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Common Cattle Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment And

Dr Ashok Singh (Professor & Head)
College Of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry
Mhow (Indore) Madhya Pradesh-453 446

Introduction Commom Symptoms: De finite signs of weak ness

in he rd cattle , difficulty in breathing, convulsions,
Cattle diseases cost m illions of rupees losses e ve ry bloody discharge s from natural openings of the body,
year. In addition to death, the y cause loss of mild fe ve r & muscle ache s & stomach pain. Anthrax
is primarily a disease of domestic and wild animals,
production and frequently a loss of body condition.
particularly he rbivorous animals, such as cattle,
Unhealthy animals re quire more food and take longe r
sheep, horses, mules, and goats. Outbreaks in swine,
time for growth than healthy ones. Gene rally,
dogs, cats, and wild animals held in captivity
animals are born free of disease s or parasites. But,
ge ne rally re sult from consumption of contam inated
the y usually acquire these maladies eithe r through
food. The disease may occur in an acute or sub acute
contact with diseased animals or due to imprope r
form. Anthrax typically cause s an unusual rise in
sanitation, feeding, care and management. One
body tempe rature fo llowed by depression, cardiac
should be vigilant against cattle diseases as dairy
distre ss, stagge ring and death. Affe cte d animals
cattle are affe cted by a varie ty of diseases.
some times die of suffocation. Prophylactic
Knowledge of cattle disease s is ne ce ssary from public
vaccination is ex tensively used in pre venting anthrax
health point of vie w also as many diseases can be
in livestock .Bloody discharges some times come from
transmitted to man through m ilk . Keeping animals the natural body ope nings, and fluid swe llings may
healthy by confining purchases to healthy he rds, by appear on diffe rent parts of the body. During
prope r quarantine at the time of bringing in ne w outbreaks, strict quarantine measures should be
animals, by employing sound principle s of sanitation, adopte d. In horses and pigs, anthrax spreads more
management and feeding and by judicious use of gradually with progre ssive swe lling of the throat and
appropriate and dependable vaccines are the ne ck . The disease is highly contagious. Ex treme
practical and e conom ical ways to avoid losses from caution should be used in handling infe cte d and dead
the disease . By prope r management and feeding, the animals.
dairy farme r can, to a great ex te nt, pre vent disease
out-breaks. Good housing assists in maintaining the Treatments: Fluoroquinones like ciprofloxacin,
le vofloxacin, or ofloxacin are prefe rred treatments for
health of the he rd, whe reas judicious feeding not
anthrax. C iprofloxacin, Te tracycline and
only builds up body re sistance to disease but also
Doxycyclineare to be used only as se cond-line of
he lps in speedy re cove ry in case the re is a disease
de fense .
attack .
Vaccines & Prevention: Vaccination is ve ry
1 Anthrax effe ctive in preve nting furthe r occurre nce of anthrax
in animals. This is useful eve n afte r an outbreak has
The re are three types of anthrax which affe ct sk in, occurre d but the time for re sistance is about 14 days.
lungs and the dige stive system . Gene rally, outbreaks Antibiotics should not be used toge the r with
of this disease occur in areas whe re animals have vaccines.
pre viously die d of anthrax, due to the prese nce of
spores which remain viable for de cade s. Cattle 2. Black-quarter
infe cted with anthrax will progress from a normal,
healthy state to death in a matte r of hours. Anthrax This disease is wide spread amongst cattle in ce rtain
is a critical disease which is caused by Bacillus parts of India, particularly in Karnataka, Tam il Nadu,
anthracis. Anthrax is a highly infe ctious and fatal Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Sporadic cases
disease of mammals. The bacte rium is a spore- occur in the northe rn and easte rn states of the
forming micro -organism that forms many more country. The disease is common in areas with
mode rate rainfall and whe re dry-crop cultivation is
bacte rium if right conditions are available. Humans
common. Young animals in the prime of condition
can also be come infe cte d with anthrax by dealing
and six months to three years old are affe cted more
with products from infe cte d animals or by breathing
than othe rs. Buffaloes usually suffe r from a milde r
in anthrax spore s.
form of the disease. O utbreaks ge ne rally occur with

