Errgq: Frqfurft

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errgq frqfurft +{r


*Frs qrrq *r*qrrfqftE rrqq *a{qmlqftq

wrq +il{qr{ (\r{.qq..)

qrf{*, frqrr{ qfqimr ffii^


Name of the Offi cer....,.,......,.,...

i.'cri ql €rEtq
Period of Report

o ffiq E{ + Biil { aen qq *

fr'dF&rlft.qirr Erffi Tffii *sfr
ffiff.rat srdfue.c*Eq 3 cr6*r
. end of financiat year & rvhenever the Reporting /Reviewing
1l ll.
Authority changes provided the reporting period is at least 3 mon"ths
rn,r*a engq M.uft +{r srFr+,rFqi
ErN-*, E€'_i*,r ftqlf

TNDTAN oRDNArrcE .ot?t* .r*urcE o.r,rcER

qqrq +ilgrqfu # ffii :
Report for the yearl period ending : .

*qkq. l++wr I prnsoNAl DArA

qTrr -ll PART I

$itiftm c{T'sFr+- srtqTrr ERr qn qc)

(To be filled by the Administrative Section concemed)

t.efrrs'r+ sr rrc
gnmr we ffi)
Name of Officer (in full)
(in block letters) One box to be left blank between words

2 qqffi
Date of Birth
flmm rl_TTt
3. qT. BrT. flr. +{r t rfr s'r +i
Year of Recruitment in L O. F. S

4. +sr iqqq ni{r +1tnfrq dqT , [ntlfffn fg/crade

c-drT *.r..)'s
dd mm YYyy
Date ofFirst entry inlo Service
and grade of entry

sorfu :

Qualifications (degree & diploma):

6 sreT q-d{rrfufilrr*-ffi qrqdTlt :

Other professional/Technical

, *lartur artq/ Date

*f"*,m.ffim HHI-J,]J;
appointment to present grade *g/Grade
qrq i:E
8 qiiqlr qq +qd}/em{r si
aqrsslFqk +iltu Grade
Present post, name of Factory
Establishment and date of
appointment thereto.
9. qA + eqqfigfr H1 3rdfrr(q.-A rR) / Absence from dutv (on leave)
e{qFf,/Period $FR/Type of leave e1q!ffiiiTRemarks

cRrH"T i qrft<rfi i Training Attended

srqftr/Period {eil-q/Institute faqqT 9u63..,

r o. wr srftrstft ea1. ffi l sr1.q< srldf

3rfrfrg-srq,ttt r

Whether olficer is SC/ST/OBC

11. fugffi qr f+fiDT

Date of appointments held
q-qffirsH(€vH) t iF6
Grade/scale of pay
Post and Station From

fuq qftr+.rfr fl eftr+fi frsI i{EI *, gsfil qrc

Name ofthe ofiicer reported uPon
tlFT - II/Part-II

(fidrJ H r+ qtrfirft ERr q{r qrg)

(To be filled in by the Offtcer Reported upon)

1. s'r4 (g.qd\ *,t rifurd k{F l/grief description of duties

qi qftqrons+ly-eq{tffiq esqlstTc €nsi E i

€rsi fus fuitfr" Ffis d, qr emc+ lds
frqtR< fus'rs El v;mr $qfusdr S eilqR q{ fu{rq i qp ygo ew t erc+ BTmtsr cdrs r

Please specif the quantitative/physicaVfinancial targets/objectives set for yourself or that

were set for you in order ofpriority, and achievement against each target.

FIFI / Target il-dfu-qi I Achievements

fiils o{ftrtrr +,retT{fffr{sT qmt, wqTcrc

Name ofthe officer reported upon
pqqr qr-oq z { sffig-d ep}leivqi s rt+t + srq+ Bqeftr-qt qr r{le{H qt{r
tftiq t qE €1:l- B-.qdr sq-ofr rqi aqr sTrr$ dmra mr qt sdu +.t
r yuar ewi *

Please state briefly your achievements with ref'erence to targets/objectives referred

to in
column 2. Please also indicate significantly higher achievemenis in reiation to the targets and
your contribution thereto.

