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Starting Abilities Advanced Abilities

These abilities can only be chosen during level up. You may select either 1 Command
These abilities can be chosen at character creation or during level up. At the start of
ability or 1 Personal ability every time you level up. If one of these abilities has an
the campaign, you may select 1 Command ability and 2 Personal abilities. Add the Cost
starting ability to its left, that ability is a mandatory pre-requisite. The cost replaces
to your Hero's point cost.
the pre-requisite's cost.


Name Description Cost Name Description Cost
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll rolls of 1 Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed
Aura of Command 10 Force Commander 30
to hit in any phase. hit rolls in any phase.
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll rolls of 1 Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed
Tactical Precision 10 Surgical Strikes 30
to wound in any phase. wound rolls in any phase.
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may add 1 to their
Alpha Warrior 15 Warrior of Legend 30
rolls to hit in the Fight phase. rolls to hit in the Fight phase.
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may add 1 to their
Guided Fire 15 Marksman of Legend 30
rolls to hit in the Shooting phase. rolls to hit in the Shooting phase.
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may add 1 to their
Zealotry 15 Frenzy 30
rolls to wound in the Fight phase. rolls to wound in the Fight phase.
Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may re-roll all failed Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" may add 1 to their
Expose Weakness 15 Cull the Weak 30
rolls to wound in the Shooting phase. rolls to wound in the Shooting phase.

Each time a friendly [FACTION] unit within 6" fires a Each time a friendly [FACTION] unit within 6" rolls a d3
ranged weapon that makes a random number of attacks, to deal damage, you may choose to inflict 2 damage
Artillerist 15 Siege Master 30
you can re-roll any number of dice used to determine instead; when it rolls a d6, you may choose to inflict 4
the number of attacks made. damage instead.

While this model is in Cover, friendly [FACTION] units

Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls they
within 6" of this model are considered to be in Cover as
Master of Cover 15 Master of Deception make for shooting attacks that target friendly [FACTION] 30
well. Aditionally, increase the Cover bonus to those
units within 6" of this model
units' armor save by 1.

Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of friendly

Enemy units within 6" of this model reduce their
Aura of Dread 5 Exemplar of Hate [FACTION] INFANTRY or BIKER units within 6" of this 25
Leadership by 1.
You can re-roll rolls of 1 during the Psychic phase for Master the Add 1 to Psychic and Deny tests for friendly [FACTION]
Empyric Channeling 20 35
friendly [FACTION] units within 6" of this model. Inmaterium units within 6" of this model.

Friendly [FACTION] units within 6" of this model can

Improve your Leadership characteristic by 1. Friendly
never lose models during the Morale phase. In addition,
Inspiring Leader [FACTION] units within 6" may use this model's 5 Fanatical Conviction 20
enemy units that can see this model receive -1 to their
leadership when making leadership tests.
Starting Abilities Advanced Abilities

When friendly [FACTION] BIKER units within 6" of this Friendly [FACTION] BIKER units have +1 to hit enemy
Exemplar Rider model Advance, they may ignore terrain and friendly 15 Fury Road units that have been wounded or had models slain by 25
models. this model.

Friendly [FACTION] FLYER units visible to this model Friendly [FACTION] Flyer units visible to this model
may pivot an additional 90º after completing their ignore all to-hit modifiers affecting enemy units with
The Song of the Wind 20 Aerial Supremacy 35
movement, and have their minimum move distance FLY. They treat Heavy weapons as Assault when
halved. targetting enemy units with FLY

Once per battle: Select a point on the battlefield. Roll a

Friendly [FACTION] units with FLY within 6" of this
dice for each model within 3" of that point. On a 4+ that
Aerial Raid model add 1 to their to-hit rolls against enemy units 15 Bombs Away! 35
model's unit suffers a mortal wound. Add 1 to the roll
without FLY.
for models without FLY.
Starting Abilities Advanced Abilities


Name Description Cost Name Description Cost

Whenever this model would lose a round, roll a dice. On Whenever this model would lose a round, roll a dice. On
It's just a flesh wound 10 Dead Nerves 20
a roll of 6+, that wound is not lost. a roll of 5+, that wound is not lost.
Increasr your Wounds characteristic by 1 10 Bionic Implants Increase your Toughness characteristic by 1 15

Adrenal Enhancement Increase your Strength characteristic by 1 10 Fibre-bundled Muscle Increase your Attacks characteristic by 1 20

If an enemy unit within 1" of any models with this Once per turn, when an enemy unit ends a fall back
Gunfighter ability wishes to Fall Back, you may shoot at them as if 5 Step Up move within 12" of this model, it may declare a charge 15
it were the shooting phase. against that unit.

Whenever this unit fights, increase its Attacks If an enemy unit within 1" of any models with this
Sweeping Advance characteristic by 1 for every 5 models in the target unit, 10 Trapper ability wishes to Fall Back, roll a dice. On 4+ they fail to 20
up to a maximum of +3 do so.