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the onset of rains. True black-quarte r is caused by Vaccines & Prevention: Vaccination is a must for
C lostridium chauvoe i. It affe cts mostly start and cattle. The re is an approved Bruce lla vaccine which
sturdy animals. Fe ve r with redne ss of e ye. Hot can be easily give n to animals by an authorized
painful swe lling in the affe cted leg. C repitating sound ve te rinarian. Vaccination is most effe ctive if it is done
on pressing the affe cted part of muscle . Death may during 4 to 6 months of age. As control measure s,
occur in se ve re case s in 1 or 2 days Brucellosis may be avoide d with good sanitation and
Symptoms: The disease usually occurs in an acute management practices.
form, affe cted animals dying within 24 to 48 hours of
the onse t of symptoms. The re is high fe ve r with a 4 Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
hot, tense, painful swe lling us ually in one of the
This acute septicaemic disease of cattle is wide ly
quarte rs, more often a hind-quarte r, although such
pre valent in India. It occurs gene rally in low-lying
swe lling may also occur in othe r before death, the areas pe riodically inundated by rainwate r and in areas
swe lling be comes cold and painless and crepitates on whe re irrigation facilitie s have deve lope d. The causal
pre ssure due to the presence of gas in it.
organism, Pasteurella multocida, is a small gram-
Prevention and control: To pre ve nt the spread of ne gative cocco -bacillus, commonly calle d bipolar
infe ction and contamination of the soil with spores of organism on account of the intensity with which is
the causal organisms, carcase s of animals dead of stains at the poles. Redness of e ye and lancination
black-quarte r should be e ithe r buried dee p and along with fe ver. Se ve re dyspnoea. Hot painful
cove red ove r with lime or should be swe lling at head, jowl region or brisket region. In
cremated. Administration of penicillin in repeated se ve re cases sudden death may occur due to high
doses may be e ffe ctive if inje cted before muscle fe ve r and se ve re dyspnoea
damage has been caused. Use of black-quarte r
Common Symptoms: The disease gene rally runs
vaccine prote cts animals against the disease for
an acute course . Cattle and buffaloes ofte n de velop a
about a year. Animals should be vaccinated with this highly septicaemic condition and die within the
about three to one month before the onse t of rains.
course of about 24 hours of infe ction. Affe cted
animals show a high rise in body tempe rature. The
3 .Brucellosis lesions comprise haemorrhagic spots in the lymph
Brucellosis is an infe ctious disease caused by the nodes, on the se rous membranes and in othe r
bacte ria of the genus Brucella. Bruce lla is passed organs, including the inne r lining of the heart; spleen
is normal in size . The entire gut is highly inflamed
among animals such as cattle , sheep, pigs, goats,
and intensely red with bloody contents.
dee r, dogs, and humans. Bruce llosis is spread when
an othe rwise healthy animal comes in contact with Treatment and prevention: Early cases of the
an infe cted animal or an area which has been disease are amenable to treatment with
contaminate d by an infe cted animal. Drink ing, sulphonam ides, notably sulphadimidine coupled with
eating, or inhaling the bacte ria will cause antibiotics, such as penicillin, but on account of the
infe ction.Brucella is the causative organism of the short course of the disease and its te rmination in
disease . The m icrobes ente r the bodies of cattle and sudden death, animals are se ldom available in good
othe r animals through sk in wounds and inhalation. time for treatment. Vaccination with the improved
Any bodily fluids, discharge s, aborted fe tuses, type of adjuvant vaccine, carrie d out about a month
afte rbirth, unpasteurize d m ilk, or carcass from an be fore the onset of rains, will prote ct animals against
infe cted animal can contain the infe ctious bacte ria. the attack of the disease for about one year. In
endemic areas such vaccination should be carried out
Common Symptoms: If a pregnant animal is e ve ry year.
infe cted, it m ight give birth to weak or lame calf, or
the calf may be aborted, milk production is reduce d, 4 Mastitis
enlarged joints with arthritis, ute rine infe ctions afte r
a birth & re duced rates of conce ption Brucellosis This disease is characte rized by the inflammation of
causes conside rable damage to cattle . Milk the udder, resulting in changes in the udde r tissue and
production is reduced to low le vels and the animals its se cre tion. Infe ctious mastitis results from infe ction
steadily lose we ight. The animals have problems with one or more of the many organisms associated
while moving and grazing. Brucellosis is one of the with cattle in all countrie s whe re dairy industry is we ll
most critical diseases of cattle. The spee d of infe ction de ve loped, and the disease is of great e conom ic
is fast and amount of damage caused by the disease im portance to the m ilk produce r. The disease is also
is expensive . Bruce llosis is transmitted to susce ptible wide ly prevalent in m ilch animals in India. C linically,
animals by dire ct contact with infe cte d animals. R isks the disease may be re cognized as acute , sub-acute
are too great when the disease is carried from one or chronic, and these form s may depend on the type
he rd to anothe r by an infe cte d or expose d animal. of the causal organism conce rned. It may be
Treatments: Repeated attempts to de ve lop a cure accompanied by systemic disturbance , with a rise in
body tempe rature of the affe cted animal and othe r
for Bruce llosis in animals have faile d. Some animals
fe brile symptoms, but usually it occurs in the form of
may re cove r afte r a pe riod of time but the y pose
a localize d involvement of the udde r, with a
more dange rs. The y can be powe rful sources of
progressive damage to the udde r tissue . The milk is
infe ction.
affe cted both in quality and in quantity, and as a

78 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


result of pe rmane nt impairment of the function of one tube rculin testing. The reactors and non -reactors are
or more quarte rs m ilk production may cease kept separate ly. The healthy group is tested e ve ry 3 -
altoge the r. Both cows and she-buffaloes suffe r from 6 months. Calve s born of healthy animals are allowed
the disease . to remain with mothe rs while those from reacting
mothe rs are weaned immediate ly afte r birth. This
Treatment: Success de pends on the nature of the
ae tiological agent involved, the se ve rity of the me thod leads to a progre ssive increase in the numbe r
disease and the ex tent of fibrosis. Comple te re cove ry of bealthy animals and de crease of reactors. For
with freedom from bacte rial infe ction can be obtained pre ve nting the spread of the disease . Hygienic cattle
in cases of re cent infe ction and in those whe re sheds with ade quate space ve ntilation, fresh air, e tc.
fibrosis has taken place only to a small ex te nt. Such must be provided. The carcasses of affe cted animals
drugs as acriflavine , gram icidin and tyrothricin have should be burnt or burned, six fee t deep with lime .
now ce ased to be in use , and ha ve give n place to the
more effe ctive drugs, such as sulphonamides, 9 Johne's Disease: Johne 's disease is a usually
pe nicillin and streptom ycin. fatal and pe rsistent infe ction that affe cts the small
intestine of ruminants. Ruminants are cud-che wing
4 Tuberculosis: Tube rculosis is an ancient disease hoofed animals such as cows, buffalo or bison. Johne’s
of man, animal and birds. O nly a fe w countries are disease is a type of Para tube rculosis of the cattle in
free of this disease . It is an infe ctious disease, which the re is conside rable loss of production. The
characte rized by slow de ve lopment of tube rcle s in disease affe cts young calves but the symptoms
almost any organ of the body ex cept the skele tal appear only afte r 2 years of age.The disease is caused
muscles. The incidence of tube rculosis depe nds upon by Mycobacte rium paratube rculosis, a bacte rium
a varie ty of factors re lated to husbandry, hygiene and re lated to tube rculosis. The Johne’s disease ge rm is
environment. The incidence is high whe re intensive ve ry pe rsiste nt. It has the ability to live for a pe riod of
cattle breeding programmes are carried out in up to 12 months on the ground. As the bacte rium
countries whe re animals are housed indoors during pre fe rs to live in the ground, most of the infe ction
the winte r months.Tube rculosis in cattle and buffaloes comes from the ground .
is caused by the bacte rium Tube rculous bacilli. The
bacte ria ente r the body usually through food, Common Symptoms: Unexplained we ight loss,
some times the y are dire ctly breathed into the lungs. strange diarrhea with normal appe tite , soft swe lling
The disease d animal may contam inate the drink ing unde r the jaw, nursing cows have reduced m ilk
wate r and ve ssels. The ex cre tions like fae ces, urine, production & production losse s may be up to 10% for
sputum, e tc. of the diseased animal may contain the each. affe cted animal . Johne's disease typically
starts as an infe ction in calves. Visible signs do not
bacte ria and be a source of infe ction . appear until the calf is little older. The infe ction is
7 Symptoms: The symptoms of tube rculosis de pend difficult to de te ct in its early stages. The most
on the organ affe cted as any of the organ may be common me thod of animal-to-animal spread is to the
involve d. Moreove r, an affe cted animal may show no calf from its dam. The udde r be comes a rese rvoir of
clinical signs e ven though it may be seve rely affe cted. ge rms and more calves can get infe cted if the re is
Howe ver, following symptoms may be obse rved in an cross-suck ling. Some calve s may also be born
affe cted animal. The infe cted animal ge ts we ake r day infe cted. Once the re is protein loss from the
by day and be comes inactive and dull. Hard, dry bloodstream into the digestive tract – the days of the
cough occasionally but not ve ry pronounced in cows. affe cted animals is numbe re d. The cattle will not live
If intestine is affe cted the re will be tympany and ve ry long, pe rhaps for only a fe w we eks.
diarrhoea. If udde r is affe cted, the re will be swe lling Treatments & Prevention: A pe rmanent cure for
of one or more tea ts with no pain. The symmetry of Johne ’s disease hasn’t been de ve loped as yet. But
the udde r may be lost. The milk be comes wate ry, the the spread of the disease can be effe ctive ly managed
quantity re duced and ge ts curdled on boiling.When and for this a vete rinarian should de finitely be
the re is tube rculosis of reproductive system, the consulted. Calves should be born in a healthy
abortions occur late in pre gnancy. The conception rate environment. The re should be a positive e ffort to
is ve ry low. The re is thick ye llow discharge from the reduce the ne wborns expo sure to manure from adult
vagina of infe cte d animal. animals. Colle cting m ilk from diffe rent animals and
the n feeding them to young calve s should be
4 Treatment: The treatment of tube rculosis is not avoided. All the affe cted as we ll as healthy females of
re commended, as it is ve ry prolonged and the results the he rd should be identified. Since the mothe rs
are unre liable. The animals unde r treatment are liable spread the disease at an early stage, pre cautions
to disseminate organisms in m ilk for human should be high for them. All the affe cted animals
consumption. The tube rculin is wide ly used should be separated from the he rd and prefe rably
throughout the world for the control of tube rculosis in culled.
animals. In India whe re control by test and slaughte r
is not possible , Bang's method of control has been 8 Foot-and-mouth disease: The food-and-mouth
found to be use ful. This method is based on disposing disease is a highly communicable disease affe cting
of all the clinical case s. The calve s born of cloven-footed animals. It is cha racte rized by fe ver,
tube rculosis-infe cte d cows are free of infe ction. The formation of vesicles and bliste rs in the mouth, udder,
animals not showing tile clinical sign are subje cte d to teats and on the sk in be tween the toe s and above the

