did a job, worked honestly and became a successful businessman.
Q. 4 Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
Ans. Pip’s sister.
Q. 5 Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?
Ans. Joe was his sister’s husband. He treated him like a friend and a father.
Q. 6 Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?
Ans. Pip gave him food and drink due to kindness.
Q. 7 What happened to the prisoner?

Ans. The prisoner was recaptured by soldiers and taken away.

Q. 8 Why did the prisoner support Pip?
Ans. Pip had been kind to him when he was in trouble.
Q. 9 What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Ans. By law, all his money belonged to the government.

Unit No. 12 Population Growth and world food supplies

Q. 1 What areas are more affected by incessant growth in population?
Ans. Developing countries are affected by incessant growth in population.
Q. 2 What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?
Ans. Over population is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition.
Q. 3 What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?
Ans. Cost of fuel increases everywhere.
Q. 4 How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generation?
Ans. By curtailing human population.
Q. 5 What does the word depleted mean?
Ans. It means ‘decreased’ or ‘lessened’.
Q. 6 How is fossil energy a finite source?
Ans. It is produced after a very long period. Its sources are finite as compared to its consumption.

Unit No. 13 Faithfulness

Q. 1 What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar (R.A.)?
Ans. The case of murder of their father.
Q. 2 Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
Ans. He hurled a stone at the camel because it nipped a few leaves off the hanging branch of his tree.
Q. 3 On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
Ans. On the condition of providing surety.


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I __________ take my meals at night.
(a) did not (b) does not (c) do not (d) will not
2. They __________ at ten.
(a) shall get up (b) had get up (c) has got up (d) get up
3. They __________ for London tomorrow.
(a) leave (b) left (c) will leave (d) leaving
4. They do not __________ rice every day.
(a) ate (b) eat (c) eating (d) eaten
5. She __________ him back yesterday.
(a) sent (b) sends (c) will send (d) sending
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) ansestor (b) ancestor (c) ensestor (d) incestor
7. (a) revenge (b) rivenge (c) riveng (d) rivange
8. (a) sik (b) sheik (c) seek (d) ceek
9. (a) intersede (b) intercide (c) enterseede (d) intercede
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The snake is creeping quickly. The underlined word is
(a) adverb (b) verb (c) article (d) noun
11. Our practice usually starts at Six O’clock. The underlined word is an adverb of
(a) degree (b) manner (c) frequency (d) time
12. Why are you so sad? “I have lost then pen __________ I bought this morning.” Fill in the blank
with suitable pronoun.
(a) which (b) what (c) that (d) whose
13. He begged __________ mercy.
(a) from (b) for (c) before (d) in
14. The teacher is __________ the classroom.
(a) in (b) into (c) onto (d) on
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. My family and I went to visit Murree last summer. Of all the summers I have had, I would sa this
was the __________ summer ever!
(a) good (b) very good (c) best (d) better
16. They invited us to their home yesterday, what tense is it?
(a) past indefinite (b) past perfect
(c) past continuous (d) past perfect continuous
17. The watchmen blew his wistle. The underlined word is a/an __________.
(a) intransitive verb (b) transitive verb (c) regular verb (d) irregular verb
18. Aliya has not __________ in an airplane before.
(a) fly (b) flew (c) flying (d) flown
19. You __________ find Lubna in the garden, but I doubt it
(a) might (b) can (c) must (d) could


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. Have you __________ your work?
(a) finish (b) finishes (c) finished (d) finishing
2. She __________ English at present.
(a) learnt (b) learns (c) is learning (d) will be learning
3. The sun __________ in the west.
(a) sets (b) set (c) will set (d) is setting
4. The baby __________ for mil now.
(a) cry (b) is crying (c) cried (d) has been crying
5. He is __________ back next week.
(a) coming (b) came (c) will come (d) has come
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) assosiation (b) association (c) associoyation (d) assoseeashen
7. (a) custamory (b) customurree (c) customary (d) custamery
8. (a) trayt (b) traiyt (c) traet (d) trait
9. (a) partake (b) partayke (c) partaike (d) partaiyke
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. You and I work well together, __________ are a good team.

(a) they (b) we (c) their (d) you

11. Our town is so __________, there is nothing to do here.
(a) bored (b) boring (c) amusing (d) funny
12. He was absent __________ class.
(a) of (b) from (c) to (d) in
13. Ali was impressed __________ Rehan’s grades.
(a) by (b) from (c) to (d) with
14. They are faithful __________ her.
(a) of (b) on (c) at (d) to
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. He acted as If he owned a car.
(a) advised (b) showed (c) preferred (d) worked
16. Saleem will pay back his loan. What tense is this?
(a) future indefinite (b) future continuous
(c) future perfect (d) future perfect continuous
17. “It rained heavily yesterday”. What kind of tense is it?
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex (d) compound complex
18. Flying above the lake at this time of night seems a little dangerous. The underlined phrase is a/an
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) lexical phrase
19. They left before the concert ended. The underlined is an adverb of
(a) time (b) place (c) reason (d) manner


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. The candidates have __________ the paper.
(a) solve (b) solved (c) solving (d) solves
2. I have __________ Chinese for twenty years.
(a) spoke (b) speak (c) spoken (d) speaks
3. Aslam __________ kite since noon.
(a) fly (b) is flying (c) has flying (d) has been flying
4. The book __________ on the table for weeks.
(a) is lying (b) will be lying (c) has been lying (d) lay
5. They always __________ back home late.
(a) is coming (b) has come (c) had come (d) come
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) sakrape (b) sucrape (c) sacraip (d) scrape
7. (a) infaction (b) infektion (c) infection (d) infekshen
8. (a) oentment (b) ointment (c) ointmint (d) eintment
9. (a) adhesive (b) adhasive (c) adhesseve (d) adhaysive
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Our job is to keep the audience happy. The underlined word is a/an __________ noun:
(a) collective (b) concrete (c) abstract (d) auxiliary
11. I was grieved __________ his loss.
(a) in (b) with (c) of (d) at
12. I did not like that movie. I thought it was too __________.
(a) depressing (b) worried (c) pleasurable (d) unwanted
13. The word “milk” is a/an
(a) material noun (b) collective noun (c) abstract noun (d) proper noun
14. We must always hope __________ the best.
(a) to (b) of (c) for (d) in
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. A clever trick was played successfully by the cat. The underlined word is an adverb of
(a) manner (b) place (c) time (d) condition
16. The treatment is really great. It makes me feel so
(a) relaxed (b) relaxing (c) has relaxed (d) had relaxed
17. “I am afraid I cannot afford to spend too much money.” The underlined part of speech is a/an
(a) gerund (b) participle (c) infinitive (d) conditional
18. “I met the man whom I do not know”. What kind of pronoun is the underlined word?
(a) interrogative (b) relative (c) reflexive (d) reciprocal
19. Will someone be here to open the door? The underlined part of sentence is
(a) prepositional phrase (b) gerund phrase
(c) infinitive (d) gerund
10 | P a g e


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. It __________ to rain an hour ago.
(a) begins (b) began (c) begun (d) had begun
2. They __________ the poem.
(a) teaches (b) has taught (c) have taught (d) am taught
3. If you __________ back late, I shall be angry.
(a) get (b) got (c) will get (d) gets
4. He __________ to school everyday.
(a) go (b) went (c) gone (d) goes
5. Nasima always __________ the truth.
(a) speak (b) speaks (c) spaking (d) spoken
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) koverage (b) coveraje (c) coverage (d) koveraj
7. (a) luguxury (b) luxury (c) lugzury (d) luxery
8. (a) preference (b) prefarence (c) preferense (d) prayference
9. (a) comparsion (b) comparesion (c) comparizon (d) comparison
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. We __________ our bottle, so we could use it again.
(a) cleaning (b) clean (c) cleaned (d) will clean
11. We saw strange animals in the zoo. Which connotation is more positive to fill the underlined
(a) fascinating (b) beautiful (c) dangerous (d) weird
12. The last couple of years have been long, bumpy ride for me as they have every one of my age.
(a) a small indefinite number (b) previous (c) next (d) one
13. Today life has become more
(a) more profitable (b) dynamic and innovative (c) passive (d) dull and dry
14. Have you got anything __________ these poor women could take for their children?
(a) that (b) which (c) whom (d) what
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. She does not always speak the truth. It is a __________ sentence.
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex (d) negative
16. I saw __________ in the mirror.
(a) myself (b) herself (c) himself (d) yourself
17. He could not go home __________ he had no place to go Choose the appropriate conjunction.
(a) but (b) for (c) to (d) through
18. She will be having dinner by now. Which tense is this?
(a) present indefinite (b) past indefinite (c) future continuous (d) past continuous
19. He met me on the way yesterday. What tense is this?
(a) present indefinite (b) past indefinite (c) present continuous (d) past continuous


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. She __________ her cat very much.
(a) loves (b) loved (c) will love (d) love
2. I already __________ the letter.
(a) posted (b) will post (c) has been posting (d) post
3. I __________ a cup of tea in the morning.
(a) have (b) had (c) will have (d) an having
4. If she __________ the exams, she would be able to enter university.
(a) passed (b) passes (c) will pass (d) have passed
5. The baby __________ now.
(a) sleep (b) sleeping (c) slept (d) is sleeping
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) motivation (b) motivashen (c) motivayshen (d) motivashen
7. (a) finanshally (b) financially (c) financialley (d) finanshiali
8. (a) praerity (b) prierity (c) priority (d) prayrity
9. (a) bampy (b) bampi (c) bempy (d) bumpy
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The capital of Pakistan __________ Islamabad.
(a) is (b) an (c) are (d) were
11. Everybody has __________ own dreams and goals.
11 | P a g e

(a) it’s (b) their (c) his (d) it

12. The class has just had a physical lesson. The underlined word is a/an:
(a) concrete noun (b) abstract noun (c) collective noun (d) material noun
13. She was glad __________ her success.
(a) on (b) at (c) in (d) of
14. If you judge, judge __________ equity between them.
(a) from (b) for (c) with (d) in
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. The hen is laying eggs. What tense is this?
(a) present indefinite (b) present continuous
(c) present perfect (d) present perfect continuous
16. They had eaten before he arrived. What tense is this?
(a) past indefinite (b) past perfect continuous
(c) past perfect (d) present perfect
17. How long __________ you been working in the garden.
(a) has (b) will (c) have (d) are
18. She works silently. The underlined word is:
(a) adverb of time (b) adverb of place (c) adverb of quality (d) adverb of manner
19. Misbah hit the ball nicely. What kind of adverb is the underlined word?
(a) adverb of time (b) adverb of manner (c) adveb of place (d) adverb of result


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. The dogs had been __________ since morning.
(a) barked (b) bark (c) barks (d) barking
2. I have already __________ three cups of coffee.
(a) take (b) took (c) had taken (d) taken
3. I am not __________ my time.
(a) waste (b) wasted (c) wasting (d) have wasted
4. After you __________ I went to sleep.
(a) left (b) had left (c) will have left (d) leave
5. Waheed __________ his parents in the past.
(a) obeyed (b) will obey (c) does not obey (d) obey
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) aptichude (b) aptitude (c) aptituede (d) apteechude
7. (a) pertikular (b) perticular (c) partikular (d) particular
8. (a) dinamic (b) dynamic (c) dyenamik (d) dynamik
9. (a) innovoayshen (b) innowaytion (c) innovation (d) innovashen
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The word “hear” is used as a/an
(a) pronoun (b) verb (c) adjective (d) adverb
11. Everyone had a __________ on his or her face on the way home. Which connotation is more
(a) grin (b) smile (c) smirk (d) sadness
12. The purpose of the letter is include in the __________.
(a) salutation (b) body (c) writer’s name (d) signature
13. The word “rich” is used as a/an
(a) adverb (b) article (c) adjective (d) noun
14. The man __________ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin.
(a) who (b) what (c) which (d) that
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. By the time we got to the cinema the film __________ so we missed the first five minutes.
(a) had started (b) have started (c) started (d) has started
16. “Do not tell a lie”. What kind of sentence is it?
(a) assertive (b) imperative (c) optative (d) exclamatory
17. Always speak the truth. The underlined word is
(a) abstract noun (b) collective noun (c) proper noun (d) material noun
18. __________ I had more time, I would help you. Choose the appropriate conjunction.
(a) since (b) when (c) if (d) as
19. We have to take the bus __________ tomorrow morning.
(a) early (b) earlier (c) earliest (d) very early
12 | P a g e