4. rqqr eraq 2 t Bffisd EFi/Bhqi + {E{ t e+q-* ofuq1 *r r{fem qkr t r nrs} 6} $H
e'ri n qk qI$ ertn E), a} B-d€'Ft / please state briefly the shortfalls with reference ro rhe
targets/objectives refered to in column 2. Please speci11, the constrains. ifany, in achieving the

5. EqcrEqcfr Eqrgiad $ eru-arivfuqr qrftimfr*itmtfw €qq srqldi+s{ +i*'eqen

:t q-++ft + sis{,rrfr,rtr qk +fi d}, ita+ q-qr *-ri q"r drftq +r e-de qi / ptease iat"
whether the Annual Retum on immovable property tbr the preceding calendar year was filed
within the prescribed date i.e. 3lst January ofthe year following the calendar year. Ifnot the
date olfilingthe retum should be given.

6mcrt, qrc qd Tq, fu{ 3rftrfifr qr yHq-r fuer qrr t

Signature, Name and Designation of OfTicer rbported upon

lqs srfirfii} *lefr+fi fusr qmr t, ss-orcrc

Name of the officer reported upon
qrT - III /Part - III

G!)Ert e*r.fl-fr ERI rT{r qrg / To be filled in by the Reporting Authority)

t[' - Eukffifi' qFI / A- Descriptive part

frdE i 3rft{-qir$ ERr (6qril 1 ss $El il

qftr+r€r +1 wqw HsdM} s} qfli+ gq s-+* rwqa qEi sc.
qor{d cd, HRIEI Bq-dfu{q} st qvtl( / pen picture by Reporting
officer (in about 100 words) on rhe
overall qualities of the ollicer including area of strengths and lesser strength, extraordinary
achievements, significant failure.

e) 3r{qfud qrfr / 3E q{qrfr / aqrs + s.r+{ erl $ clc wa6R / Attitude towards Schedule Castes
i Schedule tribes / Weaker sections ofsociety.

IDEr6{tq-+S / q+ar*qrT{Gitr / Relations with outside agencies/public -

+.r qfu+qr fr"er qnr

fr's srftr*.rt t, B{I-.FT q
Name ofthe officer reported upon
Personal Nurqber: Asse,ssment Year:

tDcfrRrEI (Fcqr €qftrsi+*tqqfdr sft{i$q{xwqil u qtr+arf Vm *fa<finrrr6qpq6*6 ,

Training (Please give recommendations for training with a view to further improving the effectiveness
and professional competence / capability ofthe officer) :

Iulqr€Eql 3ry{Sr / State ofhealth

gvefrwT lntegrity

ks efrr*ifrsrqfr+flfuerqmi, ssor qrq

Name ofthe officer reported upon
Personal Number:
Assessment Year:

' qm - IV/Part-IV

(A) Assesment of work output (.weightage to this section woirltl be 40yo)

fiIqterr {ctar6.d qfren q-r+ ErA

erffi Eri{r sfers,+ erffi $T EkTr&rt
Reporting Reviewing Initials of Reviewing
Authority Authority Authority
I) {* Crqtfufr q,r{lsndEr F*q -rq Er{
Accompl ishment of planned work/work
rD srTsa3e t6t Tr*z
Quality of output
Analytical ability
lv) srwrqrFr6 qT{ qr frqr<q/src-srfrFr
qTd m f*-qr qr<r
Accomplishment of exceptional work/
unforeseen tasks perlornled
g {+ BTrs{-ga q{ TrErn r}Brt
Overall Grading on 'Work Outplrt'

(B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this section would be 30%o)

I{qTTAIT q{rn q-r-i' rrfrsn o-.+ dr+

eftr+rft eror eftr*Tft srlqfiT+ i6r ERrqr{
Reporting Reviewing Initials of Reviewing
Authority Authority Authority
t; a;r4 *'qfr T+qr
Attitude to work
2) tilfElFra rsr qr+
Sense of responsibility
3) SrtV[r{FI qrtr{
Maintenance of Discipline
4) riqrE Etvr€
Communication skill
s) +{€al rJurdr
Leadership Quality
6) (cr qrfir + rFq + E.r{ *:rl +1 errm
Capacity to work in team spirit

Inter-personal relationS
qf{f,rril trr q{ qrrr iG-t
Overall Grading on personal attributes

ks srfrr*rfr fi ctr+fi ksr qm t, siffir qrc

Name of the officer reported upon
Personal Number: I I Assessment Yearr l-

(c) Assessment of functional competence (weightage to this section ---=-l
would be 307o)

filn€,r qftTrq.ri q*sir q.r+ qrd

srftr*.r$ arcn srffi Erffi$-rEkrr&rr
Reporting Reviewing Initials of Reviewing
Authority Authority Authority
r. qT d *' etr t
trqqT/fuFrcqilclmqrgi q'r
fla qai E{sr {Et Bqqlrr q.G ql dqdr l
Know ledge of Rules/Regulations/procedures
in the area of function and ability to apply
them correctly