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hoofs. Animals re cove red from the disease pre sent a Treatment: Symptomatic treatment with penicillin,
characte ristically rough coat and deformation of the stre ptomycin, sulphadimidine and inte stinal
hoof. In India, the disease is widespread and assumes antiseptics has no action on the virus, but may he lp
a position of importance in live stock industry.The in the re cove ry of less se ve re cases of rinde rpest, as
disease spreads by dire ct contact or indire ctly through these control se condary complications cause d by
infe cted wate r, manure, hay and pastures. It is also bacte ria.
conve yed by cattle attendants. It is known to spread
10.Bloat: Cattle's stomachs have two compartments.
through re cove red animals, field rats, porcupines and
One is the rumen and the othe r one is the re ticulum.
birds.Foot-and-mouth disease occurs in a re latively
Bloat is a digestive disorde r in which gas is
milk form in India and is se ldom fatal. It occurs
accumulated in the compartments. Foam some times
practically all the year round.
forms when live stock consume highly digestible
Common Symptoms: Feve r with 104-1050 F , legumes such as alfalfa. The build up of gas causes
profuse salivation ropes of stringy saliva hangs from discom fort to the animal. The lining of inside walls
mouth, Vesicles appear in mouth and in the inte r may get ex tended due to pressure. This can lead to
digital space, lameness obse rved , cross bred cattle se ve re breathing problems and e ve n heart failure.
are highly susceptible to it . Quick spread and the Unde r normal circumstances the gases are expelled
occurre nce of lesions in the mouth and fee t of by belching. In the case of bloat, the gases are
affe cted animals are characte ristic symptoms. It some times stuck unde r laye rs of foam. This causes
pre sents some similarity to rinde rpest, from which it difficulty whene ve r the animal wants to e liminate
can be readily diffe re ntiated by the abse nce of air.Bloat is not caused by any m icroorganism. It
diarrhaea and by the presence of the foot lesions. It occurs as a re sult of feeding on any forage that is low
can be cured by se ve re antibiotic the rapy and topical in fibe r and high in prote in.
application of ointments Common Symptoms: Swe lling of the left side of
Treatment: The ex te rnal application of antiseptics the animal , the affe cted cattle show the ir discomfort
contributes to the healing of the ulce rs and wards off by stamping of fee t, alte rnative ly the y can also kick
attacks by flies. A common and inexpensive dressing the ir be lly, cattle usually also expe rience difficult
for the lesions in the fee t is a mix ture of coal-tar and breathing, frequent urination and de fe cation & in
coppe r sulphate in the proportion of 5:1 . advance d cases, cattle have been known to collapse
Control and prevention: Heavy milch animals and almost comple tely.In bloat, the stomach of the cattle
exotic breeds of cattle bred for m ilk should be swe lls up. This creates a large bulge in the stomach.
prote cted regularly.It is advisable to carry out two Pressure builds up behind the rib-cage. The cattle
vaccinations at an inte rval of six months followe d by soon stop eating and continue to show the ir
an annual vaccination programme . Isolation and discom fort. As the gas builds up more pressure, the
segregation of sick animals. It should be informed cattle some times produce a lot of saliva. The
immediate ly to the ve te rinary doctor. Disinfe ction of difficulty in breathing will lead to a bluish tinge to the
animal sheds with bleaching powde r or sk in inside the mouth. Convulsions may occur quickly
phenol .Atte ndants and equipments for sick animals and heart-failure is a possibility. In some cases, bloat
should be ideally separate .The e quipments should be affe cted cattle have died within 30 m inutes afte r
thoroughly sanitized,prope r disposal of le ft ove r feed consum ing clove r-rich forage .
by the animal Prope r disposal of carcasses & control Treatments: During bloat, dry hay should be offe red
of flies. to all the cattle . Mak ing affe cted cattle walk also
9.Rinder pest: Rinde rpe st is the most destructive of causes movements in the stomach, which m ight
the virus diseases of cloven -footed animals, such as reduce discomfort. Anti-foaming agents or anti-bloat
cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs and wild gives ex cellent results. All of treatment should be
rum inants. Its control was a major issue till re ce ntly given unde r the guidance of a ve te rinarian.
all ove r the world. O rganise d efforts ove r half a Vaccines & Prevention: Bloat is not caused by any
ce ntury have brought about a total e radication of the microbe , the re is no vaccine for preve ntion. The best
disease in the Weste rn Hemisphe re . The disease still way to avoid bloat is to reduce the factors that can
pe rsists in the Asian countries. The virus is found cause it. Anti-foaming age nts can be sprayed onto
notable in the saliva, discharge from e yes and suspe cted pasture before your cattle graze on it.
nostrils, and in the urine and fae ces. It is prese nt in Anti-bloat capsules which stay in the stomach for up
the circulating blood during the febrile stage and is to 100 days are now available . This can give long-
late r concentrated in diffe re nt organs, espe cially in te rm prote ction to your cattle from bloat.
the spleen, lymph nodes and live r. Outside the
11.Calf Scours: Calf scours is caused by bacte rial,
animal body, the virus is rapidly destroyed by dire ct viral and some times e ven by parasitic infe ctions.
sunlight and disinfe ctants. Cold prese rves the
Ne wborn dairy animals are espe cially susceptible to
virus. The virus is usually spread by contam inated calf scours be cause the ir immunity systems are not
fee d and water. Rise in tempe rature upto 104 – 107
fully deve lope d. Se ve re fluid loss due to calf scours
0 F. Lacrimation and redness of e ye. Foul odour from
results in dehy dration and often leads to death.
mouth. Discre te ne crotic foci de velop in the buccal
Unfortunate ly, eve n animals that survive calf scours
mucosa, inside lip, and on the tongue . Bloody mucoid
often remain weak and pe rform poorly throughout
diarrhoea is noticed.
the ir lives.Calf scours is also called calf diarrhea, or