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. How long __________ you been working in the garden?
(a) will (b) has (c) had (d) have
2. The sun __________ in the east.
(a) rise (b) have risen (c) rising (d) rises
3. The order will not be __________.
(a) obey (b) obeyed (c) obeying (d) obeys
4. Good students always __________ hard.
(a) work (b) worked (c) have worked (d) is working
5. The rainy season __________ in.
(a) set (b) sets (c) setting (d) has set
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) decade (b) deecade (c) dicade (d) dikayed
7. (a) deemice (b) demise (c) deemise (d) demice
8. (a) nigate (b) neegate (c) negate (d) nigayte
9. (a) preevail (b) preewail (c) priwale (d) prevail
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. He lost his job __________ he was often late.
(a) while (b) because (c) or (d) due to
11. The accident was due to his ruthlessness. The underlined word is a/an __________ noun.
(a) collective (b) concrete (c) abstract (d) material
12. “He advised the most equitable plan for the setting of the Black stone”.
(a) honourable (b) privileged (c) reasonable (d) favourite
13. I am grieved __________ his loss.
(a) in (b) with (c) of (d) at
14. We also climbed a tree and when I reached the highest branch I was __________ than my sister.
(a) tired (b) very tired (c) more tired (d) most tired
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Hand me that hammer. What kind of pronoun is the underlined word?
(a) reflexive (b) relative (c) interrogative (d) demonstrative
16. Have you heard her laugh?? It is so __________.
(a) annoying (b) annoyed (c) amusing (d) funny
17. Maria fell over the cat. The underlined part of sentence is
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) gerund
18. Have you seen the man __________ bought a book from the shop just now?
(a) that (b) what (c) who (d) which
19. If she recovers quickly, she will join the team.
(a) condition (b) manner (c) purpose (d) result


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I __________ her in the plane.
(a) met (b) meet (c) meets (d) have met
2. The city was __________ during the storm.
(a) is damaging (b) damaged (c) will damage (d) has damaged
3. Last summer, we __________ many places.
(a) have visited (b) will visit (c) visited (d) visit
4. They __________ tea every morning.
(a) drunk (b) have been drinking (c) drink (d) drank
5. If I __________ hard, I would have passed the examination.
(a) work (b) worked (c) have work (d) am worked
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) trial (b) trayel (c) troyal (d) troyel
7. (a) escayp (b) escape (c) eskayp (d) eskap
8. (a) orphan (b) arfan (c) arfen (d) arphen
9. (a) convickt (b) conwict (c) convict (d) konvict
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The room was full, so I had no place to sit. It is a __________ sentence.
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex (d) imperative
11. Someone ate my cookies. The underlined word is a/an __________.
(a) personal pronoun (b) transitive verb (c) regular verb (d) indefinite pronoun
13 | P a g e

12. He himself will be out new friend. The underlined pronoun is

(a) possessive (b) reflexive (c) subjective (d) objective
13. After our trip, I feel I am the __________.
(a) lucky (b) very lucky (c) luckiest (d) luck
14. He had all the money in the world __________ he was sad.
(a) best (b) yet (c) still (d) because
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Who is there? What kind of pronoun is the underlined word?
(a) demonstrative (b) reflexive (c) relative (d) interrogative
16. The strikers held a meeting to discuss the terms of employers. The underlined part of sentence is
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) lexical phrase
17. Fareed said __________ he needed most was a long and quiet holiday. Choose the correct
(a) that (b) which (c) what (d) who
18. The speaker was so absorbed in his speech that he forgot the time. The underlined word is an
adverb of
(a) time (b) result (c) purpose (d) place
19. The scope of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very seriously. The
underlined word means:
(a) shortcoming (b) range of activity (c) strong feelings (d) limits


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I hope it __________ raining by the evening.
(a) will have stopped (b) will stop (c) stopped (d) have stopped
2. The juggler will have been __________ show since 5 O’clock.
(a) perform (b) performs (c) performed (d) performing
3. It __________ at present.
(a) rain (b) rains (c) is raining (d) rained
4. We would buy a house if we __________ to stay here.
(a) shall decided (b) decide (c) have decided (d) decided
5. She does not __________ at the moment.
(a) studied (b) studying (c) studys (d) study
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) araybal (b) arabal (c) arable (d) arayble
7. (a) creetecal (b) critical (c) critikal (d) kritikal
8. (a) inhanse (b) inhance (c) enhance (d) enhanse
9. (a) intaigrity (b) integrity (c) intigrity (d) integreety
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The gang of robbers was arrested by the police. The underlined word is a/an
(a) concrete noun (b) collective noun (c) abstract noun (d) material noun
11. Always speak the truth. The underlined word is
(a) concrete noun (b) compound noun (c) abstract noun (d) plural noun
12. I saw myself in the mirror. The underlined pronoun is
(a) possessive (b) subjective (c) objective (d) reflexive
13. Whose pen is this? The underlined word is a/an
(a) personal pronoun (b) relative pronoun (c) indefinite pronoun (d) reflexive pronoun
14. Who is the man at the door? The underlined word is a/an __________.
(a) indefinite pronoun (b) negative pronoun (c) interrogative pronoun (d) relative pronoun
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Does the captain want us to lower the sails before we enter the harbour? The underlined part of
sentence is
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) infinitive
16. He himself will be our new friend. What kind of pronoun is the underlined word?
(a) interrogative (b) reflexive (c) relative (d) reciprocal
17. After learning the parts of speech the class began studying punctuation. The underlined part of
the sentence is
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) gerund
18. The frightened child ran as fast as he could. The underlined is an adverb clause of
(a) result (b) manner (c) condition (d) purpose
19. She switched on the television so that she could listen to the news. The underlined is an adverb
14 | P a g e

(a) condition (b) result (c) purpose (d) manner


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. They __________ us to their home yesterday.
(a) will invite (b) invited (c) invite (d) inviting
2. I __________ for you at the usual time.
(a) wait (b) waited (c) shall wait (d) waiting
3. The earth __________ around the sun.
(a) revolves (b) revolve (c) has revolved (d) had revolved
4. One who __________ finds.
(a) seeks (b) seek (c) seeking (d) sought
5. She __________ since morning.
(a) sleep (b) sleeps (c) slept (d) has been sleeping
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) applawd (b) alpaad (c) applaud (d) aplawed
7. (a) myet (b) might (c) myte (d) mite
8. (a) shurety (b) shorety (c) surety (d) shurty
9. (a) stredi (b) study (c) stredy (d) sterdee
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. A new computer was bought by them. Choose the correct Active Voice.
(a) They buy a new computer. (b) They bought a new computer.
(c) They have bought a new computer. (d) They had bought a new computer.
11. I would hav been glad if he __________ me in the hospital.
(a) will visit (b) visit (c) had visited (d) visited
12. I am a Pakistani boy. It is a __________ sentence.
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex (d) negative
13. __________ it was hot, he was wearing a coat. Choose the appropriate conjunction.
(a) when (b) then (c) because (d) although
14. I know each and every corner of Lahore. It is a __________ sentence.
(a) simple (b) interrogative (c) compound (d) complex
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Which word means “to identify the nature of a problem, especially an illness”?
(a) infection (b) diagnose (c) symptom (d) signs
16. Is this your teacher’s book? What kind of pronoun is the underlined word?
(a) demonstrative (b) reciprocal (c) relative (d) reflexive
17. Talha visited Turkey while studying the history of Turkish art. The underlined part of sentence is
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase (c) prepositional phrase (d) infinitive
18. Even if they hurry, they may not get there on time. The underlined is an adverb clause of
(a) result (b) condition (c) manner (d) purpose
19. Where the road bends dangerously be more careful. The underlined is an adverb clause of
(a) place (b) manner (c) condition (d) result


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I was far from the stage that I __________ see very well.
(a) could (b) should (c) would (d) can
2. How long has he __________ in Karachi.
(a) lived (b) been living (c) lives (d) being lived
3. You __________ drive fast, there is a speed limit here.
(a) mustn’t (b) shouldn’t (c) wouldn’t (d) have not
4. Naushaba __________ by Khurshid.
(a) help (b) will help (c) is helped (d) helps
5. The packet __________ there since morning.
(a) is lying (b) was lying (c) has been lying (d) will be lying
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) kantest (b) cantest (c) contest (d) cauntest
7. (a) akademic (b) academic (c) acadmic (d) academic
8. (a) prospairity (b) prasperity (c) prosperity (d) prospaerity
9. (a) traydishnal (b) traditional (c) trayditional (d) tradisional
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. There is a distinct difference between them.
15 | P a g e

(a) much (b) clear (c) certainly (d) separate

11. We may get hurt.
(a) injure (b) slip (c) fall (d) skip
12. That is just my creative view of things.
(a) theoretical (b) imaginative (c) practical (d) innovative
13. These expressional were tough.
(a) hard (b) stern (c) troublesome (d) dangerous
14. While on his death bed, he (‫ )ﷺ‬proclaimed.
(a) gave a message (b) decided (c) announced (d) declared
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. I soon returned home because I was upset. It is a
(a) simple sentence (b) complex sentence
(c) compound sentence (d) compound and complex
16. I don’t want that burnt toast. The underlined word is
(a) infinitive (b) gerund (c) present participle (d) past participle
17. The boy laughs loudly. The underlined word is a/an __________.
(a) intransitive verb (b) regular verb (c) transitive verb (d) irregular verb
18. I am glad that you like it. The underlined clause is an adverb clause of
(a) condition (b) place (c) time (d) reason
19. “The man complained that there was no bread”. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an
(a) dependent clause (b) independent clause
(c) relative clause (d) prepositional clause


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. The hen is __________ eggs.
(a) laid (b) lays (c) laying (d) layings
2. I already __________ three cups of coffee.
(a) take (b) took (c) am taking (d) have taken
3. They will go to the party if they are
(a) invite (b) invited (c) invitation (d) inviting
4. I am __________ by the principal.
(a) calling (b) called (c) calls (d) call
5. We did not __________ a sound.
(a) hear (b) hears (c) heard (d) hearing
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) ekslence (b) excellence (c) ekslanse (d) excellanse
7. (a) alergic (b) allergik (c) allergic (d) alerjic
8. (a) preevail (b) preewail (c) preevayl (d) prevail
9. (a) creeative (b) criative (c) creative (d) creyative
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. It brodcasts the news as it is happening.
(a) propagates (b) gives (c) transmits (d) begins
11. They may omit certain aspects of the news.
(a) forget (b) leave out (c) disconnect (d) delete
12. He (‫ )ﷺ‬earned a good reputation of being an honest man.
(a) distinction (b) efficiency (c) fame (d) popularity
13. He advised the most equitable plan for it.
(a) suitable (b) fair (c) just (d) equal
14. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows.
(a) law (b) practice (c) rule (d) role
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. I have no time to work in regret for longing. It is a
(a) simple sentence (b) compound sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. Don’t be frightened. That dog doesn’t bite. The underlined wod is
(a) infinitive (b) progressive form of verb
(c) present participle (d) past participle
17. “How cold the night is!” This is a/an __________ sentence.
(a) assertive (b) interrogative (c) exclamatory (d) imperative
18. ‘If I were you, I should not do that’. This sentence is conditional
16 | P a g e

(a) type I (b) type II (c) type III (d) none of these
19. Which is your pen? What kind of pronoun is the underlined word.
(a) reflexive (b) interrogative (c) relative (d) demonstrative


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I __________ him last year.
(a) meet (b) meets (c) met (d) have met
2. I am not __________.
(a) fines (b) find (c) finded (d) fined
3. She __________ English at present.
(a) learn (b) learns (c) learnt (d) is learning
4. The girls had been reading this book __________ ten days.
(a) since (b) before (c) for (d) after
5. I had ben __________ for you since noon.
(a) wait (b) waited (c) waiting (d) waits
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) immediate (b) immejiate (c) imijayate (d) immeejiate
7. (a) avarness (b) awareness (c) awhereness (d) avairness
8. (a) wonderes (b) wonderous (c) wondrous (d) wandrus
9. (a) beeneth (b) beneath (c) beenith (d) bineeth
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. First aid knowledge ranges from taking care of cuts to dealing with an unconscious victim.
(a) helper (b) suppressor (c) sufferer (d) injured
11. Prior to the first day of the New year it is customary to clean houses.
(a) preceding (b) following (c) subsequent (d) before
12. I am prepared to excel.
(a) high (b) to do extremely well (c) accelerate (d) exalted
13. Some Chinese people believe that many people have the character traits of animals.
(a) properties (b) features (c) ideas (d) characteristics
14. He (‫ )ﷺ‬decided all cases on merit irrespective of colour or creed.
(a) without delay (b) regardless (c) without mercy (d) without consideration
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. I called him but he gave me no answer. It is a
(a) simple sentence (b) compound sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. Everybody was excited preparing the things for the trip. The underlined word is
(a) gerund (b) present participle (c) past participle (d) infinitive
17. ‘Central’ is
(a) adjective of quality (b) adjective of quantity
(c) adjective of colour (d) adjective of origin
18. He came after night had fallen. The underlined clause is an adverb clause of
(a) condition (b) place (c) time (d) reason
19. Before putting too much effort into the project you should get some guidance from your boss.
The underlined part of sentence is a/an
(a) infinitive phrase (b) gerund phrase
(c) prepositional phrase (d) lexical phrase


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. The picture __________ by the boy.
(a) is making (b) is made (c) has made (d) made
2. Where have you __________ money?
(a) keep (b) kept (c) keeps (d) keeping
3. Will he have been __________?
(a) forgiven (b) forgiving (c) forgave (d) forgive
4. The match will be __________ at Karachi.
(a) played (b) play (c) playing (d) plays
5. I __________ take meals at night.
(a) did not (b) does not (c) do not (d) will not
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) destruction (b) distruction (c) destruktion (d) destrukshen
17 | P a g e

