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Quote for Reflection: restore to us your Peace;

renew us through your Power; We Respond to God’s Word

The hope of a secure and livable world and ground us in your Grace.
lies with disciplined nonconformists REFLECTION What Is God Like? Sermon Series Intro
who are dedicated to justice, peace,
sisterhood and brotherhood.  HYMN Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven UMH 66
~ Martin Luther King, jr. ~ We Listen for God’s Word PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER
PAULINE EPISTLE Philippians 2:1-13
We Gather as God’s People If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation PRAYER FOR THE WEEK
Holy One,
Ted Loder
from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and
HYMN Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing UMH 400 sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having there is something I wanted to tell you,
the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing but there have been errands to run,
CALL TO WORSHIP based on Ephesians 1:1-14 from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others bills to pay, arrangements to make,
Come away as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own meetings to attend, friends to entertain,
and rest a while
 interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in washing to do...
Lest you be crushed by the load. you that was in Christ Jesus, and I forget what it is I wanted to say to you,
Come away and mostly I forget what I'm about
who, though he was in the form of God,
 or why.
and rest a while

did not regard equality with God
 O God,
Lest the world and its troubles

as something to be exploited,
 don't forget me, please,
Trouble your soul into amnesia

but emptied himself,
 for the sake of Jesus Christ . . .
And you forget who you are
taking the form of a slave,

and why you are here
 O Abba in Heaven,

being born in human likeness.

And how important you are to God. perhaps you've already heard what I wanted to tell you,

And being found in human form,

Come away What I wanted to ask is,

he humbled himself

and rest a while
 forgive me, heal me,

and became obedient to the point of death—

In the presence of our God. increase my courage, please.

even death on a cross.
Renew in me a little of love and faith,

HYMN Come Away with Me FWS 2202 Therefore God also highly exalted him

and a sense of confidence,

and gave him the name

and a vision of what it might mean

PASSING THE PEACE that is above every name,

to live as though you were real,

so that at the name of Jesus

and I mattered,

YOUNG PEOPLE’S MESSAGE every knee should bend,

and everyone was sister and brother.
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

SPIRITUAL Just a Closer Walk with Thee FWS 2158 and every tongue should confess
 What I wanted to ask in my blundering way is

that Jesus Christ is Lord,
 don't give up on me, don't become too sad about me,

OPENING TO GOD Ted Loder to the glory of Abba God. but laugh with me, and try again with me,

Eternal One, and I will with you, too. Amen.
Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not
Silence from whom our words come; only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work
Questioner from whom our questions arise; OFFERING & DOXOLOGY
out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God
Lover of whom all our loves are hints; who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for
Disturber in whom alone we find rest; God’s good pleasure.
Mystery in whose depths we find healing We Are Sent Into God’s World
and ourselves;
enfold us now in your Presence; ANNOUNCEMENTS
BENEDICTION Below are people, places, & concerns that folk have lifted up.
Please keep them in your prayers at home.
RESPONSE Let There Be Peace on Earth UMH 431 Please call or email the church office to add to the prayer list.

Ongoing Prayers Lifted Up Last Sunday
Arlitha Jody - Peter, waiting for new heart; friend
Callie who is losing battle with breast cancer;
Birthdays and Anniversaries Anne Kennison new graduates including Noah
Mary Willard Alison - thankful for birthday wishes
June 23: Craig Evans
June 27: Callie Coffman, David Rochefort Norma Strickland Donna - grateful for Mitch’s continued
Judy & Diezela appointment to EUMC
June 27: Dale & Ellen Billado anniversary Matthew C. Mitch - clergy who are moving to new
June 30: Bruce & Donna Douglas anniversary Elissa & Leif appointments; Megan who becomes
Greg DS; Preston who moves to St. Paul’s;
the delegates to General Conference
Paula DeMichele
Essex Eats Out Schedule Don Strickland
June 28 - EUMC July 5: 1st Congo July 12: Holy Family Ellie Uckele
July 19: St James July 26: EUMC Cole
Calendar Michael Parker
Tuesdays: Pastor Is In @ Nest Coffee Shop 10 am - 11:30 am Gordon Mitchinson
Jericho Clergy Group 11:30-12:30
Thursdays: Church Office 10:00 am- noon

Sun, 23 June: All-Church Meeting to discuss NEAC, 11:45 j
Mon, 24 June: Living the Questions, 7:00 pm
Essex Center United Methodist Church
Thu, 27 June: Thursday Companions, Parlor, 2:30 pm tel. 878-8304
Fri, 28 June: Essex Eats Out at EUMC 5:30 pm Ministers: the entire congregation Lay Leader: Joshua Knox
Equipping Pastor: Rev. V. Mitchell Hay
Sun, 30 June: Adult Sunday Classes Begin 9:00 am cell tel. 881-3268 (feel free to call)

Mon, 1 July: Monday Companions, Conclude Holy Envy in Office Manager: Elissa Johnsen
Eve’s Garden, 7 pm Sunday School Coordinator: Krista Rochefort
Organ: Kathryn Parker Piano: June Packard
Sat, 10 Aug: The Garage Sale That Ate Essex! Please start
bringing your donated items in early July and leave in the
Song Leader: Dana LaClair Projection: Sam Evans
Essex Center
Un-Tied Methodist Church
back room in the Hall. Call Linda or Ron with questions or Ushers: Pat & John M next week:
for help with large items: 878-2926 Greeter: Sherry M next week:
Nursery Helper Claire N next week: Barb
Parent Helper: Ashley H next week: Mary D 23 June 2019 Second Sunday after Pentecost
Thanks to Barb Myers for the Altar Covering

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