2. FTof-q-fi +wfl
zfrrqdr d
Strategic planning ability

3 frliqAi+1+rq-m
Decision making ability

4. qqqq zilrzfof U Coordination ability

s. eltffi q,i srFrnkd 3+t fufils-d s-ii

+t *r{fll
Ability to motivate and develop subordinates
!.FTqiffiF q&rqff q{ qqr iBr
Overall grading on functional competence.

figtJ qn Iv +'qu-s iF, E q.i rT i vnivr lweightagey *. e+run w
qqq ili+tq ifurrr
Overall numerical grading on the basis ofweightage given in Section A, B
and C of part fV of the report.

ftqltjrr 3rftrsrft $T 6{fllr.R
Place :
Signature of the Reporting Authority

qe 3{sTtt{qlc'
Name in block letters
Date :

q({rqfis}J q-cfu+qhq
Designation During period of ieport

eq qfirsrt sr ctd+fi fueT qF{r t, s{rirT;nrr

Name ofthe officer reported upon
Personal Number: Assessment Year:

qFI - V/Part - V
{mHT srft{srfrdr 3il$fi
(Yq I qq 9 t EfltS rTq qifis+lq qrr si rrr+ * eIE qch{r qftranrfr ERT rfi qq) |

(To be filled by the Reviewing Authority alier filling up the numeric part as
mentioned at page No. 8 & 9)

DRqIHI stftr*,R1++i +qr6{+dr oj-qfrr

Length of service under the Reviewing Authority

iD Eql {dqr qtffir+ w t t

ER qEqfl t t*- fiFlHrr srtrsrfr + slq+ fiFtj qrT + {aiRrd
r6qsri s) M Es tanT+s ilTr qTqtrT+ fiutJ t rqr t
*t (qR snrdc-d t a) yvur onor ame, eer
em v+t yo {vilut qr q}s+ qrai tl
Remarks on the penpicture reflected by the ReportingAuthority.Is the Reviewing Authority satisfied thatthe
Reporting Authority has made his/her report at descript part with due care and attention and after taking into
accountall therelevant matters? (ln case ofdisagreement, please speciS the reason; Is there anything you want
to modifu or add?)

fiHtJ * qrrr IV + EU-s s'q q,?i.r { flqq ,tq r+niu lwetghtagey * e+nrn w
qqq if+tq ikq /Overall numerical grading on the basis of weightage
given in Section A, B and C of part IV of the report.

WIFT: {qhTr srfrrq;fi$'TErifiqR

Place : Signature of Reviewing Authority

wq erq-iltiTc
Name in block letters
Date :

qEarqfilqtJ srsRT+shT
Designation During period of report
kq s{nrorfr q,T cfu+fi keT qFr t, 3{l-iFT ;rrr
Name ofthe officer reported upon
Assessment Year:
elFI - VI/Part-Vl
<erqk errfir sfr'B stffi i+ d)
(i.e. next superior authority)
1. fidffir qffil{frq{r qffi 61ffi w ff qffi;12quft aqr ftr*ar qr
fu4quy 66pr16nts of the Accepting authority on the remarks of Reporting Authority / Reviewing
Authority & details ofdifference.

2. 1 - l0* ffi qt qrTtf rlfUT / overalt grading on the scate of0l-10

iF' ol{t enragwqr'rifsq

A OYerall grading on rryork output

EI ffir*.Jur rn qqr ifu.r

B Ov€rall grading on Personal attributes

TI c-flqiil-+ nerrar w vcfi .)fii.r

C Overall grading on functional competence

fiHH * qn u + cw 6, Er q,.t T q Rs rrq r+nivr lweightage; * anm w

qqT 3i*tq ifB{ /
Overall numerical grarling on the basis of weightage
given in Section A, B and C of part VI of the report.