7. (a) skope (b) scope (c) ckope (d) skoap

8. (a) frequently (b) freequently (c) freekuently (d) freekuwently
9. (a) fartune (b) farchoon (c) forchoon (d) fortune
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Today life has become more dynamic and innovative.
(a) newly introduced (b) newly invented (c) newly changed (d) of new ideas
11. Fertilizers enhance the fertility of eroded soils.
(a) water logged (b) destroyed (c) uncultivated (d) barren
12. The man was sent with other convicts to Australia.
(a) criminals (b) murderers (c) killers (d) culprits
13. A great opportunity in agriculture discipline has been developed.
(a) better environment (b) a good chance
(b) good ways (d) golden period
14. Libraries are the evidence of grandeur of a civilization.
(a) splendour (b) brightness (c) charm (d) attraction
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. If I were the president of a university, I should establish a compulsory course in “How to use
your eyes”
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. Teach him to learn. It is a/an
(a) assertive sentence (b) exclamatory sentence
(c) imperative sentence (d) interrogative sentence
17. ‘Many’ is a/an
(a) indefinite pronoun (b) reflexive noun
(c) relative pronoun (d) distributive pronoun
18. He tells that sounds true. The underlined clause is
(a) adverbial clause (b) adjective clause (c) noun clause (d) prepositional clause
19. The player is out of the match because he has hurt himself. The underlined is an adverb clause of
(a) time (b) condition (c) reason (d) result


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. He ran so that he __________ the train.
(a) catches (b) will watches (c) may catches (d) might catch
2. I __________ this motor bike only a month ago.
(a) bought (b) had bought (c) has bought (d) buy
3. When I met then in the street they __________ to the mosque.
(a) wnt (b) go (c) had gone (d) have gone
4. Uzair __________ the sums before the teacher came.
(a) solved (b) has solved (c) had solved (d) will solve
5. Had they worked hard, they __________.
(a) would pass (b) passed (c) would have passed (d) might have passed
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) visper (b) whisper (c) wisper (d) vispar
7. (a) introduce (b) introdeuse (c) introduece (d) entroduse
8. (a) equiwalent (b) equivalent (c) equivaalent (d) eqeuvalent
9. (a) identifye (b) identeefy (c) identify (d) identeefye
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The scope of any field in the market should be considered.
(a) range (b) limit (c) boundary (d) lines
11. Fertilizers enhance the fertility of soils.
(a) add (b) increase (c) reduce (d) maximize
12. Toibin once recounted as story about a man.
(a) narrated (b) told (c) counted (d) listened
13. They help us comprehend our faults and aspirations.
(a) wantings (b) suggestions (c) thoughts (d) desires
14. Their fragrance is immeasurable.
(a) smell (b) odour (c) sweet smell (d) stinking smell
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it.
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentene
18 | P a g e

(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex

16. What a beautiful painting! It is a/an
(a) assertive sentence (b) exclamatory sentence
(c) imperative sentence (d) interrogative sentence
17. “Iron” is a/an
(a) material noun (b) abstract noun (c) collective noun (d) proper noun
18. Where is the book that you gave me? The underlined clause is
(a) adverbial clause (b) adjective clause (c) noun clause (d) prepositional clause
19. “Because he was late, he missed the first period” The underlined part of the sentence is a/an
(a) dependent clause (b) independent clause
(c) relative clause (d) prepositional clause


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. It __________ outside.
(a) is raining (b) was raining (c) had rained (d) will be raining
2. She __________ a sad song today.
(a) sang (b) sings (c) is singing (d) will sing
3. He knew that he __________ to do his best.
(a) has (b) had (c) have (d) will have
4. Mr. Bhatti usually __________ a cap.
(a) wear (b) wears (c) will wear (d) would wear
5. The sun __________ before I was ready to go yesterday.
(a) rose (b) rises (c) would rise (d) had risen
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) prophesion (b) propheshen (c) profeshion (d) profession
7. (a) separayt (b) seprat (c) separate (d) saparaite
8. (a) dinamic (b) dynamic (c) dinamik (d) dyanamik
9. (a) consentration (b) koncentration (c) concentration (d) konsentration
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. This highlights the importance of a full time career counseling department.
(a) marks (b) reminds (c) pleads (d) draws attention
11. His face was beaming.
(a) shining (b) smiling (c) laughing (d) flashing
12. The comforts of books defy time and break borders.
(a) resist (b) oppose (c) disobey (d) disregard
13. The per capita availability of food grains is declining.
(a) rejecting (b) opposing (c) refusing (d) going down
14. Needs for food and services escalate.
(a) to increase rapidly (b) to minimize (c) to accelerate (d) to add
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I was given the use of
my eyes, say for just three days.
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. I shall go to Lahore tomorrow morning. It is a/an
(a) adverb of place (b) adverb of time (c) adverb of manner (d) adverb of degree
17. “Crowd” is a/an
(a) abstract noun (b) collective noun (c) material noun (d) uncountable noun
18. People who eat too much die early. The underlined phrase is
(a) adverb clause (b) noun clause (c) adjective clause (d) preposition clause
19. He will get a job when he graduates. The underlined is an adverb clause of
(a) condition (b) place (c) manner (d) purpose


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. They __________ food and went away.
(a) will eat (b) has eaten (c) ate (d) had eaten
2. I already __________ three cups of tea.
(a) take (b) took (c) have taken (d) will take
3. If the patient had taken medicine, he __________
(a) would have recovered (b) should have recovered
19 | P a g e

(c) could recover (d) had recovered

4. They decided that they __________ on Friday.
(a) sail (b) will sail (c) would sail (d) might sail
5. All is well that __________ well.
(a) is (b) end (c) ends (d) will end
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) suksess (b) success (c) sukces (d) sukcess
7. (a) leiseure (b) leisure (c) leizare (d) lezure
8. (a) inuvative (b) innowative (c) innovative (d) ennovative
9. (a) messive (b) masive (c) massive (d) massiv
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Always choose a career according to your aptitude.
(a) skill (b) experience (c) capacity (d) natural ability
11. He was in professional of something deliciously private.
(a) delightfully (b) joyfully (c) pleasing (d) gladly
12. Books are the evidence of grandeur of a civilization.
(a) indication (b) clue (c) proof (d) claim
13. Fertilizers increase the fertility of eroded soils.
(a) wasted (b) barren (c) spoiled (d) destroyed
14. The growth of human population must be curtailed.
(a) shorten (b) enlarged (c) minimize (d) optimum
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. The second day revealed to me the history of man and nature. It is a
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. My favourite hobby is painting. The underlined word is a/an
(a) adverb (b) verb (c) gerund (d) participle
17. “Huge trees in the thick and dark forest” is an example of a/an
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) personification (d) imagery
18. Nobody likes a person with bad temper. The underlined phrase is
(a) adverb phrase (b) preposition phrase (c) adjective phrase (d) noun phrase
19. The snake is creeping quickly. The underlined word is
(a) adverb (b) verb (c) article (d) noun


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. If he comes I __________
(a) could go (b) had go (c) should have gone (d) will go
2. Many things have happened since I __________ school.
(a) leave (b) left (c) have left (d) had left
3. He refused to admit that he __________ my books.
(a) steals (b) stole (c) has stolen (d) had stolen
4. When it __________ in the morning I cannot go out.
(a) rains (b) rained (c) has rained (d) had rained
5. I shall help him if he __________ in time.
(a) comes (b) come (c) will come (d) would come
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) ditermine (b) determyne (c) ditermyne (d) determine
7. (a) emportant (b) impartent (c) important (d) empartant
8. (a) equitable (b) equitabal (c) equitabel (d) equtable
9. (a) braight (b) breiht (c) bright (d) braiht
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. The fear has persisted throughout with the inventions of television and internet.
(a) prevailed (b) remained (c) lasted (d) persued
11. There is not ample fertile land in the world.
(a) plentiful (b) wide (c) spacious (d) immeasurable
12. Maintaining a sound environment all over the world is essential.
(a) compulsory (b) obligatory (c) optimum (d) important
13. The third day dawned.
(a) began (b) rose (c) arrived (d) reached
14. I need to become successful.
(a) who succeeds (b) who wins (c) who defeats (d) who gets prize
20 | P a g e

Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. He came to see me, but I was not present at home.
(a) simple sentence (b) compound sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
16. She did not make a false statement. It is a/an
(a) exclamatory sentence (b) assertive sentence
(c) imperative sentence (d) negative sentence
17. How would I know? It is a/an
(a) assertive sentence (b) exclamatory sentence
(c) imperative sentence (d) interrogative sentence
18. You ay sit where you like. The underlined clause is
(a) adverbial clause (b) adjective clause
(c) noun clause (d) prepositional clause
19. Our practice usually starts at Six O’clock. The underlined word is an adverb of
(a) degree (b) manner (c) frequency (d) time


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. I had hardly reached the station, the train __________ the station.
(a) will leave (b) had left (c) left (d) has left
2. We must hasten or night __________ us.
(a) overtakes (b) will overtake (c) may overtake (d) would overtake
3. If you __________ earlier I have helped you.
(a) come (b) came (c) has come (d) had come
4. She __________ when I reached there.
(a) sleeps (b) slept (c) had slept (d) has slept
5. Nothing __________ like success.
(a) succeed (b) succeeds (c) may succeed (d) will succeed
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) courage (b) cauraje (c) caurage (d) kourage
7. (a) geilty (b) gility (c) guiltey (d) guilty
8. (a) createv (b) kreativ (c) creative (d) kriative
9. (a) steitas (b) status (c) stetus (d) states
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. This is the outcome of a survey conducted among senior students.
(a) conclusion (b) result (c) end (d) gist
11. The latest technology signals the demise of the book.
(a) destruction (b) damage (c) collapse (d) fail
12. An adequate supply of food depends on fertile land.
(a) sufficient (b) reasonable (c) optimum (d) plentiful
13. The optimum world population should be less than 2 billion.
(a) optimistic (b) favourable (c) minimum (d) decreasing
14. This gentleman will stand as my surety.
(a) responsible (b) guarantor (c) supervisor (d) guarantee
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Some are born great. The underlined word is a/an
(a) possessive pronoun (b) indefinite pronoun
(c) reflexive pronoun (d) personal pronoun
16. Ali ran quickly. The underlined word is a/an
(a) verb (b) adverb (c) adjective (d) adverb phrase
17. He is fond of cooking. The underlined word is a/an
(a) gerund (b) present participle (c) infinitive (d) past participle
18. She is a pretty girl. Define the underlined word
(a) noun (b) verb (c) phrase (d) adjective
19. Why are you so sad? “I have lost the pen __________ I bought this morning”. Fill I the blank
with suitable pronoun.
(a) which (b) what (c) that (d) whose


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. Scarcely had the officer entered the office, when all the clerks __________.
(a) will stand up (b) have stood up (c) stood up (d) had stood up
21 | P a g e

2. If you are there I __________ you.

(a) will see (b) have seen (c) would see (d) might see
3. He __________ all this by tomorrow.
(a) forgets (b) will forget (c) may forget (d) might forget
4. It __________ two to make a quarrel.
(a) take (b) takes (c) will take (d) would take
5. She will be all right if she __________ this medicine.
(a) may take (b) takes (c) will take (d) would take
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) uppurtunity (b) opportunity (c) uppertunety (d) appartunity
7. (a) lettal (b) littal (c) littale (d) little
8. (a) dekades (b) dicades (c) decades (d) docades
9. (a) cunfece (b) cunfess (c) canfus (d) confess
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Many scenes negate the old notion.
(a) deny (b) disagree (c) disbelieve (d) dissatisfied
11. The resources will decline significantly.
(a) decrease (b) damage (c) destroy (d) disturb
12. Two young men were holding a strong and sturdy countryman.
(a) weak (b) healthy (c) strong (d) stout
13. He saluted the caliph.
(a) welcomed (b) marked (c) greeted (d) said to
14. News flies too fast for any feedback to be relevant.
(a) regular (b) related to (c) reliable (d) connected with the subject
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. Crowd is
(a) collective noun (b) abstract noun (c) proper noun (d) material noun
16. He is rich, but he is not happy.
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentence (c) complex sentence (d) both A and C
17. He spoke very loud. The underlined word is an adverb of
(a) manner (b) frequency (c) time (d) degree
18. My favourite hobby is painting. The underlined word is
(a) infinitive (b) present participle (c) gerund (d) progressive form of verb
19. He begged __________ for mercy.
(a) from (b) for (c) before (d) in


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. He ploughed the field so that he __________ good crop.
(a) gets (b) will gets (c) may gets (d) might get
2. He was annoyed that he __________.
(a) is contradicted (b) will be contradicted
(c) would contradicted (d) was contradicted
3. Walk slowly lest you __________.
(a) could stumble (b) may stumble (c) should stumble (d) should not stumble
4. Have you ever __________ to Islamabad?
(a) be (b) was (c) were (d) been
5. I shall not come if it __________.
(a) rain (b) is raining (c) rains (d) rained
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) ensestors (b) ancestors (c) encesturs (d) encestars
7. (a) trasty (b) trusstee (c) trustee (d) trastee
8. (a) expectation (b) expectashion (c) axpectassion (d) expaktation
9. (a) angxious (b) unxious (c) anxious (d) engxious
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. They endure only as long as the stuff they are printed on
(a) last (b) remain (c) engrave (d) suffer
11. Its depletion accelerates.
(a) reduction (b) loss (c) damage (d) destruction
12. Fertilizers enhance the fertility of soils.
(a) increase (b) improve (c) add (d) multiply
13. I request you to delay the execution for three days.
22 | P a g e