80 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


neo-natal diarrhea. Many conside r calf scours as not up off the ground, reduce d milk production, acute
a spe cific disease with a spe cific cause , but actually muscular twitching, unexplaine d loss of body we ight
as a clinical sign o f a complex disease . Whate ve r the in spite of a good appe tite & se ve re moaning and
truth may be , Calf scours is the primary cause of ultimate ly death BSE takes from two to eight years
death in calves from 2 to 30 days of age .According to from the time of infe ction, to appear as a full-blown
a leading research organization, the causative case . BSE-affe cted animals resemble those of rabies.
organisms of calf scours may be Coronavirus, But rabies progresses rapidly ove r a fe w days while
Rotavirus, K99 E. coli bacte ria or C lostridium the symptoms of BSE de velop ove r a pe riod of two to
pe rfringens Type C . six months. Once the clinical symptoms are in place,
Common Symptoms: Discharge of more fluid than the animal de te riorates until it e ithe r dies or is
normal from the bowe l, a discharge that is white, destroye d to pre vent more instances of BSE. The
disease is found almost ex clusive ly in cattle ove r 2
ye llow, gre y or blood -stained, or is foul-sme lling,
years old. The incubation pe riod for this disease
calves that do not nurse, calves that drool
ex cessive ly & calves that look depressed and do not ranges from 2-8 years and is always fatal. The
gain we ight. Ex pe rts say that as a calf is disease is belie ved to have bee n transm itted through
approximate ly 70 pe rcent wate r at birth, loss of body the fee ding of animal by-product feeds, such as meat
and bone meal, made from cattle infe cte d with BSE.
fluids through calf scours can produce fast
dehydration. Dehydration and the loss of ce rtain Treatments: The re is no treatment for cattle
e le ctrolytes produce a change in body of the calf. affe cted with BSE. The disease is fatal.
Calves die more due to dehydration than to the Vaccines & Prevention: The re are no te sts for the
actual infe ction. Calf scours is one of the most disease in live animals. Preve ntion can only be done
im portant diseases of the bee f cattle industry. Death by culling affe cted animals. Their remains should be
losses of 50% or more can happen in se ve re prope rly disposed of. Cattle should be continuously
episode s.Due to the myste ry be hind the real cause of monitored for BSE symptoms. The re are no available
calf scours, it is not easy to pinpoint the locations or
vaccines for BSE.
climate that favors the causative organisms. The
disease usually draws attention only afte r a fe w 13. Anaplasmosis: Anaplasmosis is an infe ctious
calves have died. disease of cattle that affe cts the red blood ce lls that
transport ox yge n in the blood. Affe cted re d blood
Treatments: Treatment for scours is through
ce lls are not able to take part in circulation and die.
hydration, and re ple nishing the e le ctrolyte loss. Once the y have died, the y are removed by the body
Antibiotic treatment should also be given and from circulation.Anaplasma marginale and
simultaneously with the treatment for dehydration. Anaplasma centrale. The y are commonly found inside
Dehydration can easily be ove rcome with simple
ticks, biting inse cts and houseflies. Any instrument
fluids given by mouth. Intrave nous fluid treatment with infe cte d blood on it can also transm it the
be comes ne cessary only whe n all the othe r types of disease . Howe ve r Anaplasmosis does not affe ct
treatment bear no re sult. The chances of re cove ry humans.
from calf scours are ex treme ly low if the calf is ve ry
young.Vaccines & Pre vention According to one Common Symptoms: Se ve re Anemia (Gums and
source , research has indicated that many calf scour e yes are pale ), breathlessne ss (Short breaths),Loss
case s are re lated to lack of colostrum intake by the of appe tite (Re je cting fodde r), less milk production,
ne wborn calf. The more colostrum a calf takes, the abortion in expe cting cattle (O ccasional),de pression
greate r are its chances to be prote cted from calf (Ge ne ral mood is low),constipation,jaundice
scours. (Ye llowing of the eye s) & strange movements (Due to
uneasiness)Affe cted cattle be gin to die or start a
12. Mad Cow Disease (BSE): Bovine Spongiform re cove ry within 4 days of when the first signs
Encephalopathy is also known as BSE. The disease is appear. Younge r cattle have a highe r chance of
most commonly re fe rred to as Mad C ow Disease . BSE survival than aged cattle .As mentioned earlie r,
is a progressive degene rative disease that affe cts the Anaplasmosis causes ve ry little ox ygen to be sent
ce ntral ne rvous system of cattle. BSE has an into the blood which creates problems when cattle
incubation pe riod of four to five years. The disease be come stirred up. Use caution while moving
can go unde te cted for years as the re may be no affe cted cattle from one place to anothe r.It has been
outward signs. BSE is fatal for cattle and death found that animals that re cove r from Anaplasmosis
results within weeks to months of its onse t. BSE first are carrie rs and can again spread the disease .In the
came to the atte ntion in Novembe r 1986 with its initial pe riods of the disease with the introduction of
appearance in cattle of United Kingdom Anaplasma, the re are no signs of the disease ex cept
(UK).Scientists have not found the exact cause of for m ild fe ve r. As the days pass by and tempe rature
BSE but it is be lie ved to be caused by abnormal rises, the risks be come real. In the nex t 4 to 5 days,
proteins called prions. O the r expe rts say that BSE if the cattle do not re cove r – the y will like ly die .The
can be caused by a virus -like organism . Ne w forms of ye llowing of eye s and sk in are the first te ll-tale signs
BSE have bee n affe cting cattle around the world. that an animal may not make it. Gene rally it has
been seen that animals who re cove r from a se ve re
Common Symptoms: Ne rvousness or aggression,
bout of Anaplasmosis are not able to produce at the ir
change in attitude and behavior, abnormal posture,
maximum . The risks can be fa irly high for infe ction, if
coordination problems, difficulty in walking or ge tting any of the survivors be comes a carrie r. Carrie r tests