[Req. BS4 or better]. Reduce your Ballist Skill by 2.

Hit rolls of 6 during the Fight phase count as 2 succesful
Duelist Improve your Weapon Skill by 1. Add 1 to your Attacks 10 Devoted to the Blade 20

[Req. WS4 or better]. Reduce your Weapon Skill by 2. Increase the number of attacks you make with a ranged
Marksman Improve your Ballistic Skill by 1. Treat Heavy weapons 10 Sniper weapon by 1. You may target Characters during the 20
as if they were Assault weapons. shooting phase even if they are not the closest model.

At the end of the Movement phase, this model can Whenever you repair a [FACTION] VEHICLE, improve its
Vehicular Recovery repair a single [FACTION] VEHICLE within 3". That model 5 Armor Save by 1 until the end of the round. It regains an 15
regains D3 lost wounds. additional wound.

At the end of the Movement phase, choose a [FACTION] Choose a [FACTION] INFANTRY or BIKER unit with a
INFANTRY or BIKER unit within 3" of this model. It single model. Increase that model's Strength by 2, its
Personnel Recovery regains d3 missing wounds. If no wounds are missing, 10 Attacks by 1 and its movement by 2" until the end of the 20
return 1 slain model to the unit, with 1 wound round. At the start of your next turn, it receives 1d3
remaining. mortal wounds.

If your army is Battleforged, you receive an adittional 1 If your army is Battleforged, you receive an adittional 2
Supreme Tactician 15 Supreme Strategist 30
CP if this model is your Warlord. CP if this model is your Warlord.

Relic Armor This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save 10 Personal Forcefield This model has a 3+ Invulnerable Save 20
Starting Abilities Advanced Abilities

At the start of any of your movement phases, you may

During deployment, set this model anywhere in the
remove this model from play. Return it at the end of
Recon Advance battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy 5 Teleport Strike 15
the phase, anywhere that is more than 9" from any
deployment zone and any enemy models.
enemy models.

Models in this unit can Advance and charge in the same Models in this unit can Fall Back and still shoot and/or
Acrobatics 15 Gymnastics 25
turn. charge in the same turn.

You gain an extra power known, can manifest an You gain an extra power known, can manifest an
Psyker (Lv. 2) additional power, and can attempt to deny an 25 Psyker (Lv. 3) additional power, and can attempt to deny an 40
additional time. additional time.

[HUMAN ONLY] Reduce the range of your Command [HUMAN ONLY] You may start embarked in a VEHICLE
abilities by 3". You may start embarked in a VEHICLE unit with no more than 30 wounds. That model may use
Ace Pilot 20 One with the Machine 30
unit with no more than 15 wounds. That unit may use your Weapon and Ballistic skills instead of its own.
your Ballistic skill instead of its own. Those skills are improved by 1.

[ELDAR ONLY] Once per turn, add 1 to the result of [ELDAR ONLY] Once per round: You may attempt to
Runes of Witnessing your next Psychic or Deny test. Add 6" to its range. You 15 Runes of Fate manifest an additional power. You may manifest a 25
may not re-roll its result. power that has already been manifested this turn.

[CHAOS ONLY] Whenever you succesfully manifest a

[CHAOS ONLY] Choose one discipline: This model knows
Psychic power, roll a dice for each model within 3" of
Blasphemous Script all powers from that discipline. Powers from that 20 Daemonic Skin 35
this unit. On a 4+ that model's unit suffers a mortal
discipline get +1 to Psychic test rolls to manifest them.

[DARK ELDAR ONLY] The first time this model is slain,

[DARK ELDAR ONLY] At the start of the game, receive 1
choose a friendly [FACTION] infantry model within 6" of
Unfolding Plans token for each phase. Spend each token to re-roll a 25 Unexpected Twist 40
its position. Switch places with that model, and its the
single dice during its respective phase.
selected model that is slain.

[SPACE MARINE ONLY] At the start of the game, select

[SPACE MARINE ONLY] At the start of the game select 1
an enemy unit on the battlefield. If this models destroys
Veteran's Experience Battlefield role. This model re-rolls all failed to hit, to 15 Oath of Moment 30
that unit, increase all of its characteristics by 1 until
wound and charge rolls against that role.
the end of the battle.

[TYRANID ONLY] This model can never be the target of

[TYRANID ONLY] This model can have an additional Psychic powers. Aditionally, when it succesfully Denies
Genetic Masterpiece 15 Will of the Hive Mind 30
Warlord trait (even if its not your Warlord). a Psychic power, the psycher attempting that power
suffers Perils of the Warp.

[ORK ONLY] Whenever this model slays a CHARACTER, [ORK ONLY] For every 10 models wholly within 6" this
'Ead-'unter improve its Strength and Attacks characteristic by 1 for 15 Da Big Boss model, increase its Strength, Wounds and Attacks 30
the rest of the battle. characteristics by 1.

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