(a) death (b) performance (c) working (d) enforcement of law

14. The synonym of “reward” is
(a) fine (b) prize (c) penalty (d) success
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. “Valour” is a/an
(a) countable noun (b) material noun (c) abstract noun (d) uncountable noun
16. Painting is a good fun. The underlined word is
(a) progressive form of verb (b) gerund
(c) present participle (d) infinitive
17. The boy laughs loudly. The underlined word is a/an
(a) regular verb (b) adverb (c) irregular verb (d) intransitive verb
18. I get up early in the morning and say prayer. This is a
(a) compound sentence (b) simple sentence
(c) complex sentence (d) compound and complex
19. The teacher is __________ the classroom.
(a) in (b) into (c) onto (d) on


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. Run fast lest you __________ the train.
(a) are missing (b) were missing (c) will miss (d) should miss
2. We sow that we __________.
(a) will reap (b) can reap (c) may reap (d) might reap
3. He is too honest __________ a lie.
(a) told (b) tells (c) to tell (d) is telling
4. He __________ his will before he died.
(a) write (b) wrote (c) has written (d) had written
5. If he works hard, he __________ the examination.
(a) passes (b) will pass (c) passed (d) would pass
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) convenient (b) cuveniant (c) cenvenient (d) canvinient
7. (a) midea (b) media (c) medea (d) medae
8. (a) cremenal (b) creminal (c) criminale (d) criminal
9. (a) alaarming (b) allarming (c) alarming (d) ularming
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Modern advances pose a threat to reading.
(a) bring (b) cause (c) give (d) draw
11. Massive amount of water is required for cultivation.
(a) enough (b) wide (c) large (d) huge
12. I hurled the stone at the old man with all my strength.
(a) threw violently (b) threw forcefully (c) threw gently (d) put forward
13. All the people present there astonished at the honesty of the man.
(a) surprised (b) puzzled (c) bewildered (d) suspected
14. The synonym of “persevere” is
(a) persist (b) give up (c) surrender (d) strengthen
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. She is a beautiful girl. Underlined word is a/an
(a) adjective (b) verb (c) adverb (d) noun
16. Valour is a/an
(a) material noun (b) countable noun (c) abstract noun (d) uncountable noun
17. Painting is a good fun. Underlined wod is a/an
(a) infinitive (b) past participle (c) present participle (d) gerund
18. That was the reason why he came late. The underlined clause is a/an
(a) adverb clause (b) adjective clause (c) noun clause (d) none of these
19. You and I work well together __________ are a good team.
(a) they (b) we (c) their (d) you


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. As soon as he saw a lion he __________ away.
(a) will run (b) has run (c) ran (d) had run
2. I am so tired that __________ go on.
23 | P a g e

(a) will not (b) would not (c) cannot (d) could not
3. If the police catch him, they __________ him.
(a) arrest (b) will arrest (c) would arrest (d) will have arrested
4. He refused to admit that he __________ my book.
(a) steals (b) stole (c) has stolen (d) had stolen
5. Charity __________ at home.
(a) begins (b) begin (c) will begin (d) might begin
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) presaner (b) prezener (c) prisoner (d) presoner
7. (a) acheive (b) achiev (c) achieve (d) acheve
8. (a) levez (b) leavez (c) leves (d) leaves
9. (a) expression (b) xpression (c) axpression (d) xpresion
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Books help us comprehend our faults and aspirations.
(a) comport (b) compose (c) give out (d) understand
11. As nourishment for the mind it is slow food.
(a) sustenance (b) food (c) diet (d) living
12. Populous cities require more water from rivers.
(a) populated (b) thick (c) large (d) thickly populated
13. I request you to delay the execution for three days.
(a) linger (b) prolong (c) slow (d) extend
14. The antonym of “mighty” is
(a) weak (b) grand (c) strong (d) powerless
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. You are free to go to your mosques.
(a) past participle (b) gerund (c) present participle (d) infinitive
16. This is my book. The underlined word is a/an
(a) personal pronoun (b) possessive pronoun
(c) reflexive pronoun (d) indefinite pronoun
17. “Patience” is a/an
(a) material noun (b) countable noun (c) abstract noun (d) uncountable noun
18. He did his work carefully. The underlined word is
(a) verb (b) adjective (c) adverb (d) conjunction
19. I soon returned home because I was upset. This is a __________ sentence.
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex (d) compound and complex


Q. 1 (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
1. No sooner did they reach the station than the train __________ the station.
(a) will leave (b) has left (c) left (d) had left
2. The patient bled so profusely that he __________.
(a) had died (b) died (c) would have died (d) has died
3. He looked as if he __________ for days.
(a) has not eaten (b) had not eaten
(c) might have not eaten (d) would not have eaten
4. I expect he __________ to England as soon as he gets a visa.
(a) goes (b) will go (c) went (d) should go
5. All good things __________ to an end.
(a) cmae (b) come (c) comes (d) will come
Q. 1 (b) Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles.
6. (a) recaptcher (b) recaptere (c) recapture (d) receptur
7. (a) sight (b) saight (c) saeght (d) seight
8. (a) bendaje (b) bandage (c) bendeje (d) bandaj
9. (a) medium (b) medeum (c) midium (d) medeam
Q. 1 (c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles.
10. Students are not mature enough to make life changing decisions.
(a) experienced (b) grown up (c) trained (d) popular
11. There is a frequently asked question.
(a) often (b) always (c) sometimes (d) gradually
12. we enjoy books as shelters, sustenance and roads forward.
(a) support (b) image (c) nourishment (d) prolonged
13. The food problem will become increasingly severe.
24 | P a g e

(a) tough (b) complicated (c) hard (d) difficult

14. One percent of the world’s food supply comes from aquatic habitats.
(a) living on land (b) pertaining to atmosphere
(c) pertaining to aquarium (d) living in water
Q. 1 (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles.
15. She is a clever girl. The underlined word is
(a) noun (b) article (c) adverb (d) adjective
16. The horse hurt itself. The underlined word is
(a) reflexive pronoun (b) demonstrative pronoun
(c) distributive pronoun (d) relative pronoun
17. Our town is so __________ there is nothing to do here.
(a) bored (b) boring (c) amusing (d) funny
18. Take the medicine regularly. It is an
(a) assertive sentence (b) imperative sentence
(c) optative sentence (d) interrogative sentence
19. Always speak the truth. The underlined word is:
(a) common noun (b) proper noun (c) abstract noun (d) collective noun


1. (a) accountency (b) acountancy (c) accunticy (d) accountancy
2. (a) adhesive (b) adhasive (c) adhisive (d) adhesene
3. (a) alrady (b) already (c) alreade (d) alrede
4. (a) ancestors (b) ancastors (c) ancestors (d) ancestars
5. (a) aplauded (b) applauded (c) apppladid (d) applauded
6. (a) article (b) artecle (c) artical (d) artical
7. (a) assoceated (b) issociated (c) associated (d) essociated
8. (a) bendeges (b) benedeges (c) bandages (d) bandages
9. (a) bigening (b) begining (c) beginning (d) begenning
10. (a) brife (b) brief (c) breif (d) brieff
11. (a) broadcast (b) bordcaste (c) broadcast (d) barecast
12. (a) compensat (b) compinsate (c) compansite (d) compensate
13. (a) convenence (b) convience (c) convenience (d) conveniense
14. (a) courge (b) courage (c) coarge (d) coirage
15. (a) custom (b) costum (c) cestom (d) custum
16. (a) customary (b) customery (c) custumary (d) custmary
17. (a) destitute (b) dustetite (c) disttete (d) duttisete
18. (a) dispute (b) disput (c) dospuit (d) dispuite
19. (a) distinct (b) dinstinct (c) indistict (d) distiction
20. (a) dynmic (b) dymanic (c) daynmic (d) dynamic
21. (a) emirgency (b) amergency (c) emergancy (d) emergency
22. (a) envalopes (b) envelopes (c) envalops (d) envelops
23. (a) iquipment (b) equapment (c) equipment (d) equepment
24. (a) excelence (b) excellence (c) excellance (d) excallance
25. (a) expirience (b) experience (c) experence (d) experience
26. (a) favorite (b) favourite (c) favourte (d) favoirte
27. (a) folowe (b) follow (c) foloww (d) followa
28. (a) ficx (b) ficxs (c) fixc (d) fix
29. (a) impve (b) improv (c) improve (d) imrove
30. (a) inrances (b) surancus (c) isurnce (d) insurance
31. (a) interceed (b) intersede (c) enterceed (d) intercede
32. (a) intigrety (b) intritgay (c) integrity (d) inttegrity
33. (a) dynmic (b) dymanic (c) daynmic (d) dynamic
34. (a) leisure (b) liesure (c) leisuer (d) lerisue
35. (a) loateh (b) loathe (c) leotoh (d) lotaeh
36. (a) lunare (b) lunar (c) luner (d) lunir
37. (a) magnitude (b) magnitude (c) megnitud (d) mignitude
38. (a) magtunide (b) magutnide (c) magnitude (d) mangintude
39. (a) messenger (b) messinger (c) messenjer (d) messinger
40. (a) minut (b) minote (c) menite (d) minute
41. (a) modal (b) model (c) moedl (d) madel
42. (a) ommit (b) omet (c) omit (d) omitt
43. (a) plastors (b) plesters (c) plasters (d) plastars
25 | P a g e

44. (a) please (b) pleese (c) pleeze (d) pleze

45. (a) popular (b) papular (c) populer (d) papuler
46. (a) posesion (b) posession (c) possesion (d) possession
47. (a) pracedent (b) precaadented (c) precedanted (d) precedent
48. (a) preority (b) priority (c) pririty (d) priorty
49. (a) pronunce (b) pronounce (c) pronounced (d) pronounced
50. (a) capreture (b) captreure (c) recatpure (d) recapture
51. (a) rines (b) rinse (c) reinse (d) risne
52. (a) specfic (b) specific (c) spcific (d) spefic
53. (a) standard (b) standerd (c) stendard (d) standrd
54. (a) sturdy (b) stirdy (c) sturedy (d) stardy
55. (a) tachnology (b) tecknology (c) technology (d) technalogy
56. (a) television (b) talevision (c) televesion (d) televiseen
57. (a) tewezer (b) tezwer (c) tweezer (d) tewzeer
58. (a) wisper (b) whispere (c) wihspere (d) whisper
59. (a) wiwandrussper (b) wandrous (c) wondrus (d) wondrous


1. The antonym of bright is
(a) brilliant (b) clear (c) dark (d) dull
2. The antonym of perfect is
(a) complete (b) deficient (c) imperfect (d) incomplete
3. The antonym of mighty is
(a) weak (b) grand (c) strong (d) happy
4. The antonym of rich is
(a) wealthy (b) healthy (c) weak (d) poor
5. The antonym of fail is
(a) unsuccessful (b) flourish (c) succeed (d) slow
6. The antonym of win is
(a) lose (b) get (c) give (d) victory
7. The antonym of abandon is
(a) support (b) discard (c) desert (d) honest
8. The antonym of suffering is
(a) distress (b) pleasure (c) anguish (d) comfort
9. The antonym of consume is
(a) utilize (b) save (c) use (d) thrift


1. The synonm of solace is
(a) aggravation (b) frustration (c) comfort (d) ease
2. The synonym of innovative is
(a) new (b) old (c) outdated (d) obsolete
3. The synonym of firm is
(a) expensive (b) powerful (c) persistent (d) base
4. The synonym of preserve is
(a) give (b) persist (c) surrender (d) accept
5. The synonym of culprit is
(a) innocent (b) offender (c) honest (d) happy
6. The synonym of current is
(a) dated (b) old (c) out dated (d) up to date
7. The synonym of lovely is
(a) unattractive (b) beautiful (c) ugly (d) courageous
8. The synonym of reward is
(a) fine (b) good (c) prize (d) penalty
9. The synonym of appear is
(a) vanish (b) disappear (c) seem (d) deem


1. Maintaining a sound and productive environment all over is essential. The underlined word
(a) unnecessary (b) crucial (c) needless (d) unwanted
26 | P a g e

2. Though both of these mediums cover the news effectively, there are distinct differences in the
way they do it. The underlined word means
(a) perplexing (b) minor (c) clear (d) good
3. Handling minor accidents develops a sense of crisis management. The underlined word means
(a) major (b) large (c) small (d) medium
4. First aid is temporary and immediate help. The underlined word means
(a) rapid (b) slow (c) delayed (d) infinitive
5. He decided every case brought to him, by friend or foe with justice, without fear of favour. The
underlined word means
(a) partner (b) companion (c) enemy (d) relatives
6. I am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education.
The underlined word means
(a) high (b) to do extremely well (c) exalted (d) easy
7. The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for every one of my
age. The underlined phrase means
(a) easy time (b) hard and challenging time (c) leisure time (d) good time
8. “He advised the most equitable plan for the setting of the black stone.” The underlined word
(a) privileged (b) reasonable (c) favourite (d) worthy
9. Right profession means to
(a) develop a tradition (b) choose the career
(c) select the scope (d) organize the graph
10. “Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with Chinese
word fu written on them”. The underlined word means
(a) law (b) practice (c) rule (d) evidence
11. The most vulnerable will be population in developing countries. The underlined word means
(a) in danger (b) flourishing (c) secure (d) heavy
12. I am prepared to excel in the years to come The underlined word means
(a) support (b) report (c) to do well (d) stop
13. Their ancestors killed a member of our family. The underlined word means
(a) forefathers (b) relatives (c) successors (d) predecessors
14. But the point here is that it is not that convenient.
(a) easy (b) good (c) difficult (d) complicated
15. Sometimes we may have accidents and we may get hurt. The underlined word means
(a) injured (b) injury (c) heal (d) hide
16. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was so well known for his justice. The underlined word means
(a) unknown (b) famous (c) reputed (d) appreciated
17. The word ancestor means.
(a) relatives (b) forefathers (c) successors (d) brothers/sisters

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
1. As head of the state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective
of colour, creed, or race. Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing. Some people wanted to
save her from punishment in order to protect the honour of the family of the Quraish.