81 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


need to be done on such an animal, although it may be isolated to avoid exposure to othe r cattle . Heavily
have re cove red fully. parasitized animals should be se cluded from the rest
Treatments: Treatment is only e ffe ctive if the drugs of the he rd and then treate d.
are given in an early stage. Te tracycline and Imido 15. Wooden Tongue: Wooden tongue is a we ll-
Propionate are the two most popular drugs k nown to de fined disease that affe cts the soft tissue s of the
cure Anaplasmosis. mouth region in adult cattle . The disease is fairly
Vaccines & Prevention: Today the re is only one acute . It causes swe lling in the affe cted area as we ll
comme rcially available vaccine against Anaplasmosis as unde r the jaw which makes food intake difficult,
in the Unite d States. The vaccines cannot pre vent so animals weaken quickly.Wooden Tongue disease is
the disease but reduces chances of cattle deaths. the trivial name of Actinobacillosis. The disease is
The disease can also be preve nted with effe ctive also known by names like Pig Wooden Tongue or
inse ct control with sprays e tc. Chicken Wooden Tongue – indicating othe r spe cies
that can also be affe cted. Wooden tongue is an
14.Coccidiosis: Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease infe ction caused by the bacte rium Actinobacillus
that affe cts seve ral diffe re nt animal spe cies. The lignie resii. This microbe lives only in the presence of
causative agent is a protozoan that has the ability to ox ygen which is why it occupies only the uppe r part
multiply rapidly. Coccidiosis is seen most commonly of the mouth. Many othe r Actinobacillus spp like
in calves that are six to twe lve months of age . Calves actinoides, suis, ple uropneumoniae and equuli are
be come infe cte d when placed on pastures also pathoge ns which affe ct the soft tissue.
contaminate d by olde r cattle or by othe r infe cted
calves.Coccidiosis in cattle is one of the five most Symptoms: The most common symptom is that the
tongue be comes s tiff, puffy and sore . The animals
e conomically de vastating diseases of the cattle
industry, and is proje cted to cost the industry $100 drool ex cessive ly and che w gently. Small nodules can
million annually. Coccidiosis is a virus cause d by be seen on the surface of the tongue . Animals cannot
bovine coccidian. The organism has stages both eat or drink prope rly.The condition of affe cted cattle
within the host animal as we ll as outside it. In the de te riorates quickly. The causative bacte ria live in
de ve lopmental stages in the animal, the virus gives the mouth and so can easily invade tissue through
rise to a m icroscopic egg called an oocyst. This is break s in the lining of the mouth. Rough fee ds like
passed onto the manure . Eime ria zue rnii and Eime ria sticks or straw or barle y awns can also cause wounds
bovis are associated with the disease that are big enough for infe ction in the tongue . In
sheep, the lips, nose , jaw and ne ck are usually
Common Symptoms: Diarrhea, Rough coat, loss of affe cted. Animals occasionally die from starvation
appe tite and weight, weakness may cause the calf to and thirst in the acute stages of the disease. If the
de fe cate without rising, manure may contain blood infe ction is not treated prope rly, soft tissue is
and mucus, pneumonia & death may occur during deposite d and the tongue be comes small. This makes
the acute pe riod. C occidiosis occurs in all breeds of eating much more difficult. The causative organism
cattle. Calves acquire infe ction as soon as the y begin ente rs the tissues of the mouth. It is important to
grazing or eating food othe r than the ir mothe r's milk. mention that A. lignie resii is conside red to be a
Although the disease is see n more normally in calves normal inhabitant of the stomach of the sheep and
six to nine months of age , it may occur in yearlings cattle. The disease condition is see n as an outbreak
and adults. Cattle expe riencing se ve re bouts of in se ve ral animals. Single cases of wooden tongue
Coccidiosis may ne ve r pe rform as we ll as non- are relative ly rare . The risk of the disease be comes
infe cted pen-mates. Infe ction also heavily affe cts the progressive , if it is untreate d.
calf’s immune system and makes it more vulne rable
to othe r diseases.Coccidiosis is frequently called as Treatments: The most common treatment of
an opportunistic infe ction which de velops when the wooden tongue consists of iodine the rapy or use of
cattle is affe cted by othe r conditions. The ingestion of te tracycline . In advance d cases, vete rinarians can
oocyst may not produce the disease but some drain the tongue and apply an iodine solution for
animals constantly carry them without be ing se ve ral days. The treated animals should be
affe cted. obse rved regularly so that re lapse s can be
pre ve nted.
Treatments: Treatment of infe cted animals is
ne ce ssary. Individual treatment should be use d when Vaccines & Prevention: No vaccines are curre ntly
possible ; but he rd applications are more practical. available in the market. The control of wooden
Sulfa antibiotics are use ful for se condary bacte rial tongue disease can only be achie ved by early
infe ctions. The rapeutic doses of amprolium are also re cognition and on time treatment of cattle. The
quite e ffe ctive in treating the disease . Prope r he rd animals that have been affe cted should be separated
management can reduce exposure to disease by and prefe rably be culled.
reducing stress. 16. Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis occurs in animals
Vaccines & Prevention: Good management and man in almost all parts of the world. Se rological
practice s are vital when establishing parasite control e vidence indicates the pre valence of le ptospires
programs. The primary conce rn in Coccidiosis among domesticate d animals in diffe rent parts of the
outbreaks is the possibility of spreading the disease country. The damage done to animal industry results
to othe r susceptible animals in the he rd. Drink ing from the death of animals in the acute stage of
wate r and feed should be prote cted from illness, stillbirth, abortion, stunning, de crease in
contamination with manure. In fe cted animals should we ight (loss of meat), reduced m ilk production and