€TFT: €Hd crftrsrt sT 6wrqr{

Place : Signature of Accepting Authority

cB effifitilq
, Name in block letters
Date :

qq{q'fiNE + <t{T{
Designation During period of report

iqq srnr*rfr fi yft'+qr fusr qmr t, gtr+r qrq

Name ofthe officer reported upon
Personal Number: Assessment Year:

g.*.q.e{R +t ffirqqfu tq qqq qRUfr qti fisH +1 si-qfu :t qr:i +} rqlw Etfr t r

Time Schedule for preparation/completion of APAR where the period of report ends on l3 March
of the year

( mfrrsd'- fficq{ I
(Reporting year - Financial Year)
frr€ ilntq a-6 "fft 6t amEo 5n f+q
qr+ t Grru orlwFr+ tq t !ilr+ *t nrftq
erc'r d ro'* t qR fi,qt', + agn rrtrfgrcr
lrsfus{+ 31 crd ql Er*q + ult61ff 5p1
frr* ffi rr.q rrfre oi qqre lPd6RTrr
t*-qrs-flq it&t)
Sl. No. Activity Dats b) $hich to be conrplEted. Date ol' actual
(1'he dates are to vary com p lct ion &
proportionatcly if the period of countcrsigncd by
report ends on adate othur than 31"' the concerned
ofMarch ol theyear ) omcer

qril {dfird} s1 srcfr s.+.c.s{R sTd ql : t qrd (vS o r €rflE rld

I kr{q ,ra w qr+ar tt
Distribution of blank APAR forms to all conccrned 3l'' March (this muy bc
complctcd cven a rveek

ffiJ fuq qd erA arftr+n1 rrtr firqiiar 15 sT+{{
srfrr$rft s) E-{eqis-{ qtq-rT (q-dT dr[Ei)
Submission of sell'-appraisal to reporting officer by
officer to bo reported upon (wherc applicable)

3 €meir srtrsT"t si ircIET erftrmrfr ET{T ilq}: 30 GFI

Submission of report by reporting oflicer to reviewing
officer. 30* June
qdtn qtr*,rt ilr
fiFftJ Wi *1 qrs nqr 3l E-dri
c\'rr{r{ qr S.3IR.3{-T{FT/Q-fi w e@a
qfr{q.rt, qdi BTff*T ai, *i tel qrs
Report to be completed by reviewing otlicer and to be
sent to Administration or CR section /cell orAccepting 31'' july
Authority, wherever pl ovided

@rt qrfrr+'rft, q6i 3qd-er fr, sRr I srrrkr

{flis-{ 3
Appraisal by Accepting Authority. wherever provided 3l August
q') q-6i +{ Effi crftr*rt T& t fidJ orfudq{
lss qr+ qrd orFrq.r€r +i qorqr qrq
tg) qEi ffi srtrsTt + fiGtt iEEs qri 06 €ffi{fi
6 qrd 3rftrsRt st qarqr qre
(a) Disclosure to the ofiicer reported upon where
there is no accepting authorit_v. 0l " September
(b) DisclosLrre to the ollicer reported upon where
there is Accepting Authority. 06'" october

g.*.q.e{R q{, qR +i Et, s+q+fl s1 {tnl;Il crq Et+ s} dr01g t

crfu rs H* er<{
Receipt ofrepresentation. ifany on APAR 15 days from the date of
roceipt of communication.
Personal Number:

eFq qrftr€rfr *l elrqiffi +l iqwr 21kfr.lqt

Forwarding of representation to the competent.
*'. q-oi
fu +f;fd'erfr{-sTt
8 €t
q. q6i{R
06 srtrq{t
fq +ffid qrftr+.rt +
2l "' September
(a) Where there is no accepting authority fbr
(b) Where there is accepting authority lbr APAR 06"'october

qqTq qrFrsrfr EI{r 3{lqr+fi sT frqzl{ qrqr*q{ crw d+ s1

Disposal of representation to the competent
frft€+qr+qra* er<<
Within one month t'rom
th€ date of receipt of

s.S.g.s{R *o rr<r 3Tqr+fi q{ {Grq l5 ;ltrErt

t0 erftr+.rfr+ FTEiq *1 lfqqr
Communication of the decision ofthe competent l5'nNovember
authority on the representation.

sqoi qisqr +1 {qrfu, ffi 30 ftrEl.{

srq si 3ifuc 6q + fi|s-rC fu-qr
lt qrq{r
End of entire APAR process. after which theAPAR 30'nNovember
will be finally taken on record.


vflfrtsT + {Eiq t qi'mc Ei qt qri + {Tq Fqfufud ilffi *r eus{q +ffi srFs I
The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to Integrity :

I) sk s{frr*'rfi s1 vdfrET {t6 d ei dr esor fr sdo fq'qr qri qrfrq

t I 7
Ifthe Ofticer's integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.