‫ذمبہایلسنےسعطقرظندعلاوراالخیقاوصولںرپینبمااصنف‬،‫دمہنیونمرییکرایتسےکرسرباییکتیثیحےسآ ﷺ ےنامتمدقمامتےکےلصیفرگن‬
‫ےکاقتوضںےکاطمقبرفام ے۔اکیابررقشییکاکیوعرترجمماپیئیئگ۔ھچکولگاخدنانرقشییکزعتاچبےنےکےیلاےسزساےساچباناچےتہےھت۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:

2. Hazrat Muhammad’s (‫ )ﷺ‬life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to attain
goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the
message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social life. He has set
very and noble ideals through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every field of life.
27 | P a g e

‫اپزیکیگاوراکباییاحلصرکاناچےتہںیہ۔ولگ‬،‫رضحتدمحمﷺ یکزدنیگانولوگںےکےیللمکمومنہناوراثملےہوجاینپارفنادیاورامسیجزدنیگںیمااھچیئ‬
ِ ‫رواحیناورامسیجوبعشںںیمامکلاحلصرکےنےکےیلآ ﷺ ےکاغیپماور‬،‫زدنیگےکاالخیق‬
‫ایحتادقسےسرامنہیئاحلصرکےتکسںیہ۔آ ﷺ ےن‬
‫رہہبعشٔزدنیگںیمریپویرکےنےکےیلاےنیلمعومنہنےساہنتئاٰیلعاوراشدنارایعمراقمئرفام ےںیہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
3. We all need help at time in our lives. Sometimes we may have accidents and we may get hurt.
When we are injured or suddenly become unwell, we need someone to help us – someone who knows
what to do. It is the temporary and immediate help. This timely assistance, comprising of simple medical
techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, lifesaving. Any lay person can be trained to
administer first aid. This First Aid can be carried out using minimal equipment. First aid knowledge ranges
from taking care of cuts to dealing with an unconscious victim.

‫ای ااچکن تعیبط رخاو وہ اج ےوت ںیمہ اینپ دمد ےک ےیل یسکیکورورت وہیت ےہ۔ وکیئ ااسیوج اجاتنوہ ہکایکایک اج ے۔ ہیاعریضاور وفری دمدوہیت ےہ۔ ہیدن‬
‫اسدییبط کنسرپلمتشمویتقدمداتمرثارفادےکےیلاہنتیاتیمہرہ یتےہاورارثکاجناچبیتیلےہ۔یسک یھبت ررتی تایف ہرفدوکائادایئیبطادماددک ےیک‬
‫رتی تدیاجیتکسےہ۔ہیائادایئیبطادمادمکےسمکاسزواسامنوکربو ےاکرئارکلمعںیمئایئاجیتکسےہ۔ائادایئیبطادماداک ملزںومںیکدھکیاھبلےساحدے‬
‫ےکاکشرےبوہشآد یےسےنٹپنکتدحمودےہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
4. Television, on the other hand, requires its viewers to be at a certain place, at a certain time in order
to watch and listen to the news. If they are busy people, they will miss the news. They cannot choose to
read it on the move throughout the day. They cannot even choose which piece of news they wish to skip.
One way could be to record it and watch it later. But the point here is that it is not that convenient.

‫ اخص و ت رپ وموجد وہں۔ ارگ وی رصموفںیہ وت وی‬،‫ اےن انیرنی ےس اقت ا رکات ےہ ہک یربم دےنھکی اور ےنن ےک ےیل یسک اخص ہگج‬،‫دورس ی رطف‬،‫یلیٹ وژین‬
‫یربوںےسریاجںیئےگ۔ویاںیہنےتلچرھپےتایدنرھب ےنناکااختنوںیہنرکےتکس۔ویاخ ییربم ںیہنجرظنادنازرکاناچںیہاناکیھبااختنوںیہنرکےتکس۔اکی‬
‫رطہقیوہاتکسےہہکاےسراکیرڈرکایلاج ےاوردعبںیماےسدھکیایلاج ے۔نکیلالصابتہیےہہکہیاکماانتآاسنںیہنےہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
5. In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I held several summer jobs
in the preceding two years. I also worked to help myself financially in a boarding school. My first summer
job was at the English Language Center. My second job was at McDonalds, and my past summer job was
at D.K academy. I am thankful to all these institutions for these job experiences. They have prepared me
mentally and financially. This is important in a way that I am now more mature and responsible; which
helps me not to be worried about the future but to look forward to it.

‫آزادی اور ذہم دارییک ھجمس ڑوھجاحلص رکےن ےکےیلںیم ےنذگہتش دو اسولںںیم وممس رگامںیم یئکاکم ےیک۔ںیم ےن امیل وطر رپ اینپ دمد آ ےک ےیل اکی‬
‫ڑورڈگن وکسل ںیم یھب اکم ایک۔ وممسِ رگام ںیم ریمی یلہپ المزتم اشلگن وگنیلنس جئ یم ر ںیم یھت۔ ریمی دورسی المزتم ڈکیموڈلنز ںیم یھت اور ذگہتش وممس رگام‬
‫ ںیم ڈی ےک اڈیک یںیم المزتم یک۔ روزار ےک ان رجتابت ےک ےیلںیم ان بس اداروں اک رکش زگار وہں۔ اوہنں ےن ےھج ذینہ اور امیل وطر رپرایر رک دای‬،‫ںیم‬
‫ےہ۔ہیاساحلظےسامہےہہکںیماو زایدیابغلرظناورذہمداروہں؛سجےس ےھجدمدیتلمےہہکںیملبقتسمےکابرےںیمرپاشینہنوہںہکلباساکدشت‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
6. There was a time when any student’s future plans revolved around becoming a doctor, a pilot or
an engineer. These few disciplines were thought to be the only fields that could offer rewarding careers in
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terms of both respect and money. Resultantly, students were unaware of other opportunities that could,
perhaps, have been more advantageous.

‫ اپئیلٹ ای ارئنیجن ےننب ےک رگد وھگےتم ےھت۔ رصف ہی دن اکی اےطب یہ زعتاور روےپ‬،‫ اطہبل ےک لبقتسم ےک وصنمےب ڈارٹک‬/‫وکیئ زامہن اھت بج یسک اطبل مل‬
‫زایدیانمعف‬،‫اش د‬،‫ابلطواطابلتدرگیوماعقےسےبیربےھت وج‬،‫دوونںےکاحلظےس اےسیےبعش وصرےیکاجےتےھتوجانمعفشخبےشیپ ےھت۔ہجیتنےکوطررپ‬،‫ےسیپ‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
7. In London, Pip studied hard. He received money regularly but he did not know from where or
whom it came from. He lived in a flat with a young man who had little money but who worked for an
insurance agent. They became friends. After some years, Pip was visited by the prisoner whom he had
helped as a child. The man had been sent with other convicts to Australia and had become a very wealthy
farmer there. In fact, he was the one that Pip’s allowance came from. He wanted Pip to have the advantages
of education and money although he was not a gentleman himself. Actually, he was still wanted by the
police in England.

‫ ِپ پ‬،‫دنلنںیم‬
‫پےنتخس تنحیک۔اےسلسلسمرمقیتلمریہرگمویںیہناجاتناھتہکاہکںےسای سےسہیآیتیھت۔ویاکیونوجانےکاسھتاکی ٹیلںیمراتہ‬
‫اھتوجوھتےییسرمقراتھکاھترگماکیاروشر سا ٹنجےکےیلاکمرکاتاھت۔ویدوتس نےئگ۔ھچکاسلدعب ِپ پ‬
‫ ہی ویہ اھت سج یک رطف ےس ِپ پ‬،‫وی ہچب اھت۔ اس آد ی وک درگی رجمومں ےک اسھت آرٹسایلی اجیھب ایگ اھت اور وی واہں تہب دوتل دنم اسکن ن ایگ اھت۔ در تقیقح‬
‫وکائاؤ ساتلماھت۔ویاچاتہاھتہک ِپ پ‬
‫ویاویھبام ڈنیلںیموپسیلوک‬،‫پوکمیلعتاوردوتلےکافدئےاحلصوہں۔ارگہچویوخداکیعوفیآد یںیہناھت۔درالص‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
8. Rinse out the wound with clear water. To clean the area around the wound, use soap and a
washcloth. But soap can irritate the wound, so try to keep it out of the actual wound. If dirt or debris
remains in the wound after washing, use tweezers cleaned with alcohol to remove the particles. If debris
still remains, see your doctor. Thorough cleaning reduces the risk of infection and tetanus.

‫اصفاپینےسدوھرکزمخاصفرکم ۔زمخےکاردرگداکہصحاصفرکےنےکےیلاص ناوردوھےناکڑپکااامعتسلرکم ۔اتمہاص نزمخںیموسزشدیپارک‬

‫اسےیلاےسالصزمخےسدوررےنھکیکوکششرکم ۔ارگدوھےنےکدعبزمخںیمرگدوابغرایوکیئلیملیچکریاج ےوتذراتاکنک ےنلےکےیلالح‬،‫اتکسےہ‬
‫ےساصفیکاہیئیٹمچاامعتسلرکم ۔ارگرھپیھبلیملیچکریاج ےوتاےنڈارٹکےسںیلم۔ایھچرطحافصیئرکےنےسا نشکیفاور جنشاکہرطیمکوہاجاتےہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
9. Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the Chinese
lunar calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays for Chinese families. The holiday
is celebrated with big family gathering, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and display of festive
decorations- all focused on bringing good luck for the new year and celebrating the coming of Spring. In
China the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year.

‫اسلونوکیٹھچوہیتےہسجںیمنیچ ےکرمقیکیلنیڈرےکاطمقبےئناسلےکآاغزرپوخ یانمیئاجیتےہ۔ینیچاخدناونںےکےیلاےسامہرتنیںویٹھں‬

ِ ‫ینیچ‬
‫ العیتم ناھےن ناھ رک اور وخوگشار آراوشئں ےک ا مامم ےس‬،‫ احتفئ دے رک‬،‫(الیطعتت) ںیم ےس اکی یٹھچ امشر ایک اجات ےہ۔ ہی یٹھچ ڑبے اخدناین اامتجاعت ےس‬
‫انمیئاجیتےہ۔امتمرسرگویمںاکالصدصقمےئناسلےکےیلوخشیتمسقئااناورآےنواےلوممسِاہبریکوخ یانمانےہ۔نیچںیماویھبروایتیالیطعتتاسی‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
10. Once Hazrat Umar (R.A) sitting in the mosque of the Prophet, was busy in the affairs of the state.
Two young men holding a strong and sturdy countryman, appeared before him. They complained to Hazrat
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Umar (R.A) that the person had murdered their old father. They demanded justice by punishing the
murderer for his crime.

‫ رایتس ےک اکومں ںیم رصموف ےھت۔ دو ونوجان اکی وبضمط اور ونتدنم د ںایت وک ڑک رک آ یک دختم ںیم‬،‫ دجسم وبی ںیم رشتفی رفام‬، ؓ‫اکی ابر رضحت رمع‬
‫احوروہ ے۔اوہنںےنرضحترمعؓےساکشتییکہکاسصخشےنانےکڑوےےھوادلوکلتقرکدای۔اوہنںےن اطمہبلایکہکاقلتوکاسےکرجمیکزسادے‬
‫رکااصنفرکم ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:

11. Allah’s messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬proved by his own example that no one could be more firm for justice
than him, even if it was against his own interest or the interest of those who were near and dear to him.
He decided every case brought to, by friend or foe with justice, without fear of favour. A person of such
magnitude transcends the barriers of time and space.