82 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


unthriftness.The causative organisms of le ptospirosis are able to stand but show signs of hype rsensitivity
be long to the genus Leptospira. and ex citability. Cows may appear restless and
be llowing. If calcium the rapy is not instituted, cows
Commom Symptoms: In cattle it is an acute , often
will progress to stage two. In stage two, cows are
fatal, disease characte rized by haemorrhage,
haemoglobinurai and icte rus. Non-fatal infe ctions are unable to stand but can maintain ste rnal
re cumbency.Depression, anorex ia, dry muzzle,
often characte rized by feve r, anaem ia, abortions,
subnormal body tempe rature , and cold ex tremities
ste rility, de crease d lactation and mastitis. The
principal me thods used for the diagnosis of are seen. Cows ofte n tuck the ir heads into the ir
leptospirosis are dire ct m icroscopical examination of flanks or, if the head is exte nded, an S-shape d curve
tissue pre parations and body fluids, bacte riological to the ne ck may be note d. In stage th ree , cows lose
consciousness progressive ly to the point of coma.
culture, animal inoculation and se rological tests.
The y are unable to maintain ste rnal re cumbency,
Treatment: In cattle treatment with antibiotics may unresponsive to stimuli, and can suffe r se ve re bloat.
result in conside rable dim inution of eve n temporary Cardiac output worsens, heart rate can approach 120
cessation of urinary ex cre tion of le ptospires. beats/min, and pulse may be unde te cta ble . Cows in
Metabolic Diseases: Dairy cattle require m ine rals stage three may survive only a fe w hours. An olde r
in the ir die t for optimal productivity. These are dairy cow near calving or that has re ce ntly calved
de rived from the feed and fodder. The input of that shows clinical signs and symptoms is highly
mine rals through fee d and wate r must balance the ir diagnostic. Se rum calcium le ve ls will re veal
output through fae ces, urine and milk to maintain hypocalcaemia, or low blood calcium. Howe ve r,
the animal's health. If the output ex ceeds input, the be cause of the rapid nature of this illne ss and the
animals meet out their normal requirements by often-slow re turn of laboratory results, treatment is
mobilization from its body rese rves for a shorte r usually initiated base d on clinical signs only.
pe riod. But continuous imbalances de ve lop into Treatments: Treatment is dire cted toward re storing
productivity re lated problems. Nutritional imbalance s, the se rum calcium le ve l to normal as soon as
de ficie ncies, or e rratic management of feeding possible to avoid m uscular and ne rvous damage and
programs for dairy cows can create large numbe rs re cumbency. This would minim ize the associated
and various types of health problems gene rally problems of hypocalcaemia.Re commended treatment
categorized as me tabolic diseases. High producing is IV inje ction of a calcium gluconate salt, although
dairy cows are most susceptible to metabolic SC and IP routes are also used. A gene ral rule for
disease s during the pe riparturient pe riod. In cattle, dosing is 1 g calcium/45 kg body wt.The response to
me tabolic disease s which produces an acute, prope rly administe red calcium the rapy is quite
temporary, but potentially fatal deficiency include s characte ristic. The cow's symptoms will appear to
1. MILK FEVER: Milk fe ve r is a condition of older, re ve rse themse lves as the y had pre viously
third to six th lactation, high-producing dairy cows. It progresse d. The late rally re cumbent cow will sit up to
is associated with parturition, usually within 72 hours ste rnal position, and the n it will ofte n begin to have
of giving birth. Be cause of the high volume of m ilk tremors ove r its body. As all bodily functions affe cted
produce d during this time , and subseque nt demand by hypocalcaem ia begin to re ve rse, the affe cted
for calcium, these cows ofte n de ve lop hypocalcaem ia, animal may urinate , be lch, and then begin the
or abnormally low le ve ls of calcium in the blood. wobbly e ffort to rise . Cows gene rally rise within one
Since calcium is require d for the re lease of hour. Repeated trea tment may be ne cessary in 12
ace tylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, affe cted hours if the cow is still unable to rise . Replacement of
animals will begin to expe rience muscle weakness. calcium by parente ral adm inistration is the most
As this hypocalcaemia worse ns, the cow will be come im portant initial step, which should not be delayed in
too we ak to stand and will e ventually be come se ve re ly hypocalcaem ic animals. Most solutions are
comatose ove r a matte r of hours. Calcium is the available in single -dose , 500 ml bottle s that contain
most common mine ral in the body and the majo r 8-11 g calcium The thumb rule is when the animal is
ex tra-cellular divale nt cation. Is a structural showing signs of pe riphe ral vascular failure,
component of bones and tee th. Ove r 98% of Ca hypothe rmia and cold ex tremities; calcium
pre sent in the body is found in bone . Is also borogluconate should be adm iniste re d intravenously.
im portant in muscle contraction (this is the main 2 .Hypomagnesaemia: Magnesium is a wide ly
reason cows suffe ring from m ilk fe ve r go down). Also distributed me tal and is prom inent body constitue nt.
plays a role in blood clotting and ne rve impulse Almost half of the magne sium in the body is present
transmission.Calcium is critically important to normal in the bones. The normal concentration range in
ne rve and muscle function. Ace tylcholine, a plasma is 1.8-3.5 mg dl-1.The magnesium ion is
ne urotransmitte r substance acting at the esse ntial for normal bone me tabolism, normal ne rve
ne uromuscular junction, require s calcium to prope rly function and muscle irritability. Magnesium also plays
stimulate muscle movement. At or near the time of an essential part in the coenzyme system which links
parturition, the onse t of lactation results in the normal carbohydrate me tabolism with phosphate
sudden loss of calcium through m ilk. The total me tabolism and the provision of e ne rgy for muscle
circulating calcium in the blood of the cow is about contraction. Magnesium ions are by no means
1.5 to 2.0 gm. efficiently absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
Common Symptoms: The re are three progressive and only 7 to 25% is absorbed unde r usual die tary
stage s of parturient pare sis. During stage one , cows conditions. But resorption me chanisms are ve ry
efficient. Ex cre tion of magne sium absorbed in ex cess

