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1-12 | BS-ENTREP

 Physical Self
Physically I am a normal girl with 5’0 of height with a fair skin, black hair, with a simple beauty
of a normal Filipina can have. I can say that I don’t have the characteristic of a perfect look since
every person have their own standard of beauty. What I do to improve myself physically is to
maintain the cleanliness in my body, making sure to have a good hygiene and making sure that I
always look presentable in front of people. And this is what I can do for myself since looks are
permanent but with a good hygiene and taking care of your self can make a difference in your
body physically.

 Sexual Self
As a woman I believed that we should respect sexuality of a person. And before you do it, you
should start by respecting your own sexuality. For me I do things that makes me feel good all the
time. I embrace what I have as a person and be contented on what I have. And make myself to
feel loved.

 Spiritual Self
Both my parents are Roman Catholic that made me and my brothers a Catholic too.
Growing up my parents used to bring us to the Church every Sunday when I was a kid and it
teach us to be a better person in a very simple way like following the 10 commandments of God.
These commandments were simple yet somehow I admit that sometimes I disobey it. It’s not like
I don’t follow it but there are situations that made me forgot it sometimes, but then again when I
find myself wrong I see to it that I correct it and pray to God and ask for forgiveness not just to
him but also to the person that was involved.
This is the biggest factor to become a better person by believing in him even though I don’t see
him but feeling his presence every time especially when I needed him the most. All I have to do
is to be a follower, learn from every mistake I committed and be a good person as I can be.

 Economical Self
As a person being economical is a must. I am very careful on how I use my money and how to
spend it. When I am buying a certain thing I see to it that it is unexpressive yet the quality is
good, I always check the labels and buy it if the price is right. Aside from that I don’t go to an
establishment when there are sales, because when there are sale items I am tempted to buy it
thinking that I will save a lot of money but In reality I may not need it badly so I will end up
buying things I don’t need the most. And I always have a keen eye in every discounted price.

 Political Self
Choosing a right leader is a very hard decision, In choosing a leader I always research about
them, I don’t vote just because they are belong to the party I am supporting or they are just
famous. I make sure to choose those leaders who is responsible with their actions and admit
when they commit mistake. In the last election I voted Vico Sotto as our mayor in Pasig, I don’t
know him personally so I research about him and found out that he has been a good councilor, I
listened to his promises and so far I see Pasig changing in a good way.

 Philosophical Self
Every person can think in philosophical way in a very simple way. There are times that we are
digging so much information on a certain thing. And it is fine to dig more information for as to
become a reliable source and people can trust us in providing information. Studying can
contribute a lot in our lives with the guidance of our educators. That’s why when I was given a
chance to study again, I took that chance since it is a one good way to improve myself to become
better than I used to be.

 Sociological Self
As a child I was a very shy kid, I don’t speak too much and afraid to talk to people unless we are
very close. As time passes by, little by little I learned on how to be sociable with others. I started
to listen to other people’s stories, thoughts and ideas. While I’m listening to them I find a lesson
that I can apply in everyday life. And being surrounded by good people can make us a better
person in a way that they can influence us to be better.

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