‫ربمغیپدخاﷺ ےن اینپاثملےساث ترفامایہکااصنفےکماع ہلںیمانےسزایدیتخسوکیئںیہنوہاتکس۔وخایآ ﷺےکاےنافمدایآ ےکیسکرقیبی‬

‫اورزعزیےکافمدےکالخفوہ۔آ ﷺ اےناپسئا ےےئگاےندوتسایدنمشےکدقمہماکہلصیفریغبیسکرطفداریےکوخفےکرفامےتےھت۔اسدقر‬
‫اٰیلعرکداراکامکلصخشزامںاوراکمں(و تاورہگج)یکراکوںیٹوبعررکاجاتےہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
12. On the eve of the Chinese New Year it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a large dinner
where a number of specific foods are served. It is typical for a Chinese family to make eight to nine dishes
for the New Year’s Eve dinner because in Chinese language the word “Eight” means “prosperity” and the
word “Nine” means “long-lasting”.

‫اس ِلونیکآدمےس لبرہتشداروں ےسالماقتےکےیلاجےناوراشمےکاکیڑبےناھےنںیماش لوہےناکیھبروا ےہںاہںتہبےس اخصناھےنشیپ‬

‫ےیک اجےت نیہ۔ اکی ینیچ اخدنانںیم ےئن اسلیک آدم ےس لب اشم ےکناھےن ےک ےیلآھٹ ےس ون کتناھےنرایر رکےناک روا ےہویکہکن ینیچزابنںیم ظفل‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
13. The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for every one of my
age. The experiences might be different but everyone has gone through many of the same “teenage”
circumstances as I have done. All of them have dealt with them in their own way. As a personal participant
in this “game”, we call life, I would say I worked hard for the first place and earned it. That is just my
creative view of things. It is bad, but the fact is that not everyone sees it in the same way as I do.

‫ںیموہکں اہکںیمےن ےلہدرےجےکاقمم ےکےیلوکششیکاوراےساحلصایک۔ہیاایشءےکابرےںیمضحمریمایقیلختہطقنٔرظن‬،‫ذایتعوکیاکرےکوطررپ‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
14. I am glad that I have got a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learnt many lessons from
my Public High School, boarding school, and work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more
lessons through my college experience. Although it has been tough, I have succeeded so far. I am prepared
to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. This developing positive
outlook has given me the motivation that I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am
determined to achieve, “I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars”.
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‫ڑورڈگنوکسلاور‬،‫ںیموخشوہںہکںیمےناسںیزاکرجتہباحلصرکایلےہوجیقیقحداینےکاپسشیپرکےنےکےیلوموجدےہ۔ںیمےناےنکلبپاہیئ وکسل‬
‫رگم‬،‫اکمےکرجتابتےستہبےساابسقےھکیسںیہ۔ںیماواکجل ےکرجتہبےستہبےسزم داابسقےنھکیسےکےیلرایروہں۔ارگہچرطہقیاکرد رورزگارراہےہ‬
‫ںیماوکتاکبایوراہوہں۔ںیمآےگزم دا اہفےکےیلرایروہں۔تبثمہطقنرظنےننبیکوہجےس ےھجرحتکییلمےہہک ےھجاکبایووہےنیکورورتےہ۔‬
"‫ںیمیھبکیھبوکششرتکںیہنرکات۔بجںیماحلصرکےناکارادیرک اتیوہں۔"ںیماچدنرپ دنمڈا اتوہںاوراتسروںںیماریسارکاتوہں۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
15. During the sermon, an Ansari seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha’lba sitting there stood
up and pointed towards them and said, “Oh Messenger of Allah! Their ancestors killed a member of our
family. We appeal to you to get one them hanged in exchange for that.” The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬replied,
“The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son.”

!‫ اکیااصنریہلیبقوب ہبلعثےک دن آدویمں وکواہںےھٹیبوہ ے دھکیرکاُھٹڑھکاوہااوران یکرطف ااشریایکاوررعضایک" ایروسلاہلل ﷺ‬،‫ہبطخےک دوران‬
‫ان ےکآابؤ ادجادےنامہرے اخدناناک اکی رفدلتقرک دایاھت۔مہ آ ےسدروخاتسرکےتںیہ ہکاسےکدبہلںیم انںیم ےسیسک اکیوک اھپیسن وگلادم ۔‬
"‫"اب اکدبہلاسےکےٹیبےسںیہنایلاجاتکس۔‬،‫اپکربمغیپﷺ ےناراشررفامای‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
16. News coverage over television is different from reading newspapers. Newspapers were primarily
established to cover the news and later on they added entertainment. On the other side television was
mainly invented for entertainment and then it became an effective news medium. Now television news
has become a powerful rival to newspapers. Though both of these mediums cover the news effectively,
there are distinct differences in the way they do it.

‫یلیٹ وژین رپ یربوں یک ااشتع اابخرات ڑپےنھ ےس فلتخم ےہ۔ عووک ںیم اابخرات اک آاغز یربوں یک ااشتع ےک ےیل وہا اھت اور دعب ںیم ان ںیمرفتحی وک یھب‬
‫اش لرکایلایگ۔دورسیرطفیلیٹوژیناینبدیوطررپرفتحیےکےیلااجیدوہااھتاوررھپہییربوںاکؤمرثذرہعی نایگ۔اویلیٹوژینرپیربم اابخراتاکاطوتقر‬
‫رحفی نیئگںیہ۔ارگہچہیدوونںذراعئؤمرثوطررپیربم دےتیںیہ۔اناکااسیرکےنےکرطہقیںیموا حرفقاپ ےاجےتںیہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
17. Water is another critical item for all crops. Massive amount of water is required during the growing
season for cultivation. In fact, agricultural production consumes more fresh water than any other human
activity. In many countries, people are facing shortage of fresh water. Competition for water resources
among individuals, regions, and countries and associated human activities is already occurring with the
current world population. Water resources, critical for irrigation, are under great stress as populous cities,
states, and countries require and withdraw more water from rivers, lakes, and aquifers every year. A major
threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-use of surface and ground water

‫امتمولصفںےکےیلاپین اکیاور امہ(وروری)ںیزےہ۔ درتقیقح زریعدیپاوارںیمیسکاور ااسنینرسرگ ییکتبسن زایدیاتزیاپیناامعتسلوہات ےہ۔تہب ےس‬
‫وطخں(العوقں)اوراممکلاورہقلعتمااسنینرسرگویمںںیم ےلہیہاقمہلب‬،‫اممکلںیمولگاتزیاپینیکتلقےکہلئسماکاکشرںیہ۔داینیکوموجدیآابدیںیمارفاد‬
‫ رای روںاور اممکل وک زایدیاپینیک ورورت ےہاوررہ اسل‬،‫وہ راہ ےہ۔آیواسلئوج ہکآو اپ یےک ےیلوروریںیہ دابؤاک اکشرںیہویکہکن اجنگن آابدرہشوں‬
‫اورزریِزنیماپ ےاجےنواےلآیواسلئاکورورتےسزایداامعتسلےہوجلسلسماجریےہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
18. Each medium has strengths that other does not. Each makes use of strong points that other lacks.
Television news is like having a fast food meal whereas reading newspapers is like having a ten course
dinner. The ideal seems to be, if one has the time, to both read the news and watch it on television.
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‫رہ ڈیممییکاطںیتقںیہ وج دورسا ںیہن راتھک۔ رہ اکی وبضمط اکنتاک اامعتسل رکات ےہ ہکبج دورسا ان ےساخیل ےہ۔ یلیٹ وژینیک یرب اف ٹ وفڈ ناھےنیک ام دن ےہ‬
‫ہکبجاابخراتڑپش ادسناھونںےکاکیہلسلسیکرطحےہ۔رتہبنیابتوتہیےہہکارگیسکےکاپسو توہوتیربڑپھیھبےلاوراےس یلیٹوژینرپیھبدھکی‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
19. Literature is the story of humans. It is the record of who we are, where we can from and where we
are going. Books make us travel at large. During our journey, we are connected with humanity. We
identify ourselves with the characters we meet and learn whether we love, loathe fear or flatter. They help
us comprehend our faults and aspirations. They tell us who could we become if we are not careful. Reading
provides the deepest connection to the morals that make us human, and part of a larger society.

‫اتکںیبںیمہآزاداہنرگسرکایتںیہ۔‬،‫مہاہکںےسآ ےںیہاورمہاہکںاجرےہںیہ‬،‫ادوااسنونںیکاہکینرپلمتشمےہ۔ہیاسابتاکراکیرڈےہہکمہوکنںیہ‬
،‫اےن رفس ےک دوران امہرا ااسنتین ےس قلعت اقمئ راتہ ےہ۔ مہ نج رکداروں ےس ےتلم ںیہ ان ےس اینپ تخاتخ رکےت ںیہ اور اجےتن ںیہ ہک مہ ک تب رکےت ںیہ‬
‫ ڈرےت ںیہ ای وخاشدم رکےت ںیہ۔ وی ںیمہ امہری اخویمں اورانمتںیئ ےنھجمسںیم دمددےتیںیہ۔ وی ںیمہ اتبےتںیہ ہک ارگ مہ اتحمط ہن رےہ وت ایک ن‬،‫رفنت رکےتںیہ‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
20. Today, life has become more dynamic and innovative. Gone are the days when the medical and
engineering fields were the only available choices. Now a whole world of non-traditional careers, from
IT, electronic media and web net working to online business portals and fashion designing, are available
for young people.

‫آ زدنیگ زایدی رحتمک اور یئک روگنں ےس زمنی وہ یئگ ےہ۔ وی دن ےئگ بج رصف ڈیملکی اور ارئنیجنگن یہ اایتخر رکےن ےک ےیل ےبعش وموجد ےھت۔ او‬
‫ارٹکیلاکنڈیمایاوروبیٹینورگنک ےس ےلرک آنئانئاکروابررکےن ےکراےتس اور نشیف ڈزیاگننئ رپ لمتشم ت رروایتیوںیک‬،‫ونوجاونں ےکےیل آیئ یٹ‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
21. Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the papers
anytime of the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in the morning and carry the
paper with them to read in the bus or van. They may also choose to omit certain aspects of the news that
they are not interested in.

‫اابخراتےکےیلںیمہہیورورتںیہنہکاکیہگجںیھٹیباوریربم ڑپںیھ۔رصموفولگدنےکیسکو تاابخراتڑپھےتکسںیہ۔ویحبصوسریےاخ ییرب‬

‫ڑپھ ےتکس ںیہ وج ان ےک ےیل امہ وہاور سب ای ونی ںیم ڑپےنھ ےک ےیل اابخر وک اسھت ےل اج ےتکس ںیہ۔ وی یربوں ےک ےک یئک اےسی ولہپؤں وک وھچے ےتکس ںیہ نجںیم‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
22. It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money in order
to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for elders to present red packets
to unmarried members of the family. Envelopes are not to be opened until the recipient has left the home
of the giver.

‫وچبںوک رمق ےس رھبے وہ ے وھچےٹرسخ افلےف دانی ڑبوں یک اکی روایتی قشم ےہ۔ سجاک دصقم آےن واےل اسل ےک ےیل دوتل اور وخاحشیلاک العیتم ااہظر‬
‫ےہ۔ اخدنان ےک ت ر اشدی دشی ارفاد وک رسخ ٹکیپ شیپ رکان یھب زبروگں اکومعمل ےہ۔ افلےف اس و ت کت ںیہن لوھےل اجےت بج کت ووصل دننکی دک ے‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
32 | P a g e

23. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬practically proved that no one could be more just and equitable than the
Messenger of Allah Almighty. As a young trader he earned the good reputation of being honest, fair and
just business man. He always had fair and just dealing with all people. When the Ka’bah’ was being
constructed, there arouse a dispute among the people regarding the Black Stone. He advised the most
equitable plan for the setting of the Black Stone. This pleased everyone and saved them from a tribal

‫رضحتدمحمﷺ ےنیلمعوطررپہیاث ترکدایہکاہلللاع ٰیےکربمغیپےسزایدیوکیئیھبااصنفرپوراوراعدلںیہنوہاتکس۔اکیونوجاناترجیکتیثیحےسآ‬

،‫ےبداغاورااصنفرپوراکروابریآد ییکایھچرہشتاحلصیک۔آ ﷺ ہشیمہولوگںےکاسھتاصفےرھتےاورنافصنہنماعالمت‬،‫ﷺ ےناامیدنار‬
‫رےتھکےھت۔بجہبعکیکریمعتوہریہیھتوترجحاوسدےکابرےںیمولوگںوکدرباینانتزکڑھکاوہایگ۔آ ﷺ ےنرجحاوسدوکاینپہگجرپرےنھکےکےیلتہب‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
24. Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. These animals are
often represented in decorations. Some people believe that those born during the year of a particular animal
may have the character traits of that animal.