83 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


of needs is re nal. The k idne ys exe rt an appre cia ble re fuse grain or concentrates. About two -thirds of the
degree of control ove r magnesium ex cretion. A case s are primary or uncomplicated ke tosis. The
de ficie ncy of magne sium occurs commonly in cattle. othe r third are se condary cases, complicated by such
All in all lactating cows on an unsupplemented die ts things as re taine d place nta, me tritis, displaced
is in a pre carious position with regard to magne sium abomasum, nephritis, hardware or the othe r
balance be cause of the narrow margin be tween daily problems causing cows to go off-feed. An e levated
intakes and ove rall nee ds exace rbated by variable tempe rature may indicate that othe r factors are
bioavailability. involve d. Since ke tosis is only a practical problem in
Common Symptoms: Low magne sium blood le ve ls rum inants, changes in the rumen have been
can be asymptomatic or be accompanied by te tany investigated. Fatty acids (acetic, propionic and
butyric) arising from m icrobial rumen fe rmentation
and convulsions – ‘milk te tany’ in calves, ‘grass
furnish from 40 to 70 pe rcent of a ruminant animal’s
te tany’, ‘stomach stagge rs’ or ‘He reford disease ’ in
ene rgy requirements. O f these acids, propionic is by
adult cattle . Se rum magnesium le ve ls fall be low 1.5
far most vital to the pre vention of ke tosis, and high-
mg. Perce nt. The signs of magnesium deficiency are
ene rgy rations favor propionate production. An
those of neuromuscular hype rirritability, culm inating
in titanic seizures and death. The typical increase in butyric acid would be undesirable since
this acid is a potential source of ke tone bodie s. O the r
hypomagnesaemic m ilk fe ve r case shows what is
suggestions for the preve ntion of ketosis include the
known in some areas as ‘the blinks’ – a flutte ring of
the e ye lids. The animal is ex tremely hype rsensitive, addition of sodium propionate and propylene glycol
to the dairy ration. Gene rally, the response to e ithe r
shows muscular tremors and may move in circle s,
system is slow and treatment must be ex tended ove r
occasionally appearing to ‘attack ’ atte ndants. The
pupil is often constricted and the anal sphincte r a pe riod of time. Sodium propionate creates a
palatability problem whe reas propylene glycol is
flaccid. Convulsions may occur and the animal falls to
comple te ly palatable. Twice daily feeding of 120m l of
the ground. Hypomagne saemia can be complicating
factor in milk fe ve r but is less commonly associated propyle ne glycol, beginning 14 days prior to the
anticipated calving date and continued for 7 weeks
with calving than are hypocalcaemia and
postpartum , reduced the incide nce of ke tosis by 18
hypophosphataemia. Two types of clinical
hypomagnesaemia may be distinguishe d. The re is an pe rcent. The ketone test is a simple diagnostic tool
for de te rm ining the pre sence of ke tone bodie s and is
acute , often fatal type , which usually follows abrupt
changes of die t, e spe cially from indoor feeding to used by ve te rinarians and is also available to
dairymen. The test is used for de te rm ining the
outdoor grazing on fresh le ys (hence the te rm ‘grass
pre sence of acetone in milk and urine. Colostrum
stagge rs’). The subacute type is usually re current
and indicates borde rline deficiency of magnesium . In milk does not give accurate results. The urine test
shows positive results be fore the m ilk test does.
both cases the condition is one of inade quate intake
Even so, do not be conce rne d until a positive test is
and/or absorption of magne sium. Treatment and
prophylaxis In most cases of grass te tany mode rate obtaine d from milk. The blood le vel of ketone bodies
is the be st test for de te rm ining the degree of ke tosis.
hypocalcaemia accompanies the hypomagnesaem ia.
Grass te tany may also a ccompany ketosis. Treatments: Most acce pte d ketosis treatments
Hypomagnesaem ia cases can be treated by combine attempt to increase blood sugar le ve ls. Usually, about
calcium , phosphorus and magnesium inje ctions, by 500 ml of a 50 pe rce nt glucose solution is use d.
magnesium-dex trose inje ctions, by calcium Whe n this is the sole treatment, re lapses are
borogluconatemagnesium inje ctions or by plain 25% freque nt. As a result, most ve te rinarians re commend
magnesium sulphate inje ctions. intravenous inje ction of glucose with the
incorporation of insulin as a part of the the rapy. Also,
3 Ketosis: Ke tosis or ace tonem ia is a common
some ve te rinarians supplement corticoste roids for a
me tabolic disease of lactating cows occurring during
fe w days following treatment to boost blood glucose
the first 10 to 60 days afte r calving in high -producing
cows. The three -week pe riod afte r calving seems to le vels.
be the most critical time. The disease re sults from a External Parasites: Horn flies, face flies, stable
lowe red blood sugar in the circulating blood, which flies, ticks, lice and m ites are the major ex te rnal
causes the formation and re lease of ketone bodies. parasites in cattle .Horn Flie s are about half the size
Ketone bodies (spe cifically ace tone ) are volatilized of house flies and are dark gray. The y are blood-
and account for the "swee tish" sme ll de te ctable on sucking flies that stay on the shoulde rs and back s of
the breath, and in the m ilk or urine of affe cted cows. cattle almost continuously. The re are many options
The incidence of ke tosis is highe r in olde r cows and to assist in control.Back rubbe rs allow cattle to treat
high-producing cows. As cows produce m ilk , the y themse lves while loafing and scratching. Dust bags
be come more susceptible . are most e ffe ctive when use d whe re cattle have to
pass unde r them daily to ge t to wate r or m ine ral.
Common Symptoms: Symptoms of ke tosis in dairy
Fee d additives targe t horn fly maggots breeding in
cattle include dullness, depre ssion, a staring
fresh animal manure . High pressure sprays can be
expre ssion, rapid loss of we ight, a drop in m ilk
production, constipation, mucus cove red fe ce s, used to treat cattle thoroughly and inex pensively on
a pe r head basis. An inse cticide bolus is a large pill-
incoordination and partial paralysis. A fe w cows may
like formulation that is given to the animal with a
be come highly ex citable. Breathing is shallow with an
ace tone sme ll in the breath. Cows will usually standard balling gun. Inse cticide-impre gnated cattle
ear tags re lease small amounts of an inse cticide
consume hay, straw or othe r roughage but gene rally
which are distributed ove r the animal during