z Tr*. {H +e * r fi m-rs w ssfir ergvrur mur urft q r qtc s1 q-s !fr' (qi qfr e a$r+.r$ S qr€
; \r*-

"t +qr
qnr srF6s si T6 eTrr{R shT i*- e-{q-ff sffi
ytmatTi-r si qrq'ft I wi ssfrw si ccrfura
+ri qr .Je ria qr fi mr€ *-cqr {rrE +fi t dr ss fu ifr t fi c1€rr +} w fr uqT qfr s k qo w
orfrrsrt++lrislqqiq{qqir*^ffiqq{q6{++'li{s?aH+filqqriqrssi sTftr+-n\*k{-€T-s,tr
qqrrfit, st fi€r{E} r

A Separate secret note should be iecorded and followed up. Acopy ofthe note should also be sent
together with the APAR to the next superior Oflicer who will ensure that integrity or to record the
secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he had not watched the offrcer's work for
sufficient time to form a definitejudgement or that he has heard nothing against the officer, as the case
may be.

q) qfr sr{qfiwH * wsssq {+r qr (vrq ws e} qrar t (t srftr*T{t 61 c-endr eqfr H + qT+
qri6q qd w-+1 Hfuk artqR Bs+ q.fl .c. sTR. i q} s1 sTql srfrs r

as a result ofthe follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officer's integrity
should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the APAR.

q) qk {w qr {vrq s1 gfu 6} sTdt t n} ss srfifus-dr 6} q} ksri+ fuqr qT-{r qfrq qd ge-*1 g+qT su
Ifthe doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated
to the oflicer concemed.

E) qfr sr{q-fi ffi S erq *t (t6 s€-+1 gfu +fr t dr w

qr r{vrq *1 fu ih q ai wq rttr t q}r a t
isfrt 3rfrrsrs+qkdq{ E-s e{t{{qq+'ldqfqrrfl+F*-qrsTiTqrF6silflTsrasq{k}Tisq-+{T
(e> att (rl * ergvru *,'+
Ifa result ofthe follow up action, =ftq,
the doubts
or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the
ofllcer's conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action is laken as indicated at
(b) and (c) above

(rp rixrc+ m{i. 51/4/64-e[. (q), kiiq. : 21.06.1965)

(Ministry of Home Aft-airs O.M. No. 5ll4/64-Estt(a), dated 21.06.1965)

q - sifisdq qrq / (B) Numeric Part :

Guidelines regarding filling up ofAPAR with numerical grading

D t frn Tn *iaq si t4r't'qrqq+ T{-+ qq

qqiq q''|-q ts.{ qfi qr+ qfrgt These

columns inAPAR should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time'

qwn*tqr<ttfl* r qr Z*",)Rlirr (e'& arcgeura*Onqrqqq+s)qkfdtqaqqlqqiqsq
t dfufl srfird q'd + tds frftTq eRilffidr ert{ 3st Tf6 s qr I 0 sl hRIq sr{ {qrqq + ddtl t
tCcIqtqrBkdEt'Tr l-2 qr 9-10sllsq-sgdqs-.{rE}R-s-frtfqssr siflq-flgtka+'r+ erqg+s
t I Eifi ffitc is te qqq fi dfu r slY{ {fi q{r 3{fr rsr+ u* o €qft rsrfr * er;6,iil src s{i srd q-S
r{srimrq+.rlqrde}'ft qi,+ qctreq'{ fuqrqnrqrBq r

It is expected that any grading of I or 2 (against work output or atfibutes or overall grade) would be
adequately j ustifiedin the pen-picture by way ofspecific failures and similarly, any grade of9 or 10
would b"j.r.tifr"d with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9- 10 are expected to
be rare ociurence and henie the need tojustiry them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting
. and reviewing authorities should rate the offrcer
against a larger population of his/her peers that
may be currently working under them.

IID 8 qtr r o * *q t .c. em *,)furr tri'Tqe q1 doft { rer

qrsqT t

APAR graded between 8 and 10 willbe rated as 'outstanding''

m c.+.s. i{R t o eilr e t sq fri rri,}fti,r st'{6f, w6P *1 d"ft t rer qrs'n t
APAR graded between 6 hnd shortofS will be rated as 'very good'.

v) 4 sil{ O**q eilr e t6citijrrffiT}'qsr +1 d"fttgrqrS.nI APARgraded

between 4 and 6 short of6 will be rated as 'good'.

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