‫رہاسلینیچدارئۃاربلو ےکابریاجونروںںیمےساکیےکاسھتواہتسبےہ۔ہیاجونرارثکآراشئوزابیشئںیمدناھ ےاجےتںیہ۔ضعبولگنیقیرےتھکںیہہک‬

‫وجولگاکیاخصاجونرےکاسلںیمدیپاوہےتںیہویاساجونرےکاواصفےکاح لوہےتںیہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:

25. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was so well known for his justice that even the Jews, who were his bitter
enemies, brought their suits to him and he decided cases in accordance with the Jewish law. He very
strictly followed the Commandment of Allah: “if they come to you, - either judge between them, or decline
to interfere. If you decline, they cannot hurt you in the least. If you judge, judge in equity between them.
For God loves those who judge in equity.” (5:42)

‫ اےندقمامت آ ﷺ ےکاپسئاےت اور‬،‫وج آ ﷺ ےکدب رتنیدنمشےھت‬، ‫رضحتدمحمﷺ دعلوااصنفےکےیلاےنتروہشر ےھتہکوہیدییھب‬

‫آ ﷺ وہیدیاقوننےکاطمقبدقمامتاکہلصیفرفامےت۔آ ﷺ اہلللاع ٰیےکمکحیکیتخسےسریپویرکےتہک"ارگویآ ﷺ ےکاپسآںیئ(وت‬
‫آ ﷺ وکاایتخرےہہک)انےکدرباینہلصیفرکدم ایانےسارعاضرکم اورآ ﷺ انےسہنمومےںیلوتویآ ﷺوکًاعطقوکیئاصقننںیہن‬
‫اچنہپںیکسےگ۔اورارگآ ﷺ انےکدرباینوکیئہلصیفرکم وتااصنفےکاسھترکم ۔ےبلکشاہللااصنفرکےنواولںوکک دنرکاتےہ"(وسرۃااملدئی‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
26. Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses.
Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the house ready to accept
good luck for the coming year. All cleaning must be finished before New Year’s Day so there is no chance
of accidentally throwing out good fortune of the New Year. Wearing black is not allowed due to its
association with death, however, wearing red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off
bad spirits.

‫اسل ونےکرو ِزا ّولےس ےلہ اخدناونں ےکےیل اےن رھگوںوکلمکم اصفرکان اکیروایتیلمعےہ۔ااسیرکےنےکقلعتم اہک اجاتےہ ہکاس ےسزگہتشاسلیک‬
‫یسکمسقیکدبیتمسقےسرھگوکاصفرکاناورآےنواےلاسلیکوخشیتمسقوکوبقلرکےنےکےیلرھگوکرایررکانےہ۔اسلونےکدنےس ےلہ ےلہافصیئاکامتماکم‬
‫ئاز ی متخرکانوہااتےہاتہکےئناسلیکوخشیتمسقوکاافتًاقابرہےنکنیھپاکوکیئومعقابیقہنرےہ۔ایسیڑپکےےننہپیکااجزتںیہنویکہکناساکومتےسقلعتاھجمس‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
33 | P a g e

27. The scope of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very seriously. We
cannot practically deny the significance of hiring trends; for example, a decade ago when computer science
professionals were in demand, masses of MOS (Master of computer sciences) students flooded the market
with extremely disappointing results.

‫ااکنر ںیہن رک ےتکس۔ اثمل ےک وطر رپ اکی رشعی لب بج ویپمکرٹ اسسنئ ےک ہشیپ ور امرہنی یک بلط یھت وت تہب زایدی دعتاد ںیم ںیم امی ا س یس (امرٹس اف ویپمکرٹ‬
‫اسزسنئ)ےکابلطءاکامرٹیکںیمالیسوآایگہکبجاتننس جئاہنتیامویسنکےھت۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
28. Career counselors are generally well informed about such trends. They can play a key role in
guiding the youth towards a rewarding profession. This highlights the importance of a full time career-
counseling department at the school level. The job of this department should be to determine the
personalities of students, to observe and analyze their interests and to suggest suitable careers according
to their aptitude. Most of the parents and students find themselves in a fix when deciding on a career.
Parents are unaware of market trends, educational systems and the scope of any particular discipline.
Similarly 14-15 year old students are not mature enough to make such life changing decisions. So it is
widely felt that career counseling must be promoted from school level.

‫ریکرئی وکرلسنز اعم وطر رپ اس رطح ےک راحجانت ےس ایھچ رطح آای وہےت ںیہ۔ وی اکی انمعف شخب ہشیپ یک رطف ونوجاونں یک رامنہیئ رکےن ےک ہلسلس ںیم‬
‫انیک‬،‫دیلکیرکدارادارکےتکسںیہ۔ہیابتوکسلیکحطسرپلکویتقریکرئیوکنسلیگےکہبعشیکاتیمہوکوا حرکیتےہ۔اسہبعشاکاکمابلطیکوتیصخشںاکاجزئیانیل‬
‫یمیلعتاظنومںاوریسکوصخمصہبعشیکوتعسےسےبیربوہےتںیہ۔ایسرطحوچدیدنپریربس‬،‫وتوخدوک انھجلاکاکشراپےتںیہ۔وادلنیامرٹیکےکراحجانت‬
‫یکرمعےکابلطاسدقرھجمس دارںیہنوہےتہکاسرطحےکزدنیگدبلدک ےواےلےلصیفرکںیکس۔اسابتیکادشورورتوہیتےہہکریکرئیوکنسلیگوکوکسل‬
‫یکحطسےسیہروا اانپاناچےیہ۔‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
29. The man’s face was stern with concentration, and his finger tracing the line being read. At times
the man’s expression would be disturbed in frustration at his progress. Finally, the reader looked up at the
sky, while his face was beaming. It does not matter whether it was because of a sudden joy with the act of
reading, or revelation’ from what was written, or delight at how the story resolved. The point is that he
was in possession of something deliciously private a connection between him and the writer, between the
real world and the world described upon the pages.

‫ایخولںںیم مگ وہےنیکوہج ےس اسآد ی ےک رہچے رپ یتخساھچیئوہیئیھتاوراسیک ایلگنزریاطمہعل رطس رپلچریہ یھت۔ضعباواقتاطمہعل آےگڑبےنھرپ‬
‫اتکوڑپےنھواےلےنآامسنیکرطفداھکیہکبجاساکرہچی کمراہاھت۔ہیہلئسمںیہنہک‬،‫رپاشیینیکوہجےسآد یےکرہچےیکتیفیکیھبدبیتلیھت۔آرکاکر‬
‫ااسیاطمہعلےکدورانااچکنےنلموایلوخ ییکوہجےساھتایوجھچکاھکلوہااھتاسےسآایہیکوہجےساھت۔الصابتہییھتہکوییسکرفلمشخبذایتتیفیکےس‬

Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:
30. Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80 percent of the world’s
fossil energy is being used by the developed countries. The intensive farming technologies of the
developed countries use massive amounts of fossil energy for fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and for
machines as a substitute for human labour. In developing countries, fossil energy has been used primarily
for fertilizers and irrigation to help maintain yield rather than to reduce human labour inputs. Because
fossil energy is a finite resource, its depletion accelerates as population needs for food and services
escalate. Thus, cost of fuel increases everywhere.
‫‪34 | P a g e‬‬

‫وخراک یک دیپاوار ےک ےیل اامعتسل وہےن وائا اکی اور رتہبنی ذرہعی وفلس ارنیج ےہ۔ داین یک رقًابی ایس دصیف وفلس ارنیج رتیق ایف ہ اممکل اامعتسل رک رےہ ںیہ۔‬
‫ااسنین تنح ےک ابتمدل ےک وطر رپ رتیق ایف ہ اممکل ںیم قیم اکراکتری یک لانکیول زی ےک تہب زایدی اامعتسل یک وہج ےس وفلس ارنیج یک تہب زایدی دقمار ناھدوں‪،‬‬
‫رجامیث شکادوایت‪ ،‬آواپ یاورونیشمںںیماامعتسلرک رےہ ںیہ۔رتیقذپری اممکلںیموفلس ارنیج ااسنین تنحےکمک اامعتسلیکاجب ے اینبدیوطررپ ناھدوں‬
‫اورآواپ یےکےیلاامعتسلیکیئگےہاتہکدیپاواریکعوحربرقارریھکاج ے۔وچہکنوفلسارنیجدحمودامیپےنرپاپیئاجیتےہاسےیلااسنینآابدییکوخراک‬
‫اوردخامتیکورورںیڑبےنھےکاسھتاسںیمزایدیزیتیےسیمکواعقوہیئےہ۔اسرطحرہہگجادنینھیکوتمیںںیما اہفوہاتےہ۔‬

‫‪Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English following paragraph the:‬‬
‫‪31.‬‬ ‫‪Handling minor accidents at home or on the road develops a sense of crisis management. This may‬‬
‫‪prepare people to tackle with unexpected emergencies with great confidence. Minor cuts and scrapes‬‬
‫‪usually do not need to go to the emergency room. Yet proper care is essential to avoid infection or other‬‬
‫‪complications. Following guidelines can help you to handle crisis and take care of all.‬‬

‫وھچےٹ وھچےٹ احداثت ےسرھگ رپانٹپن‪ ،‬رحبان رپاقڑواپےنےک ااسحسیکروشامن رکاتےہ۔ہی ااسحسولوگں وک ت روتمعق اگنہ ی احئات ےس ڑبے ادامتدےکاسھت‬
‫ےنٹپن ےک ےیل رایر رک اتکس ےہ۔ ومعمیل ٹک اور رڑگوں ںیم ارمییسنج روم ںیم اجےن یک ورورت ںیہن وہیت۔ نکیل ا نشکیف ای دورسی دیچیپویگں ےس ےنٹپن ےک ےیل‬
‫انمبساایتحطوروریےہ۔دنمرہجذلیرامنہاوصلآ وکرحبانےسدہعیربآوہےناورامتممسقیکاایتحںیطرکےنںیمدمددےےتکسںیہ۔‬

‫‪Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:‬‬
‫‪32.‬‬ ‫‪After you clean the wound, apply a thin layer of an antibiotic cream or ointment to help keep the‬‬
‫‪surface moist: The products don’t make the wound heal faster, but they can help your body’s natural‬‬
‫‪healing process work fast. Certain ingredients in some ointments can cause a mild rash in some people. If‬‬
‫‪rash appears, stop using the ointment. Bandages can help keep the wound clean and keep harmful bacteria‬‬
‫‪out. After the wound has healed enough to make infection unlikely, exposure to the air will speed wound‬‬

‫زمخاصفرکےنےکدعبایٹنیابویئکٹرکمیایرممہیکاکییلتپہہتامجںیئاتہکحطسوکالیگرےنھکںیمدمددے۔ہیںیزم زمخیکافشاییوکزیترتںیہنانبںینکیلوی‬
‫آ ےکمسجیکافشاییےکدقریتلمعےکاکموکزیترکےنںیمدمدرکیتںیہ۔ھچکرمومہںںیماش لدن اءااءھچکولوگںںیمومعمیلےسرسخداونںاکابب ن‬
‫ےتکسںیہ۔ارگرسخداےناظرہوہںوترممہ۔اگاندنبرکدم ۔زمخرپابدنےنھوایلایٹپںزمخوکاصفرےنھکاوراصقنندیریٹکیبایوکدوررےنھکںیمدمددےیتکسںیہ۔‬
‫بجزمخاانتکیھٹوہاکچوہہکا نشکیفاکہرطیہنوہوتوہاںیم الھوھچےانزمخےککیھٹوہےنےکلمعوکزیترکےا۔‬

‫‪Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:‬‬
‫‪33.‬‬ ‫‪Television brings laziness in us. We can view the news with a little or no effort since it is practically‬‬
‫‪a form of entertainment. If we have the leisure time, we can view the television news anytime of the day‬‬
‫‪and night. It broadcasts the news as it is happening. Much mastery of language is not necessary for the‬‬
‫‪person who prefers to view the news on television because everything is visual and auditory. A person‬‬
‫‪with a basic knowledge of the broadcast language will be able to view and understand it. In comparison,‬‬
‫‪the reader of a newspaper needs to be proficient in the language in order to understand it better.‬‬

‫یلیٹوژینامہرےادنریتسُسئااتےہ۔مہومعمیلایریغبوکششےکیربم دےتھکیںیہویکہکنہیًالمعرفتحییکاکیمسقےہ۔ارگامہرے اپسافرغو توہوتمہدن‬

‫راتںیمیسک و تیلیٹ وژین رپیربم دھکی ےتکسںیہ۔وی یربم اسرطح رشنرکاتےہسجرطحہیووقک ذپریوہ ریہ وہیت ںیہ۔اکی آد یوجیلیٹ وژینرپیربم ‬
‫دےنھکیوکرتحیجداتیےہاسےسقلعترہ یتےہسجآد یوکرشنایتیکزابناکاینبدی ملوہاتےہویاےسدھکیاتکسےہاورنساتکسےہ۔اسےکاقمہلبںیماابخرےک‬

‫‪Translate into Urdu / Re write into simple English the following paragraph:‬‬
‫‪34.‬‬ ‫‪On hearing these words, the court gave cries of joy and applause and the face of the Caliph beamed‬‬
‫‪with pleasure as he said, “Young men, the blood money will be paid to you from the Peoples’ Treasury,‬‬
‫”‪and Allah will reward you for this goodness on the Day of Judgment.‬‬
35 | P a g e