84 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)


grooming or rubbing. Pour on inse cticides. Face Flies so that he can take effe ctive steps in time to ge t his
close ly re semble house flies. The y cluste r on the animal treated or to control the spread of infe ction.
faces of cattle and feed on se cre tions from the mucus Eve ry time it may not be possible for the owne r to
membranes of the e yes, nose , and lips. Face flies do attend his sick animal and as such, he should take
not suck blood. The y do irritate the surface of the the he lp of a qualified ve te rinary doctor in prope r
e yeball and carry and spread bacte ria and viruses time . Howe ve r, the re are ce rtain diseases for which
tha t contribute to pinkeye problems. The y spend only the re is no any vaccine or scientific treatment course.
a small portion of the ir life on cattle which makes In such a case, improvement in hygienic conditions,
them more difficult to control than horn flies.Stable management practices and feeding standards is ve ry
flies are some times called biting house flies.The look im portant.
ve ry much like house flies. The y feed primarily on
legs and lowe r abdomen of cattle . The blood loss and Tra ns ge ni c Live st ock:
pain associated with the bite of stable flies results in Trans genic animals are animals that have been genetically
substantial e conom ic loss. Ticks cause blood loss, modified, through the introduc tion of foreign DNA or RNA ,
discom fort, and spread disease s like anaplasmosis s o that they overproduce, under produce, lack the
described above . Tick control is ex treme ly difficult in produc tion of, or have modified expression of partic ular
areas with high tick populations. Control on cattle
protein. Trans genic animal may be defined as one whos e
through pe rsistent use of approved pesticides is
genome has been permanently altered by the addition,
achie ved by spraying, dipping, ear tags, pour-ons,
dust, and back rubs.Lice cause skin irritation and deletion or modific ation of s pec ific genes . T he term
itching. Both biting and sucking lice infest cattle. trans genic was first us ed by J .W. G ordon and F.H . Ruddle
Infested cattle can expe rience reduce d appe tite and (1981 ). Trans genic animals were first produced nearly two
appear unhealthy. Sprays and pour-ons are common dec ades ago. M ost transgenic animals s tudies involve
me thods to treat cattle lice .Mite infestation is called mice, other transgenic s pecies , s uc h as rabbits , rats ,
mange in cattle . A se rious form of mange is called hams ters , s heep, goat, s wine, O ften mice are not s uitable
scabie s. Scabies is cause d by sa rcoptic and psoroptic trans genic models , for example in some human genetic
mite s and must be reported to the disease control dis orders or for the production of large quantities of
authoritie s. Cattle infested with m ites suffe r hair loss biopharmaceuticals , where larger more c los ely related
and a thicke ning of the sk in. Se ve re infestations can s pec ies would be more effec tive.
we aken cattle and make them vulne rable to diseases.
Mite control work s best with Inje ctable products or D uring the 1970s , the first c himeric mic e were produced
pour-on products with system ic activity (Brins ter, 1974 ). The c ells of two different embryos of
different strain were c ombined together at an early s tage
Conclusion: Livestock has played a ve ry important of development (eight c ells ) to from a s ingle embryo that
role in the Indian e conom y eve r since civilisation.
s ubsequently developed into to c himeric adult, exhibiting
W ith the increasing human population in India,
c haracteris tic of each strain. T his tec hnology allows the
demand for animal prote in is increas ing, due to social
and e conom ic reasons. Milk and m ilk products are trans fer of genes of interes t from on s pecies to another,
im portant constituents of human die t. Some of the thus permitting genetic improvements as well as better
population also take animal meat, espe cially of unders tanding of how genes func tion with an individual.
buffaloe s, due to low cost and taste. Thus control Trans gens c an also be expressed in a s pec ific tiss ue at a
and e radication of diseases of cattle and buffaloes given time or at a partic ular stage of development.
are ve ry important conside rations. Now with the M oreover, transgenic offers the potential for great genetic
introduction of some of the fore ign breeds of cattle advanc es in lives toc k produc tion through improvements in
and their crosse s, which are highly susceptible to animal health and produc tion traits s uc h as growth, milk,
disease s, tile demand for e fficient health cove r has meat & wool produc tion.
increased conside rably in orde r to maintain them in Trans genic animal s ys tem c ombines the virtues of c ells
good health and production. For tins, control and
c ulture and c ongenic breeding strategies while avoiding
e radication progrmnme for these cattle diseases has
the negative as pec ts of eac h s ystem. Us ing trans genic
be come ve ry important conside ring the e conomie s of
cattle and buffalo industry. Pre vention, control and tec hniques , a c harac terized genetic sequenc e may be
e radication are the three basic me thods used in evaluated with in the s pec ific genomic background of
dealing with any disease in the cattle population. whole animal. G enes can be trans ferred ac ross s pec ies
The se three me thods are applied depending upon the boundaries and can be modified to func tion very differ-
e conomic importance of disease and investment cost ently than they do in their native have application in both
available for the control programme. For pre ve ntion, food produc tion & biomedic al arena. As efficiencies of this
control and e radication of all contagious diseases tec hnology improve, other s pec ies of trans genic will
(which are mainly caused by virus or bacte ria), a bec ome more c ommonplac e and form (gene produc ts ,
pote nt vaccine is ve ry essential. For most of these tiss ue s pecificity & timing of express ion c an be altered).
contagious diseases, vaccines are available (see T he ability to redirec t expression of genes to another
table . 1). In susceptible areas or he rds, vaccination organ has s pawned the trans genic bioreac tor indus try. For
progrmnme should be carrie d out we ll in advance . It the most part, trans genic bioreac tors are farm animals
is also impe rative that cattle and buffalo owne r
des igned to produce new proteins in their milk or other
should know all the signs of good health and
body fluids . It is envis ioned that this approach will
unde rstand the condition of his animals espe cially
whe n the y manife st symptoms of diseased condition, enhance our lives through their c ontributions to medic ine
& agric ulture.
85 Dairy Year Book (2014-15)

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