‫ ونوجاونں وخان ےک دبہل ںیم رمق‬،‫ہی اافلظ ےتنس یہ دعاتل وخ ی ےکرعنوں اور اتویلں ےس وگجن ایھٹاور ہفیلخاک رہچی وخ ی ےس کم راہ اھتبج اوہنں ےن رفامای‬
‫(دتی)آ وکتہباامللےسادایکاج ےیگاوراہلللاع ٰیاسیکینرپںیہمتروزءااوکءاا اطرفام ےا۔‬

Sr. No. Words Meaning Sentences
Affect ‫ارثرکان‬ My advice did not affect him.
Effect ‫ارث‬ Smoking had a bad effect on his health.
Accept ‫وبقلرکان‬ He accepted my application.
Except ‫وسا ے‬ All except Ali were present.
Angel ‫رفہتش‬ He saw an angel.
Angle ‫زاوہی‬ There are three angles in a triangle.
Altar ‫رقابنای‬ A lamb was brought to the altar.
Alter ‫دبانل‬ He altered his mind.
Bridle ‫۔اگم‬ Can you control a horse without a bridle?
Bridal ‫رعویس‬ She is wearing a bridal dress.
Advise ‫تحیصنرکان‬ I advised him to work hard.
Advice ‫تحیصن‬ My advice did not affect him.
Bail ‫امضتن‬ He was released on bail.
Bale ‫اھٹن‬ I bought two bales of cotton.
Bare ‫اگنن‬ He went out bare footed.
Bear ‫رھچی‬ I saw a bear.
Birth ‫دیپاشئ‬ What is your date of birth?
Berth ‫اےییکٹیس‬ Please reserve a berth for me for Lahore.
Cattle ‫ومیشی‬ The cattle are grazing.
Kettle ‫دیچگی‬ He put the kettle on fire.
Break ‫وتےان‬ He did not break the stick.
Brake ‫ربکی‬ He brake of my car failed.
Canvas ‫وماٹڑپکا‬ I want to buy a shoe made of canvas.
Canvass ‫رتبیغدانی‬ He is canvassing for me.
Cool ‫ڈنھٹی‬ A wool breeze was blowing.
Cold ‫خیڈنھٹا‬ Cold wind blows in winter.
Cell ‫وکڑھٹی‬ The prisoners came out of the cell.
Sell ‫انچیب‬ He sells school book.
Cloth ‫ڑپکا‬ I bought some cloth from the bazar.
Clothe ‫ےلسوہ ےڑپکے‬ He is wearing beautiful clothes.
Check ‫ڑپاتلرکان‬ He checked my account.
Cheque ‫کیچ‬ It is hundred rupee Cheque.
Dairy ‫ڈریی‬ It is a dairy farm.
Diary ‫ڈارئی‬ He gave me a new dairy.
Deer ‫رہن‬ I saw a deer in the forest.
Dear ‫ایپرا‬ He is very dear to me.
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Dew ‫منبش‬ Dew drops look like pearls.

Due ‫واابجت‬ Give him his dues.
Die ‫رمان‬ He died of fever.
Dye ‫رانگن‬ He dyed my coat.
Dose ‫وخراک‬ Take a dose of medicine.
Doze ‫اوانھگن‬ He was dozing in the class.
Droop ‫زمکورڑپرکرگان‬ The flower drooped for lack of water.
Drop ‫رطقی‬ Dew drops look like pearls.
Dual ‫دورہے‬ I want dual desks.
Duel ‫ڑلایئ‬ They fought a duel.
Eligible ‫الہ‬ He is eligible for this post.
Illegible ‫وجہنڑپراھاجےکس‬ His handwriting is illegible.
Feet ‫اپؤں‬ I have two feet
Feat ‫رکبت‬ He showed many feats.
Famous ‫روہشر‬ Iqbal is a famous poet.
Notorious ‫دبانم‬ He is notorious gambler.
Fair ‫ہلیم‬ He went to the fair.
Fare ‫رکاہی‬ What is railway fare from Lahore to Karachi?
Floor ‫رفش‬ Do not spit on the floor
Flour ‫آاٹ‬ Four is cheap in this city.
Foul ‫دنگا‬ He plays a foul game.
Fowl ‫رپدنی‬ I saw water fowl in the zoo.
Gate ‫دروازی‬ He met me at the gate.
Gait ‫اچل‬ She has a charming gait.
Goal ‫زنملوصقمد‬
ِ Death is not the goal of life.
Gaol ‫لیج‬ He was sent to gaol.
Heal ‫زمخرھبان‬ The wound will heal soon.
Heel ‫اڑییھ‬ A thorn has run into my heel.
Hail ‫اوےلڑپان‬ It was hailing.
Hale ‫دنترتس‬ I am quite hale.
Idle ‫اکیبر‬ Do not sit idle.
Idol ‫تُب‬ The Arabs worshipped idols.
Lose ‫لوھان‬ He will lose the chance.
Loose ‫ڈالیھ‬ Your coat is loose.
Lesson ‫قبس‬ He has learnt his lesson.
Lessen ‫مکرکان‬ Try to lessen the work.
Minor ‫وھچاٹ‬ These details are of minor importance.
Miner ‫اکننک‬ He is a miner.
Marry ‫اشدیرکان‬ He wants to marry her.
Merry ‫وخش‬ Eat, drink and be merry.
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Meet ‫انلم‬ I want to meet him.

Meat ‫وگتش‬ I eat meat.
Pour ‫ڈاانل‬ Pour some more milk.
Pore ‫اسمم‬ There are many pores in our body.
Peace ‫انم‬ Islam teaches peace and love.
Piece ‫ڑکٹا‬ Please give me a piece of paper.
Principal ‫دصرملعم‬ He is the Principal of our college.
Principle ‫اوصل‬ He is a man of principle.
Quite ‫ابلکل‬ I am quite well.
Quiet ‫اخومش‬ Please keep quiet.
Right ‫داایں‬ This is my right hand.
Write ‫انھکل‬ Write a letter.
Role ‫رکدار‬ He performed an important role in this drama.
Roll ‫رہفتس‬ My name was at the top in the roll.
Sale ‫رفوتخ‬ This house is for sale.
Sail ‫رحبیںاہزاکانلچ‬ The ship is sailing.
Sink ‫ےباجناکڈوانب‬ Their boat was sinking.
Drown ‫اجدناراکڈوانب‬ The child was downing in the river.
Stationary ‫اسنک‬ Our earth is not stationary.
Stationery ‫لسنپ‬،‫اکذغ‬ I bought this book from a stationery shop.
Story ‫اہکین‬ He told me a story.
Storey ‫زنمل‬ This house has two storeys.
Tale ‫اہکین‬ It is a strange tale.
Tail ‫ُدم‬ The dog has a tail.
Team ‫میٹ‬ Our team won the match.
Teem ‫رُپ‬،‫ااٹوہا‬ The forest teems with birds.
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Vain ‫ےبوسد‬ He tried again and again but all in vain.

Vein ‫رگ‬ Human body has countless veins.
Weak ‫زمکور‬ I am a bit weak in English.
Week ‫ہتفہ‬ There are seven days in a week.
Wine ‫عواو‬ Do not drink wine.
Vine ‫اوگنریکلیب‬ There is a big vine-yard in our village.
Yoke ‫وجےی‬ The farmer had a yoke of oxen.
Yolk ‫اڈنےیکزردی‬ The yolk of an egg is very energetic.

1. Girl Guides
Guides, like scouting, is a movement for girls. It started in 1910. Mr. Baden Powell and his sister Lady
Agnes were its organizers. The main purpose of this movement is to make the school going girls aware
of their duties. A girl guide spends some time in a camp out of her house. In the camp, they are also
taught the basic household skills. They improve their capabilities. Society expects a useful role from
women and this movement provides a chance for a girl guide to shape her moral and social character.
In fact, this movement is very useful for a nation.
2. My Best Teacher
Alexander the Great says:
“I owe my birth to my father, but my life to my teacher.”
I have many teachers but Mr. Ali is my best teacher. He is an M.A., B.Ed. He is 30 years old. He is
incharge of our class. He always comes to school in time. He calls the roll. He teaches us English and
Urdu. His method of teaching is very interesting. He is healthy and smart. He is efficient teacher. He
is kind to us. He says his prayer regularly. He is a good player of Hockey. He is very regular and
punctual. He is very kind and sympathetic. All the students respect and love him. May he live long!
3. My Neighbour
My neighbour is a doctor. He is an aged man. He does not run a clinic now. He is a social worker. He
always bears a smiling face. He is healthy and strong. He loves the children living in his
neighbourhood. He looks after them during the absence of their elder members. He always detects the
bad character men who come near the houses of his mohalla. He himself attends a neigbour who falls
ill. Due to these qualities he is respected by all young and old.
4. A Road Accident
Life is full of accidents. Oen day I was coming back home from my school. I saw a truck coming from
Bhatti Fate at high speed. Suddenly a tonga appeared ni the middle of the road. The driver of the truck
tried to control it but could not. It collided with the tonga and smashed it into pieces. Two men were
killed on the spot. The injured men were rushed to the hospital. It was one of the tragic accidents. Next
day, the newspaper bore the news of that accident.
5. Fashions
We are living in the age of fashions. The wish to look smart and up-to-date is natural. Fashion means
the latest style in clothes, shoes, hair, jewellery, furniture etc. at a particular time or place. Today
people all over the world are following fashions. The fashion industry is thriving. International
fashions are very popular. Film stars are the leaders of fashions. Fashions are followed particularly in
cities. Adults and teenagers are crazy about fashions. They spend a lot of money, time and energy on
fashions. When a new style of clothes comes into fashion, they rush to markets and shopping centers
to buy clothes which are in fashions.
6. Allama Iqbal, Our National Poet, My favourite poet,
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My favourite personality, The poet I like most

Allama Iqbal is our national poet. He was born in Sialkot on November 9, 1877. Here, he got his early
education. Then he went to Lahore. He did his M.A. from Govt. College Lahore. Then he went abroad
for higher education. He did Ph.D. from Germany and Bar-at-Law from London. But he was interested
in poetry. He wrote many poems. He gave us a message of hope through his poetry. He gave us the
idea of Pakistan. He died on April 21, 1938. He lies buried beside the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.
7. My School
I study in Govt. High School. It is situated outside the town. It has two gates and a long boundary wall.
It is U-shaped. It has a big grassy ground where the students play games. It has ten big rooms besides
the Headmaster’s office, staff room, clerical staff room, tuck shop, library and science room. All the
rooms are airy and well lighted. Each room has two ceiling fans. Twenty teachers work in our school.
Due to their hard work and interest, our school shows cent percent results every year. Our Headmaster
is a man of principle. Under his control the school is making progress in all the fields. I like it very
8. My best friend
I have many friends but Ali is my best friend. He is of my age. He is my class-fellow. We live in the
same street. His father is a doctor. He is the best boy of our class. He is active and smart. He takes part
in games. He always wears neat and clean clothes. His health is very good. He gets up early in the
morning and goes out for a walk. He takes exercise in the morning. We study and play together. He
helps me in my studies. He respects all the teachers. He is an ideal students. I like him very much.
9. A morning walk
There is an old saying,
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
I get up early in the morning. I say my morning prayer. Then I go to my friend’s house. We together
go to a nearby garden. The cool and fresh breeze refreshes us. We see the birds chirping in the trees.
The dew drops on the grass shine like pearls. We enjoy the delightful songs of birds and playful
activities of animals. We take exercise there. Then we come back. I take breakfast and go to school.
Thus a morning walk refreshes us and it keeps us physically fit and mentally alert.
10. Quaid-e-Azam
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on December 25, 1976. He received his
early education in Karachi. He passed his matriculation examination from Bombay. He went to
England to study law. Later on, he took part in politics and joined the Indian National Congress. But
the attitude of the Hindus discouraged him. So, he left the Congress and joined the Muslim League.
He fought for the rights of the Muslims of the subcontinent. After a hard and long struggle, Pakistan
came into being an August 14, 1947. He became the first Governor General of Pakistan. He died on
September 11, 1948. May his soul rest in peace! Amin!
11. A visit to zoo
Last Sunday, my father took the family to the zoo. We hired a taxi and reached the zoo. We bought
tickets and went in. we got a lot of pleasure there. We saw cages of monkeys, large crocodiles and
different kinds of birds. There we saw lions, tigers, leopards and bears. We also had a ride on the
elephant. We spent the whole day at the zoo watching the interesting activities of animals and birds.
In the evening we returned home happily. It was a pleasant visit.
12. A Match
A Cricket Match, A Hockey Match, A Football Match, etc.
Yesterday ___________ was played between our school and city club. We reached the playground in
time. The arrangement was very good. Our schoolboy scouts were there to control the situation. The
match started in time. Both the teams were good. Their players played well. They tried their best to
win the match. After sometime the match became interesting. The supporters of both the teams
encouraged the teams. They started shouting and clapping their hands loudly. The players became very
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active. In the last moment the match was more exciting. Both the teams tried hard to win, but soon the
time was over. The match ended in draw. We enjoyed it very much.

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